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October 1972, the old Christians, an amateur rugby team, charters a flight for a match in

Santiago, Chile. In October, airplane with 45 people (rugby team and others) traveling
from Uruguay to Chile crashed in the Andes Mountains and only 16 survived.

The plane was broken and they were in the middle of nowhere at 3650 meters above
sea level. Definitely all were lost and without communication. The temperature at night
was -30°C It´s extremely cold but they used the clothes of dead people.

The rescue operations surrendered in 10 days because conditions were impossible to

survive. When the food was finished. They made a very hard decision what was
decision? Feed on the bodies of the deceased. It was very difficult because some were
his relatives.

After 2 months two peoples made decision to leave and get help and after 10 days. They
found help and they were rescued but his friends still do not.

The 2 survivors after being treated, convinced the rescuers to save their friends. All this
lasted approximately 72 days.

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