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DocumentationTVUIKit Beta
Language: Swift !
API Changes: Show !


Present common user interface items from Apple TV in your native app. SDK

tvOS 12.0+ Beta


Lockup Views class TVLockupView

A view that presents a main item and an optional header and footer.

class TVCardView
A specialized lockup view that responds to focus interaction with a motion effect that is
applied to all of its subviews.

class TVPosterView
A specialized lockup view that is optimized for displaying an image and a header and

class TVMonogramView
A specialized lockup view that contains a circular image and a footer view.

class TVCaptionButtonView
A specialized lockup view that executes code in response to user interactions.

Header and Footer class TVLockupHeaderFooterView

Views A view that contains information for headers and footers.

protocol TVLockupViewComponent
The protocol you implement to respond to lockup view state changes.

Input Views class TVDigitEntryViewController

A view controller that manages digit entry.
Beta Software

This documentation contains preliminary information about an API or technology in

development. This information is subject to change, and software implemented according
to this documentation should be tested with final operating system software.

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