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Stephen Gamble - Holistic Ways Page 1 of 3 Peveell ) ‘CLICK HERETO PAY Stephen Gamble, Gereon Therapy Consultant, Nutritional Therapist and Iridologist Fs Recipes ISA ome 7 SBbractitioners Rules for cookin; Bou don't need to peel vegecabes, just sub ther well and rinse in pure water. [Eseries 2. Cook vegetabes over very low Het, unt tender to retain vtemins and minerals and so that they are easy on the digeston. 3. Cook with very litte water, so that the vegetables cook in their own juices. 4. Vary vegetables (and salads) so that you don’t get bored. 5. Only use organic produce. 6. Presentation is important, use a variety of colours and textures as well as making) use of tasty salad dressings. [EBB nases Special Soup Very good for strengthening the kidneys, which Is an essential requirement in detoxification 3-4 stalks of celery 4 large sprig persiey 4-2 cloves garlic 2 leeks ferson Therapy 46 Ibs tomatoes Lib potatoes Do not peel any of these vegetables, just wash and scrub them (rinse in pure water) ‘and then chop them coarsely; simmer slowly for 2 hours, then put through food mill (Mouli) in small portions; very the amount of liquid used according to taste and desired consistency. This keeps woll in the refrigerator in a covered jug for 2 days. Just warm up as much as is needed. [BB eccises - Carrot and Apple Juice (makes one Soz glass) fagh in potassium, high both rate and sartaie elds, which help to rermove Impurities nthe Wvor'and Ini the growth of unealthy bacteria in the cigestive tact Digested by the body in 10 nnvautes reducing stass on digestive system, 3 Carrots (approx 8 ozs) 4 or 2 large green apples (approx 8 ozs) Wash well and top and tail carrot; core apple (do no peel) Put through juleer pour into glass. Juices should always be freshly prepared and drank within 30 minutes. IEEE: isins Chard Rolls, Stuffed Links CContins garlic, which is @ natural antibiotic, as well as greens for the chlorophyll Recommended Reading 1 bunch of chard 6 medium potatoes 4 carrots Ye onion 3 large cloves of garlic, crushed Search for a Product Cook onions and potatoes separately. In another pot, cook carrots and garlic. When done, puree each pot separately, then mix together. Put chard loaves in very hot Search water, no not overcook. Spread each layer and remove the tough centre stem, hitp://, php ?id-21 10/13/2006 Stephen Gamble - Holistic Ways Page 2 of 3 Place puree in centre of leaf and roll tightly. ‘Can be served with "ketchup". Ketchup ‘Another one for the garlic!! BEMMake a Booking 3 tomatoes contact Us Vehead of garlic Ys onion Y202 vinegar 4 tsp ail Ya cup organic brown sugar Place all ingredients in pan and bring to boll. Cook until tender and put through food mill or iquidiser until smooth. Red Pepper Sauce (pour over vegetables such as stuffed aubergines) 1 red pepper (chopped) 4 clove garlic 2 tomatoes ienion 2 tablespoons water Place all ingredients in pan and bring to boll. ‘Cook until fender and put through food mill or liquidiser until smooth. stuffed Aubergines (enough for 2 people) 4 large aubergine 2 tablespoons of very low fat, no salt cottage cheese 4/2 tsp dried parsley or 2 tsp fresh parsley 11 small tomato (chopped finely) Slice the aubergine (1/4 * thick) and place on baking tray in low heat ‘over til they have softened enough to be able to roll them. Mix together the cottage cheese, chopped parsley and chopped tomatoes. Place a litte of this cheese mix at one end of aubergine slice and roll up. Place in a serving dish and cook in low heat oven till tender. Serve with Red Pepper Sauce. Red Rice Stack (enough for 2 people) 1 cup of short grain brown rice 1 onion (finely chopped) 4 large or 2 small beetroots (cooked, peeled and diced small) ‘Cook the rice and onion in 2 cups of pure water. When cool, mix in the beetroct. Prass into a small container such as a souffié dish and turn out onte plate. Dacorate with a finely chopped spring onion. Serve with salad and cooked vegetables. Apple Crumble (for two) 1 large cooking apple Ys cup porridge oats maple syrup or honey Cook the apple in 4 tablespoon pure water until well stewed, place in individual dishes. Mix the porridge oats with a little maple syrup or honey (until just sticking together) hitp:// php ?id=21 10/13/2006 Stephen Gamble - Holistic Ways Page 3 of 3 and crumble on top of stewed apple. Bake in low oven for approx 10-18 mins If allowed, can be served with 1 tablespoon of very low fat natural yogurt Rye Loaf (by PL) Tused Doves Farm organic rye flour and adapted their recipe for a three day rye sourdough loaf, whieh is given on the packet, to sult the requirements of the Gerson diet. All utensils rinsed in distilled water of course, ‘Take one cup of rye flour and mix with one cup of distilled water in a bowl. Cover with @ damp cloth and leave overnight in @ warm place, such as in the eiring cupboard. Twenty-four hours later, add another cup of rye flour and half a cup of distilled water land mix in well, Cover and leave overnight in’ warm place. ‘Twenty-four hours later the starter should have an even better spongy texture/eppearance. Discard the slightly hardened, darker crust and put twe thirds of the starter into a mixing bowl. Add about the same amount of rye flour and mix together using spoon. Dust hands and knead mixture thoroughly, but gently for 3-S mins, if the mix feels too stick add sorme more flour. (at this stage the dough should remain wetter than a standard dough, but only slightly sticky on the fingers). Avoid compacting the mixture, so as to keep the spongy texture, Line a small bread tin with some unbleached parchment paper, put the dough into the tn, cover with unbleached parchment and place in a werm oven, about $0 C, for three or four hours to prove and rise. ‘When it has risen to make @ loaf shape, turn the oven up to 170 C and cook for an hour. (check after 0 minutes.) keep the remaining starter, adding another cup of rye flour and half a cup of distilled water and put in a warm place. ‘This can be used to make the next loaf. ‘Stephen Gamble hitp:// php ?id=21 10/13/2006

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