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Contents lists available at Science! ea Energy journal homepage: www-elsev .com/locate/eneray Offshore wind resource assessment and wind power plant optimization in the Gulf of Thailand em Chana Chancham *, Jompob Waewsak *", Yves Gagnon > Research Center in Energy and Environment. Departen of Phys, Focal of Science. Talsn Unies Thaand Universe de Manctan bandon NB, Conada ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Received 18 January 2017 ‘Accepted 6 August 2017 ‘valable ealine August 2017 This paper presents the offshore wind resource assessment and an ofshore wind power plant optim zation in the Gul of Thailand (GoT). The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) atmospheric mode along with the NCEP/NCAR R2 reanalysis climatic database, are applied to create wind resource maps a, 80 m, 100 m. and 120 m above mean sea level (ams! in order to ently the potential surface areas for the development of offshore wind powerplants. The predicted wind speeds ae validated using observed wind speeds obtained from 13 met masts installed along the coastline ofthe Got Results show that the {average anrual mean wind speeds each the range of 5 5~6.5 msn specific areas of the Bay of Bangkok, Situated in the northern par ofthe GoT. Based onthe results ofthe wind resource assessment and using ‘computational Muid dynamics microscale wind flow modeling, a wind power plant optimization performed, The technical power potential and a priority zoning for offshore wind power development s Performed using wind turbine generators of 3.380 MW capacity. Depending on the wind turbine generator selected, itis found thet 642-924 MW of capacity could be installed in the short-term Planning: 2558 to 3825 MW of addtional capacity could be added in the medium-term planning, and 2864 to 4120 MW of adlitional capacity in the long-term planning. These wind power plants would have dan annal energy prodiction inthe order of 56-8 PWh inthe short-term, a additional 23 (033 PWh in the medium-term and an additional 25 to 36 Wh inthe long-term, thus voiding CO>4g emissions in the ‘order of 3~45 milion tons COjeg per year in the short-term, 13 t0 18 milion rons inthe mediurm-terr, and 14 t0 20 milion tons inthe long-term. In total, depending on the wind turbine generator selected, ‘ind power plants in the Gat could have a total installed capacity of 6000 to over 8000 MW, woulE ‘generate between 50 and 75 PWh of energy per yea, while avoiding emissions of 30-40 milion tons COneq per year ‘tse wind turbine generator (© 2017 Elsevier Lid. Al rights reserved 1. Introduction highly dependant on fossil fuel-based energy consumption, The country has the 20th highest energy intensity worldwide, along Offshore wind power is emerging as an interesting renewable ‘energy source for power generation, with the potential to mitigate imate change, increase energy security and stimulate the global ‘economy. The cumulative installed capacity of offshore wind power projects worldwide approached the 11 GW mark in 2015 [1], with most of these projects situated in specific locations, such as the [North Sea, the Baltic Sea, the Irish Sea and China's East Coast (2 While being a country with an emerging economy. Thailand is + Corresponding asthe. Thaksin Univers, Phathatong Campus, Phtthalon, mal adres ompaotse set Waeweak pj dot orf 102016) energy 201708025 (360449[0 2017 Eseer Led Al igh reserved with the 34th highest carbon intensity worldwide /3). In regards to its electricity sector, natural gas-fired generation represents approximately 68% of the total electricity supply in the country, while coal and lignite-based generation consist of approximately 18% ofthe total electricity supply 4 In the context of climate change, renewable energy can play @ significant role in reducing anthropogenic greenhouse gas emis- sions, To this end, the Government of Thailand has revised the ‘Alternative Energy Development Plan (AEDP 2015) to increase the share of installed capacity of renewable energy-based power plants in the energy portfolio of the county, The target of renewable cenergy-based power plants for the horizon of 2036 is 30% of the electricity consumed in the country, with wind power being

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