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Happy birthday, Mother Today, I am the happiest to see you fulfill one more year of life and to

have you with me, rejoicing with your laughter. Mother, you know that I love you, do not you?
For you I am capable of giving my life, of giving everything so that you are well. Every night I
ask God that I care and above all, that the greatest treasure of my life: you, my Mother, that
you are the one that illuminates my life and the one that gives me strength every time I feel
that everything goes wrong. Today, not a thousand gifts are enough to show my love, or a
thousand thanks to show my gratitude. I just want to know that I am proud and I feel fortunate
to have a Mother like you. May God bless you today and always, Mom. "

Miguel Grau nació en Paita el 27 de julio de 1834. Fue un oficial de la Marina de Guerra del Perú,
héroe nacional de la Guerra del Pacifico. Es conocido célebremente como “El Caballero de los
mares” título atribuido por sus alturados valores, su coraje, la humanidad, temple y gallardía
que mostraba ante sus enemigos en alta mar, pese a la guerra siendo estimado por peruanos y
chilenos. En 1879, al estallar la Guerra contra Chile, se convirtió en el máximo jefe de la escuadra
peruana. El 21 de mayo de 1879, en el combate de Iquique, su buque Huáscar logró hundir a la
nave chilena Esmeralda. Lamentablemente, ese mismo día nuestro blindado Independencia
chocó y se hundió cuando perseguía a la Covadonga. Donde una poderosa flota enemiga rodeó
al Huáscar que resistió lo más que pudo. Un cañonazo del buque chileno Cochrane acabó con la
vida del gran "Caballero de los Mares”.

Miguel Grau was born in Paita on July 27, 1834. He was an officer of the Navy of Peru, national
hero of the Pacific War. Known as "The Knight of the Seas" is given those titles for their values,
their courage, humanity, which shows to their enemies on the high seas, despite the war being
estimated by Peruvians and Chileans. In 1879, at the outbreak of the war against Chile, he
became the greatest chief of the Peruvian squadron. The 21 of May of 1879, in the combat of
Iquique, its Huáscar ship managed to sink to the Chilean ship Esmeralda. Unfortunately, that
same day our armored Independencia collided and sank when it chased the Covadonga. Where
a powerful enemy fleet surrounded the Huáscar that resisted as much as it could. A cannon shot
of the Chilean ship Cochrane ended the life of the great "Knight of the Seas".

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