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eveloped as a high-level, general-purpose programming language, Python was
created by Guido Van Rossum and first released in 1991. With dynamic type and
automatic memory management, Python supports multiple programming paradigms
like procedural, object-oriented, functional etc..

As a generic programming language, Python give flexibility to the developer to

design applications of varying complexities like chip level application to building
gaming application. Python uses a simple and readable syntax very similar to
English with hundreds of third-party libraries.

Key advantages of Python Language

 Simple and readable syntax similar to English
 Support for multiple programming paradigms
 Availability of a large collection of pre-build library function, reducing
development time
 Large and ever-growing user community network

Course Objective
 Basis of Python Programming Language
 Working with flow controls, strings and operators
 Exploring Functions Modules and Exception Handling.
 Object-Oriented Python programming
 Working on Multi-Threads and Database access
 Real-time example applications with Python.

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