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Have you ever wondered if you could have a tool which could select customized data
from your production server for purposes such as testing?
The answer to this is SAP's TEST DATA MIGRATION SERVER (TDMS). TDMS operates at
client level and creates non-production clients. The selected data from a client in
the sender system is copied to a client in existing non-production system.The idea
is not to have the entire system copy, rather have the data which is more critical
and required. Approximately 80 % of the data volume of a typical database is
contained in less than 10 % of the tables. Transaction data tables are usually the
largest tables in the database. Thus, smaller non-production systems with only the
required data can be created.
The license for TDMS depends on the SAP production database size and not on the
number of users. License covers 1 production system and 'n' non-production systems.
It means a single license can be used for one production system in combination with
any number of non-production systems.
The landscape for the process involves three different systems---sender, receiver
and the server on which TDMS runs.

The sender system is the system from which the data is to be selected and is
usually the production system.
The TDMS server has two systems- central system�and control system.
Central system is the system where settings for the receiver set-up are done. Also,
customizations can be carried out here.
The control system is the trigerring�and monitoring system for all the migration
The receiver system is the non-production system to which data needs to be
For optimal performance, SAP recommends to have the three systems on three
different servers. All the systems involved in the migration process have to be
linked via RFC connections.
The systems should meet the following technical requirements:
SAP system with Web AS 6.20, 6.40 or 7.00.
The sender and receiver may also be
� SAP ERP 4.6C
� SAP BW 3.5
� SAP BI 7.0 (as of Support Package 09 for SAP TDMS)
� SAP CRM 4.0
� SAP CRM 5.0 systems (as of Support Package 09 for SAP TDMS)
Regarding the patch level, there are no specific requirements for TDMS.
The sender system and the receiver system must be on the same release level - 4.6C,
4.7, ECC 5.0 or ECC 6.0. The TDMS software must be installed on all systems that
are part of the given TDMS landscape.

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