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Programming NDS with

NetWare Loadable Modules
(NLMs), Part 1

Adapted from a DeveloperNet Welcome to the White Pages Application course. This is one of a series of
University Tutorial
DeveloperNet University courses which helps you learn Novell Directory
Services (NDS) programming.

This course takes you through the process of programming a “White Pages”
application. The purpose of a “White Pages” application is to allow developers to
build a Hello World application, Internet access and NDS development.

CodeWarrior is used in each of these examples to create an NLM:

• The Hello.NLM is used to verify that the install of tools was successful and
that the developer can quickly build, load and unload an NLM on a
NetWare server.

• The ServSock.NLM opens a server socket that will communicate to

programs on the Internet with a TCP/IP connection.

• The BookMark.NLM builds attributes in NDS and then creates a class in NDS.
• The NDS.NLM authenticates, sets context, creates, modifies and then delete
the object in NDS using DSAPIs.

The LDAP communication with an NLM is being developed for a future release.

Copyright © 2000 by Novell, Inc. All rights

reserved. No part of this document may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by
any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying and recording, for
any purpose without the express written
permission of Novell.

All product names mentioned are trademarks

of their respective companies or distributors.

N O V E L L D E V E L O P E R N O T E S • A P R I L 2 0 0 0 3
Creating an NDS Object—Task Description and Requirements
This lesson includes the following objectives and requirements:

• Objectives:

• Use CodeWarrior to build an NLM application

• Build a simple NLM and load the NLM on a NetWare server

• Access program with TCP/IP sockets

• Create, modify, and delete object entries in an NDS directory

• Prerequisites:

• Entry-level C programming skills

• A basic understanding of directories (classes, objects, attributes,

syntaxes, values)

• Ability to use ConsoleOne to verify relationships between objects in the


• CodeWarrior by Metrowerks with NetWare CD installed

• Required Items:

• Win32 development environment

• Novell’s SDK for C and documentation installed. Installs providing SDKs

for C are available free from the Novell Developer Kit

• Novell’s ConsoleOne NDS Administration tool is also available free

along with a DeveloperNet subscription from

• Required Setup:

• NetWare Client32-enabled Windows 95 or NT client

• Network access to at least one NetWare 5 server

4 P R O G R A M M I N G N D S W I T H N E T W A R E L O A D A B L E M O D U L E S ( N L M S ) , P A R T 1
When To Write an NLM
NetWare is unique in that you can modify the operating system. You as a
developer can actually expand or extend the operating system to perform the
functions that your business may need.

Novell’s printing solution is a series of NLMs that are used to print from a client
to the attached printer. An NLM is the executable that runs only on NetWare.
You can only create an NLM with CodeWarrior. Since an NLM communicates
directly with NetWare, it must be built so that NetWare can understand it. A
UNIX executable does not work in Windows. MetroWerks provides the tool for
building NLMs. That tool is called CodeWarrior. This is a limitation to
developing an NLM. The benefit is that CodeWarrior works closely with Novell
to include changes that need to be made. NLM programming is one of the few
places that you can modify the operating system. When writing an NLM you
need to make the executable run as fast as possible. Since an NLM has
complete control of the CPU when executing, you need to make the program
quick and not hold the processor for long periods of time. Having complete
control of the operating system (OS) gives you the total control not available on
many systems. As an NLM programmer you must test your program for more
possible problems that may occur. A bug in your NLM program may cause the
entire server to need to be shut down.

NDS Programming with an NLM

Programming to Novell Directory Service (NDS) with NLMs resembles the
actual code that DS.NLM uses. This means that it is the fastest directory
programming available. You also get the most information back from an NDS
error. There are almost endless application programming interfaces (APIs) that
you can use to access many areas inside NetWare. These APIs are used in many
areas of programming. One of the API sets accesses NDS.

In the past, you needed a Watcom compiler to create NLMs. Making an NLM
was very tedious and MAKE files were difficult to use. Since CodeWarrior has
become available, learning to build an NLM is easy. CodeWarrior has a
Graphical User Interface (GUI) that will help you develop your NLM quickly
and require little time to learn.

There is an abundant amount of sample code available on the CodeWarrior for

NetWare CD. This sample code is available when you install CodeWarrior for
NetWare. DeveloperNet also has a great deal of sample code available for you to
download as part of the Novell Developer Kit.

Let’s look at NLMs in more detail now.

N O V E L L D E V E L O P E R N O T E S • A P R I L 2 0 0 0 5
NLMs Compared to DLLs (Dynamic Link Libraries)
We have discussed what an NLM is in a general sense. We will now look a little
deeper into NLM programming. A well-known OS such as Microsoft Windows
has both .EXE executables and Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs) programs. You
could think of an NLM as either a .EXE or a .DLL. In Windows programming,
you can convert a .DLL to an .EXE program. NLMs can be loaded by hand from
the server or by a program. When your NLM is loaded on the system you can
communicate with other NLMs. You start a thread process that communicates
with the operating system. You can make your NLM accessible to other
programs just like a DLL. Many developers write NLMs so that other programs
can access their NLM with APIs. These APIs expose the functions for using
their product. For example, you could write an NLM to access a new hardware
device that your company makes. You can communicate to printers, fax
machines, and many other devices. If you have written a DLL you could write an
NLM to perform the same function.

Since you can modify the OS, you can configure the NetWare server to meet any
of your customer needs. You are limited only by your skill and imagination.
While many operating systems block you from access to functions, NetWare is
open to you through NLM programming.

Starting NLM Programming

To use an NLM, you need a NetWare server. You will need to create an NLM
with CodeWarrior from Metrowerks. Copy the .NLM file on your client to the
SYSTEM location on the server. Next, view the NLM files that exist in the
SYSTEM directory on the server. You can now load the NLM by typing LOAD
and the name of the NLM on the server command line. The NLM should load
and begin executing.

Install the Sample Code

First, download the tutorial at Next, run
the executable NLM.EXE, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Running NLM.EXE.

6 P R O G R A M M I N G N D S W I T H N E T W A R E L O A D A B L E M O D U L E S ( N L M S ) , P A R T 1
Check to see if the projects were installed into the BIN directory of
CodeWarrior. The path is \Program Files\Metrowerks\CodeWarrior\Bin. Four
directories should be installed. The projects are Hello, Bookmark, NDS, and

Open the project files in CodeWarrior to verify that you were able to access
the .MCP files. This is accomplished by clicking on File and then Open.

Search for the ServSock.mcp,the Bookmark.mcp, and the NDS.mcp files. For
ServSock.mcp, you should see the CodeWarrior window shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Opening ServSock.

When you have accessed all projects from the install, you should see the
CodeWarrior screen shown in Figure 3:

Figure 3: All projects accessed from

the install.

N O V E L L D E V E L O P E R N O T E S • A P R I L 2 0 0 0 7
If you cannot find these files, search your client for the ServSock.mcp file. Open
each .MCP file using CodeWarrior by searching for the location on the client
where you ran NLM.EXE program.

Coding Example 1
You should have a CodeWarrior IDE icon on your desktop after installing
CodeWarrior. You should have installed the NetWare CD for CodeWarrior to
develop NLMs. NLM.EXE should be installed at this time. Select the
CodeWarrior IDE icon to start CodeWarrior. CodeWarrior should be displayed.

To create your first application, select File in CodeWarrior. Next, select New

Select the “+” next to NetWare, as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Selecting project stationery.

Select the “+” next to NLM; then select Generic NLM C, as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Selecting Generic NLM C.

8 P R O G R A M M I N G N D S W I T H N E T W A R E L O A D A B L E M O D U L E S ( N L M S ) , P A R T 1
Click OK, type HELLO in the File Name window, and save. CodeWarrior should
now generate the Hello.mcp project. Replace the Hello.mcp project if it already
exists. You can also bring up the project file using Open Recent in the drop
down, as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6: Using Open Recent to

access the project file.

Next, select the “+” next to Source, as shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7: Accessing HelloWorld.c.

N O V E L L D E V E L O P E R N O T E S • A P R I L 2 0 0 0 9
Select HelloWorld.c to open the code.You should see the following code:

* Hello World for CodeWarrior
* © 1998 Metrowerks Corp.
* Questions and comments to:
* <>
* <>
#include <stdio.h>
int main (void)
printf (“Hello World from CodeWarrior!\n\n”);
return 0;

printf is imported from CLIB.NLM to process the request to the display.

The following should display when Load Hello is executed on the server:

Hello World from CodeWarrior

Build the NLM by pressing the F7 key. You can also select Project and then
Make to build the project. Next copy the file Hello.nlm from the hard drive on
the client to the \system directory on the NetWare server. You may have to look
for the Hello.nlm file to complete the copy.

On the NetWare server, type “Hello” to execute the program.

Note: On a NetWare 4 server type “Load Hello” to execute the program.

You now have created a bug-free NLM. This is a simple example, but you
should now understand how to create and load an NLM.

A Simple Debug Decision

The following paragraphs give three ways to debug an NLM. Since this is an
introduction to the NLM programming course, only an overview is given. A
complete course is needed to cover debugging. The more requests that we get
for a subject; the greater the chance that we will be able to allocate resources to
develop course material. With that in mind, let us look at three methods
available for debugging an NLM.

First, use print statements that output information to the server screen. This
way you can tell where the program last completed an area of code.

Second, use RDEBUG, which runs on the client and allows you to set

Third, use NDEBUG, which is useful when you have an abnormal end or abend
on the server.

10 P R O G R A M M I N G N D S W I T H N E T W A R E L O A D A B L E M O D U L E S ( N L M S ) , P A R T 1
The following URL provides more information about internal NetWare

After receiving an ABEND, you may wish to use the NetWare Debugger. To
enter the NetWare Debugger, press and hold the following keys in order on the
NetWare server: <Alt> <Left Shift> <Right Shift> <Esc>. Once in the debugger,
bring up the help screen by typing “H” <RETURN>.

Coding Example 2
The Internet, as you know, has an almost endless amount of data available. It is
much easier to access the Internet than to use a modem between machines. I
prefer using Internet communications to ATDT commands on a modem. Let’s
now look at an example that accesses the Internet in an NLM.

You should have a CodeWarrior IDE icon on your desktop after installing
CodeWarrior. You should have installed the NetWare CD for CodeWarrior to
develop NLMs. NLM.EXE should be installed. Click on the CodeWarrior IDE
icon to start CodeWarrior.

Server Socket Application

To use your first application, select the Open Recent section; then select the
ServSock.mcp, as shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8: Selecting ServSock.mcp.

N O V E L L D E V E L O P E R N O T E S • A P R I L 2 0 0 0 11
By selecting ServSock.mcp you should be ready to examine the code in
Adduser.c Open Adduser.c again by double clicking on the icon in the IDE
project. You should see the following:

Copyright (c) 1998 Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Example server for NetWare TCP/IP Socket API.
* This example server accepts a connection on port 2001,
* and calls a function to handle the connection (for purposes
* of simplicity, there is no multithreading, although normally this
* implementation would allow multiple connections via daughter threads)
* The function reads data from the socket and echoes it to the server
* console screen and sends it back to the client until the client closes.
* Then it closes the connection
* and returns. The main function is never
* ended, so an unload signal function must close the listen socket.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <signal.h>

// Functions
int read_connection();
void unloadProcedure( int );
void exit_error( const char * );

// Globals
SKT listen_skt = 0,
connect_skt = 0;
int NLM_mainThreadGroupID; /* clib context handle */
struct sockaddr_in server_sockaddr;
struct sockaddr_in client_sockaddr;

int rc,
/* Save off main thread group ID for unload process */
NLM_mainThreadGroupID = GetThreadGroupID();

12 P R O G R A M M I N G N D S W I T H N E T W A R E L O A D A B L E M O D U L E S ( N L M S ) , P A R T 1
/* Register the unload process for asynchronous user unload. */
signal( SIGTERM, unloadProcedure );

/* Create a socket */
listen_skt = socket( PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );
if ( listen_skt == -1 ) exit_error( “socket” );

server_sockaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
server_sockaddr.sin_port = htons( 2001 );

/* bind socket to port */

rc = bind( listen_skt, ( struct sockaddr * ) &server_sockaddr,
sizeof( server_sockaddr ) );
if( rc == -1 ) exit_error( “bind” );

/* Start listening for client connections */

rc = listen( listen_skt, 5 );
if( rc == -1 ) exit_error( “listen” );

for ( ;; )
printf( “\n\nTCPIP Echo Server Waiting...\n\n” );
arg = sizeof ( client_sockaddr );

/* accept returns the new socket so that we can continue */

/* listening on the original socket */
connect_skt = accept( listen_skt, (struct sockaddr *)
&client_sockaddr, &arg );
if( connect_skt == -1 ) exit_error( “accept” );
/* Call function to handle new connection. Ideally a new */
/* thread would be spawned so that multiple processes can */
/* operate simultaneously. For simplicity, this is a */
/* single-process server */
rc = read_connection();
if( rc == 0 )
printf( “\nError, server going down” );
exit( 1 );


int read_connection()
int rc;
char iochar;

/* Read a char, print it out, write it back */

while( rc = recv( connect_skt, &iochar, sizeof ( iochar ), 0 ) )

if ( rc == -1 )
exit_error( “recv” );
putchar( iochar );

rc = send( connect_skt, &iochar, sizeof( iochar ), 0 );

if ( rc == -1 )

N O V E L L D E V E L O P E R N O T E S • A P R I L 2 0 0 0 13
perror( “send” );
raise( SIGTERM );
exit( 1 );
close( connect_skt );
connect_skt = 0;
return( 1 );

void unloadProcedure( int i )

int handlerThreadGroupID;

/* Store this thread’s context and setup clib context */

handlerThreadGroupID = GetThreadGroupID();
SetThreadGroupID( NLM_mainThreadGroupID );

/* Release socket resources */

if ( connect_skt )
printf ( “Closing connect socket\n” );
close( connect_skt );
connect_skt = 0;
if( listen_skt )
printf( “Closing listen socket\n” );
close( listen_skt );
listen_skt = 0;

/* Restore Context */
SetThreadGroupID( handlerThreadGroupID );

void exit_error( const char * str )

perror( str );
raise( SIGTERM );
exit( 1 );

Build the NLM by pressing the F7 key (or by selecting Project and then Make).
Next, copy the file ServSock.nlm from the hard drive on the client to the \system
directory on the NetWare server. You may have to look for the ServSock.nlm
file to complete the copy. This information is shown on the server screen when
the NLM executes. Finally, save.

Bring up the code Adduser.c. You will notice that AddUser.c is not the code that
adds a user to NDS. This code come from the download area on DeveloperNet.
I have copied that code over the Adduser.c file to demonstrate that the code will
build and run from the example code found on DeveloperNet.

14 P R O G R A M M I N G N D S W I T H N E T W A R E L O A D A B L E M O D U L E S ( N L M S ) , P A R T 1
Lets examine the code

#include <sys/socket.h>

#include <netinet/in.h>

These two header files contain the APIs that are needed to access the Internet.

listen_skt = socket( PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );

Socket programming requires a program to listen on one port and then

communicate on another port. That way the listen port is always available for
another connection. You should notice that the socket is in stream mode and not
block mode. The program sends one character of information in each packet.

server_sockaddr.sin_port = htons( 2001 );

We are going to access on port 2001. To communicate we need to access on

port 2001 on our client. To use a socket we must know the IP address of the
server socket and the port number. Much like a telephone, you must have the
complete telephone number to communicate with that telephone. There are
two points to think about. First, this is an example program, and you should
not hard code a port in an NLM. Your NLM should have several numbers that
it can use if a given port is unavailable. This requires a little more effort on
your part but resolves many issues on a customers server.

Second, you should use port numbers greater then 7000. Lower numbers
are available but are often in use by other programs. I like to use numbers
like 9797. This avoids others numbers that increment from a hundreds
number like 7000,7001, 7002, etc.

rc = bind( listen_skt, ( struct sockaddr * )

&server_sockaddr, sizeof( server_sockaddr ) );

You need to bind the socket and verify that you are able to access that port
number. A bind will hold that port number for your program when succesful.

printf( “\n\nTCPIP Echo Server Waiting...\n\n” );

/* accept returns the new socket so that we can continue */
/* listening on the original socket */
connect_skt = accept( listen_skt, (struct sockaddr *)

N O V E L L D E V E L O P E R N O T E S • A P R I L 2 0 0 0 15
The program prints the message “TCPIP Echo Server Waiting” and executes
the accept command. The server will display this message and the NLM will
wait for a client to connect.

This NLM communicates with TCPIP.NLM provided with NetWare 5 and

NetWare 4. TCPIP.NLM must be loaded for this program to communicate.

while( rc = recv( connect_skt, &iochar, sizeof ( iochar ), 0 ) )

putchar( iochar );
rc = send( connect_skt, &iochar, sizeof( iochar ), 0 );

When we get a valid connection, we will receive a packet of information. Then,

print it to the server screen and return the information back to the client.
Understand that we are sending many packets with one character at a time. To
send blocks of data we need to change the socket command. This is only an
example program. It might be useful for a game programmer to use for sending
information quickly, but a LanAnalyzer trace would show intense traffic if a
large number of users were using this socket type.

Building ServSock.nlm
Select the Target setting icon in the project screen. Next, select NLM Target.
You should see the screen shown in Figure 9.

16 P R O G R A M M I N G N D S W I T H N E T W A R E L O A D A B L E M O D U L E S ( N L M S ) , P A R T 1
Figure 9: The ServSock.mcp screen.

1. Name this NLM ServSock.NLM.

2. Rename the output file to be ServSock.NLM.

3. Change the initial screen to be TCP/IP Server Socket.

4. Change the description to be TCP/IP Server Socket Example.

5. Click on the Save button. Click on the “x” to close the window.

6. Build the program by pressing the F7 key.

7. Copy the ServSock.NLM executable to F:\system for the server to use.

N O V E L L D E V E L O P E R N O T E S • A P R I L 2 0 0 0 17
On the server command line type “ServSock” to start the program. Use
<ALT><ESC> to change screens on the server to the “TCPIP Echo Server
Waiting . . .” message. The client will now use Telnet to attach to the IP address
and port number. This socket will transmit and receive information using the
TCP/IP protocol.

On the client, type “telnet” in a DOS prompt. Get the IP address of the server
by typing “config” on the server console. Enter the IP address in the Host
Name box in the telnet program. Change Port to 2001 and Term Type as
vt100. You should now see what you type in telnet on the server console, as
shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10: Telnet input appears on

the server console.

Type a few lines in Telnet. You will notice that the server receives the
information as programmed. Close Telnet and Unload ServSock.NLM. From
these examples you now know that an NLM can communicate to any program
on the Internet. All of these different worlds are able to communicate to NDS
through an NLM.

18 P R O G R A M M I N G N D S W I T H N E T W A R E L O A D A B L E M O D U L E S ( N L M S ) , P A R T 1
Create a Class In NDS
Directories have become popular because of the large amount of information
that is needed on individuals and equipment attached to a network. Since NLMs
and NDS were developed on the same OS and within Novell, they communicate
faster than any other method. So if you need fast access to the directory, you
need to write an NLM. Lets look at an NLM example that creates a class in
NDS. This is an advanced example. Reading and writing to NDS is also in this
code example that you can download.

Start CodeWarrior and open recent project Bookmark.mcp, as shown in

Figure 11.

Figure 11: The Bookmark.mcp


N O V E L L D E V E L O P E R N O T E S • A P R I L 2 0 0 0 19
Select the Target setting ICON in the project screen. Select NLM Target. You
should see the screen shown in Figure 12.

Figure 12: NLM Target settings.

1. Rename the NLM to BookMark.NLM in the target setting in CodeWarrior.

2. Close the Generic NLM Build Setting window.

3. Build BookMark.NLM with the F7 key in CodeWarrior.

4. Copy Bookmark.nlm to the servers \system directory.

I will not explain this code in detail. You will only run the code in this example. I
will walk through the code in the NDS.NLM example. I want you to focus on
what is happening in NDS.

void CreateClass(NWDSContextHandle con) {

We need to have the context that we are going to create the class in.

cCode = NWDSBeginClassItem(con, classBuf))

20 P R O G R A M M I N G N D S W I T H N E T W A R E L O A D A B L E M O D U L E S ( N L M S ) , P A R T 1
Use the NWDSBeginClassItem API to create an area for building the user class.

cCode = NWDSPutClassItem(con, classBuf, “Top”) cCode =

NWDSPutClassItem(con, classBuf, “Organization”) cCode =
NWDSPutClassItem(con, classBuf, “CN”)

Then add Common Name to the class. The class will be of type Organization
from Top. Top and Organization are NDS types. We will use ConsoleOne to
view this data upon completion.

printf(“Bookmark Class added.\n”);

The print statement shows that you have completed the bookmark class
creation. Get the context name for the server by typing the following command
on the server:


Type the following on the server:

Load Bookmark

Login using .admin.organization. For example, your server may have a context
of Novell. You would type the following and press return:


Use the password for admin. The password is specific for your server.

ConsoleOne exists on the server. ConsoleOne should have already been

installed on the client from the NDK. Using ConsoleOne we verify that the
bookmark class has been created. Select Schema Manager from ConsoleOne,
as shown in Figure 13.

Figure 13: Selecting Schema

Manager from ConsoleOne.

N O V E L L D E V E L O P E R N O T E S • A P R I L 2 0 0 0 21
Look for Test:Bookmark in Schema Manager, as shown in Figure 14.

Figure 14: The Schema Manager


Now, you should be ready to code an NDS NLM, which is discussed in Part 2 of
this series.

22 P R O G R A M M I N G N D S W I T H N E T W A R E L O A D A B L E M O D U L E S ( N L M S ) , P A R T 1

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