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Michael Carter

Grading Philosophy

My grading philosophy would differ between grade levels and school needs. Some districts would prefer
some specific skill-based grading, whereas some might prefer to be participation based. My system is
adaptable to either and I am willing to adjust as well. Below is an example of a basic daily grading scale I
would use.

As you can see, the students will be graded daily on all three learning domains. There are 5 points total,
2 physical, 1 cognitive, and 2 affective. On the right are descriptions on how to achieve each domains
available points.

Common ways to assess each domain:

Physical- teacher observation, checklist, rubric, peer-assessment.

Cognitive- exit slips, verbal questioning, quizzes, homework, projects.

Affective- teacher observation, exit slips, questionnaires.

Aside from a students daily point grade, there will be other forms of assessment. These will include unit-
ending skill rubrics, tests, projects. Below you can see an example of a checklist for an elementary aged
volleyball player.

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