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Chapter 1

Pathophysiology of Pain in the Peripheral

Nervous System
Rachel Milner1,* and Cahir Doherty2
University of Warwick, Coventry, UK. 2 University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK.
Corresponding author: e-mail:

PAIN Pain is almost invariably an unpleasant sensation; its

ability to persuade us from pursuing potentially damaging
Pain and Nociception Are Distinct Concepts behaviors means that pain has evolved with us from the ben-
The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) efits bestowed to our early ancestors. Acute pain serves a
defines pain in humans as “an unpleasant sensory and emo- clear evolutionary advantage; it draws attention to tissue
tional experience associated with the actual or potential damage occurring and then prevents further injury by
tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage” sending out reflexive withdrawal responses to stop the
(IASP Task Force on Taxonomy, 1979). It is important that harmful activity. Pain lasting beyond the time of initial
we define pain, and other terms used in the discussion of the injury modifies our behavior to protect or rest the damaged
pathophysiology of pain, before moving on. tissues, giving time for inflammation to stimulate the pro-
Within this chapter the term pain will always be used to cesses of healing and repair. Modification of behavior by
refer to the unpleasant subjective phenomenon, which is pain helps individuals to prevent tissue damage and pro-
usually, but not always, perceived in association with tissue motes their survival and consequent ability to reproduce.
damage. Its subjective nature is highlighted by the vocab- Rarely are individuals born with a congenital inability to
ulary that we use to describe pain varying between indi- feel pain, a trait that may seem envious; these individuals
viduals and cultures. I might describe my headache as rarely survive into late adulthood. Their tissues accumulate
sharp and splitting, while yours might be pounding or tight. the effects of multiple small insults, particularly the sur-
Is what we experience really very different? faces of joints and ligaments subject to the rough and
Pain has multiple components including: tumble of childhood. Unable to fully recover, their tissues
become prone to infection of the damaged tissue and they
l Location. become susceptible to conditions such as osteomyelitis.
l Intensity. Conditions like appendicitis, which are rarely fatal in
l Character or quality; that is, whether it is sharp, dull, others, can go unnoticed until they generate a significant
stinging, or burning. fever or symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. Delayed
l Affective component such as fear and unpleasantness. intervention leads to complications, and individuals who
l Attention—the ability of pain to interrupt other activ- cannot sense pain frequently die young. So, as unpleasant
ities and capture our attention. as it is, pain serves us with an unrivaled drive to protect our-
Pain is also closely linked to memory. This facilitates the selves and to survive. Within this chapter, we will discuss
development of protective behaviors for the future, but also what peripheral events occur to generate these painful
means that our current experiences of pain are shaped by perceptions.
influences from the past. Our current emotional state will also Pain is not a peripheral event; our nerves sense cellular
affect how pain is perceived; thus, our experiences of pain damage in the tissues, which we then perceive as pain. This
not only vary from person to person but also within any perception is generated by the cortex of the brain. There is
one individual over time, dependent upon influences from no single “pain center” in the cortex; the unpleasant feelings
that individual’s internal and external environment. Mem- we experience are, therefore, a summative expression of
ories, emotions, and genetic factors amalgamate to make each several areas of cortical processing. Many areas of the brain
time we experience the sensation of pain a unique event. are involved in processing painful stimuli. These include

Nerves and Nerve Injuries, Vol. 2.

© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 3
4 PART I Pain Involving the Peripheral Nerves

the primary and secondary somatosensory cortices that NOCICEPTION

process the sensory-discriminative aspects of pain (location
and intensity) and the prefrontal, anterior cingulate, insula In contrast to pain, nociception refers to the neurological
and parietal opercular cortices that process the affective- events, both central and peripheral, that encode information
motivational (unpleasant, aversive) aspects of pain and about noxious stimuli. Nociception has the potential to
behavior. Multiple areas of cortical processing reflect the cause the perception of pain, but pain does not always result
multifactorial nature of pain (Figure 1.1). Our intelligent from nociception. Nociception also influences physio-
brain integrates the neuronal information encoded by each logical events; it can cause raised blood pressure and heart
of these areas and expresses it as one coherent experience rate through autonomic regulation and promotes cortisol
(Tracey & Mantyh, 2007; Treede, Kenshalo, Gracely, & release via modulating effects on the hypothalamic-
Jones, 1999). pituitary-adrenal axis. Nociceptive events causing pain also
Some of the terms that are used to describe painful phe- modify behavior; for example, withdrawal of a limb from a
nomena throughout this chapter will be defined here. heating element. These aversive actions are called noci-
Algesia is the sensation of pain, while hyperalgesia is the fensive behaviors. Nocifensive behavior in animals is often
feeling of increased sensitivity to painful stimuli. This observed as a proxy measure of pain perception and noci-
means that a lower intensity of damaging stimulus is ceptive events; for example, mice with modified genes
required to generate pain than normal. Allodynia refers to for nerve receptors may be observed to see how quickly
painful sensations generated by normally innocuous they withdraw from a pressure or heat stimulus.
stimuli, and suggests there has been a deviation in neuronal Nociception was first described by Sherrington in 1906.
function from the normal status quo. The physiological He used the term to describe the detection of noxious events
events that lead to hyperalgesia and allodynia will be eluci- and proposed the existence of a type of primary sensory
dated within the relevant sections of this chapter. neuron, the nociceptor (Sherrington, 1906). These sensory

r us
u g
nt eri r c i n





ond y
Sec sensor
so cortex

FIGURE 1.1 Cortical areas involved in pain processing.

Pathophysiology of Pain in the Peripheral Nervous System Chapter 1 5

neurons that encode noxious stimuli in the peripheries are transmitted up the spinal cord in the anterolateral system/
termed primary afferent nociceptors (PANs). The term spinothalamic tract, to the brain stem and VPL nucleus
PAN refers to a group of afferent neurons of multiple types of the thalamus. At the brain stem, nociceptive signals
that will be described in greater detail later. can directly influence physiological function, while the
thalamus relays information about tissue damage to several
cortical areas. Not until this point in the pathway is pain per-
NOCICEPTORS ceived. With the head the trigeminal nerve is anatomically
Primary afferent neurons convey nociceptive information analogous to the somatosensory nerves of the rest of the
from the peripheries to the spinal cord, where it is relayed body. Its cell bodies lie within the trigeminal ganglion and
to the thalamus and cortex. Ion channels are essential for its central projections terminate on postsynaptic neurons
generating action potentials. that ascend to the thalamus in the spinal trigeminal tract of
Nociceptive neurons form part of our primary afferent the medulla (Willard & Holt, 2007).
system; these neurons convey information from our periph- The function of PANs is to transmit information about
eries toward the CNS. They are the first neuron in a tissue damage to higher order neurons. In order to do this
sequence of relayed signals to the CNS. They are differen- they must convert a mechanical, thermal, or chemical
tiated from other sensory neurons by the high threshold of stimulus into an action potential, and subsequently release
activation that is required in order to initiate depolarization a chemical neurotransmitter at the dorsal horn. Nociceptors
and by their unencapsulated, free nerve endings (FNEs). are generally excitatory neurons that release glutamate as
PANs lack the specialized receptor organs found in other their neurotransmitter at the dorsal horn. FNEs provide
primary afferent neurons, such as muscle spindles. FNEs the sensory transduction region of the nociceptor, con-
of PANs are located throughout most anatomical structures verting the stimulus into a receptor membrane potential
of the body including skin, musculoskeletal tissues, and the through the activation of ion channels. Na+, K+, and Ca2+
viscera. Notably, the brain is devoid of innervation by channels are involved in maintenance of, and fluctuations
PANs and, while damage to the brain parenchyma generates in, the charge across the receptor membrane. Opening of
an inflammatory response, it does not generate feelings of these cation channels, leading to the depolarization of the
pain. This makes it possible to conduct brain surgery on a sensory area of the PAN membrane, will be referred to
conscious patient without the need for analgesic agents in throughout this chapter as the generation of a “receptor
the brain tissue. We tend to describe pain as somatic if it potential.” It is analogous to the “action potential” gen-
is derived from the skin or musculoskeletal tissues and as erated along the axon. If the threshold is reached, the
visceral pain if it is derived from damage to the organs. resultant receptor potential is then converted into a series
Each PAN consists of its receptor region (the FNEs), an of propagating action potentials, transmitting a signal
axon that projects between the target structure and the along the length of the axon to the synaptic terminal. Axon
spinal cord, a cell body located within the dorsal root gan- depolarization is generated by voltage-gated Na+ and K+
glion (DRG) of the spinal dorsal root, and central processes channels. At the dorsal horn, release of neurotransmitter
that project to lamina I and II of the dorsal horn (see must occur in order to convey signals to postsynaptic
Figure 1.2, which shows the basic anatomy of a PAN). afferent neurons. This is largely mediated by voltage-gated
These processes form a presynaptic terminal that is usually Ca2+ channels. Any stage in this process is subject to mod-
excitatory in nature, releasing glutamate onto postsynaptic ulation by a number of factors that will be discussed later in
neurons. Nociceptive information from the body is the chapter (Schaible, Ebersberger, & Natura, 2011).

FIGURE 1.2 Functional anatomy of a typical primary F

afferent nociceptor.

A. Sensory receptor terminals

(free nerve endings)
B. Axon
B C. Schwann cell: variable myelination
D. Cell body
E. Central dendritic processes
F. Presynaptic central terminals
6 PART I Pain Involving the Peripheral Nerves

CLASSIFYING NOCICEPTORS insensitive afferents (MIAs), as it is their mechanical sensi-

tivity that is most significantly enhanced by inflammation.
Nociceptors are the smallest unmyelinated and lightly C fibers can be broadly divided into two subclasses,
myelinated primary afferent nerve fibers. They conduct depending on the peptides they secrete and the neurotrophic
impulses more slowly that afferent fibers conveying touch factors they respond to. The functional ramifications of this
signals. Nociceptors release peripheral neuropeptides at classification are not yet fully understood, but their role in
their sensory receptor terminals, as well as neurotrans- chronic pain states is under investigation.
mitters at the spinal cord.
Afferent nerves can be classified by their conduction Peptidergic C fibers:
velocity. Conduction velocity is governed by the mor- l Synthesise, store and release neuropeptides such as sub-
phology of the neuron axon; the larger the diameter the stance P, neurokinin A, and calcitonin gene-related
faster the conduction speed, while thicker myelin sheaths peptide (CGRP).
also increase conduction rates. We find four groups of l Express the TrkA neurotrophin receptor, a high-affinity
afferent neurons, classified by their conduction speeds tyrosine kinase receptor for nerve growth factor (NGF).
from fastest to slowest: Aα, Aβ, Aδ, C.
Nonpeptidergic C fibers:
Traditionally, it was thought that only the slowest con-
l Express fewer peptides.
ducting Aδ and C fibers carried signals from noxious
l Express the purinergic receptor P2X3, a subtype of the
stimuli which could be perceived as pain. However, it is
ATP-gated ion channel.
increasingly understood that there is greater functional
l Express the c-ret growth factor receptor that is sensitive
overlap between fiber groups. Aβ fibers may also conduct
to glial-derived neurotrophic factors (GDNF).
signals for noxious stimuli, while C and Aδ fibers can
conduct signals from nonnoxious mechanical and thermal These two types of C fibers with distinct trophic require-
stimuli. Within this chapter we will focus on the Aδ and ments become most distinct in adulthood. During the
C fibers. Nociceptor thresholds also vary according to their embryonic period, development and survival of afferent
location. Cutaneous PANs and those supplying muscle have neurons is reliant on the presence of specific neurotrophic
a high threshold of activation that clearly differentiates factors. There appears to be a shift from a predominance
them from low-threshold, large-caliber nonnociceptive of peptidergic/NGF-sensitive fibers in embryonic life to a
afferents. Visceral PANs are less well differentiated by more equal balance between the two types once adulthood
threshold of activation, having lower thresholds that are is reached. Approximately 55-60% of C fibers in adulthood
closer to those of other afferent neurons (Djouhri & are of the nonpeptidergic/GDNF-sensitive type.
Lawson, 2004; Julius & Basbaum, 2001; Lawson, 2002; The two types of C fibers show a subtle distinction in the
Schaible et al., 2011). way they project to the laminae of the dorsal horn. Pepti-
dergic fibers project mostly to lamina I and outer lamina II,
while the nonpeptidergic nociceptors project to inner lamina
II. Inner lamina II houses the receptors for a group of second
C FIBERS order afferent neurons expressing a specific type of protein
The most numerous group of nociceptors are the small- kinase C (PKC) that are local to this lamina only. If the inner
caliber, unmyelinated C fibers. They are reported by exper- lamina II PKC is ablated by gene targeting, it is possible
imental participants as giving rise to unpleasant, poorly to almost remove hyperalgesic responses to nerve injury.
localized, and burning sensations. C fibers are the slowest The nonpeptidergic/GDNF-sensitive nociceptors are conse-
conducting of nociceptors; they have both discrete and quently thought to play a role in the evolution of neuropathic
polymodal receptors. Polymodal C fibers transduce pain states in nerve injury. Peptidergic/NGF-sensitive noci-
mechanical, noxious thermal stimuli and algesic com- ceptors are thought to be critical to inducing hyperalgesic
pounds, while discrete C fiber mechanoreceptors, cold ther- responses in the presence of inflammation. Differences in
moreceptors, and chemoreceptors also exist. Up to 15-20% function between the two classifications of C fiber manifest
of cutaneous C fibers are thought to be of the “silent noci- predominantly at the dorsal horn and, therefore, will not be
ceptor” type. These silent nociceptors have an unusually discussed further in this chapter.
high threshold for mechanical and thermal stimuli, and There are regional differences in the distribution of
are not activated under normal conditions. However, in nerve phenotypes that correspond to their local functional
the presence of inflammation they can become active due requirements. The skin is supplied with two large popula-
to a lowering of their threshold as the chemicals of inflam- tions of nociceptors, both peptidergic and nonpeptidergic,
mation sensitize the receptor membrane to thermal and while in musculoskeletal tissues the majority of PANs are
mechanical stimuli. Notably, silent nociceptors are now peptidergic. Peptidergic fibers have the potential to generate
more commonly being referred to as mechanically neurogenic inflammation through peripheral release of
Pathophysiology of Pain in the Peripheral Nervous System Chapter 1 7

neuropeptides. Perhaps this afferent distribution, in part, two forces: first, the electrical charge across the membrane,
underlies why musculoskeletal injuries are more prone to which is generated by the electrical charges accorded to all
chronicity than those of the skin (Bennett, Koltzenburg, ions; and second, according to the concentration gradient of
Priestley, Shelton, & McMahon, 1998; Julius & Basbaum, that specific ion. Ion channels can be leakage channels,
2001; Silos-Santiago et al., 1995; Snider & McMahon, which allow the free movement of ions according to elec-
1998; Zhang, Cavanaugh, Nemenov, & Basbaum, 2013). trical and concentration gradients, or they may be subject
to conformational changes, which mean they take on an
Aδ FIBERS open or closed state. Sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+)
are the most significant ions in maintaining receptor
The Aδ fibers are a group of faster conducting PANs, potential. At resting state, leakage channels allow Na + to
slightly larger than the small-caliber C fibers, and have a thin leak in and K + to leak out. K2P channels that allow K+ to
covering of myelin to speed conduction velocity. Conse- leak out through two-pore domains are important in neuro-
quently, the subjective nature of pain described when Aδ muscular function, as they allow the cell to hyperpolarize
fibers are stimulated is often described as immediate and and, thus, maintain a stable resting potential. Unopposed
well-localized pain. Aδ fibers typically respond to a discrete leakage of ions would quickly lead to a loss of potential
type of stimulus, such as mechanical stimuli or damaging across the membrane; therefore, pumps, which use ATP,
hot or cold temperatures. They are less likely to be polymodal drive 3Na+ out of the cell for every 2K+ in, maintaining a
receptors than are C fibers (Gold & Gebhart, 2010; Julius & negative membrane potential. Depolarizing of the receptor
Basbaum, 2001; Schmidt et al., 1995; Woolf & Ma, 2007). membrane allows a sudden flow of positive cations into the
cell; this is mediated by gated ion channels that can be in an
open or closed state. Two types of ion channel are expressed
GENERATING A RECEPTOR POTENTIAL at the PAN sensory terminal: (1) ligand-gated ion channels
Electrical potentials are generated and maintained by ion (also called ionotropic receptors) that open (or close) in
channels within the plasma membrane of nociceptors. Flow response to binding of an external ligand, such as the mole-
of ions through these channels generates currents that pass cule capsaicin; and (2) indirectly gated by a metabotropic
along the neuron. receptor. Metabotropic receptors are either G protein-
In this section we review the fundamental mechanisms coupled receptors (GPCRs) that activate second messengers
that allow nociceptors to maintain a membrane potential and such as cAMP and cGMP indirectly gating the ion channel,
to generate action potentials that propagate along the axon. or receptor tyrosine kinases that gate channels directly or
Neurons maintain their cytoplasm at a negative indirectly by phosphorylation. GPCRs can also trigger
potential, relative to the outside of the cell, generated by intracellular activation cascades in response to binding of
movement of ions across the plasma membrane between an external ligand. This can modify intracellular events
the outside and inside. Ions must cross the plasma mem- such as releasing Ca2+ stores and activating enzymes that
brane through channels because they are charged and may also influence ion channel function. Figure 1.3 repre-
cannot diffuse through the phospholipid membrane sents the array of channels and receptors found at the
directly. Ions will flow through channels according to sensory terminals of PANs.

Na+ D F 3Na+
Na+ Na+
Na+/Ca2+ G
B 2K+ ATP A. GPCR, e.g., B2 receptor for bradykinin
B. Ligand-gated ion channel, e.g., TRPV1, 5-HT receptor
cAMP C. Receptor tyrosine kinase, e.g., TrkA receptor for NGF
D. Cation leakage channels
E. K2P K+ leakage channel
K+ F. Na+/K+ ATPase
B K+
G. Voltage-gated Na+ channel

C E Na+

FIGURE 1.3 Ion channels and receptors expressed at the sensory receptor terminals of PANs.
8 PART I Pain Involving the Peripheral Nerves

PROPAGATION OF ACTION POTENTIALS bradykinin, prostaglandin E2, and serotonin may target
ALONG THE AXON NaV1.9 channels through GPCR signaling pathways leading
to facilitated conduction in the presence of inflammation.
Voltage-gated ion channels propagate action potentials NaV1.7 presents an interesting target for pain relief, as
along the nerve axon. The functions of these channels are mutations in the SCN9A gene that codes for the NaV1.7
influenced by noxious stimuli, including cold and chemical α-subunit result in congenitally altered pain states. Con-
inflammatory mediators. genital indifference to pain (CIP) is a condition that causes
Generation of a receptor potential is down to ion individuals to experience severely impaired perception to
channels in the receptor membrane; however, propagation pain when they are otherwise normal. A loss of function
of that signal in the form of spreading action potentials mutation of the SCN9A gene coding for NaV1.7 has been
along the axon requires a different group of channels. These identified in these individuals, suggesting that NaV1.7
channels are the voltage-gated Na+, K+, and Ca2+ channels has an essential role in mediating conduction of pain signals
and the hyperpolarization-activated, cation nonselective in humans. Gain of function mutations of the same genes
(HCN) channels. These fast acting voltage-gated channels have been identified in patients suffering with congenital
are highly expressed by nociceptors. They are responsible pain states, including paroxysmal extreme pain disorder
for propagating the currents generated at the receptor and inherited erythromelalgia. Erythromelalgia causes
membrane of the sensory terminal and can modify PAN pain, edema, and skin changes in response to heat and
conduction such that they influence the nociceptive infor- movement in the limb. A mutation in the NaV1.7 channel
mation that eventually reaches the spinal cord. This has is thought to lower the threshold to single action potentials
implications in disease states and in developing targets and to high frequency firing in afferent neurons, resulting in
for analgesia. We will consider the voltage-gated Na+ the disproportionate feelings of pain that are generated in
channels, as their role in some disease states has been iden- the condition. NaV channels provide us with an encour-
tified. Voltage-gated Na+ channels are made up of two sub- aging target for analgesic therapy, particularly for those
units: an α-subunit that is the pore domain of the channel genetic conditions that impart significant suffering. Agents
through which Na+ flows, and a β-subunit that has a number that partially ameliorate pain sensations are emerging and
of functions, including regulating channel expression and the aim to improve the selectivity of NaV channel blocking
interacting with the extracellular matrix and the cyto- agents is underway (Chowdhury et al., 2011; Dib-Hajj,
skeleton. There are nine known types of α-subunit that form Black, & Waxman, 2009; Faber et al., 2012; Goldberg
the pores for Na+ movement, they are named NaV1.1- et al., 2007; Jukič, Kikelj, & Anderluh, 2013).
NaV1.9, some of which are expressed by PANs. The family
of NaV channels are divided into two functional groups
according to their sensitivity to tetrodoxin (TTX), a neuro- TYPES OF NOXIOUS STIMULI AND THEIR
toxin that can block action potentials by binding to the pore
of NaV α-subunits. TTX-S channels are sensitive to tetro-
doxin and TTX-R channels are resistant to it; PANs express Noxious stimuli, including heat, cold, mechanical stretch,
both types of channel. and chemical stimuli, have the potential to generate feelings
NaV channels that are found expressed predominantly of pain. Nociceptors express receptors for these stimuli that
by small-caliber nociceptors include NaV1.7, NaV1.8, can be discrete to one type of stimulus or polymodal. These
and NaV1.9. NaV1.8 is thought to have an essential role receptors are targets for analgesic compounds.
in conduction of PANs that are sensitive to mechanical Noxious stimuli with the potential to cause pain come in
stimuli and noxious cold, contributing to the mediation of several modalities; namely, mechanical, thermal (hot and
mechanical and thermal hyperalgesia in inflammatory cold), and chemical. Innocuous mechanical, thermal, and
states. NaV1.8 is the only voltage-gated Na+ channel that chemical stimuli also exist, but it is the ability to activate
continues to function at very low temperatures and, PANs that will be discussed in this chapter.
therefore, has a role in conduction signals about noxious Noxious mechanical stimuli activate nociceptors in the
cold stimuli. Mutations in the gene for NaV1.8 are thought form of direct pressure or tissue deformation. This allows us
to contribute to the pathogenesis of painful neuropathies, to perceive damaging events such as excessive pressure,
causing enhanced channel responsiveness to depolarization organ distension, edema, and bone destruction.
and producing hyperexcitability of afferent neurons. Thermal stimuli are either noxious heat or noxious cold.
NaV1.9 is expressed by nociceptors that also express Extreme high and low temperatures cause cellular damage
NaV1.8. A few nociceptors have also been identified that via destruction of the structural elements of the cell or via
express one or the other, but these are a minority. NaV1.9 functional alterations of its enzymes. A heat pain threshold
is thought to influence hypersensitivity of PANs caused by is reported at 47  C and a cold threshold at 9  C (Morin &
inflammatory mediators. Inflammatory chemicals such as Bushnell, 1998).
Pathophysiology of Pain in the Peripheral Nervous System Chapter 1 9

Noxious chemical stimuli consist of a wide range of sub- C fibers. It is also activated by noxious heat, but only by
stances that activate both Aδ and C fiber types. Noxious a higher threshold of 52  C. TRPV2 is not activated by
substances can both directly activate PANs via opening capsaicin.
of ion channels, or may sensitize the nociceptor to depolar- Nonnoxious heat is also detected by the TRPV family of
ization by other stimuli. channels. TRPV3 is activated by temperatures around
33  C, while TRPV4 detects in the range of 27-42  C.
TRP channels are involved in cold detection, too; conse-
NOXIOUS STIMULI RECEPTORS quently, this group has been termed the thermoTRP
In order to begin conveying a signal of tissue damage to the channels.
CNS, a receptor potential must be generated at the sensory The thermoTRP channels probably contribute to sensa-
terminal of the PAN. FNEs have a plasma membrane with a tions of hyperalgesia and allodynia in the presence of
multitude of receptors and ion channels embedded within it. inflammation. Inflammatory mediator chemicals cause
When noxious stimuli activate these receptors, ion channels functional modification of thermoTRP channels, altering
open allowing the flow of ions across the sensory terminal a person’s sensitivity to heat. This will be further discussed
membrane, generating a receptor potential. The various under the topic of noxious chemicals and inflammation.
receptor molecules embedded in the sensory terminal mem- Outside of the TRP family of channels, the calcium-
brane allow PANs to act as transducers; changing gated chloride channel ANO1 (Anoctamin 1) is also impli-
mechanical, thermal, or chemical information into an elec- cated in noxious heat sensation, becoming functional at
trical signal that can be conducted along the neuron. The temperatures over 44  C. It acts as a heat sensor and may
presence of specific types of receptor ultimately dictates also have a role in mediating nociception (Cho et al.,
a PAN’s ability to conduct each type of noxious stimulus; 2012; Julius & Basbaum, 2001; Story, 2006).
thus, the receptors expressed by a neuron decide if its
function is unimodal or polymodal. As receptors are
becoming better understood, their potential as therapeutic
targets for analgesia is under investigation. People begin to report pain in response to cold temperatures
Here, we consider the types of receptors that have been at around 15  C when C and Aδ fibers with cold responsive
identified for specific modalities of noxious stimuli and receptors are activated.
how they lead to nociceptor activation. Receptors for noxious cold are not as well defined as
those receptive to noxious heat. ThermoTRP channels
appear to have a role in both noxious and innocuous cold
sensations. Two specific channels we will consider are
Transient receptor potential (TRP) channels are a group of TRPM8 and TRPA1.
ion channels identified in a variety of organisms. They are The TRPM8 (TRP melastatin 8) channel is expressed by
known to mediate sensory transduction for a range of all primary afferent neurons, with approximately 10% of C
modalities including taste, olfaction, vision, and thermal fibers expressing the thermoTRP channel. TRPM8 is per-
and mechanical sensation. TRP channels are permeable to meable to Ca2+ and transduces both innocuous and noxious
cations such as Na+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ when activated by spe- pain sensations. Becoming active around 25-28  C, TRPM8
cific stimuli. Being permeable to cations gives them the allows Ca2+ entry to the sensory terminal of the nociceptor,
potential to modify receptor potential. Several families of creating a receptor potential. This is perceived as an
TRP channels exist, including TRPV (vanilloid), TRPA innocuous sensation of cold, which may even be plea-
(ankyrin), and TRPM (melastatin). The TRPV (vanilloid) surable, such as the cool breeze from an open window.
family are expressed in primary afferent neurons and have As temperatures fall, TRPM8 channels continue to function
a role in noxious heat detection. into a painful range below 15  C. TRPM8 is also activated
TRPV1 channels are expressed by both C and Aδ noci- by menthol, explaining the cool sensation felt when
ceptors at their sensory terminal. menthol is applied to the skin. Eucalyptol and spearmint
They are activated at a temperature threshold of 43  C, also activate the TRPM8 channel, giving similar cool sen-
and also by the chemical capsaicin. Capsaicin is the active sations. Further evidence for TRPM8 as a noxious stimulus
component of chilli peppers that gives them their hot and receptor is its increased expression in tissues of the prostate
spicy nature. Capsaicin is known to elicit a sensation of and urothelium that generate cancer pain; however, it is not
burning pain via activation of nociceptors; therefore, it is yet clear if it generates painful sensations outside of patho-
widely used in experimental situations to study the neuro- logical states.
physiology of PANs (Caterina et al., 1997). A second thermoTRP channel, TRPA1, is likely to have
Another heat sensitive TRPV channel, the TRPV2 a role in noxious cold sensation. It is expressed by a small
channel, is expressed in Aδ fibers, but not significantly in subset of PANs; notably, the parent population of PANs are
10 PART I Pain Involving the Peripheral Nerves

those that express TRPV1, the noxious heat receptor. This Noxious mechanical stimuli activate populations of
subset of PANs expressing both TRPV1 and TRPA1 are both C and Aδ nociceptors via their FNEs embedded in
polymodal nociceptors for both noxious heat and noxious somatic and visceral tissues; suggesting both types of
cold. TRPA1 is activated at temperatures of and below PAN express receptors with the capability to transduce a
17  C, and is found to be insensitive to menthol. It is, mechanical stimulus into the opening of cation channels
however, activated by some irritant chemicals derived from in the receptor membrane, leading to rapid depolarization.
mustard oil, cinnamon oil, and garlic. Activation of TRPA1 We refer to these receptors as mechanoreceptors.
by mustard oil, for example, produces a burning sensation of Specific receptors for noxious mechanical stimuli have
pain. It is likely that TRPA1 is a poymodal receptor for been difficult to identify. Several channel types are cur-
noxious stimuli, capable of generating painful sensations rently under investigation. The TRP family of channels
in response to both cold and chemical stimuli. Patients can are implicated in transduction of mechanical stimuli. The
develop increased sensitivity to cold, as well as to heat. This Ca2+-permeable TRPV4 channel, which we met as a trans-
cold hyperasthesia and cold allodynia is probably mediated ducer of innocuous warmth in the range of 27-42  C,
through the TRPA1 channel, whose mRNA is upregulated appears to also act as a mechanoreceptor for noxious stimuli.
in the presence of inflammation and nerve injury (Bautista TRPV4 demonstrates sensitivity to changes in osmolarity.
et al., 2007; Knowlton, Bifolck-Fisher, Bautista, & In the presence of hypotonic solutions, the channel is acti-
McKemy, 2010; Kwan et al., 2006; Story, 2006). vated; thus, in conditions of edema TRPV4 channels
It is probably not just activation of channels sensitive to activate PANs, notifying the CNS of tissue stretch. Using
temperature change that causes the painful sensations of animal models, a reduction in aversive behavior in response
noxious cold. Below temperatures of 15  C, noxious cold to pressure on the tail occurs in individuals with the TRPV4
stimuli also activate nociceptors indirectly through tissue gene inactivated; suggesting a decrease in awareness of a
injury and altered vascular tone. A reduction of the depolar- noxious mechanical stimulus when compared to individuals
ization of warm-sensing primary afferent neurons may also with the TRPV4 gene functioning normally. TRPV4 also
contribute to unpleasant sensations. It is notable that the contributes specifically to mechanically evoked visceral
threshold for activation of nociceptors in response to pain, and may have a role in generating painful feelings
noxious cold is not as discrete as noxious heat. Around in conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease. Afferent
50% of C fibers are activated at hot temperatures of neurons supplying the colon wall show enhanced activation
47  C, suggesting widespread receptor activation. This in the presence of a TRPV4 agonist and, conversely, a
compares to only 10-15% of C fiber activity when temper- reduced activation with deletion of the TRPV4 channels.
atures drop to 4  C. It is only when temperatures drop below Using animal models, it is possible to demonstrate reduced
0  C that a far greater proportion of both C and Aδ noci- behavioral responses to bowel distension in creatures
ceptors are activated. This widespread and diverse acti- lacking TRPV4 channels. These findings give evidence
vation of PANs at 0  C is likely to be due to tissue for TRPV4’s ability to transduce mechanical events into
damage caused by the extremely low temperatures nociceptive signals and feelings of pain. The TRPA1
(Bautista et al., 2007; Julius & Basbaum, 2001; Knowlton channel, a proposed receptor for noxious cold, may also
et al., 2010; Zimmermann et al., 2007). have a role in mechanosensory transduction, but its specific
function as a mechanoreceptor has not yet been clarified
RECEPTORS FOR NOXIOUS MECHANICAL (Brierley et al., 2008; Fein, 2012; Kwan et al., 2006).
Other types of channels implicated in mechanosensi-
tivity include K+ channels and acid-sensing channels. The
Mechanical stimuli are perceived as sensations of touch, TREK-1 channel (encoded by the KCNK2 gene) is a two-
pressure, and vibration throughout a nonpainful range. pore K+ channel with polymodal properties. It demonstrates
These sensations are frequently associated with pleasurable sensitivity to noxious mechanical, thermal, and chemical
feelings, such as during receipt of a relaxing massage. stimuli, and is also thought to have a role in mediating
Mechanical forces that have the potential to cause tissue mechanical hypersensitivity in the presence of inflammation.
damage quickly generate feelings of pain and are Rather than direct activation of ion channels, one pro-
unpleasant to experience. Examples of noxious mechanical posed mechanism for mechanical activation of PANs is via
stimuli include excess pressure, for example, on catching a the release of chemical messengers. Extracellular ATP is
finger in a closed door or tissue stretch caused by edema of thought to be a likely candidate due to small (and large)
underlying tissues. Visceral organs generate sensations of diameter afferent fibers expressing both G protein-coupled
pain when they are stretched; trapped wind distending the ATP receptors and ATP-gated ion channels, thus giving
bowel is a benign example. Here we consider the receptors ATP the potential to trigger alterations in membrane potential
at the sensory terminals of PANs that transduce these dam- through multiple molecular mechanisms (Alloui et al., 2006;
aging mechanical events. Honoré, 2007; Julius & Basbaum, 2001; Patel et al., 1998).
Pathophysiology of Pain in the Peripheral Nervous System Chapter 1 11

In summary, the receptors for noxious mechanical of TRPV1 channels to activation. This specific phe-
stimuli are not yet identified as clearly as other noxious nomenon is desensitization; it requires the persistent
stimuli receptors, making it harder to develop targeted ther- presence of capsaicin to occur. However, exposure of the
apeutic interventions that target mechanically generated skin to repeated low concentrations of capsaicin, or short-
nociceptive events. term exposure to high concentrations, causes reduced
feelings of pain that persist beyond the short-term effects
of desensitization and persist when there is no longer cap-
CHEMORECEPTORS saicin present in the tissues. These lasting effects are
referred to as defunctionalization.
A diverse range of receptors to chemical stimuli are TRPV1 is expressed by most C and some Aδ fibers and
expressed at the sensory terminals of PANs, meaning that is the only receptor for capsaicin, making it a very specific
many molecules have the potential to alter the receptor therapeutic target. Receptors for capsaicin cause TRPV1
potential and contribute to depolarization. Extracellular channels to open, allowing the influx of Na+ and Ca2+ with
molecules affect nociceptor membrane potential, directly a significant preference for Ca2+. Activation of TRPV1
by interacting with ion channels or indirectly through inter- channels by capsaicin also releases Ca2+ from intracellular
actions with GPCR within the plasma membrane. stores, giving a massive increase in intracellular Ca2+ con-
We will consider chemoreceptors in two groups: first, centration that soon overwhelms the cell’s ability to
those involved in acute pain responses to noxious sub- sequester the excess. A sustained high intracellular Ca2+
stances and, second, we will consider the role of endog- concentration activates cellular enzymes, including pro-
enous inflammatory mediators released during tissue teases that disassemble elements of the microtubule cyto-
damage. skeleton. There is also osmotic swelling of the cell
caused by Cl accumulation accompanying the influx of
Ca2+. Enzymatic activation, altered cytoskeletal structure,
NOXIOUS CHEMICAL DETECTORS and osmotic changes to the PAN cause impaired nociceptor
Some inherently noxious molecules directly activate PANs, function for extended periods. Capsaicin also interrupts the
leading to painful sensations. Most frequently, these sub- metabolic activities of PANs; however, this is not mediated
stances come into contact with the skin, the mucous mem- through TRPV1 receptors. Via an independent pathway,
branes of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract, and the capsaicin prevents respiration at the mitochondrial mem-
conjunctiva of the eye. They cause pain and irritation, for brane of the organelles that are abundant in nerve terminals.
example, when you accidentally rub chilli in your eye, or The interruption of metabolism is thought to cause failed
breathe in too much bonfire smoke. Historically, some of maintenance of the integrity of the PAN membrane and a
these molecules have been used during conflicts with dev- structural collapse of the nerve terminal. Consequently,
astating consequences, for example, mustard oil forms the repeated application of topical capsaicin reduces the func-
irritant substance in tear gas. However, with controlled tionality of local PANs causing localized regression of PAN
experimental use, these noxious substances can provide sensory terminals with resultant analgesic effects. If cap-
useful information about the function of PANs and our saicin treatments are withheld for a period of time, the noci-
sensory nervous system. ceptor terminal’s structure and function return to normal,
making treatment a temporary solution. In the early stages
of treatment, capsaicin can generate burning sensations via
TRPV1 receptors; unfortunately, patients may find this
intolerable and subsequently fail to adhere to the recom-
Some of the TRP channels we have already met also act as mended treatment protocol (Anand & Bley, 2011;
noxious chemical transducers, generating painful responses Trevisani et al., 2002).
to irritant chemicals. TRPV1, the noxious heat receptor, is A second TRP channel is recognized as being receptive
also known to be sensitive to the exogenous chemical cap- to a range of noxious stimuli. TRPA1, already discussed as
saicin and to cutaneous applications of ethanol. Capsaicin a potential transducer of noxious cold, shows sensitivity to
generates unpleasant burning feelings when applied to the mustard oil, cinnamon, wasabi, horseradish, and garlic.
skin, so it is a curious fact that capsaicin is employed in a TRPA1 is expressed by all sizes of primary afferent
therapeutic modality as topical creams and patches to treat neurons, not just nociceptors. Less familiar irritant sub-
neuropathic and musculoskeletal pain. Traditionally, the stances include formaldehyde, used in tissue preservation;
effects of capsaicin are described as desensitization of acrolein, the irritant component of cigarette smoke and
PANs; however, recent physiological findings suggest that burning vegetation; and isocyanates, an irritant to the eyes
defunctionalization is a better descriptive term. Continued and respiratory tract that is found, among other substances,
exposure to capsaicin will cause reduced responsiveness in pesticides. TRPA1 channels demonstrate activation upon
12 PART I Pain Involving the Peripheral Nerves

exposure to all of these noxious chemicals, resulting in to be an underlying mechanism for the pain that sufferers of
depolarization of PANs and unpleasant sensations. this condition experience. TRPA1 antagonists were able to
Interestingly, the sensitivity of TRPA1 to noxious sub- inhibit the mutant channel, reducing pain experiences
stances is thought to play a role in the pathogenesis of (Basbaum, Bautista, Scherrer, & Julius, 2009; Bessac
airway inflammation and hypersensitivity in asthma. et al., 2009; Caceres et al., 2009; Kremeyer et al., 2010;
Exposure of the respiratory tract to irritants, such as ciga- McNamara et al., 2007; Story, 2006).
rette smoke, activates TRPA1 channels in primary afferent
neurons, allowing ion influx and depolarization. Genetic
ablation of TRPA1 genes reduces allergen-induced leu-
kocyte infiltration and cytokine and mucus production in Chemical inflammatory mediators sensitize PANs and
the airways. This integration of neurological, immune, induce peripheral release of proinflammatory neuropep-
and inflammatory function is a concept that we will return tides by the nociceptor. There are complex interactions
to when we consider neurogenic inflammation and the sen- between nociceptors and the immune system that are
sitization of sensory nociceptor terminals. mediated by peripheral and central events.
We have discussed the role of exogenous chemical stim-
TRP CHANNELS AS POLYMODAL ulants of PANs. Perhaps more clinically important is a con-
sideration of the events surrounding tissue damage, the
RECEPTORS release of endogenous inflammatory mediators, and how
Experimental and in vivo studies have identified the TRP they activate and sensitise PANs leading to acute and
channels as important receptors for noxious stimuli in chronic sensations of pain.
PANs. Their expression at the sensory terminals of noci- Tissue injury results in cellular damage releasing an
ceptors, in part, determines the types of noxious stimulus “inflammatory soup” of substances that are both proinflam-
to which that particular nociceptor is sensitive. For matory and proalgesic; macrophages, mast cells, immune
example, populations of C fibers expressing TRPV1, cells, and platelets also contribute to the soup, adding che-
TRPM8, TRPA1, and TRPV4 channels will demonstrate mokines, cytokines, and neurotrophic factors to the mix.
sensitivity to noxious heat, noxious cold, a range of irritant Some of these substances will directly alter the excitability
chemicals, and to noxious mechanical stimuli. These of the nociceptor membrane via ion channels at the receptor
channels do not just open or close in direct response to their membrane. Others do not directly activate the receptor
specific stimulus, but also affect how the nociceptor membrane, but lower its threshold via metabotrophic
responds to other types of stimuli. For example, activation receptors.
of TRPV1 channels by heat causes painful hot sensations,
while simultaneously reducing the threshold of the cell to SEROTONIN
activation. These channels are critical to the polymodal
function of some nociceptors, integrating sensitivity to The neuropeptide serotonin (5-HT) is known to be a pro-
noxious stimuli and propagating encoded information about inflammatory mediator. It is taken up and then released
tissue damage to the CNS that may then be interpreted as by platelets, mast cells, and immune cells in response to
pain. TRP channels are not the whole story; other types tissue damage in peripheral tissues. It contributes to inflam-
of channels and GPCR are also implicated in the activation mation and healing by altering vascular tone, inducing
of PANs through sensitivity to noxious stimuli. Our under- platelet aggregation, and activating nociceptors. Injecting
standing of TRP channel function is increasing in speci- serotonin under the skin causes local inflammation and
ficity. With this knowledge, new targets for drug hyperalgesia, leading to itching sensations if greater doses
therapies in the prevention of pain are likely to emerge. are applied. Conversely, inflammation caused by tissue
damage increases levels of peripheral endogenous sero-
tonin. Raised endogenous serotonin levels have also been
found in people with painful joint movements and in muscle
Mutations in the genes that encode for TRP channels are tissue samples in association with allodynia. These findings
under investigation as to their role in genetically determined suggest a role for serotonin in inflammation and peripheral
pain states. Autosomal-dominant familial episodic pain pain states. Across the human body there are at least 12 sub-
syndrome (FEPS) is characterized by debilitating upper types of serotonin receptor conveying different activities. In
body pain that is triggered by fasting and physical stress. the central nervous system, serotonin regulates functions
A gain of function mutation in the TRPA1 gene was found including cognition, mood, and sleep through its receptors.
to be linked to the syndrome, causing the channel to exhibit Within the peripheral nervous system, primary afferent
a fivefold increase in activation by cold or chemical stimuli. neurons express multiple serotonin receptors that include
This defect in the TRPA1 channel of nociceptors is thought both a ligand-gated cation ion channel (5-HT3 receptor)
Pathophysiology of Pain in the Peripheral Nervous System Chapter 1 13

and a GPCR (5-HT2A receptor). Multiple receptor types acute pain sensations. Activation of B2 releases a Gq
mean that serotonin activates several molecular pathways subunit that initiates an activation cascade through PIP2
through binding to its receptors. Consequently, serotonin and IP3 to ultimately cause intracellular Ca2+ release. This
modulates PAN activation directly through cation influx rise in intracellular Ca2+ causes immediate depolarization
and indirectly through second messenger pathways, which via closure of M-type K+ channels and Cl channel
modulate activity of other channels and peptide expression opening. At resting, membrane potential chemical gradients
within the cell. This includes modulation of TRPV1 mean that Cl ions leave the cell rather than entering it,
channels and increased secretion of the proinflammatory pushing the PAN to threshold at its sensory terminal. Acti-
peptide CGRP by nociceptors. vation of secondary messenger cascades via the B2 receptor
Serotonin receptors are predominantly expressed by targets another key ion channel, the TRPV1 channel. This
PANs that show sensitivity to capsaicin; that is, PANs that means that BK probably induces hyperalgesia to heat
also express TRPV1 channels. As levels of serotonin through increasing sensitivity of the TRPV1 channel to
decrease, activation of TRPV1 channels falls with correlate thermal stimuli. TRPV1 is normally activated at 43  C;
decreases in pain sensation; thus, serotonin is thought to in the presence of bradykinin, PANs may depolarize at
regulate the stimulus threshold of PANs by altering the lower ambient temperatures.
properties of TRPV1 receptors. Activation of TRPV1 The B1 receptor is thought to have a different role to the
channels caused PANs to depolarize at lower temperatures, B2 receptor; it probably mediates prolonged sensitization to
perceived as heat hyperalgesia, a phenomenon also gen- heat stimuli in chronic inflammatory conditions, rather than
erated by injecting serotonin. causing acute pain sensations. B1 is not routinely expressed
In summary, peripheral endogenous serotonin enhances by PANs; its expression is upregulated in the presence of
nociceptor activity through several mechanisms including chronic inflammation. Tissue damage causes increased
increased Ca2+ influx through cation channels, enhanced expression of the neurotrophic factor, glial-derived neuro-
proinflammatory peptide release by neurons, and by modu- trophic factor (GDNF). It is GDNF that upregulates B1
lating TRPV1 channels to promote hyperalgesia. Reducing expression in a subset of small-caliber B2-expressing
the presence of peripheral serotonin, or its ability to bind neurons; notably, 60% of these neurons also express
to its receptors, decreases the above phenomena and, conse- TRPV1 channels. After prolonged tissue injury, activation
quently, the likelihood of PAN activation and the perception of B1 channels sensitizes TRPV1 channels for a more pro-
of pain. Localized therapeutic agents that target peripheral longed period than pathways that sensitize TRPV1 via the
serotonin receptors are currently being studied for their B2 receptor; thus, B1 receptors probably have a more
potential to relieve peripheral pain conditions (Hung et al., important role in mediating long-term inflammatory pain
2011; Loyd, Henry, & Hargreaves, 2013; Van induced by bradykinin.
Steenwinckel et al., 2009; Zeitz et al., 2002). In summary, bradykinin causes acute and chronic pain
and thermal hyperalgesia in the presence of inflammation
through second messenger cascades mediated via B2 and
B1 receptors, respectively. Therapeutic targets should focus
Bradykinin (BK) is a small endogenous proinflammatory on the B1 pathways as well as the B2 receptor in order to
peptide known to be an effective inducer of acute pain. have meaningful analgesic effects (Brown & Passmore,
Its other inflammatory functions include potent vasodi- 2010; Regoli, Rizzi, Perron, & Gobeil, 2001; Schaible &
lation and increased vascular permeability of some vessels, Richter, 2004; Vellani, Zachrisson, & McNaughton, 2004).
as well as causing contraction of nonvascular smooth
muscle. Bradykinin’s precursor molecule is present in
plasma and is enzymatically cleaved to form the active ATP
peptide in the presence of tissue injury. Bradykinin is
rapidly deactivated by kininases and by angiotensin con- ATP, the coenzyme essential for metabolism, is abundant
verting enzyme (ACE), making its effects restricted to within cells. Injecting ATP into skin is known to cause
the local area of damage. dose-dependent pain responses. Because the plasma mem-
Bradykinin activates PANs directly to cause acute sen- brane of cells are impermeable to ATP, the sensory ter-
sations of pain; it also sensitizes PANs to thermal stimuli, minals of PANs must express receptors for ATP that
causing heat hyperalgesia. The functions of BK appear to mediate receptor membrane potential. During tissue injury,
be mediated through two main receptors: the B1 and B2 ATP is released into the extracellular space and comes into
receptors, which are both G protein-coupled receptors that contact with the sensory terminals of PANs, evoking acute
activate second messenger pathways within the cell. pain responses via their activation. There are two subtypes
The B2 receptor is routinely expressed by primary of purinergic receptor for ATP, P2X and P2Y, which are
afferent neurons and mediates responses to BK that induce then divided into many further subtypes.
14 PART I Pain Involving the Peripheral Nerves

P2X receptors are ligand-gated ion channels, small- activation of the EP3 receptor could provide a novel
caliber PANs expressing P2X2 and P2X3 channels, individ- approach to treating inflammatory pain conditions
ually and bound together as the P2X2/3 receptor. PANs (Natura et al., 2013; Petho & Reeh, 2012).
expressing P2X3 are distributed through most tissue and
organ systems including skin, hollow organs, and joints.
They are expressed peripherally at sensory terminals, but
also centrally where ATP is thought to sensitize the trans- The acidic nature of the inflammatory soup also contributes
mission of pain signals to second order afferents. In the to PAN activation by increasing the local concentration of
presence of extracellular ATP, activated P2X channels protons. Depolarization of PANs is elicited by TRPV1
allow Na+ and Ca2+ to enter the neuron causing depolari- cation channels and through a family of acid-sensing ion
zation and inducing sensations of acute pain. The P2Y channels (ASICs).
receptors for ATP are metabotropic GPCRs that are thought The TRPV1 channel is subject to allosteric modification
to have a role in mediating heat sensitization in the presence by protons, making it increasingly sensitive to moderate
of inflammation in polymodal cutaneous nociceptors (Ford, heat. In very acidotic conditions of less than pH 6, TRPV1
2012; Hamilton, Warburton, Bhattacharjee, Ward, & channels have an increased sensitivity to heat and can be
McMahon, 2000; Jankowski & Koerber, 2010). activated at room temperature. At pH range 6-8 the
presence of protons potentiates the response of TRPV1
channels to heat and capsaicin, causing heat hyperalgesia
at normal temperatures. Notably, pH 6-8 is the typical pH
Prostaglandins and thromboxanes are derivatives of arachi- created by the local acidosis of tissue injury.
donic acid synthesized in the presence of cyclo-oxygenase The TRPV1 channel is not the only channel sensitive to
(COX) enzymes. These prostanoids are short-lived com- pH changes. Mice lacking TRPV1 continue to show with-
pounds that require ongoing formation for sustained effects. drawal responses to protons, suggesting nociceptive acti-
Their diverse physiological effects include modifying vas- vation is occurring through different channels; of
cular smooth muscle tone, promoting platelet aggregation, particular interest is the ASIC family. ASICs are a family
and sensitizing PANs in the presence of inflammation. of channels that are permeable to cations and activated
These effects are mediated through a multitude of different by extracellular acidosis. Their activation leads to changes
GPCRs for prostanoids thoroughout the body. in neuron membrane potential through the movement of
Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and prostaglandin I2 (PGI2) cations. They are also subject to modulation by other
are probably the most significant prostaglandins in PAN endogenous substances, including some neuropeptides
sensitization. The EP family of GPCRs are receptive to and polyamines, as well as arachidonic acid, lactate,
PGE2 and PGI2, with EP2 and EP4 receptors being ATP, serotonin, and nitric oxide. The effects of exogenous
expressed by PANs. Activation of EP receptors activates substances have also been studied, including derivatives of
second messenger pathways with several outcomes, venom toxins and NSAIDs. ASICs have been identified in
including promoting antidromic release of substance P both peripheral afferents and in CNS neurons in locations
and CGRP by sensory nerves and sensitizing PANs to that are important in pain processing. It is thought that they
thermal, mechanical, and chemical stimuli. PGE2 probably play a role in both peripheral and central pain processing.
induces heat sensitivity via modification of TRPV1 Peripherally, they contribute to nociceptor activation, while
channels; molecular pathways for sensitization of PANs centrally they may alter neuron excitability or neuron
to mechanical and chemical stimuli are less well under- plasticity.
stood. Prostaglandins, therefore, promote polymodal hyper- Many subtypes of ASICs are expressed by PANs with
sensitivity and also perpetuate PAN activation through slight functional variances. ASIC3 appears to be important
antidromic release of neurogenic inflammatory mediators. in the modulation of inflammatory pain, as its expression
This explains why COX inhibitors make effective thera- and activity are potentiated in the presence of inflammatory
peutic agents for a range of inflammatory diseases. mediators such as bradykinin and serotonin. An upregu-
Interestingly, the EP3 receptor may have an opposite lation of the expression of ASIC3 in the presence of
role to EP2 and EP4. EP3 has been found highly localized ongoing inflammation is likely to contribute to peripheral
to primary afferent neurons and the spinal cord, and been sensitization.
identified in the afferent nerves supplying the joints of It seems ASIC3 has a role in generating the pain felt
patients with painful osteoarthritis. PGE2 activates the during myocardial ischemia and infarction. ASIC3
EP3 receptors of PANs; rather than increasing intracellular channels expressed on myocardial PANs are activated by
levels of cAMP, EP3 inhibits the production of cAMP via mild changes in pH caused by damage to myocardial cells
activation of inhibitory G proteins and, therefore, inhibits during ischemia. Within the first few minutes of a heart
the sensitizing effects of EP3 and EP4 activation. Selective attack, the local area becomes mildly acidotic due to
Pathophysiology of Pain in the Peripheral Nervous System Chapter 1 15

protons leaching from cells; pH 7 is quickly reached. While of lowered threshold PANs generating noxious sensations
ASIC3 channels rapidly desensitize to a sustained drop in in response to normally innocuous activities. Thankfully,
pH in the peripheries, in myocardial PANs, ASIC3 channels peripheral sensitization usually requires persistent tissue
maintained a sustained current at pH 7.3-6.7, not adapting injury to be maintained, so unless you decide to compete
to the continued presence of protons. Lactic acid generated in another triathlon or forgo the sunscreen again, these
by myocardial ischemia also stimulates the channels, giving activities will return to the same nonpainful status they
a dramatic increase in ASIC3 current in its presence. It had before your tissues were injured.
appears that these highly sensitive ASIC3 channels in the Many of the inflammatory mediators that are released
heart are specialized to generate PAN depolarization in into the extracellular space during tissue injury have the
response to minor cellular damage, giving us an early ability to sensitize the receptor membrane of PANs. Inflam-
warning system for damage to a most precious organ. matory mediators influence function of receptors and
ASICs are currently under investigation as targets for channels to increase the propensity of the nociceptor to
analgesic agents. Malgabalin-1 is a peptide derived from depolarize propagating a signal centrally. Inflammatory
the venom of the black mamba snake with the ability to mediators are not the only endogenous substances that
block ASIC currents and consequent analgesic potential. can sensitize nociceptors; sex hormones, such as estrodiol,
Amiloride, too, acts as an ASIC inhibitor and evidence is have also been demonstrated to induce activation of PANs
emerging for its potential to reduce cutaneous and migraine through peripheral sensitization, while neurotrophic factors
pain (Deval et al., 2010; Diochot et al., 2012; Holland et al., including NGF upregulate the expression of TRPA1
2012; Story, 2006; Ugawa et al., 2002; Yagi, Wenk, Naves, & channels. Under normal circumstances PANs can adapt to
McCleskey, 2006). a prolonged stimulus; however, in the presence of inflam-
mation, once the nociceptor is sensitized it will no longer
adapt and continues to convey nociceptive signals to the
SENSITIZATION OF PANs BY spinal cord in the presence of the noxious stimulus.
In addition to receptor and channel modulation,
increased sensitivity is also achieved through recruiting
Peripheral sensitization is the phenomenon of increased additional neurons to convey nociceptive signals. A signif-
activity of PANs due to an increased sensitivity to stimu- icant proportion of C fibers are the MIAs. These are a pop-
lation. This increased sensitivity results in the phenomena ulation of silent nociceptors that only respond to very high
of hyperalgesia, a heightened perception of pain in response intensity stimuli under normal conditions. In the presence of
to a noxious stimulus, and allodynia, perception of pain in inflammation, MIAs become sensitized and begin to
response to a normally innocuous stimulus. Peripheral sen- conduct nociceptive signals to the spinal cord. This
sitization has the potential to result in increased levels of increases the barrage of information reaching the spinal
pain for the individual concerned, both in response to cord from PANs with a corresponding increase in pain per-
usually painful stimuli, but also in circumstances that would ception and sensitivity to noxious stimuli. As their name
not normally cause pain. This sensitization of PANs occurs suggests, MIAs demonstrate a more significant change in
in response to persistent and repeated noxious stimuli or to a their sensitivity to mechanical stimuli than other modalities
particularly intense noxious event. Its perpetuation nor- in the presence of inflammation.
mally requires an ongoing state of tissue injury; once In summary, the presence of persistent inflammation
inflammatory events have resolved, the sensitivity of local causes increased flow of information from PANs to the
PANs returns to normal. dorsal horn of the spinal cord through three mechanisms:
In peripheral sensitization the nocieptor threshold of modification of ion channels and receptors to noxious
activation is lowered, meaning that it depolarizes more stimuli, upregulating the expression of noxious stimuli
readily than normal and even spontaneously. Lowering receptors, and by recruiting populations of normally silent
the threshold for activation is achieved by shifting the nociceptors. These combined events are known collectively
balance of ions across the receptor membrane through mod- as peripheral sensitization of nocieptors and increase pain in
ification of ion channels and receptors. Interestingly, PANs the form of both hyperalgesia and allodynia (Gangadharan &
demonstrate differences in the modality of noxious stimulus Kuner, 2013; Gold & Gebhart, 2010; Hucho & Levine, 2007;
they are most sensitized to, dependent upon their somatic Schaible & Richter, 2004; Svensson, Wang, Dong, Kumar, &
location. PANs supplying the muscles and joints are most Cairns, 2010).
strongly sensitized to mechanical stimuli, while cutaneous
PANs become most sensitized to thermal stimuli. Consider
the aching you feel walking around in the days after an
uncharacteristic bout of exercise, or the pain caused by Peripheral neurological events influence central neurological
warm shower water on sunburned skin; both are examples events. Afferent neurons within the spinal cord can become
16 PART I Pain Involving the Peripheral Nerves

increasingly sensitive to activation when subject to con- myelinated Aβ fibers are exposed to inflammatory medi-
tinuous or high-intensity input from peripheral nociceptors. ators and NGF, they begin to express SP and brain-derived
Peripheral events are not the end of the story when it neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Subsequently, these large-
comes to sensitizing events causing pain. As discussed caliber fibers release SP and BDNF at the spinal cord in
within the introductory parts of this chapter, pain is not a response to innocuous stimuli, and SP and BDNF within
mechanical event, but a neurological one manifested by the spinal cord induce local events that further contribute
the central nervous system and not perceived until neuro- to sensitization of central pain processing circuits.
logical signals reach the cortex. Therefore, nociceptive Both peripheral and central sensitization are examples
signals can be modified at any part of their pathway toward of the remarkable plasticity of the nervous system, demon-
the cortex. Just as sensitization of PANs occurs in the strating how functional change can occur in the face of con-
peripheries, it also happens centrally. Central sensitization tinued or intense noxious stimulation. These events only
refers to events that occur in the dorsal horn of the spinal just touch on the complexity of pain generation and per-
cord and is not analogous to peripheral sensitization; while ception by the peripheral and central nervous system.
peripheral sensitization normally requires continued Further local and descending modulatory events are gen-
presence of the pathological stimulus to be maintained, erated by the brain stem, thalamic, and cortical pathways
central sensitization lasts for longer periods of time and per- that can ramp-up or reduce the degree and nature of pain
sists in the absence of pathology. experienced by an individual. This, in some way, goes
A detailed discussion of the events of central sensiti- toward explaining why pain management is a complex
zation is beyond the scope of this chapter; however, an process largely determined by a trial and error approach
introduction to the topic is appropriate in the context of to interventions. An emerging trend toward a biopsycho-
the contribution of peripheral events to pain conditions. social approach to pain management is necessitated as
Central sensitization occurs in the dorsal horn of the pharmacological interventions alone prove unsatisfactory
spinal cord, where the central terminals of PANs synapse (Latremoliere & Woolf, 2009).
with subsequent afferent neurons in the pathways that ulti-
mately deliver information about noxious peripheral events
to the cortex. The responses of CNS neurons to PANs are
modified so that peripheral noxious events are no longer PANs can generate inflammatory events at their peripheral
coupled to pain signal generation in the spinal cord. The receptor terminals by releasing proinflammatory neuropep-
dorsal horn becomes increasingly sensitive to input and tides into the tissues.
can generate spontaneous activity. It has long been established that PANs do not just prop-
Central sensitization can only occur in the presence of agate action potentials centrally, releasing neuropeptides at
sustained and intense noxious stimulation. Tissue injury the spinal cord, but that they also release neuropeptides
is not necessary to cause central sensitization, but the gen- peripherally, at their sensory terminals.
eration of signals significant enough to cause central Peripheral release of peptides by PANs is stimulated
changes is usually associated with tissue damage. When a when the sensory terminal is depolarized. This can be
sustained and intense input from PANs to the dorsal horn due to local activation by noxious stimuli contacting their
is generated, central neuropeptides, neurotrophic factors, relevant receptor molecules and altering the receptor mem-
and inflammatory mediators trigger cellular events that brane potential, or by antidromic activation. Antidromic
modulate the structure and function of dorsal horn neurons. flow of depolarizing currents occurs when the neuron is
This structural and functional alteration causes a stimulated along the length of its axon. This generates a
decrease in the threshold of activation of ascending bidirectional current flowing both centrally and periph-
neurons; consequently, their responsiveness to normal erally, stimulating the increased expression of and central
levels of activation is increased. There is also loss of the and peripheral release of neuropeptides. Substance P
normal inhibitory mechanisms that modulate ascending (SP), CGRP and, to a lesser extent, neurokinin A are iden-
signals, and spontaneous neuronal activity at the dorsal horn tified as being released at the peripheral terminal of PANs
can occur. (Figure 1.4).
These phenomena cause an increased propensity for The population of DRG neurons that demonstrate
ascending pain signals to be generated and painful feelings peripheral peptide release are the polymodal C fibers that
to be perceived. express the TRPV1 receptor for moderate heat and
The persistent presence of peripheral inflammation can capsaicin.
also result in a functional, or phenotypic, switch of primary Peripheral release of SP, neurokinin A, and CGRP
afferent neurons that do not normally convey nociceptive induce local tissue effects that promote inflammation. Sub-
information contributing to centrally sensitizing phe- stance P and neurokinin A increase vascular permeability in
nomena. When peripheral terminals of large-caliber, capillary beds, while CGRP induces vasodilation in
Pathophysiology of Pain in the Peripheral Nervous System Chapter 1 17


FIGURE 1.4 Antidromic flow of axon depolarization causes neurogenic inflammation to spread to adjacent tissues. A: Tissue damage causes release of
inflammatory mediator molecules. B: Receptor potentials generated, leading to axon depolarization. C: Antidromic flow toward collateral sensory ter-
minals causes peripheral release of SP and CGRP. D: PAN activation causes release of neuropeptides at the dorsal horn.

precapillary arterioles. This results in local hyperemia and inhibited by coexisiting anti-inflammatory mechanisms
edema. SP and CGRP are also thought to influence acti- (Figure 1.5).
vation of immune cells. Substance P increases proliferation The hyperemia and edema caused locally by the release
of peripheral leukocytes, stimulates cell movement and of these vasoactive peptides is termed neurogenic inflam-
activation, and induces cytokine release from neutrophils, mation, that is, inflammation that is induced directly by
macrophages, and mononuclear cells. CGRP has an the sensory nerves. It leads to the wheal-and-flare reactions
influence on the immune system by promoting chemotaxis that are seen in response to skin damage.
of peripheral leukocytes toward it. Neuropeptides also Neurogenic inflammation is not confined to the sensory
induce inflammatory effects through interactions with nerve terminal that was originally activated; it has the
inflammatory cells such as mast cells. During tissue injury, potential to spread to other sensory branches of that same
mast cells release NGF that activates and sensitizes PANs, nerve. Once the receptor terminal is depolarized, an action
releasing SP. Mast cells have receptors for SP that, when potential propagates centrally along the neuron. This elec-
activated, cause increased histamine and TNF-α expression. trical current also spreads along the axon membrane in a
Histamine activates PANs while TNF-α sensitizes them, peripheral direction along any collateral branches of the
increasing their likelihood of depolarizing and releasing neuron. This spreading wave of depolarization causes release
SP, further enhancing mast cell activity. Thus, a self- of vasoactive peptides at distal terminals, creating an
perpetuating cycle of activation is established unless extending area of neurogenically mediated inflammation.

Mast cell Histamine

expression &
release NGF

TNF-α activation

FIGURE 1.5 Immune cells and nociceptors interact via messenger molecules to promote a proinflammatory state.
18 PART I Pain Involving the Peripheral Nerves

Spreading of inflammation through the nervous system of novel anti-inflammatory agents (Jancsó et al., 2009;
is recognized as a possible modality for the symmetrical Pintér, Pozsgai, Hajna, Helyes, & Szolcsányi, 2014).
distribution of joint inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis.
The joint that is initially inflamed activates PANs supplying
it. With persistent stimulation, these PANs undergo NOCICEPTOR INTERACTIONS WITH
peripheral sensitization and relay high-volume nociceptive
input to the dorsal horn. Analogous afferent neurons sup-
plying the contralateral joint demonstrate antidromic acti- Nociceptors and immune cells interact to modulate
vation, while the opposite joint is inflamed. This responses to tissue injury and inflammation. The full extent
antidromic activity causes peripheral release of substance and nature of these interactions is not yet understood. A
P and CGRP, leading to neurogenic inflammation in the better understanding of these interactions could provide
contralateral joint and is thought to account for the symmet- new therapeutic avenues for pain control and treating
rical distribution of rheumatoid arthritis (Kelly, Dunham, & inflammatory disease.
Donaldson, 2007; Kidd et al., 1989). Immune cells release factors that modulate inflam-
Neurogenic inflammation has the unfortunate property matory responses and activate and sensitize PANs. Mast
of being able to propagate a self-sustaining cycle of tissue cells and macrophages can be found localized to PANs,
inflammation. Tissue injury leads to release of inflam- and they are activated in tissue injury to release proinflam-
matory mediators including bradykinin and serotonin, as matory cytokines, chemokines, and factors that stimulate
we have already discussed. These chemicals have vascular the complement cascade. Inflammation also promotes
effects that induce local inflammation, but also can cause extravasation and accumulation of neutrophils, monocytes,
activation of PANs by interacting with receptors at the noci- and T lymphocytes at the site of injury. These accumulated
ceptor sensory terminal. Activation of the PAN causes immune cells can all contribute to peripheral sensitization
peripheral release of neuropeptides SP, NK, and CGRP. of nociceptors as the chemical factors they release interact
These peptides contribute to promoting the existing inflam- with PAN receptor molecules. This is a two-way interaction
matory events in the damaged tissues by attracting further because while immune cells can activate PANs, PANs
immune cells and inflammatory mediators that continue reciprocally attract and activate immune cells. For example,
to activate the nociceptor. A cycle of tissue injury and neu- if a nociceptor axon is damaged, TNF-α is released by
rogenic inflammation may result, which has the potential to Schwann cells recruiting macrophages to the area, and mac-
spread from the original site of injury through collateral rophages release mediators including IL-1 that bind to
nociceptor terminals. The phenomenon provides a potential nerve terminals and induce SP release. Substance P and
model of pathophysiology for some chronic inflammatory CGRP facilitate mast cell degranulation and attract neutro-
diseases and is consequently a therapeutic target (Herbert phils. These bidirectional neuroimmune interactions
& Holzer, 2002; Jancsó, Katona, Horváth, Sántha, & promote an amplification of recruitment of immune cells
Nagy, 2009; Richardson & Vasko, 2002). and inflammatory tissue changes and may underpin some
Neurogenic inflammation is not an unopposed of the complex interactions between pain and disease.
phenomenon. As a theme that is consistent through all Immune cells can also mediate inhibitory effects on
physiological pathways, there also exists contrary nociceptors, suppressing inflammation and reducing pain.
anti-inflammatory effects of neuropeptides. While SP, neu- Immune cells, including leukocytes and keratinocytes,
rokinin A, and CGRP act on GPCRs to stimulate inflam- contain opioid peptides such as β-endorphin, met-
matory events, there is an array of neuropeptides that enkephalin, and dynophin-A. These opioids are released
reduce inflammation and inhibit the function of inflam- by immune cells in inflamed tissue, creating targeted anal-
matory cells. Many of these neuropeptides are not produced gesia. PANs express opioid GPCRs that, when stimulated,
exclusively by neurons, but are also secreted by some inflam- activate biochemical cascades stimulating K+ rectifier
matory cells. Over 10 anti-inflammatory neuropeptides have channels, inhibiting voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, and inhi-
been identified. They predominantly act on immune cell biting andenylate cyclase. The functional consequences of
GPCRs coupled to adenylate cyclase and mediate inflam- opioids binding to PANs are decreased neuronal excit-
matory responses through downregulating release of inflam- ability, decreased firing rate, and inhibition of neurotrans-
matory mediators and upregulating anti-inflammatory mitter release. The presence of inflammation increases the
mediators. Neurogenic inflammation is subject to inherent expression of opioid receptors in the afferent nerves sup-
peripheral control mechanisms that, in the absence of plying the inflamed tissue, giving a targeted effect of antino-
pathology, prevent spreading of inflammation and excessive ciceptive opioids release at inflamed sites by immune cells.
tissue damage. If agonists for these anti-inflammatory Interactions between the immune system and pain per-
receptors could be identified, it could provide a generation ception are not limited to peripheral events. Infiltration of
Pathophysiology of Pain in the Peripheral Nervous System Chapter 1 19

the CNS by immune cells is thought to contribute to chronic effects in arthritic joints. In experimentally induced disease
pain states, while circulating cytokines may interact with states, the PANs supplying inflamed joints show upregu-
central nervous pathways involved in modulating physio- lated expression of SP and CGRP. Sustained joint inflam-
logical responses to, and the perception of, pain. Local mation leads to peripheral sensitization of joint PANs,
inflammatory events are thought to create a degree of sys- while recruiting the MIAs to convey additional nociceptive
temic cytokine circulation. Systemic cytokines interact with signals to the spinal cord. These phenomena are thought to
the hypothalamus to trigger thermogenesis and to stimulate contribute to the pain of arthritis, giving hyperalgesia to
the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. This has the mechanical stimuli. This explains why even small or non-
potential to increase output of “stress” hormones CRH, weight-bearing movements, that are pain free in healthy
ACTH, and cortisol into general circulation. Stress hor- joints, can cause pain in the chronically inflamed or arthritic
mones influence how the CNS modulates hyperalgesia joint (Donaldson, 2009; McDougall, 2006; Niissalo,
and arousal. All of us have probably experienced the ten- Hukkanen, Imai, T€ornwall, & Konttinen, 2002).
dency to be more susceptible to pain, or to be more upset
by pain, when we are under stressful circumstances. An
in-depth discussion of these systemic and centrally
mediated effects of nociceptor and immune interaction is Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a debilitating
beyond the scope of this chapter (Chiu et al., 2013; condition in which the patient experiences severe pain,
Kapitzke, Vetter, & Cabot, 2005; Ren & Dubner, 2010; swelling, and skin changes in a limb secondary to a degree
Stein & Machelska, 2011; Willard, 2003). of trauma. CRPS is diagnosed in the presence of the
following criteria:

NEUROGENIC INFLAMMATION AND – There has been a preceding noxious event, with or
PERIPHERAL SENSITIZATION IN DISEASE without obvious nerve injury.
– There is spontaneous pain or hyperalgesia that is not
Arthritis limited to one nerve territory and is disproportionate
to the inciting event.
Neurogenic inflammation is thought to play an important
– There are edema, skin blood flow, and sudomotor
role in arthritis. Our joints are densely innervated by pepti-
abnormalities, motor symptoms, and trophic changes
dergic afferent neurons. For example, animal models
in the effected limb.
suggest that 80% of all primary afferent neurons supplying
– Other diagnoses have been excluded.
the knee are nociceptive. This may explain why inflam-
matory conditions of the joints are associated with a notable In CRPS type I there is no demonstrable nerve lesion
pain component, often causing significant impact upon present. This is the most prevalent type, while CRPS type
quality of life. II is classified by evidence of nerve damage.
Joints also have an abundant supply of autonomic nerve Pain and hyperalgesia are the strongest features of
fibers. Interestingly, autonomic fibers are known to also CRPS, with 75% of patients having pain at rest and nearly
secrete peripheral vasodilatory neuropeptides at their 100% reporting hyperalgesia to mechanical stimuli.
peripheral terminals in a similar fashion to PANs. Auto- Movement is consequently painful, and patients develop
nomic fibers secrete vasoactive peptide (VIP) and neuro- aversive behaviors that contribute to the motor symptoms.
peptide Y (NPY) peripherally, both of which are found in The pathophysiology of CRPS has not been fully eluci-
the synovial fluid of inflamed joints. dated, but peripheral sensitization and neurogenic inflam-
PANs and autonomic fibers innervate most articular mation are thought to underpin some of the processes that
structures including the connective tissues, the joint capsule lead to symptoms in the early stages of disease. Tissue
and synovial membrane, bone and periosteum, and liga- injury (e.g., long bone fracture) activates and sensitizes
ments and tendons. Innervation of the cartilage structures PANs, causing peripheral release of the neuropeptides SP
has been historically debated, but it is currently thought that and CGRP; this may account for the initial skin changes
the superficial layers of the knee menisci and the hyaline in CRPS. Substance P and CGRP induce vasodilation and
cartilage are innervated. Studies of the distribution of PANs plasma protein extravasation, leading to increases in skin
in joints finds that they are closely apposed to the blood temperature and edema. CRPS patients have high levels
vessels, with fibers that secrete CGRP lying close to arterioles of plasma protein extravasation and show greater responses
in the synovium and autonomic fibers supplying blood vessels to SP than normal patients in whom the amount of SP
of the synovium, connective tissues, and joint capsule. released by PANs is not sufficient to affect movement of
A dense supply of neuropeptide secreting neurons is plasma proteins. The early stages of CRPS show increased
thought to have significant contributing and maintaining hair and nail growth of the affected limb, which may be
20 PART I Pain Involving the Peripheral Nerves

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