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Exercitii cu Present Perfect Simple si Continuous

Exercitiul 1:
l. Have you been? I have been. 2. Have you watered? 3. He has just left. 4. I have lent.5. the engine –
drivers have gone. 6. I have just had. 7. I have already seen. 8. He hasn’tcome. 9. I haven’t been. 10. I
have bought. 11 . Have you visited? 12. Have you ever eaten? 13. I haven’t written. 14. 1t hasn’t rained.
I5. Have you ever driven? 16. He hasalways relied. 17. Have you read? 18. Have you paid? 19. He hasn’t
gone. 20. Have youlived? I have lived.78

Exercitiul 2:
l. He has been fishing, he has caught. 2. We have known. 3. The radio has beenplaying. 4. I have’ been
shopping. 5. have you been wearing? 6. I have been cooking,have you cooked? 7. have you been, I have
been watering. 8. He has been sleeping. 9. Ihave been asking. 10. she has been trying.
Exercitiul 3:
I. I have lost; haven’t you seen? did you use? 2. Have you ever tried? I tried, I didn’tsucceed. 3. Have
you seen? she left. 4. Have you been; I got. 5. I have been wearing, Iwas. 6. She has changed, I saw. 7. I
have been doing, I got up. 8. The child has beenplaying, I returned. 9. It has been raining, we left. 10. He
has been, began.
Exercitiul 4:
1. Who has taught you to speak English so well? 2. Where have you spent your holidaythis year? 3. I
have often thought of taking a driving licence. 4. How long have you beenlearning English? 5. The
weather has got warmer lately. 6. He has been a Minister for two years. 7. I have been translating a text
for two hours and I haven’t finished it yet. 8.He has written only two letters since he went abroad. 9. A
child has broken the window.We must replace it. 10. It has been snowing for two hours. 11. We have
walked 10 km sofar. 12. We have been walking since 3 o clock. 13. Since I bought a car, I have
seldomwalked to my office. 14. What did you look at? It was an accident. 15. Who did you votefor at the
last elections? I didn’t go to vote. I stayed at home and I haven’t regretted it for a moment! 16. Have you
seen today’s newspaper? 17. Has John left? Yes, he left an hour ago. 18. Have you already had
breakfast? Yes, I had it at 8 o’clock. 19. Have you been tothis town before? Yes, I spent a month here,
two years ago. 20. They have been workingon this house for a year and they haven’t finished it yet

Fisa ex II . (Marul a cazut de pe masa.) [ off ]

(El a venit direct acasa de la scoala.) [ from ]

(Ne intalnim la ora 8.) [ at ]

(Hai sa ne intalnim in gradina.) [ in ]

(Am vorbit cu el inainte de pranz.) [ before ]

(Suna-ma dupa intalnire.) [ after ]

Ea a stat cu noi din ianuarie pana in aprilie.) [ to]


(Noi am lucrat pana la pranz.) [ until ]

M-am rugat timp de doua ore.) [ for ]

(Am mers la munte la sfarsit de saptamana.) [ over ]

(Ea a vorbit cu incredere.) [ with ]

(Tu esti la fel ca unchiiul meu.) [ like ]

(Au vorbit despre copilaria lor.) [ about ]

(Eu merg la scoala pe jos.) [ on ]

(El merge la munca cu autobuzul.) [ by ]

(El este la fereastra). at



on t



(Mark este la cinema)

(Mama este acasa, gateste).

Prietenul meu locuieste la etajul patru)

(Ma uit la o emisiune la TV)

(Ar trebui sa fim in tren la ora 9).

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