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Track (185) - 135 bpm

Eddie Van Halen, Ex. 2: Open string pedal tapping sequence

This second example utilizes the open A string as a pedal tone and moves horizontally across the neck, fretting and tapping several notes
revolving around the key of A minor. There are some accidentals (F#, Bb) which should be considered more as chromatic embellishments
rather than scale tones. 

The sequence resembles the opening riff in the song “Source of Infection”.

Track (186) - 120 bpm

Eddie Van Halen, Ex. 3: Horizontal chromatic movement lick

This final example, inspired by the popular guitar solo “Eruption”, features again a sextuplet subdivision.
The sequence outlines some triads and moves chromatically around some of the chord tones, creating a nice tension and release
The key is C minor/Eb major, as stated by the starting and ending chords, although the sequence contains some non diatonic triads.


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