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My name's Mittchel Arriaga and I’m your new e-pal.

I’m 24 years old

and I am an ice hockey player, in the Vancouver Canucks team, I
play in the defense position and I am also one of the youngest
players in this team, the Hockey is the national sport of Canada, too
It is quite popular in the US PHILAND AND RUSSIA. Tell me what
is the climate like in JAPAN? I have been told that in summer it rains
a lot and that's true, the city of Vancouver is one of the most quality
cities in Canada, that's why English Bay beach is beautiful, It is also
near the city, it is very busy. Have you always lived in kioto? I am
from Peru, recently I have been living here in Vancouver for six
months, I got a scholarship to study at the university of this city, the
UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA and I like research, we are
more than ten thousand foreign students from 150 different countries
, but you know the best thing about studying at this university is that
very close is "The Famous Warehouse" is a place where you can
eat very well and very cheap I always have to take care of myself to
keep my athlete physique necessary for hockey and I like to be here
but in fact I miss my family and if I know it's for my own good, my
friends from Peru always write me to know how I am and how I'm
doing with my new life abroad, they always tell me their funny stories
and I I do not go out much, I'm not very good at making Friends.
e-mail me when you can
We'll talk later. Take care

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