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TRANSFORMABLE explosive box ¥ YOuR HAND F iS m MINE THIS PERSON 1S > LOVE OF MY LIFE © WAND DRAWN AND DESIGNED BY NINA FOR COOKIESINTHESKY.COM SOLO PARA USO PERSONAL/PERSONAL USE ONLY © TRANSEORMABLE eXpIOSIVE bOX ¥ i (Comer ENCE TUTE Or REEBIES” ee ING WAND DRAWN AND DESIGNED BY NINA FOR COOKIESINTHESKY.COM SOLO PARA USO PERSONAL/PERSONAL USE ONLY © Freebies Cookies in the sky Hil First of all, I'm really happy to know about you! And before anything else happens, | would like to say thank you for download one of my designs, freebie, printable, etc., and for watching my videos! | really love what | do and | really hope you enjoy my content, just remember that: ¥ All the freebies, designs or printables are for personal use only. You cannot resell, modify, rename, re-label my designs or freebies because everything that | make is with too much love but also with too much effort. The copyrights of my designs belong to me and are duly registered. So, please be kind Y My work MAY NOT be used for any harmful, pornographic, racial material or material that may be deemed harmful or offensive to another person, animal or any living being. Y Have fun with this this freebie, be creative, feel free to use my designs in your school projects, love letters, etc., and if you want you can show me your masterpieces (your blog, personal website or anything else in which you used any freebie) :) but this is not necessary! If you have any questions please contact me on my website or e-mail: Best wishes for you and your projects. Nina & cookies in the sky team Dp vv S Nina | © | cookies in the sky products

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