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Verhemma: Good Evening, brothers and sisters. Welcome!to our Sector’s Teaching Night
…..Family Matter.. My name is Verhemma and I will be your MC for this evening.
Before we start brothers and sisters, …..“” (Roll Call???? by cluster???)

Our speaker for this night’s teaching is a cluster head of sector A1’s Cluster 2. Brothers and
Sisters, please join our hands together to welcome our very own TITO RENE TAN!!!!


Verhemma: Thank you Tito Rene for “adlib… adlib..”.

Verhemma: and now , brothers and sisters coz our god is so great, Dili jud mahuman atong gabii
without a testimony of his greatness and so may I call on our Sister kiethly isidro for our
sharing {adlib..adlib}

[sharing with working snacks]

Thank you, Sis Kiethly. I would now invite Tito Dodong Feniza, to come here in front for the
installation of our new chapter leaders.

**Tito Dodong, please.


Thank you, Tito.
Let’s give a round of applause for our new chapter leaders! May I request everyone to settle
down for some announcements.

Verhemma: We have now come to the end of our Teaching Night. We would like to thank you
for spending your time with us this evening. We would now invite everyone to please stand, and
feel the presence of our lord as Brother Carlo Omongos lead us to our closing worship.

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