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Ronnie Carleton.


© 2010

© Ronnie Carleton 2009








Ronnie Carleton © 2010-01-15



The time had come. She knew that as well as she knew it was
almost the time of the rains in the year 2010. She also knew fear, that
sort of fear that crawls into your brain and tissues. knew where that fear
came from but not why. Now the time had come. Dry grass and weeds
brushed against her bare feet and then the shape of the rubbish tip
came into view. She could smell the rotten food and long dead animals,
aware of the flock of Black kites sitting in a dead tree waiting. This is
where it would happen. He said that and God told him. This is where she
would have her baby and she would be paid. First the pain then the birth
then the money the good doctor promised. Not married it was a much
better deal than she deserved or even hoped for because she was a
street child first then a teenager and soon to be a mother.
She lay down and removed her under-ware and the she could feel the
hot dawn sun on her flesh, she lay panting and then after an hour, numb
with with sorrow and pain she screamed and felt the child slip out, warm
fluid across and under her thighs. Then the shadow and shape moved
forward and she looked up from the dirt, the baby in her arms. The
doctor bent down with a loaded syringe and whispered, “ This will help
with the pain. Just a slight prick. There. All done.”
He took from a bag at his side a clean large towel, pink in colour and
wrapped the child in it, stood up and with his right hand, dropped a few
bank notes beside the girls face. Through glazed eyes she looked at the
small amount of money and with a slight smile nodded because she
could not speak, she never once spoke in her seventeen years.
She heard him go away, the swish of dead grass and his footsteps
fading as her body started to go cold. Something moved within her
blurred sight then another and she watched as the kites hopped forward
towards her then stopped. They sat there waiting until her last heartbeat
before they fed on her.
The doctor went down the hill and to where he had parked his car. He
placed the child in a basket and covered it up then looked back in the
direction of the rubbish dump at the bottom of the scrubby hill. Now
there were more kites, the sky seemed black with them and he smiled.

At that very moment a young woman back in England rolled over

in a disturbed sleep, her dreams and hidden demons still there. She lay

on her stomach now still in sleep but not restful sleep. She started to

dream of a man she once knew, a man she loved and he her and the

child that had been born out of that love.


Dawn was a salmon pink that forced its way through frosted glass into

the bedroom and the bed glowed in its light. Jenny Snow’s eyes

flickered and she opened them then quickly closed them and rolled over

onto her back. She lay there, hair tangled and then sighed. Her left hand

reached out and felt the bed beside her then withdrew it. Empty.

Her eyes shot open and she rolled back towards the window her mind

starting to race then she looked at the single framed photograph of

herself and her husband and daughter. Tears welled up and then

overflowed and a single tear dropped on to her breast, slowly snaked its

way down to the tip of the nipple and hung there, a pink damp ruby.

Almost a year now she thought. Both dead, killed in a car crash coming

to pick her up from the airport. Gone. Except the memory. Except for the

pain of it all, still sharp and still real. She sat up and wiped her face with

the cover sheet, picked up the photograph and kissed it twice then set it

back on the table.

She got up and walked into the bathroom and began her day, a new day

and time for a break. Let it go, she thought as she switched on the


Downstairs she has just bitten into her toast when her mobile rang

and made her jump.

She looked at it and could see it was her mother. Annoyed she picked it

up and took the call.


She listened and the rolled her eyes and sighed deeply.

“Yes. I’m fine. Yes I know you’re off to Egypt with whatever you call him.

Bob. Yes..Bob. Of course. Yes..I will let you know my new address when

I get one. It’s only Wales you know. Will do. Bye.”

It was short and sweet. No time for arguments now.

She switched off the phone. Off completely because the last thing she

needed were her so called friends ringing her up and wishing her luck,

her past boss of one week offering her the job back in the legal firm.

Today, she was Jenny Snow, alive, sober and looking for a new life far

away from the madness of London and all the pretence of it all. Most of

all she did not want three calls from her mother before Bob and her went

on the long haul. She shuddered at the thought of her mother and Bob

in bed making love.

She supped her coffee deep in thought. A maze of pictures and voices

came to her, good and bad. And last night’s dream or was it just in the

cold light of dawn that they came?

“ It does not matter Jenny dear”, she muttered to herself and crunching

more toast between her teeth thinking of the dream still lodged in her

mind and not fading as dreams do once you rewind them and mind play

them again. This one was HD and in colour but parts missing.

And its real Jenny! Very real and we need you.

She jumped spilt coffee down her front and her eyes were wild.


She brushed off the coffee, a brown stain left on the jumper that still had

the label on it. She looked around the kitchen, every corner scanned,

the shadows in the sunlight, picked up her phone and checked to see it

was still switched off. It was. Frowning she set it back on the table.

Jenny refused to answer. To take part in this mind game she created.

No! She got up and looked at the packed boxes lined up, then walked to

the front window. The ‘For Sale’, sign stuck on a white post and leaning

slightly to one side, mocked her and the red strip even more so. ‘SOLD’

It was almost mid day when she placed the last suitcase in

the car, checked her new laptop was snug and wedged on the back seat

and sorted out the house keys with the Estate Agent.

She closed the car doors and stood for a moment looking at the house

of broken dreams then got in and drove off towards the M5 and headed

west, armed with nothing more than OS map.

The sun was on the left of her face and it felt pleasant by the time she

reached the views of the Black Mountain. Here she pulled in and bought

coffee at a shack of a café where truckers stopped for legal breaks.

A few glanced at her but there were no snide remarks, no stripping her

with their eyes as she walked to a bench and table and sat down.

A robin landed on the table and tilted its head and looked at her then

seeing there was no crumbs, dropped to the ground and looked for

worms and insects in last year’s leaves close to her feet.

Jenny smiled and started to feel content within herself for the first time

in weeks. Things had to get better from here on she thought watching

the small bird.

It came out of nowhere.

Much better once you help us!

“Us! Who the hell is ‘Us’?”, she muttered then alarmed looked around if

any of the men had heard her. None of them looked in her direction.

Hearing voices, she thought, was a medical condition and a mental one

at that. Stress had caught up with her again, she thought looking at the

robin. The house sale, the legal hassle, the deaths…

A blur of red crossed her vision just for a moment, out of the corner of

her eye and she looked to her right. Walking away from her was a young

girl in a red coat and hat. The girl walked into the group of men, stopped

and looked back at Jenny then smiled. Jenny was about to wave but the

girl walked on and was lost from sight.

Must be one of the trucker’s daughters because she could not see any

private cars except her own sitting under an old holly tree.

Dad and daughter out for a day. All natural, she thought. All normal

whatever ‘normal’ was in today’s world, her world.

Her normal world of one husband and one daughter was wrecked, dead

and buried her job in a top legal firm in London also gone but this time

by choice.

She pondered on that and knew that she had been good at what she did

best, being in Court for the defence or on hand when it was a Police

case and she was asked to advise if needed. Then there was the perks of

being a top lawyer and a criminal one at that and if it was a case for the

defence and she did not believe the defendant she would not touch it. It

was her main rule and she stuck by it.

She thought on that as she sat in her car. You don’t make many friends,

real friends in the Criminal Justice System but you did make contacts

that might be useful in the future. Police officers, Court Clerks, Forensic

doctors, ‘expert' witnesses were all part of the game play and most of

them respected her.


Jenny sighed thinking the many times she had been at their parties and

really wanted to be at home with her family, how many times a Judge

would suggest ‘coffee’ in his chambers or hotel room when what he

really wanted was sex. She always declined the offers but logged in her

mind-scape which people, men, made such moves on her and would use

it against them in the future if she had to. She smiled to herself and

started up the car thinking that the words, ‘Would you like to come for

coffee?’ could well be taken out of context if the offer was taken up.

A young widow was fair game for those men that knew how to press the

right buttons, but Jenny Snow was not stupid and still very angry, a

burning anger.

There was a few people she could trust but not many in her small circle

of people she worked with but not enough to keep her in London.

London was now a past life of faceless people, shadows of what life was

about, drowning in paper work, for the good of Justice. Jenny knew now

that the word 'Justice' did not always fit the crime, the victims of crimes

felt let down totally by the Justice system.

She watched helpless as MPs were found to be fiddling the system and

getting away with it, everyone covering one another's back, Political

Parties trying to make gains on the newspapers and other media

headlines only to find next week or the week after that they themselves

were under the microscope. A few people of course were thrown to the

wolves to take the pressure off but everyone knew that this was a ploy.


Jenny Snow pulled in at a remote cross roads and studied her map

frowning. Her finger traced the roads and she shook her head. Lost!

She smiled at the thought then muttered to herself, “How can I be lost

when I did not know where I was going anyway?”

She jumped when the driver’s side window was knocked sharply and

looking out alarmed she could see an old face of a man looking in at her.

She pressed the window button and let it drop down a little.

“Lost are we?” asked the old man, the spade he had in his hand now

leaning against her car.

She thought fast. He looked harmless but you never really know who

was a danger there days. “Just a little. Where is the next village or


The old face cracked a smile, showing teeth missing. “Depends. You got

a name place?”

“Not really. Just need to stop and get some lunch. Maybe a B+B for the


He looked blankly at her then scratched stubble on his chin. Frowning

he looked right then left then back at Jenny.

“Not much like that around here. No. Not much need for it here you see?

Now you could drive on down the valley and stop of at a place called

Presteigne which is a market town. As for the rest I don’t think they do B

+B or that sort of thing. No need you see because we are a bit off the

main track if you get what I mean?”


Jenny sighed. She looked out over the countryside There were no

houses or cottages in sight that she could see and a lane on her right

with high thorn hedges and a sign that was marked boldly in black ,



“The town sounds fine. Which way please?”

The old man smiled, wiped a drip of his nose and nodded. “Well that

depends if you are in a hurry or not. Right now you are in the town land

of Pilleth, more towards Glasbury-on Wye, so if you need to drive

towards Dscoed, pass over two cross roads and head for Stapleton,

look for the sign to the town, follow that and then you’re in it. Part of it is

in England and Part of it in Wales. The bridge you see over the River

Lugg? Divides the whole lot in two. Like the people. Blow ins and locals.

They both shop in the town.”

Jenny Snow nodded as if she understood. There was something about

his voice, not Welsh and not all together English. “So from here. Which


He points to his right and Jenny nods. “Thank you.”

She slowly closes the window and waves. The old man does not wave

back but leaned on his spade and watched her drive off. Jenny looked at

him in the mirror then ahead then when she looked again in the mirror

he has vanished. She slammed on the breaks and stopped.

Nothing but the road behind her and hedges and she put her car into

reverse and backed up to where she thinks she first stopped .

No sign of him or the spade. Jenny sat for a moment wondering where

he had got to, unless he went up that lane, she thought.


Annoyed she got out of the car and looked around. Except for a few

sheep with early lambs there is no other sign of life. She scanned the

fields on both sides of the road but there is no sign of the old man.

Jenny shook her head and got back in the car and sat for a moment

trying to make sense of the road map on her knee.

She drove off in the direction given and headed for the town, her

thoughts racing. He’s not from around here, she thought but he might

live here. Might even have been born close by went away then came

back, to end his days in some run down hovel of a place.

When Jenny parked the car in the main street and got out she was

surprised to see that the town still had many of its old features and the

some of the buildings looked much older than 100 years.

She was hungry so went off in search of food and found an Inn called

the White Pheasant. Inside was clean and no smoking but except for

which she took to be locals it was almost empty. There was however the

smell of hot food in the air and she went up to the bar maid who was

sitting reading a paper.

A pair of very bright blue eyes looked at her over the newspaper and the

right eyebrow went up.

The young woman was around twenty six, real blond hair that seemed a

little frizzy at the end and almost smiled once she had looked Jenny up

and down.

“Hi. We don’t do vegan but we do have loads of meat pies with chips.”

It was a straight statement of fact.

Jenny looked blank for a moment. “Oh! Right. Meat pie and chips would

do. Thank you.”


The young women looked surprised. People like her, dressed like her

would sniff once, run a finger over the counter and look at it checking

for dust.

Jenny frowned. “What?”

“Just being the year 2010 and you look like the modern woman,

educated and showing no fat I thought you might not eat meat?”

Jenny almost smiled. “Do you always get this personal with customers

and you can tell all that by just looking at me?”

“Hmm. Most of the time and the way they speak. Drink?”

“Diet coke please.”

The girl stood up brushed some hair out of her face and looked hard at

Jenny. “A diet coke?” She has got to be kidding.

Jenny could feel herself getting angry but pushed it down fast. She

smiled at the girl sweetly. “In a glass. Please.”

The remark was not lost on the young woman and she smiled.

“OK. Take a seat. I’ll bring the drink over and then the food. Microwave


“Thank you”. Whatever happened to real cooking? Jenny thought.

She found a chair at a table that looked out and down the main street

and sat in a well worn chair that creaked. For some strange reason the

film tune of the Good, the Bad and the Ugly came into her head and she

smiled. She rubbed a finger over the table top and looked at it. There

was no sign of dust or dirt.

Before she knew it the barmaid was at her elbow, iced coke on a tray

and set it in front of her as well as a knife and fork wrapped in a purple


“Are you on holiday?”

Jenny looked up at the keen young face and smiled. “Sort off. Bit of a

break. You are not Welsh. England?”

“Midlands. Left one dump to come to another. Walk down the street.

Over the Lugg Bridge and I am in England if I need a change.”

Jenny Snow had noticed that the barmaid was not reading any of the

well known papers or a local freebie but a real newspaper as her mother

would have put it.

“ I’m Molly by the way. Molly Drew”, holding out her hand and smiling.

Jenny shook her hand that felt cold and yet damp. “Jenny Snow.”

I don’t suppose you know of a good B+B or somewhere I can rent for a

time around here?”

The bright blue eyes widened and Molly the barmaid almost laughed out

loud. “You want to stay? Here? In this town?”

Jenny Snow was not amused. “It is not that bad is it?”

Molly shook her head. “No but it’s not summer time and the tourists

don’t come out of winter hibernation until at least May. For all that it’s

not bad at all if you like a market town where everyone, the locals,

knows your business within two days of being here but bad if you want

to rent. There is no middle ground in the rented property arena. It is

either very high or a dump of a place, like I have.”

“But you can rent?” asked Jenny with an edge to her voice and getting

into office mode. Her legal and office mind tended to kick in a lot again

these days.

“Yes And there are B+B in a few places and of course there are the

hotels. The hotels are OK to good but can drain your funds if you are

thinking about a long stay. This being the low season you might strike it

lucky”, muttered Molly brushing hair out of her face. “Let me think on it

and I will come back to you. Food is on the way.”

When she left Jenny pondered on what she had been told and started

thinking about a nice rented cottage somewhere by the sea instead of

here. Sea air is maybe better, she thought.

Your needed here Jenny. We need you! Here.

She jumped in alarm and looked over her shoulder. Empty chairs and

tables and to her right, the bar area and Molly working away. In front of

her at the other end of the bar four men talking loudly and laughing, the

topic of conservation being sheep and the price of same.

Jenny forced herself to stay calm. She dug her finger-nails into the left

hand inflicting pain. The voice she heard was the same voice in her

dream with the same demands. She felt ill and her head started to spin.

“Hi…You OK?”

She jumped and looked up alarmed, heart thumping and Molly standing

with her plate of food came into focus.

“Sorry”, looking at the food on the plate and shaking her head. “I don’t

think I can eat now. I’ll pay of course. Sorry.”

Molly sighed deeply and set the plate in front of her. “Eat!”

“But I just said…”

“Just eat. You will feel better and besides you look like death warmed


Before Jenny could answer Molly walked off to clear the bar top the four

men had been sitting at off glasses. Jenny watched as the last left and

then looked down at the plate of food. Maybe she’s right. If I eat then

things might just get better, she thought, splitting the pie with her knife

and the warm smell of meat gravy and onions engulfed her.

She chewed on the warm food slowly looking out the window into the

street. Faces and figures walked by but no one looking in at her, no one

pointing or whispering about her and no one adding to her guilt.

Except the very young girl in the red coat and hat across the street who

was looking at her, waved once and walked on and out of sight.

That was the girl in the trucker’s car park, she thought. How strange.

Her daughters face came into view but Jenny pushed it away and

cleared her mind. That car park was only a few miles away so what is so

strange? She shrugged and looked back out into the street. The young

girl in the red coat was not to be seen.

Jenny finished her food and drink then pushed the plate away

from her. She looked around the empty bar. Pictures and prints of old on

the walls, a few hunting scenes, one print of an old house or castle, a

stuffed pheasant on a shelf in need of dusting, a pair of rusty sheep

shears hanging beside an oil lamp that now housed dead flies.

There was no sign of Molly. No noise from behind the bar or beyond.

Jenny got up and picked up the small rucksack and slung it on her

shoulder and shrugged. She was almost at the door when someone

spoke to her. A male husky voice.

She turned and looked directly at the old man she had met on the road,

his pipe hanging from his mouth at an angle. He gruffly asked,

“I said…you got here then?”, he muttered, his eyes fixed directly on


“Yes. Thank you.”, replied Jenny fast, alarmed at how close he was to

her. More to the point how did he get here?, she pondered.

She could tell he had been drinking because even at a distance he

reeked of it, as well as stale sweat and tobacco.

Molly came out looked at the old man and then Jenny. “Take care and

good luck.”

“Thanks. I will. I don’t suppose you give that other matter any thought?”

Molly looked at Sam and nodded to the bottom of the bar. “Go on Sam.

I’ll bring it to you and don’t fart. It does not impress me.”

“What would I want to impress you for dear when I am seeking a woman

of substance and a bank account, something you don’t have.”

The old man made a face and walked off down the bar then sat down at

a round table and lit his pipe. A no smoking zone, though Jenny.

Molly smiled at Jenny. “We get all sorts in here but he is OK as long as

no one rubs him the wrong way. As for finding out about renting I

suggest that you call at the post office. It’s on the corner looking across

at the Rainbow Charity Shop. Maria knows what is what about here and

who rents what and for the right price?”

“Thanks. I met the old man earlier. He directed me to the town.”

Molly looked at the old man then at Jenny. “Sam? You’re lucky. He must

have been sober then. Drunk, he would have sent you the long way to

the Bar Mouth or the back arse end of the Black Mountain. He’s not

stupid as many think and well read. You look after yourself. If you stay

we might see one another.”

Jenny shook her hand. “True. We might meet again if I decide to stay.


Outside, she joined the throngs of people in the streets and looked here

and there in shops and windows. She found the Post Office, come

grocery shop and with pictures of houses for sale. Jenny pushed open

the door, a bell above her head tinkling loudly. Jenny smiled to herself

and thought, another fairy has got its wings. Two women by the counter

stopped talking and for a moment looked directly at Jenny who knew

what was happening and decided to wait and look at the magazines on

sale till the woman with the narrow face left. She was also aware that the

pie she had eaten was starting to repeat on her.

Jenny went to the large window and looked at some of the house prices

that were there with photographs of the properties. Most of them were

far too high and her legal side kicked in as she done mental maths.

Asking price, real value, offers, legal fees, improvement fees. No way,

Jenny though. Not on my savings and doubtful if even a quarter of the

houses would sell by the end of the year. Sellers lose out now, Jenny


They live in cuckoo land in the present climate. Lived there in the last

one, she thought. House prices will slide down fast, she thought.

She went back to the magazine stand. Photographs of TV soap stars

looked back at her all underlined with drama headlines. There were a few

good magazines that caught her interest and in the upper side of the

media market.

The voices at the counter intruded into her thoughts and Jenny could

not help but pick up on the conversation going on. She smiled to

herself. Maybe I’m just being nosey?


She edged around the magazine rack so that she could hear better and

stood holding the magazine she was going to buy, looking at the inside

pages but not reading them.

Soap stars going through all sorts of hassle on stage and TV as well as

in the own personal life. She snorted. Wonder how many of them had

real hassle and real pain, she thought bitterly.

She glanced quickly towards the two women at the counter and noted

that the thin one looked outdated, sharp faced and lips like the slit belly

of a herring. Jenny also knew that every street in the UK or Ireland had

one and you did not need a newspaper to find out what was going on in

your area.

It was natural when you moved into a new area, more so a rural area, to

people watch and even listen to parts of conservations as the people

who lived there did to you.

Jenny however never lived in the country and was unaware of the

hidden need for such people to listen and talk because anyone who was

not born here would always remain a black stranger, even if they stayed

to the day the undertaker called.

She also knew that all the residents,no matter what village you were in,

knew for the most, everyone else’s history and business. Right now the

older sharp faced woman was doing what was natural to her even

though it came across as bitter talk to a stranger.

She heard the Post Mistress sigh deeply because no doubt she has

heard it all before, or at least versions of it from other people.



“No matter what you say Maria, this town is losing its ID and what with

the so called credit crunch with us when in is in fact a recession, shops

will go to the wall”, muttered the woman with the narrow face, the bird

like nose pushing forward and lips tight.

Maria the Post Mistresses grunted, the moon face, kind looking and

pushed the money through the slot.

“There you are. Thirty pounds and four stamps. You could be right Miss

Deacon but since the war things have went up…and things have went

down and still we go on. It’s what keeps us Welsh. I’m sick, sore and

tired of hearing about the credit crunch and the bloody recessions!

Mines are gone, businesses with the mines and here we are today, in

recession. It’s all you hear. TV, radio, people telling one another.

Recession this and that. Bloody well fed up hearing about it.”

Miss Deacon pushed the money and stamps into a black worn handbag

and puffed out her thin body frame as much as she could.

“ There is no need to curse I understand. Worse than the war years I tell

you, Maria. Even the blow ins who work in London and live here are

starting to panic, seven of those new houses back on the market in the

last week and at a reduced price. What does that tell you?”

Maria laughed and raised her right eyebrow. “That people live above

their means. That’s what. Your brother Sam seems to be the only one

who gets through no matter what the weather or the money worries.

Sam is a dark horse and that’s for sure.”

Jenny’s ears pricked up. ‘Sam?’


Miss Deacon almost raised her voice but what came out was a rasping

hiss. “He is my half brother and adopted at that. If there ever was a

useless man in this world it’s him. I saw him waddle at an angle into that

pub like a demented duck and it not even late afternoon so he has been

on the sauce early. The Rev Ewan, rest his soul, said that he would come

to a bad end and it looks like he is well on the road to the devil! What’s

more is that he never calls, and I don’t call him and I guess he’s living

still in that old house out in the sticks but thankfully not around here

since that Dolly Little died. He should never have come back. They

should never have come back!”


“Sam and that Amos Shaw. A doctor of some sort. Wales is not ready for

this gay thing though I have no doubt it goes on behind closed doors.

Its unnatural and not in the works of God! Then that Dolly Little!”

Maria was taken aback by the outburst. She knew Sam and her did not

talk and ever since Sam returned to the area after being away

somewhere for years, even more so. Maria for some reason rose to the

defence of one Dolly Little, deceased.

“You know Miss Deacon it is unwise to speak ill of the dead, more so

when she is still waiting to be buried. Dolly was not a bad person even

though she was odd. She cared about Sam as did Dr. Shaw before he

too died.”

Miss Deacon, half way to the door turned and Jenny could see that the

old woman’s face was twisted in hate.

“Buried! She should be burned! Both of them should be burned!”


The bell rattled loudly and the door slammed shut behind her and Jenny

hid her face in a magazine. Oops!

Maria looked across at Jenny. “Sorry about that and she adds local

colour to the place when tourists come in. Our local witch hunter. Can I

help you?”

Jenny carried the magazine to the counter and set it down forced her

best court room smile. “It’s OK Guess I came in at a bad time. How much


“One fifty please. Anything else?” taking the money and looking at

Jenny noting the way she was dressed, the white mark on her finger

where there was once a ring and how well this woman looked after her

nails. Out of town but not out of sight, she thought.

“I don’t know. I was looking for somewhere to stay. Maybe even rent for

a time at least to midsummer. Nothing fancy. Just somewhere I could

rest up. I have been ill and so I needed time to sort things out.”

Jenny realised that she had just broken one of her own rules and said

too much. Why did she just do that?

Maria’s right eyebrow went up a few centimetres.

“Rent? Not too fancy?” then added, “ Head job was it? This illness?”

Alert now, Jenny was careful how she replied. “Yes. People around here

always seem so quick to get in your face! Yes. To all of your questions.

My husband and daughter were killed in a car crash a year ago.”, then

added, “Drunken driver. I went into depression for a time.”

Maria’s smile was kind. “Sorry. It happens. Did the police get the


“No. The mortuary did”, and though bitterly. And me.


There was a long silence. Maria waited. A widow woman and young with

it, she thought.

“A place to rent?”, asked Jenny fighting back the tears and looking at

the floor for a moment then lifted her head and stared at

Maria.“Something small and not too pricey.”

“Oh! Right. There are the new houses but what they are looking for here

is too high. The landlords rob people around here without wearing

masks. Anyway. I know of two that might suit you…Well one really.”

“What is wrong with the other one? You said ‘two’?”

Maria coughed. “Holly Cottage. Across the Lugg Bridge 20 yards into

England. Needs a bit of work on it and a clean out I would think.

The old woman who rented it just died in the cottage. Old age. Post

woman discovered her in the chair. A stroke they said and sad really and

her with neither chick nor child. Seems she had a white cat. It was

sitting on her lap when she was discovered but in all the time I have

known her I never knew she had a cat. Anyway it ran away and out into

the countryside and I guess living wild now on rabbits and anything else

it can get. Jones might rent the cottage later but I know he won’t be

looking much as long as you undertake to do any repairs needed


Jenny felt her hopes rising. A cottage? Not beside the sea but she could

make it her own space if she liked it. She was more than a little excited

at the possibility.

“Two questions? One. Who is the landlord and two. Can I go and look at

the cottage before I go to the landlord?”


Maria laughed just as the bell over the door rang and a man with a dog

on a lead came in. “And speaking of the devil! Garth Jones.

Butcher,Farmer of sorts, Undertaker, Inn Keeper and landlord of Holly

Cottage. On top of that he is a property baron, sits on the town

committee and gives advise when its not wanted ”

The short fat man glared at Maria. “If you would go to the chapel more

Maria Thomas you would understand the devil much better. I have no

doubt that you and the devil will become good buddies when you die.

Now. I want a stamp. A first class one and no idle chat from the likes

of you in front of strangers Maria. It shows disrespect ”

Maria laughed and pushed a stamp over to him and he in turn pushed

the right amount to the penny back to her. “ I kick with another foot

Garth Jones, as well you know. Now this lady? She would like to talk to

you about renting Holly Cottage?”

Surprised he turned to Jenny looking her up and down and fixed a

smile. “Renting is it you want? Well you might be in luck. I, with some

help and a skip, have cleared out most of the rubbish. All sorts of

bottles, containers and rubbish she had that woman. Anyway, she’s

gone now and the rubbish followed. I can never understand why my

father ever rented to her in the first place all those years ago.

She was in that place for a long time and the agreement was between

her and my father. He died way back but the Will said she was to have

the cottage rent free until she died. She did. Close to forty years she

lived there in fact. Well she is dead now, the cottage is clean and the cat

is gone. By the way you know that Holly Cottage is not in Wales?”

Jenny smiled. “I know. Can I view it?”


Jones startled,looked at her. “Really? Later, once I have her planted and

going there in an hour for the burial so I can meet you afterwards. She

did well out of my father you know? Rent free cottage and money set

aside for her funeral. A puzzle that. There is talk of course but my father

was a chapel man and he would not be up to things like that!”

Maria give Jenny a mocking smile. “Things like what? Go on Garth. Tell

us. Dolly may have been old but I dare say she knew her way around a

man if she had wanted,”

Garth looked at Jenny embarrassed then with anger “She had some hold

over the old man. But there was no hanky panky there. I’m thinking she

bewitched him somehow. It is not unheard off from here to the Black

Mountain and beyond”

Jenny laughed straight out. “Oh come on Mr. Jones! Surely not!

Witchcraft? Brooms and black cats? Salem witches?”

Jones went red and both women could see that he was fighting down

his rising anger. “You’re an outsider woman! We still have God and the

Devil down here! As for the cottage I’ll let you view it at three, not before.

I think when you see it you might not want it. Three o’clock and no later!

Good day to you both!”

He walked off dragging the small dog behind him and went out the door,

slamming it behind him leaving the bell jangling hard.

Maria sighed. “Don’t worry he will still rent it to you. No one else would

want to go into it from around here unless it’s sold off and demolished

and the site rebuilt on. Garth Jones had thought of that but it’s a listed

building you see? Used to be an old Toll House for the drovers and

anyone else who came and went to England across the bridge and back


“That could be messy if you bought it. Legal problems there are like a

mine field”, said Jenny. “This cottage? Has it a reputation?”

Maria looked back at Jenny stone faced. “Don’t they all? Just a cottage

that an old woman lived in. Silly talk of course like many places but

Dolly was a good person and Holly Cottage was her home. You know the

law then?”

She nodded. “Sorry. My name is Jenny Snow and yes I know the law. I

don’t practice at the moment but will in time go back to it.”

“I would shake you by the hand but the barrier is in the way. Maria

Kincaid. I hope you settle here and a bit of advice. Don’t let the locals

ruffle you or tell them too much.”

Jenny smiled and nodded. “Thank you. They seem to know a lot anyway.

This cottage? Where is it?”

“Next door to the Church..down the hill, cross the narrow bridge and

stop. It’s close to the river bridge. On your left and you can’t miss it. Yew

Tree in the back of it and a Rowan in the front garden and set back a

little off the road. Your future landlord wanted to rip it down and build a

killing house but was turned down by the English you see. Instead he

had to build one at the back of Wolf Hill where he also has a large pig

farm. Holly Cottage is safe for now from the likes of him because it is


“You don’t seem to like him much?”

“I don’t like him at all if the truth be known. Not many people who live

here do. He came here years ago, went away for a while and then came

back again. Had a house up north somewhere, dabbled in the property

markets for a while before the slump. Has some connection to a Charity

in India and raises funding for it. That and that only is the only good

works he does for the human race around here”,said Maria and then

smiled again. “Take your time and take a good look around.”

“Thanks. I’ll go and have a look at the cottage. Bye.”

Jenny nodded and went out the door and another fairy got its wings.

She drove down the hill slowly taking in landmarks and the view until

she came to the church, passed it slowly crossing the narrow grey

bridge and found the pull in off the road next Holly Cottage. It was as

she looked it from the car, hidden away, something that Thomas Hardy

would have used in his books about life in his time.

“Quaint”, her mother would have said. Thinking of her mother, she

switched off her phone.

Jenny got out and stood looking at the river and across the bridge to the

Church. There were no cars and no humans around, except for very

young girl at the far end of the bridge in a bright red coat and hat who

was watching her. Jenny stiffened. It’s the same girl, she thought. The

child lifted her arm and waved once then she walked to the bend of the

road and was lost from sight.

Jenny shrugged. She must live here somewhere so stop letting your

imagination run away with you, scolding herself.

There were a few other cottages nearby but not close enough so that

people would be nosey or be looking into her back garden.

She liked the old white washed walls, the small upstairs windows and

the way it sat. Jenny caught a movement on the right and for a moment

was alarmed. A pure white can was sitting on the window sill inside

looking down at her with bright yellow eyes. It stood up and stretched,

which to Jenny looked like a yoga movement then jumped down and

was lost from sight. First you see it then you don’t, thought Jenny.

“Well…You don’t look hungry”,, muttered Jenny pushing the gate open

and walking to the first downstairs window she came to and shaded her

eyes and looked in.

The sunshine flooded the kitchen area and she could see that it was at

least clean with only the sink a bit of a mess. A number of wooden

chairs were pushed at angles around an old wooden table that had seen

better days. On the table was a single candle stick with a stub of candle

in it.

She moved to the window to her right and again scanned inside but

jumped back in alarm as the white cat launched itself at the glass with

its ears flattened and snarling at her. Jenny backed off alarmed.

“Hate to say this pussy! But you will have to go!”

The cat flattened its ears more, yellow eyes bright light and burning

staring at her.

Jenny took a deep breath and slowly reached towards the glass where

the cats face was. She touched the glass and waited. The cat just glared

at her then backed off the window ledge and was gone.

“One stroke to me pussy! Yes!”, and punched the air.

She stood and looked at the nearby houses and cottages across the

road and for a moment thought she seen a curtain move, twitch as if it

was lowered back into place.


It was then that she knew that she was being watched but by who and

why she did not know.

She took a breath and made her way around the back of Holly Cottage

and into the back garden. The yew tree near the back door was large

enough for Jenny to work out that it was old, at least 100 to 200 years.

Above the back door was attached a branch of some tree or other.

Nailed there by someone, the known reason unknown to Jenny.

She walked across the uneven grass of what was once a lawn to a small

shed with no door. Inside, logs were piled neatly and there was old

sawdust on the floor. Small black fungi was growing and erect from the

sawdust and in the corner Jenny noted last year’s bird nest tucked


She turned and looked at the back of Holly Cottage. The yew tree did

throw a shadow on one window but the rest were bright.

Maybe this was the place she needed to be right now, time for her and

space, she thought. She needed a future and a new start otherwise she

was going to stay on the tread mill going nowhere.

Yet there was something about the cottage that was also unsettling and

Jenny knew that feeling of unease all too well. It happened well before if

she would win or lose a case in Court and she knew days before what a

verdict would be, good or bad.

She was about to turn away from the view when just for a moment, a

slight movement caught her eye in one of the windows, just a movement

but not a shape. She looked up thinking it may have been the shadow or

reflection of a flying bird but there was nothing. Jenny smiled to herself

and went back to the car thinking that the time had come to face her


Jenny walked back to the car and was still upset by the cat. If she

took this cottage she would have to ring the RSPCA and have it removed

or take on board she would have to feed it but outside of the cottage.

The last thing I need is a wild and angry cat as part of the deal; she

thought and glanced at her watch. She was still too early for Jones the

landlord. Jenny pondered of what to do next.

She looked up the road at the church gate entrance and decided that she

would stretch her legs. At least that would give her time to think about

the positive things about the cottage.

In the church yard she wandered around lichen covered grave stones,

feeling she was being watched from the windows of the red bricked

house that overlooked the dead. Jenny came across two headstones

together that puzzled her. One very small and one the normal size. The

‘normal size’ one was much newer than the small one. A mother and

child she thought. Both were for one Mary Morgan who died in 1805.

She read what it said and was puzzled because there was the dead

stems and flower heads of a bunch of flowers that had been laid on the

grave and also a small pot of snowdrops that were now flowering.

Jenny lifted her head, let the sun hit her face and listened.

On the light wind she could hear the whisper of prayers blowing towards

her as a small funeral party said goodbye to Dolly Little.

Jenny shrugged and for a moment, bitter thoughts entered her head.

People die. Life goes on. A natural process.


When it came, the whispered voice was not on the wind, but close to her

and again it made her jump.

Not always Jenny. Thank you for coming here.

She looked around but there was nothing to be seen except a wren

dashing between the head stones. Jenny shook her head and read out

to herself of what was written;

“Mary Morgan and child. 1805. Both children. One murdered the bastard

child, and the law murdered the other.”

Puzzled she placed her hand on the stone, feeling its coldness then a

sound behind her made her swing around. The sun was behind the

human shape and she shaded her eyes. It was the old man, Sam she met

in the pub, Sam Deacon. He puffed on his pipe and nodded at her.

“We meet again woman. Sorry if I startled you. I just came by to say

goodbye to Dolly on my own once the jackals had gone. Sam Deacon?

I think I told you that. Don’t be alarmed. I won’t hurt you.”

Jenny was angry but more out of fear than anything else.

“Do you normally sneak up on people like that!”, she snapped.

Sam sucked on his pipe studying her then; “ I did not sneak up on you.

I walked here, normal like. You were too busy talking to yourself to

notice. My dear women don’t you know that they lock people up who

speak to themselves?”

Her mind raced. Jenny took offence at the remark. “Don’t you know that

people as aged as you should be looked after by society? You have

never talked to yourself I suppose?”


He laughed, showing missing teeth. ‘Sometimes. As long as I don’t

answer myself though I’m not worried. As for being ‘aged’ I’m not as old

as I look. What age would you put me at?”

For a moment she was stunned by the question but decided to give her

opinion straight. “I’ll go for seventy plus.”

He looked hurt then smiled. “Take ten years of that and you’re close.”

She grunted feeling the anger drain away. “You don’t ware well then.”

Sam made a face and shook his head. “Thanks.”

“You also get around Sam Deacon. First the cross roads, then the pub,

now here? You shook me up. I was not expecting anyone to be that

close. Did you speak to me earlier?”

Sam shook his head and sucked more on his pipe. ‘Not me. I don’t think

for the moment we would have anything in common that would make me

want to have a conversation with such a well educated and self

opinionated woman as yourself.”

Jenny flushed. “Sorry but someone did”, wishing she had not just said

that to a stranger. More so to a stranger she did not like right now.

Sam nodded and sucked on his pipe watching her closely. “Could be.

Not me though. I heard you were in the post office looking for

somewhere to rent and that ferret, Garth Jones offered you Holly


Jenny was taken back. “Word around here moves fast. So what?”

“Take it. The cottage that is. Dolly loved it there. It is well protected.”

“I intend to. Thank you for the advice,” she muttered then added,

“Your sister was in bad mouthing you. Just thought you should know?”

Sam ‘s laughter was a cackle. “Why? No surprise there then. She’s not

my sister. Half sister in fact and even that is too good for her. God made

her mean and she always will remain that way till the day she dies,

which I hope will be soon. Now Maria Kincaid, the Post Mistress? She is

a dream. Good heart and always open to people. She and I always had a

good relationship. Even asked her to marry me once away back when I

was young. She said no, so I left it there. Met someone else. Never

married in case you’re wondering? What you call ‘my sister’ never

married either and a good job too. She’s so odd that the only man who

will ever touch her will be the undertaker.”

She shook her head. “That’s more than a bit mean. You hate her that

much. Sorry. No concern or business of mine.”

“I don’t hate her. Just don’t like the woman. That’s all.”

Jenny raised an eyebrow at him then looked at the funeral party making

their way along the path back towards the gate. She turned back to the

old man.

“I need to go. I don’t really have time for this. Mr. Jones said he would

see me at the cottage at three to discuss terms.”

Why did I just tell him that? She thought.

Sam made a face. “Jones could have waited a few days and let Dolly

cool down in her grave. No respect for anyone. Just money.

She loved that cottage you know and for the most kept herself to herself.

The locals were wary of her and the blow-ins never spoke to her at all.

She had strange ways but she and I were always close. Liked a bit of a

drink now and then but would not go into pubs so I would bring her the

odd can or two. Liked to smoke a pipe too. Good woman. Will miss her.”

Why is he telling me this? I don’t need to know this.

Jenny melted for she thought she observed the hint of tears in the old

man’s eyes. He blinked back at her, stuck the pipe in his mouth and

without another word walked off at an angle down through the grave

stones and lost from sight.

Jenny shouted after him. “Wait! What about the cat!”

He turned and glared at her. “Fuck the cat!”he muttered and then was

gone as if he never had been there.

Jenny sighed and walked back to the gate and out onto the road and

down the hill. She could see Jones leaning against her car waiting for

her his belly hanging over his belt, the dark suit he wore rumpled.

“You’re on time. I like that.” muttered Jones running his eyes over her

and took keys out of his pocket and laid the way to the front cottage


Inside smelt musty and dust particles danced in the sunlight coming in

the back kitchen window. Jenny noticed the window ledges needed

washing and in the kitchen sink a long dead spider lay curled.

She turned and looked at Jones setting out papers on the table the he

held out a pen and nodded at the table. “If you just sign here and give

me the deposit, cash mind you, I don’t take plastic. Not ever. More so

now with this bloody recession.”

Jenny went over and picked up the two pages of typed A4 and scanned

each page carefully. She looked at him and smiled. “I can give you cash

right now but I am not signing this. It’s not legal in fact between tenant

and landlord. I know because I worked in a legal firm in London.’

His eyes went wide and he snapped the documents from her.

“What the hell’s wrong with it? Show me!”

She pointed to the clauses that he had inserted and stood back. His

breath smelt of mint gum.

Jenny thought fast. If he was greedy then he would bite but if not she

would not get the cottage. “I would advise you from a legal point of view

to use your local solicitor for things like this. Sorry. Maybe I’ll just look

somewhere else?”

The hook was baited but she added, “ Could be I might in time take it

more long term if I like it and the legal conditions were right.”

She was now in full flow playing the legal game and adding to his

confusion as she explained what was needed for the agreement to be

binding for both parties.

When she had finished he looked battered and scratched his head.

“That will cost me more money if I go to a legal firm in the town. Bloody

Highway Men they are! I don’t suppose you could…?”

Jenny smiled at him and held out her hand.

“ I can draw the draft legal documents up this evening,put them on disc

and you print them off on a computer. Once you have them printed out

we could sign them in the morning. Two hundred pounds cash for the

deposit I believe is what you said which I can give you now.

Rent to be paid at the last day of every month. Clause 2 will sort out for

us both.”

“Clause two.?”

“Yes. About repairs and so on? We could come to some arrangement?”

“Arrangement? Like what?”, he snapped back glaring at her.


“I pay half, do all the painting that is needed and get someone in to

check the wiring. Health and Safety and all that.”

He shook his head from side to side slowly then looked at her. “What if

the wiring is not passed?”

“It will be. I promise.”

For a long moment she stared at her then nodded and held out his hand.

Jenny shook him by the hand took the keys from him and guided him

towards the door. “I won’t charge you for my services and you won’t

charge me for the roof maintained which I noticed has a leak in the

past?”,Jenny paused watching him closely. He was getting flustered she

noted then added,“There is also the question about that white cat?”

Jones grunted and nodded at her. “ Cat? Oh! That? I’ll be back at nine in

the morning. Bring the shotgun with me.”

Jenny froze. “You’re not going to shoot it are you!”

“No other way. It gets in and out of the cottage somehow though never

leaves a mess. There is no way that I am going to lift it even if I could!”,

snapped Jones and glared at her. “Unless you want to take it on?”

“You could always call the RSPCA or The Cats Protection Society”

muttered Jenny loudly.

Jones stopped at looked at her. “Have done so. Five times. No one could

catch it because when they would get here it was gone!’

“OK! Leave the cat. I’ll feed it. You don’t have to shoot it!”

Jones The Butcher nodded, then smiled at her. It was not a nice smile.

She waited till he went out the gate and he looked back and she waved

at him. He was still smiling, then she closed the door and groaned

deeply, “I must be crazy! I don’t want a cat!”


She stood and looked at the bedroom. Low roof space and small

window but facing due east to south east. At least it would get the sun

she thought as she looked down at the mattress pleased it had no stains

on it. Jenny sat on the bed and it creaked a little. She went downstairs

noting the trapdoor above her head on the landing. Quickly she

discovered the fuse boxes and was alarmed at the state of it. She made

a mental note to have it checked. The under stairs space also housed a

bucket, mop and brush… and a broom made from sticks.

Jenny burst out laughing, took the broom out and straddled it.

“Make my day! Fly!”

It was then she noticed the small door next the back wall. Leaving the

broom against the stair case she walked to brown coloured door and

pulled muttering to herself, “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe!”

She was surprised at seeing nothing but a tiny room and empty.

There were no shelves, no chairs, nothing solid to be seen and most of

all, no light, natural or otherwise. A dark room that said nothing to her or

even alarmed her. She was disappointed at her discovery.

Jenny closed the door. I suppose I could use it as a store room if needed

she thought. Right now, I need to tidy down stairs.

Three hours later she had done and sat in the chair with a coffee and

looked out the window into the back garden and her eyes drifted to the

woodshed, the roof with a slight hollow in it. Two years from now, she

thought, that will fall in. A blackbird landed on the wood stack carrying

grass and then flew inside out of sight.

She did not know how long she had been sitting there but she knew she

had been switched off for a time and noted that the sun had now shifted.

Food. I need food she thought and got up and found the slab of cheese

she had in her bag and cut a chunk of it and chewed on it without even

bothering to use bread or a roll that she also had in the bag.

She made a mental list of shopping that she would need to do when she

got time to go to the shop the next day and that list was long. She also

needed to find a bank and maybe check out who the best doctor was or

medical centre located in or near the town. I also need books, real books

and added ‘bookshop’ to her list though she knew there was a library in

the town. She made a list of possible books she needed to buy, History

of the area, birds and mammals, wild flowers, and a map. The map she


What will I do with this place?, she thought as she looked at the walls

and wall paper. Dolly had good taste for Dolly but not me. She went to

the woodshed outside and seen the well stacked logs and pleased that a

pair of swallows had taken up residence in the shed. A blackbird and

swallows for company and a white cat that could eat them all if it gets

the chance.

She walked around the outside of the cottage, looking in the water barrel

that had overflowed, tripped over an old milk crate that had been

covered in grass and weeds and when she rounded the corner a flash of

bright orange caught her eye. The latch was lifted on the gate and the

post woman came in.

“Hallo. Tracy Davis your post woman. All I have for Dolly is junk mail.

What do you want me to do with it.”

“Bin it I guess. I'm Jenny Snow. Rented the cottage. You knew Dolly


Tracy Davis frowned. “ Better than most I guess. Why?”

“When did she get the cat, the white one?”

“Never did. It just turned up one day a few years back, she fed it and it

comes and goes when it wants.”

Jenny nodded, “Thanks. I'll feed it but that is all I am doing.”

The post woman smiled. “ I doubt very much if the cat would let you do

anything else. Bye.”

Jenny waited till the van drove off and went into the cottage. Maybe I’m

rushing things here, she thought. Maybe I’m not ready to be a country

woman, raise chickens and grow herbs. She started to feel depressed as

she looked around the cottage, trying to get excited of how she would

like it. Jenny pondered on this for a while in a chair. She had got through

University with the law degree and somehow in the years that followed

found herself called to the Bar and from then on had to fight tooth and

nail to get where she wanted to be. Great brain and legal mind but bad

attitude when it came to self care, she told herself. Now I have all the

time in the world to make changes within me and find a new road to take

in life. She fought back the tears thinking of her daughter and husband

and before she knew what she was doing lifted a mug and threw it hard

against the wall, smashing it in fragments. She sat there head in hands

the blackness trying to suck her down but she took deep breaths and

stood up then shouted, “Not this time and never again!”

Getting the dust pan and small brush she lifted the mug fragments and

threw them in the bin under the sink then sorted out her bedding in the

living room which she had already cleaned.



Jenny Snow had a bad night’s sleep. She would call it a stop and start

sleep and all on the floor of the living room in her sleeping bag and a

blanket. She opened her eyes and looked up at the window. Sunlight

was flooding in and the old clock told her it was after nine. She sat up

fast. Half the day was gone, she thought as she went into the kitchen,

now scrubbed clean, but still looking shabby. She ran the cold tap for a

while and it spluttered and coughed until the air lock cleared. Filling the

kettle she switched it on. A glass of water cleared the dust from last

night’s dusty tidy up and as she set the glass on the kitchen unit, a

shadow passed the back window. The old man Sam crosses the back

lawn, looked up and seen her then slowly walks to the back door and


Jenny swore under her breath and grabbed a coat from the back of a

chair and struggled into it. Jesus! He’s haunting me! Or a stalker?

Sam stood waiting and when the door opened he spoke first, almost a

whisper. “Sorry about the churchyard. What I said and maybe the way I

said it.?”

For a moment Jenny was puzzled then smiled. “Nice to see you again.

Want to come in?”

Sam looked her up and down quickly. “Don’t know Mrs Snow?”

She looked at her finger where the wedding ring had been then at Sam.

“Not ‘Mrs’ any more Sam. It’s Jenny Snow now. I won’t bite. Come in.

Please. I think I got off on the wrong foot with you.” She was as much

surprised at her acceptance of him as Sam was of her.


He nodded and she stood to one side and let him pass into the kitchen

then closed the door. He stood by the table and waited and he looked

shifty to Jenny and was nervous.

Jenny pointed at the kettle and laughed. “Tea or Coffee?”

Sam’s eyebrows went up and he asked hopefully, “Anything else?”

Jenny smiled at him. “Water? Sorry Sam. This is a dry house. I don’t


Without being asked Sam pulled a chair out from the table and slumped

into it then sighed. Jenny poured hot water into a cup and then milk and

Sam could smell the rich aroma of coffee as she passed him and sat


“So? What can I do for you Sam? I need the garden done if its work

you’re after?”

He looked up and shook his head. “Nothing and I don’t do gardens. Just

checking you are Ok. You left some of the lights on all night and they

were on this morning so…just checking like?”

Jenny was puzzled because there were a number of things that

disturbed her about Sam. She wanted to be kind but not stupid so she

said gently, “That was nice of you Sam and thank you. I worked till late

cleaning up. Can I ask you something?”

“Sure. Fire away.”

“When we first met? At the cross roads? You had a spade?”

Sam scowled at her. “I did. So?”

Jenny was getting flustered and needed to get this right or he could take

offence. Like fast.

“You were a good mile or two from the town. Work out there?”

Sam still scowled at her, licked his lips and said, “No. I was burying a

body! Cut to the chase woman! What do you want to know? Not that it is

any of your business mind you.”

Jenny was taken back a little. “Sorry. I did not mean to offend you Sam.

Just curious seeing you so far out of the town with a spade and not a

house or cottage in sight?”

The old man sighed deeply. “My house was up the lane, old but suits me

and I like it there. I was planting a tree for Dolly. A Rowan tree. I plant

trees for the dead that I care about. Sometimes I walk the hills in autumn

planting acorns anywhere and everywhere so that if the grow in years to

come there will be new trees but not organised. Just because you don’t

see a house from the road does not mean there is none. Like I said the

house is up a lane, well off the road and in a hollow. It is also private and

I don't need visitors. I live there when I am there. I was planting a tree for

Dolly on my land. That’s all.”

Jenny smiled. “What a lovely thing to do Sam. All sorts of trees?”

He nodded and then looked hard at her. “Rowan and yew to keep away

evil, oak and ash for the animals and children, blackthorn for butterflies

and hawthorn for all sorts.”

She supped on the hot coffee forming her next question but not wanting

to come across as if she was cross examining him in a court of law. She

made a mental note to try and unlearn that process in the future.

“You’re staying then?”,asked Sam and almost smiling at her.

‘Yes, at least till late summer. A few months at least until I get sorted.

You live in the town as well then Sam?”


He shook his head. “No thanks. Not here. I just wander and sleep where

I want or if asked to do so. Not that I’m often asked. I have three friends

now and had four if you count Dolly.” Here it comes, though Jenny. The

old man, homeless bit and poor me maybe even a real mental case but

not dangerous. Yet.

She drank and waited but he was studying her and it un-nerved any

calmness she had.

“Sleep OK then?”, watching her closely.

Jenny answered softly. He’s fishing ,she thought. “Not really. Tossed

and turned and was cold, I mean cold in the night. I should have put on

the heating or a fire.”

Sam laughed. “Fire would have been OK and plenty of dry logs out in

the shed as well as twigs for starters. Try and not disturb the blackbird

in the shed, she is nesting in there. There is no heating. Never was. You

heat your water up for a bath or shower by throwing the switch under

the stairs. If you leave it on too long your bill is going to be large when

you get it.”

Jenny stopped drinking her coffee. “No heating? Jones did not tell me


Sam laughed. “No. He’s good at that. Forgetting to mention things are

important to him. Because Dolly was rent free he had a great resentment

against her and he never came here. Most people would check on an old

person in winter. Just check if they were OK like? Not Jones. The only

person that did anything like that was the Post Woman and she did it

only when needed. The rest, the locals nodded at her if she was in the

garden but never came through the gate or door. Of course Dolly was

not one for inviting people in and more than likely was abrupt with many

of them. I think that Jones was frightened of her somehow.”

Jenny nodded. “ Frightened? Of what?”

Sam shrugged. “She new too much and is said she talked to the dead.

Jones brought it up once in the pub and I overheard him say that she

was little more than a witch.”

“But you came. Checked her out. You cared about her?”

“Yes but then I was her friend and she mine. We trusted one another.”

She was beginning to relax and was also trusting Sam a little more but

she was still alert to the real possibility that Sam would put the squeeze

on her for a handout of money.

“Sleep well then?,” he again asked this time more forcefully.

The question threw her. “That’s twice you have asked me that Sam. I

told you. No. I was cold. Lets cut to the chase Sam like you said.”

“No noises or strange sounds?,” Sam pushed.

She laughed. “Just the birds under the eaves. Should I have been

listening for anything Sam?”

“Eh! No…Sometimes townies like yourself , beg your pardon like, think

old houses or cottages like this have…Visitors?”

She smiled at Sam. “Like Dolly Little, Sam? Ghosts don’t bother me and

the dead will do me no harm, just the living if you let them. I know from

experience.” Then what was I seeing and hearing?, she thought.

Sam made a face then smiled which took years of him. “Good. People,

the old timers, are a close bunch around here. They think and whisper

and think a lot Jenny. Curtain twitchers I call them but not the

Neighbourhood Watch types. No…More than just crime prevention I


think. The windows have eyes Jenny though most of them are harmless

but there are a good few who have acid tongues in their heads. Poison

spreaders all of them.”

She stood up and walked to the sink, washed the cup then turned to

Sam and asked. “These poison spreaders? Are they talking about me

Sam? The strange woman who moved into Holly Cottage?”

He coughed lightly and avoided her eyes.

“Too early to tell yet. A few, those close to Jones no doubt are ringing

their friends. Don’t worry about it. Unless you go up the town and buy a

witches broom and tall hat things will be normal.”

Jenny laughed loudly. “I found one under the stairs. Maybe I should do

that Sam and get them talking?”

Sam’s face went stone like. “I would not even go there Jenny. Not

around this area because it has a very dark past and witchcraft was one

of the things people, some people got involved in and paid the price as



“Their victims, sometimes human victims sometimes their livestock.”

For a moment Jenny was shocked.

“Oh! They could be that bad then like ‘curse on your house’ and all that

stuff.” She almost laughed out loud but thought better of it.

He met her eyes. “You might be surprised how bad and more so the

ones that have a secret to hide, a secret that is genetic and as a good

few in the old days married through one another, they passed on the

genetic code.”

Jenny was now interested. “DNA coding?”


“Yes…Bad blood. I won’t go into it now but take it from me things here

at not all as they seem on the surface. Dolly and I were always classed

as odd as was Maria. We were named the ‘Odd Bunch’ from childhood

days because we were always together, loved nature, talked to birds and

animals and put mountain ash branches over our doors to ward off evil.

Still do in fact. This town and surrounding countryside has had its share

of evil and evil acts Jenny. Misdeeds and of course great injustice in the

past. Even murder if the truth be known”

Murder? Great! Just what I needed to be told.

She wanted to end this now but yet she wanted to know more. Like an

old black and white film script ‘Don’t go out on the moors tonight’, that

frightened her when she was a teenager at University. In those days she

loved that exciting ripple of fear watching such a film because it was all

make believe.

“”Murder Sam In this area?”

“ Years ago. A child, maybe children. They never got the killer.”

Jenny thought on this but the look on Sam's face told her to back off

and fast.

“Well Sam. I’m staying for the duration and I don’t care what people

think or say about me. I have already been to hell and back in the past.

As for you, you are always welcome here. As a friend or a quick visitor.

What ever.”

He stood up and smiled “I’ll think about that. Anything else?”

“The cat? Dolly departed but the cat stayed on it seems. And you did not

answer my question about the topic of ‘murder?”


Sam scratched his beard and looked at her, his head tilted slightly to

one side. “What cat?” he asked looking towards the kitchen window and

the bright sunshine. “As I said in passing things do not always seem

what they really are and this area has a history and not all good. That is

all I am saying.”

She turned and went to the sink. “It was a white cat. I saw it before I

moved in. Upstairs window then it were downstairs and seemed wild.

Did Dolly own a cat?”, she asked thinking she could trap him into lying

She turned but Sam was already gone. The back door slightly ajar. She

muttered after him.

“Of course you are free to come and go as you please Sam. Seems you

do that anyway!”

Outside in the tree a song thrust began to sing loudly. Jenny stood and

listened to the sweet song and then made up her mind to find all she

could about Sam Deacon because there was much more to the old man

than met the eye.

She knew now that Dolly and he were friends as was the Post Mistress,

Maria. Molly the bar maid liked him in a protective way and could handle

him when and if needed but Jenny knew deep down that Sam had a very

hidden past.

Then we all have a past don’t we, that hidden past that very few people

see, if at all in their lifetime. And why should they, she thought, it is their

past and not yours. Besides I’m not the best one to tell anything to

because I store it away and whatever you say may be used in evidence

against you at a later date. She laughed, “Jenny Snow is flaky!”



That rest of the day was not wasted and she was pleased that

the washing machine worked and she got some clothes out on the line

in the back garden. Spring was all around her, the garden being reborn.

By the time the sun formed a golden and copper ball in the west and

dipping, she had one bedroom cleaned and ready to move into. Jenny

looked at her watch and frowned. It would be dark when she got back

but she could always leave a light on.

She had to drive into town and do the shopping; mainly food and it give

her a lift. Parking by the Police Station and Bus Stop she walked down

the narrow streets passed book shops that held all types of books.

Jenny smiled when she came across the Honesty Book-Shop. You pick

a book and then walk down the street and pay for it in the corner shop.

The main book shop was called ‘The Unicorn.’ And it looked bright and

full of new books. When she went inside she was surprised that most of

the books were of an of an education and history nature, any fiction was

by local writers. There were maps of the area and of other parts of

Wales. She was looking at the books when there was a voice behind her

and she turned to see a young woman dressed in black, pale face and

bright red lips.

“Sorry if I startled you but I heard a noise and came out. Can I help


“Yes please, I need a map of the local area that is well marked, and some

natural history books.”


“Natural history section is over there beside the gardening section,

maps are at the desk which I will sort for you. You’re the woman that

took Holly Cottage?”

Jenny smiled and nodded. “My, word does get around. I’m Jenny Snow.

Can I order books here if I need them?”

The young woman held out her hand. “Rebecca Shaw and I own the

shop and I can order all education or history books, some medical and

law books, a large selection of archaeology books depending where in

the world you want to study, and a few writers of good fiction. And yes,

word does get around”, and she laughed. “This is Wales.”

Jenny shook her hand making a mental note that she was not English or

Welsh but with a name like ‘Shaw’ she must be married or changed her

name. Rebecca’s dark hair was long and her eyes were dark brown but

did not suggest Asia. “Have you lived here long?”

Rebecca Shaw’s smile stayed fixed but the eyes took on an alert

brightness. “I don’t live here in the town and moved into a house which

I bought as an investment two years ago. Chepstow beside the Forest

of Dean and as I studied Political Science at a university here in Wales it

was always close to an airport rather than going all the way to London

to fly out.”

“Home being where?” asked Jenny pleased that she had read Rebecca


“Tel Aviv. I’m Israeli.”

Jenny nodded and smiled. “Well at least you’re not half Irish and half

Scots like I am but if you don’t mind me asking ‘Shaw’ is not a Jewish

name as such?”

Rebecca laughed and it was a nice laugh Jenny thought. “No I changed

my name from ‘Hofi’ to Shaw when I first came here because of the

number of Arab students at University and not being a political animal

did not want any hassle from them or anyone else.”

“What do you know about an old man called Sam Deacon who lives

somewhere around here. It’s just that we have met and he seems a bit

grumpy and always asking questions?”

Rebecca laughed again. “Everything.”


“I know everything about Sam. He is Ok, odd at times but Ok.”

Jenny looked oddly at Rebecca. “Right and I will take that as Ok in the

head as well will I?”

She nodded then added, “And the heart. Sam Deacon has a good heart.”

Jenny bought her books ordered two more and also got a map of the

area and when she left the shop dusk was closing in.

Shopping was fast but she got what she needed including some fresh

flowers and bread. When she arrived at her car she noticed under the

light from the lamp, a young woman standing. Jenny knew from London

that being alert kept you safe and be it male or female near your car at

night you approached ready to fight or flight. This was not London of

course and maybe she was letting fear take over. She boldly walked up

and the woman lifted her head.

She was surprised to see that it was Molly Drew the barmaid.

The girl spoke first and smiled. “Been waiting for you.”

Jenny set down her shopping and opened the car door more relaxed.


“Sam said you might need a hand? At the cottage? I have the evening


Alarm bells started to go off in Jenny’s head. Oh, no! Why would a

stranger offer her services? There was always an agenda.

“That’s very nice of you Molly but I really want to make something to eat,

have a bath and an early night. But thanks for the offer.”

Molly struggled with this for a moment shrugged then said “Ok. Fine.

See you around. If you need me or need to talk you know where to find

me.” She smiled at Jenny as she passed by her and for a moment she

was going to give in and ask Molly back for at least a cup of tea. No.

Stick to what you said and there will be no confusion later on.

She watched Molly turn right and out of sight then got in the car and

drove home, a slight wave of her hand at Molly as she passed her. Molly

did not respond. In fact Molly just looked straight ahead as if Jenny was

not there.

By the time she had unloaded the car and went into the cottage she felt

upset. Maybe I should have let her come and help, she thought locking

the door behind her and putting on the chain. Why am I such a hard


She cooked something quickly and realised that she was in fact hungry.

As she ate she took stock of what to do next and why did she in fact

stay here?

Overhead there was a noise. Just a muffled sound and at first she

thought the cat had somehow got up there. Then she heard it again this

time very clear and she knew what ever it was it was moving.

Jenny with the last bit of food on a fork stopped it half-way to her

mouth, her eyes wide. She set the fork down slowly and stood up, head

tilted and listened. Again a soft passing noise but this time somewhere

on the landing above.

Going to the fire place she found the poker and then went to the bottom

of the stairs and flicked on the light. Sitting at the top and looking

directly at her was the large white cat with yellow eyes.

Jenny was alarmed. Then fear crept in because she could not work out

how it got into the house. She was very aware that this cat was large

and it also tried to attack her not so long ago through the glass of the

down stairs window. She thought, Attack may be a bit over the top.

“Nice pussy. Hi. I’m Jenny. Saved your life. Jones was coming this

morning to shoot you. I stopped that. Eh! We could be friends?”

Now she felt stupid and child-like. Talking to a cat as if it understood.

I’m really flaky! My head is a mess and here I am talking to a white cat as

if it understood, she thought looking straight into the yellow eyes.

The cat blinked twice then slowly walked down the stairs towards her.

She raised the poker higher and when the cat got to her legs, it rubbed

itself on them, then walked on and padded to the back door.

Jenny discovered that she was shaking. She looked at the cat by the

door and it looked back at her over its shoulder.

“Ok. You want out? Guess you are related to Sam in another life.”

The cat made a single mewing sound and looked at the door. Jenny

walked over turned the key and opned the door. The white cat went out

slowly, stopped and looked back then carried on down into the darkness

of the garden. Jenny shut the door locked it and set the poker down.

She slumped in the kitchen chair, hands on her knees and tried to stop

then from shaking. God I’m a mess!

She whispered to herself, “Get a grip! It was only a cat! A moggie and ok

a big moggie, but harmless! Yes. But how did it get back in?”

Somewhere in the right hand corner of the kitchen and in shade she

heard a whisper. Just a single word and she knew she was not dreaming

it and she knew she was not cracking up. The word whispered was low

but she understood what the word was though not what it meant.


Jenny was rattled but she stood up and looked hard into the corner and

asked loudly, “What do you want from me? Why can’t you leave me


Except for the ticking of the clock and a dripping tap there was no other

sound. She went to the small radio and switched it on turning up the

sound and then went and ran a bath but not before she checked all

doors and windows down stairs was locked. She went to the kitchen

table, found a pad and pen and wrote the word in it.

Jenny was in a whirlpool of thoughts and dreams in the large

bed when the first sound brought her to the edge of awakening but the

second sound, a tinkle of children’s laughter somewhere out on the

landing made her sit up fast. She pulled the cord on the light over her

head flooding the room with its glow then carefully set her feet on the

floor, seeking her slippers with toes but listening as well.

Her heart raced as she heard the chuckle of laughter again and it came

from the landing at the top of the stairs. Without doubt it was a child’s

laughter. Jenny reached for the poker at the bedside then shocked at

what she done she set it down again. Children won’t harm you, she told

herself as she stepped out onto the landing and flicking on the lights as

she did so.

Nothing! No cats, no children, nothing visible. She looked at her watch.

It read 03.00.

Her heart rate slowed and she listened. She was surprised at how many

small noises someone could hear when they were intently listening.

Normal noises in a small old house. A creak here and there, the sigh of

the wind under a closed door, a slow dripping tap. That was normal she

told herself reaching the top of the stairs. She flicked the switch and

looked down. A small girl stood, not solid but solid enough and dressed

in red. Jenny watched frozen to the spot and the child lifted her right

hand and give a small wave then walked towards the kitchen, fading

away as she did.

Jenny found her voice. “Who are you and what do you want?’

There was no reply just a small tinkle of laughter coming from the


She swallowed hard. Nipped her wrist with her fingers and felt pain.

Oh, great. Now all the films I never wanted to see before I died are

coming true, she thought.

‘Don’t go out on the moors at night, It’s the moon you see, the full moon,

They can’t stand sunlight and must be back in their coffins before dawn,

When the Fog comes…they come in from the sea’

“Bollocks’!’, shouted Jenny loudly. “Bloody stupid bollocks!”

Her voice echoed around the rooms and down the stairs then silence.

She took a step forward and shouted as she went.


“Right! I’m calling the police now so you had better leave!”

And what do I tell the police if and when they arrive? I have a ghost of a

girl in red and she has been haunting me for days, she thought.

Her second step just started when all the lights went out and she was

left on the stairs in total darkness.

A dense black void of nothing. No light of any sort. The loud drumming

was her heart, the hiss was her breath and now she stood rooted to the


How long she stood she could not remember. Then in the darkness a

very loud hammering on the front door that vibrated through the cottage

and she screamed. Screamed again when there was more banging and

then she heard the front door smashing open and some light poured in

showing the shadow of a man in the doorway.

It was then that the lights flickered twice then came back on full and

standing there looking up at her was Sam, breathing hard and in his

right hand a large stick.

“You alright Musses!”

Jenny screamed at him. “Do I look alright? Do I seem alright to you and

you broke into my house! You bastard!”

She burst out crying and slumped on the tops stairs, Sam looking

stupid and not knowing what to say or do. He waits till she looks up her

eyes flooded with tears. When she spoke it was with the voice of a small


“Why did you do this to me Sam? Why?”

He looked sheepish, confused then, “I was passing on my way home

and I seen the lights come on then go off and you screaming. I thought

you were being attacked Jenny and when I could not get you to answer.

The door I broke in because I thought you were being attacked.”

Jenny wiped her face then looked at old Sam unable to find words,

hands waving around like butterflies. “Maybe I was”, she whispered

then added, “But not by something alive.”

Sam spoke softly. “I’ll put the kettle on. You go and change Jenny and

by the time you do I’ll have the lock fixed till I do a better job in the


Jenny was confused. “Change Sam? I’m in my night clothes.”

“Aye and very nice too but I still think you need to change. Go on now.”

She watched him walk into the kitchen and waited for him to shout out

on seeing the girl but all she heard was him filling the kettle and then the

switch being thrown. The kettle slowly began to tune up and sing.

Jenny looked down at the puddle at her bare feet and shuddered when

she seen the yellow stain down the front of her night dress. Quickly she

got to her feet and went into the bedroom, grabbed some clothes and

then into the bathroom slamming the door behind her.

The shower was just warm and she stood under it crying softly, feeling

the water on her head, running down her neck and over her body.

Sam could hear her upstairs and nodded to himself then took a

small knife and went to the front door and started to fix the Yale lock the

best he could. By the time he had finished she was coming down the

stairs fully dressed, her face shinning and hair damp. She looked at him

in the hallway then passed on into the kitchen.


Seeing he had set out two cups, one with coffee and one with tea, she

reheated the kettle and then when it was boiled again in a few seconds

she poured water into the cups.

Maybe I should go back on the medication, go check into some funny

farm and get real help she thought as Sam walked into the brightness of

the kitchen.

She looked at this small man, aware that anywhere else but here, he

would be looked on as homeless, slightly mad, maybe a stalker of

women, and a danger by law to himself and others.

She watched him move, not on old man legs but good legs and no

shuffling feet. He may have some type of mental illness?

You know nothing about him really. Maybe in the past he was a killer,

graves of his victims all over the country, shallow graves in woods and

sand pits, she thought. He even smells of death and decay.

‘Sam has a good heart.’

“How come you were outside? Tonight?”

It was blunt and to the point and Sam was taken aback by the force of it.

He stumbled for words, the right words.

“I had a visitor. She calls sometimes.”

He’s lost the plot, she thought looking hard at him and Jenny was

puzzled. “At this time of night and who is this ‘she’?”

“She comes when she wants too. A child dressed in…”, Sam stopped

and looked at his hands. She could see he was struggling for the right


“Red? You are going to say red coat and hat?”, whispered Jenny and

watching him closely then added, “But there is no such thing as ghosts

Sam. Is there? It’s all in the head and what a person drums up in their

own mind.

Sam was silent and as she watched him for a moment he seemed to

close down, almost as if he was not here in the room with her and go

somewhere else, somewhere she could not go.

He looked up startled. “What?”

Jenny took a breath and let it out slowly. “I said there is no such thing as

‘ghosts’. Is there?”

He shook his head and sadness was now in his voice. “Not ghosts of

fiction, books and films like but there is something. A negative of the

past life, a true picture but not always visible unless you are in the right

place at the wrong time. People claim they see things, dead family

members, friends that they loved, images, good and bad of people they

did not know. Then there are other people who attract such things to

them for one reason or another and those also who seek out spirits and

ghosts not really knowing what they are doing or why they are doing it.

In time, they start to believe that they have powers, or claim to have

when in fact they are powerless because it is not them that contact the

spirits, it is the spirits or ‘ghosts’ that contact them.”

She was taken back by this outburst and really started to ponder if he

was ill, like ill in being mentally ill.

‘Sam has a good heart.’

Jenny thought on this for a moment then asked straight out watching

him closely. “And you Sam? Do you believe that they contact you?”

He almost smiled at her. “Yes. I believe there is some form of contact.”


She did not know how to run with this because she could not say that he

was ill because she was ill also then and what she was hearing and had

seen put her in the same folder as him, marked ‘Cuckoo Farm Material’

Jenny knew what she had heard, the voices were real and what she had

seen was real and the girl in the red coat and hat, a child was real.

Her mind raced now, fast like a tape recorder and then she put it on

‘pause’. How likely was it that two people, even more, seen this child

dressed in red and at least her and Sam were complete strangers would

put it as highly unlikely unless of course it was real.

“Your not mad Jenny and neither am I if that is what you’re thinking right


She made a face and to Sam, just for a moment, it made her look ugly.

“I don’t know about you but I need to, no, have questioned by mental

state well before I ever came here and now that I am living here, even

more so.”

There was a long silence and it was Jenny who broke it.

“ Rebecca Shaw said you had a good heart and you were ok Sam.”

Sam snorted, “”Rebecca is a lair and a witch I think. She also has major

designs on my body.”

Jenny’s mouth fell open. “She what?”

“Fancy’s me and who indeed could blame her”, Sam said with a twinkle

in his eye and puffing out his chest.

She could do nothing but laugh and it took her time to get herself under

control again.

“ Guess the poor woman is hard up Sam that’s all.”


Sam shook his head and smiled. “You know nothing woman because

Rebecca and I have a very special relationship that goes back many

years. She is young, bright, sometimes very bright, and I would trust her

with my life.”

Jenny looked at Sam to see if he was winding her up again but he

looked like he meant what he said. “Sexual is it?”

Sam smiled. “Very and now am I getting coffee and can we drop

Rebecca and get back to you?”

“Ok I will get you coffee but I’m puzzled why all your friends are woman

and no men?”

“That is because true friends are rare and true friends who are women

and non sexual even better because I trust them. You are wrong in

saying I have no male friends. I have a very few, less so than women

friends granted but a few and one was special and is now dead.”

Jenny worked that one out quickly enough and did not push it. It fitted

into Sam’s profile and she had no problem with it and knowing this now

made Sam a bit easier to understand.

Sam grunted, “While we are on the subject of relationships how come

you have no male friends with a sexual interest?”

“Too early Sam and besides there is no one right now I care to be with.”

He nodded looking at the floor then looked up at her.

“Don’t leave it till it is too late and in time you will have to move on. We

all do no matter what the pain otherwise we end up being a husk of a

person and bitter with it. My half sister in the town is a great example of


They sat in silence for a time both lost in their own thought of what had

been said and what was not said. Sam was giving little away and he did

not trust men so there may well be a dark hidden agenda of his

somewhere, she thought. Sam smiled at her as she looked up.

“Penny for your thoughts Jenny?”

He knows! How does he know. “The girl, the girl in red Sam?”


She handed Sam his coffee avoiding eye contact and then took

her own and sat down at an angle to him at the table.

They both sat in silence for a while then Jenny spoke but not looking at

the old man. “We both saw her Sam. Heard her. It was the same child

unless you believe in auto suggestion or ESP and I don’t buy that!

I’m really sorry. All those things I said I….”

“Hush woman. I have had worse in my day”, muttered Sam and looked

across at her. “The door lock is fixed and it will hold tonight anyway.

I just thought someone or something had attacked you so when I rapped

on the door, heard you scream again I just went through it and found

you at the top of the stairs. The child in red will not harm you or in time,

the others”

“The others? That really sets my mind at ease Sam and I don’t really

want to stay here anymore because if there are ‘others’ as you say then

I have rented a full house. Doing so might well mean that I would also

lose the full deck!”


Sam could see she was close to tears again and smiled sadly.

She set the cup on the table adding another wet ring to the three already

there, not caring about possible stains. Her hands were still shaking.

“I think I am ill again Sam and I really don’t know what to do! Is this real

in the here and the now?”

Sam nodded, sucked on a dry unlit pipe wishing he could light up.

“Oh yes. It’s real. How ill is ‘ill’ Jenny?”

She looked at him her eyes filled with tears. “Crazy ill Sam. Wanting to

end it all ill. Finish! I thought I was getting better. Coming here trying to

sort out my head and feelings but all I get are reminders of what was

what is and my child no longer here.”

Sam took the pipe out of his mouth looked at it and looked at Jenny

hopefully. She caught his eye, the hang-dog look and right now she

needed him.

“Smoke it. Here”, breaking one of her major rules.

Sam’s smile was like Christmas. It was infectious and she almost smiled

back at him. She watched him fill his pipe from an old tin, poke the

tobacco into place, stick it in the side of his mouth and then light up.

Bellows of blue smoke hung over his head and he looked more

contented. Jenny had to admit to herself that whatever he was smoking

it was not unpleasant. A mixture of tobacco and herbs.

Her student days flashed into her head. Parties, drinks, laughter and


Her eyes went wide and she burst out laughing. “Sam! How could you?

That’s not all pipe tobacco!”


He smiled back. “Sam’s Special Mixture my dear and keeps the pain in

my legs at bay. Hemp”

She shook her head the laughter fading fast. “I wish I could blame what

is happening to me on that. This is a real bad trip Sam and it is not drug


Sam nodded then poked the air with the pipe. “Jenny. I think you need to

start at the very beginning but a few weeks before you set off for here.

Tell me as much as you want to and what you tell me stays with me. Ok?

Tell me all.”

Can I trust him, really trust him, she thought watching him closely.

She nodded and for a moment, he thought she was going to cry again

but she started her story, leaving nothing out and Sam was on his third

pipe when she finished and outside the dawn singing of birds just


Sam told her to go lie on the bed and get a few hours sleep. He would

kip on the sofa and then they would talk, if she could throw in breakfast.

It was useless to protest so she went up the stairs and lay on the bed

and almost at once was in a deep untroubled sleep.

Sam had already washed at the kitchen sink and made coffee

in the pot for Jenny when she decided to come downstairs. He had

heard her in the shower and wondered why people took so many

showers. He pondered on that as he stood looking at the birds on the

table. Hungry they were so he found the bread bin and took a slice of

bread. Outside, he crumbled the bread up and placed it on the bird table.

Sam was locked into Jenny and her problems but he knew deep down

that she was linked to the past and also the future. From what she told

him it was possible that she was the key but he was aware that she was

also fragile and the last thing he wanted was push her over the edge.

“Good morning Sam.”

He jumped and looked over his shoulder then nodded to Jenny standing

at the back door. She was pale, scrubbed clean smiling so that was a

good sign. “Morning. Sleep well?”

“Oh yes! No dreams, no ghosts and no voices. No child in red and no

bloody others!”

He laughed and walked to her. They stood for a moment then Jenny

brightly said, “We need to talk Sam.”

“You did that last night.”

“I said ‘we’ Sam. First, breakfast. Come on.”

As Sam followed her in to the kitchen he worked out, fast, how much he

would tell her. She had trusted him and told all, holding nothing back

but he debated if he should hold back on much of the information about

himself. The other stuff he would be up front with but would watch her

reaction to this and if it started to get too hairy for her he would change

the subject.

“Why don’t you go upstairs and tidy up Sam? Bacon eggs and toast


Breakfast finished, they sat across from one another and it was

Sam who started the conservation. He started with what she had told

him the night before.

“Jenny. From what you said last night and I know at times it was painful

to do, I think I need to tell you that maybe this was all meant to happen.

Too many things are running side by side and all at the one time.”

Jenny shrugged. “I know. But since I have talked to you about it, you a

stranger, well almost, I feel a great weight has been lifted off me Sam.

All the pills, the therapy, booze did little to help. I am far from

understanding what is going on and why but I am willing to run with it.

You are more than you seem Sam Deacon.”

Sam laughed. “We all are. The two faces of Eve the two sides of our

brains, good and evil. Oh yes! We are not always an open book Jenny

but for those we trust we make good reading.”

Jenny frowned then looked at Sam who was sucking a dry pipe again.

“Who are you Sam?”

God! She does not waste time getting to the point he thought and

Sam struggled with this question and looked uneasy for a moment then

he smiled at her. “I my dear, am The Man From The Grey Wind, I come

and go, I learn and I teach, I protect and need protection, I am a social

nightmare to many, and the envy of others.”

She pondered on his stage craft answer but knew that he was not just

an old man, untidy and of little education. Sam Deacon had been around

the block. She smiled to herself but Sam noticed.

“I amuse you Jenny? Good. Now I will start, explain all about you and try

to show you why these things have happened.”

She held up her right hand like a traffic cop would.

“First I want to know about you Sam and I don’t have time to mess

around. I was straight with you and told the truth so please, no lies, no

make believe and no just giving me what you want me to hear.”


Jenny got up and knew that Sam’s eyes were following her. She took

from a large brown brief case a small tape recorder, snapped it open and

inserted a clean tape then set it on the table.

“I need to get all this down Sam because unless I do none of it will

register in my muddled brain.”

“Ok, Once I start though try and not interrupt. Please?”

She nodded and switched the recorder on and sat down waiting.

“I left the UK and went to Aussie Land a long time ago, studied there,

pathology and forensic archaeology, did a bit of teaching in archaeology

and forensics, wrote a few papers and had a lover later on in life.

He was the best friend a man could ever have not counting my

namesake, Sam Cree, who was straight and also worked in forensics.

The Human Brain Jenny is a muddle of information and it starts from the

day we are born. Imprints of information from all places and things, all

past events and much of it genetically linked. This can go back

thousands of years and parts of it brought into the here and the now.

Forget all the TV jazz about the Paranormal, most books if not all about

UFO’s and Alien abduction, a good few on haunting, and underline the

present day witches as want to be witches that you see advertised and

want to sell goods to the unwary. For money. The ‘ghost hunters’ I have

just mentioned are just full of bull shit. Most of the people who banished

this information around have their own agenda’s for doing so and a

good few of them are psychotic and live in the land of delusion. In fact

they are mental patients still on the loose because the sane people are

locked away, the ones that have been and are still in the void. They are

locked away in their minds because most of them never discovered the

key yet all have the ability to regress if they need or want to.

What is termed ‘Paranormal’ Jenny? It is a soup of religion, myths, many

of them true once you dig deeper, psychology, tribal ritual, and past

genetic imprints as well as traces of some form of mental illness. Do we

really know who we are Jenny?

No. We don’t and more than likely never will. We, as humans today, have

in fact been programmed by society from day one of our conception

through to our birth and as time progressed, we lost most of our natural

skills of communication not just with nature but with what I term as the

Underworld of our Ancestors. For many such people, their genetic

information code has been buggered up by past dis-information and

mutant cross breeds between family members down the line.

Organised religion played and still does play an important part in this

dis-information. People forget that all religion is paranormal in make-up

and myth as well as ritual and all play a part. God you see, no matter

what God you or I believe in, never had a religion. It was the human

mind that created such and once people got religion, they got an excuse

and a weapon to use against others who did not believe as they did or

do. Even today Jenny the evidence of religion ritual and conflict

worldwide is there. Mix that with race and you have a time bomb.

When it comes to someone like yourself who gets a hard knock of the

emotional type, a death of a loved one, the death of a child, sudden and

not expected tends to rattle the brain and mind cage, pushes aside

much of the implanted junk in there and lets flow, a trickle at first then a

flood of what once was, is now, and will be forever, amen.


Many people tend to think that their mental state has gone west, the pain

is too much, their strength is gone and they are weak so they seek help

and to grieve they get that help. All well and good as long as we don’t

use drugs to kill the natural mental pain because that is like putting a

bandage on an infected wound and it gets worse. Left to bleed out and

clean the infection out with good honest support is much better and of

course safer.” He paused and frowned looking down at his feet then at


“Jenny. Your child died in a tragic accident as did your husband Ray

that may have been avoided, Dolly’s child died early from disease, the

girl in red is a victim of a murder years ago, I think a ritual murder,and

the young woman in your dreams is the past and needs help. All are

linked and all to you now. Even your daughter is there or at least her

spirit or soul and they all are seeking your help Jenny. It is possible that

they, meaning what has been in contact you already, may well be joined

by others, these children of the moon.”

Sam sat back in the chair and observed Jenny noting that she had

gone very pale, a film of sweat on her forehead and her hands shaking.

She was in shock and Sam understood that. He reached over and

snapped the tape recorder off.

Jenny was startled. “What…!”

Sam smiled kindly and touched her hand. It fluttered like a heartbeat

underneath his fingers and he knew he had to call it a day.

“Any chance of another coffee, woman?”

She stood, weak, and then straightened up, nodded and waddled to the

kettle. Sam waited then relaxed as she threw on the kettle switch.

She turned, colour back in her face. “Why me Sam?”

“Why anyone? A child dies before the parents and the parents feel angry

and guilty. Most of them don’t deal with that anger or guilt and they wear

pain like another coat. That kills other feelings and they won’t let go.

As you know there is the Law and then there is Justice and sometimes

the two are so far apart that Justice is never done. By that until it is done

then the matter is never closed or should be closed no matter how long

it takes. If the legal system can do it then it still must be done.”

Jenny pondered on this and she looked straight at him.

“When you said that you started off in medical forensics away back your

job was to look for evidence either from a victim of violence or a crime


“Right. And I have worked on the graves of war crime victims in Europe

and Africa, on a single sad body of children in shallow graves long

forgotten, some with no names. I have also worked on the bones of

murder victims as far back as BC and AD1. Where are you going with

this Jenny?”

She bit her lip then, “Did you ever ‘find’ evidence so that justice could

be done? Know that someone was guilty but it would never get to


“Never, though I may well have suggested things from time to time but

never with the evidence I found and if that meant that the defendant got

off because I could not produce good hard facts then so be it. I let a

Judge, Jury and a Court decides the outcome on the evidence


Jenny looked at him stone faced. “What if you knew in your heart the

defendant was as guilty as hell and if it was a child murder, he or she

got off?”

Sam coughed softly and said in a low voice that was almost a whisper,

“Then Jenny if I could see that, Justice was done.”

They both sat for a moment in a long silence, deep thoughts like eddies

in a river flowing.

Jenny was excited and also more than a little frightened at what Sam

had explained to her. She tried to push him on to telling her more and

she had at least fifty questions for him. He had held up a hand and

looked at her.

“It’s enough for the moment Jenny. Later. I have things to do and places

to go. In fact I’m late as it is.”

“I’ll give you a lift Sam. No trouble.”

“No. Go for a walk and get grounded again. You’re as high as a kite”, he

demanded, stood up and headed for the door. She spoke to him and he


“Honest answer Sam? Do you believe in ghosts or lost souls?”

He looked grave but spoke clear. “In ghosts and souls yes but not in the

rationale sense as most people do or want to. As for vampires and

werewolves there is no such thing and never was. As for the condition

of lycanthropy and lycanthrope’s it has been with us for a very long time

and that my dear is the Genetic condition I was talking about. In part

Bad Blood, bad Genes and around here and elsewhere and like I said

before, across to the Black Mountain seven murder over the years. This

I should point out goes on in every country of the world and it is not the

devil, call it what you will that is Evil but Men and Women who want to

be Evil. They want the power over other people including children and

the one’s that want such power are the worst of all because there is the

Law and then there is real Justice.”

He left Jenny opened mouthed and was gone closing the door behind

him, the only thing left of his stay was dust motes, the small of tobacco

and his empty cup on the table.

She glared at the door. “Never mind me Sam. I’ll cope!”

The tape recorder, silver in sunlight, mocked her. She picked it up and

then pressed play.

There was no noise except a static hiss. She shook it and put it in fast

forward mode and then pressed play and again the hiss of static.


She pressed record and said into the microphone;

'Mary had a little lamb it's fleece as white as snow and

everywhere Mary went the Sam was sure to go.'

She would it back checking that the volume control was set at high then

pressed 'Play'.

The hissing came for a few seconds then;

'Mary had a little baby it's skin as white as snow and

everywhere Mary goes the lamb is sure to follow.'

Jenny dropped the small tape recorder as if it had given off hot heat and

burned her.

Slowly she reached down and picked it up then pressed rewind and

once it clicked home, she took a deep breath and pressed 'play' but also

she got was a high static hiss. She let the tape run to the end listening

to nothing but static, a white noise that seemed to enter through the

bone mass of her skull and into her brain.


Jenny walked over the bridge and into Wales. She went up

through the gate way of the church yard and towards the grave stones.

Bright sunlight helped her and made her feel better within herself as she

stopped at the grave of Mary Morgan. She re-read what it said on both

head stones. Puzzled she turned and looked at the church and then was

aware of the vicar approaching her, a small dog on a lead.

“Good morning. Interesting headstones are they not?” the middle aged

man said to her and held back the playful dog. He looked hard at Jenny

still smiling. “I take it you know the history of Mary Morgan?”

Jenny was now alert. “Some of it. Can’t workout why there are two

headstones beside the one grave?”

His smile faded and he sighed. “Guilt I suppose. The larger one was

erected by Thomas Bruce, Earl of Aylesbury for reasons unknown after

her death. The small one is suspect and a number of people at that time

may well have been involved in placing it there. All a very sad affair it

seems and so far back in time no one outside of here really had the


Jenny studied the vicar. She was always good at cross examination of a

witness and for all accounts he was now a witness though he was not

aware of it because he, like most clergymen she knew were rapped up in

their own little world.

“They say she killed her new born child? That was sad.”

He shook his head and hesitated for a moment. “Maybe she did and the

Law at the time took its course, with a good deal of help from the gentry

of the area here. Everyone in power covering one another’s back as they

do. She may well have killed the child but I suspect she was not alone in

the deed if at all and my view is that the law took its course but Justice

was a non-runner. People have tried to get to the bottom of it all and

failed. Are you researching Mary Morgan?”

“No I’m just interested in the story”, Jenny lied then added, “I have just

moved into Holly Cottage across the bridge, well rented it for a time.”

His eyes narrowed and the dog whined. “Dolly Little’s Cottage?”

“Yes. She died a while ago I heard and buried here a few days later.”

The Minister scratched his beak of a nose and nodded his face now

grim. “That caused me grief with some of the locals. Conducting her

service it seems because Dolly was not what you call a church goer and

there were some major objections to here being buried here in the

church grounds. I’m leaving anyway at the weekend so I guess the way

they reacted put the lid on it all. Dolly was not what you could term as a

‘an easy’ person. In fact in the four years I have been here I never once

seen her inside the church. That is why she had such a small send off

on the day and few people turned up. It was a man called Sam Deacon

who arranged it and paid for it all. There was money alright for the coffin

and funeral but he paid me and for the new headstone that will arrive


She took it easy fishing slowly for any information. “Yes I have met him

and he seems kind enough. Seems a sound man?”

The vicar laughed. Then holding out his hand introduced himself as the

Rev;Rodger Butts.

“Jenny Snow. It's nice to see a friendly face even if it is Sam.”

The Rev; Butts looked grey and tired. “Not many like him around here.

He now and then would tend the graves, when he was sober. A good

Christian no doubt but like Dolly, not a chapel one. He has a family

member in the town but they don’t get on. A half sister who shows little

compassion of any sort for him. A Sunday Christian I suspect. All sorts

of reasons and stories there. Sam does not help much there because he

comes and goes and when here gets drunk and at times can be


She shrugged. “Drink does that to some people but I can see Sam being

a violent man.”

Rodger Butts laughed. “Not really. He has been known to give the odd

young buck a thrashing if he was insulted by him or some woman was

being hassled by yobs but he’s pushing on now and young men, even

around here could be carrying knives.”

Jenny looked at the church. ‘”Can I go in?”

Surprised the minister nodded. “Please feel free to do so. I must

continue the dog’s walk. I might see you before I leave.”

Jenny said goodbye and headed for the church doorway aware that she

was being watched by someone or something.

Inside was larger than she suspected and was empty. She walked slowly

around it reading information about it. St. Andrews was a place of


worship before the Norman Conquest but the present building showed

signs of Old Saxon and Norman building. Jenny and history did not mix

and she knew little or nothing about Saxon history.

At least it seemed well attended both by locals and visitors judging by

the names displayed, thought Jenny as she entered the Lady Chapel.

She sat on a bench and ran all the events through her head again, with

just as many questions un-answered as she had before. For a moment

she felt she needed to pray or at least say a prayer for her daughter.

Jenny had not prayed in many years and was aware to do so now, just

because she was in a place of prayer, would not seem right.

Who do I pray to? Jesus the man or Christ the Movement?

She smiled at the though of her daughter playing in the past, things she

had done like cutting her hair when she was three and left with an

angled fringe. Jenny wiped her eyes, the tears stinging and stood up

and caught movement at the back of the church. She stared and shook

her head to clear it. When she looked up the image of the child in red

stood by the font and as she watched child smiled and give a little wave.

Before Jenny knew what she was doing, she raised her hand and waved

back as the girl in red faded away into grey brickwork.

“You’re losing the plot Jenny Snow”, she muttered then added, “Talking

to ghosts now.”

Her whisper echoed around the church walls and back to her, but also

with; it will get better. We are pleased you are staying.

We? She sat down and waited thinking of what she just heard, of Sam

and all he had so far told her, of renting the cottage which now made her

uneasy and of Mary Morgan in the 1800’s, a child mother who was

hanged on a tree less than a stone throw away from the church gate.

Where do I go from here? Looking around the church expecting

to see moving shadows but there was none and the only movement was

a small orange coloured butterfly that fluttered against the stained glass

window and then landed on the glass head of Mary of Magdalene.

Justice for Mary Morgan was impossible now because of the time

factor, she thought and she knew from what Sam had said that others

had failed in the past. Truth first is not failure she thought.

It came softly, almost a whisper as she looked at the butterfly high

up, ‘don’t be sad mummy I am ok and I also have friends here but some

of them need your help.”

“Stop it!”, putting her hands over her ears and rushing for the

door of the church tears running down her face. She stumbled and fell

headlong on the slab floor and slid along then stopped.

She lifted her head and blinked away the tears and sitting on the grey

slate slab was the butterfly slowly moving its wings up and down.

Gently she reached out a finger and the insect crawled onto it and then

with difficulty she staggered to her feet and walked to the door and


Outside she held her hand out and waited then with a light flutter the

butterfly left her hand and vanished into the wild flowers.


Jenny left by the gate of the church-yard and into The Scallions

Road, turned right and up into the main part of the town. As she walked

she passed the Old Goal and shuddered because she knew now that is

where Mary Morgan would have been kept till her trail.

At the corner she paused and looked in a book shop then moved on and

bumped into Miss Deacon, Sam’s sister, the older woman dropping her

flowers. Both bent down to pick them up and Jenny muttered, “Sorry.”

“No matter and no harm done. Yet.” muttered Miss Deacon and staring

directly at Jenny, the blue washed out eyes almost ice. Jenny did not

like the ‘Yet’ bit. It was like a hidden threat, something that sent bells

ringing in her head.

What was it with her? Jenny took in the shape and for a moment she

looked like the village busy body in the soap ‘Summerdale’, the one like

a rake and always wore a hat. Miss Deacon had lips like the slit belly of

a fish and no laughter lines.

She said straight out to Miss Deacon in her form of defence. “You’re

related to Sam?”

The belly lips tightened. “Very distant and sadly not distant enough!”

Jenny was not surprised by the remark. It fitted her profile and what she

already knew. “Sam and I are friends I guess. He’s kind and has

wonderful stories to tell about the area.”

Jenny waited for the response and Miss Deacon spat it out almost

hissing. “No doubt! Homosexual friends as well I suspect!


Your one he has then! Oh! And that hussy in the pub. The blond woman

and I see him in the bookshop with that Jewess sniffing around her.

Seems he picks up strays wherever he goes and all the wrong sort!”

“Meaning, by wrong sort?” snapped back Jenny, anger replacing

sadness and pushing what happened in the church to the back of her


The old woman glared at Jenny. “Meaning that he is a user and abuser

of women! That’s what. He’s sick and tending all those graves, all

female, should tell you something. I thought we,I,was rid of him when he

left all those years ago but then he came back to tell stories and lies,

starring up things that were best left alone. He is a trouble maker and a

drunk. No doubt that man he was seen with in Shrewsbury is his like!

Good day!”

Jenny was about to protest but Miss Deacon moved off, the thin legs

tapping out a Marine drummers beat on the pavement her back stiff.

A grey woman for a grey town, thought Jenny, and went into the Post

Office, the bell tinkling above her head.

Maria Kincaid was by the magazine rack and looked up, seen Jenny and

smiled. ‘Good morning. Is it spring or what!’

Jenny laughed, “I think so, you know so, but Sam’s sister is still living in

winter. I just met her on the corner and she was to say the least,


“Yes I seen. Sadly she is a bitter women with neither chick not child. I

guess Sam's name came up?”

Jenny nodded and fought to suppress her anger.

‘”Acid and hates Sam like I never seen anyone hate someone.”

The smile faded from Maria’s lips. “Oh! She won’t change now and the

only man who will ever touch her will be the undertaker and he is no

great shakes. How’s the cottage going?”

Jenny shrugged.

“Ok. I guess but cold at night. Like cold and much colder upstairs for

some reason? Still it’s taking shape.”

Maria placed a new magazine in the stand and smiled. “ Good. What can

I do you for?”

Jenny laughed. “Do me for?”

“Extract money from you if I can.” laughed Maria and pointing at the

door. “That bell has rung four times since I opened up this morning and

it’s almost lunch hour. I’m bored out of my mind right now.”

Jenny nodded. “Ok. I bought a new computer, laptop, and need to know

where I can get programs for it around here. I need the Office


Maria shook her head. “Not around here. Best bet is PC World or

somewhere like that. No! Wait. I may well have a solution. Sort off.”

Jenny raised an eyebrow, smiling. “Sort off?’”

“Yes but it is not Microsoft but a free program called Open Office. I have

the full program…sort of copied CD and legal. I can let you have that if it

will help. 2007 version?”

“Like right now? That would be great.”

“I’ll get it for you. I thought all these new computers have it built into


Jenny made a face. “So did I but I can’t find it. But then I don’t know

anything about computers. All I do is type and save. How much?”


Maria frowned. “A free-bee. If it works. I’ll get it and I made a back up

program. Watch the shop if you would.”

Jenny waited as Maria went around behind the desk, closed the door

behind her and vanish into a hidden back room. She then studied the

walls and public notices of up coming events in the town and past one’s

that had not been removed.

“Sam said you’re Ok.”

Jenny jumped. Maria was standing behind her, holding a silver CD in a

case and pushed it at Jenny. She took it and slipped it into her bag then

looked up at Maria “Sam’s been talking about me? About what?”

Maria smiled. “About how you are an Ok person and he liked you. I

guess if he had been thirty years young he might have made a pass at

you if he danced with the other foot,and looking at you I can understand


Jenny flushed then relaxed. “Being gay is not against the law

now.Nothing else I hope?”

“The cat. He said the white cat his turned up again.”

Maria smiled and looked at Jenny. “You will feed it? Not that she needs

much feeding because she hunts rabbits, mice, voles and rats.

I have never seen her with a bird though.”

“This cat? Dolly’s cat? Does it have a name?”

“Yes and a very strange name. For a long time I thought it was ‘bastard’

but later discovered she called it ‘BASTET’. Don’t ask me what its means

because I have not a clue. Sam thinks it might be Egyptian and I still see

that cat the odd time about the town, more so in the grounds of St.

Andrews Church sitting on the grave.”


Alarm bells went off in Jenny’s head. That was the name she heard

whispered in the cottage and why did Sam not tell her about the name.

He even tried to say there was no cat? She shuddered and Maria


“Where about was the cat in the church grounds?”, asked Jenny.

Maria looked hard at Jenny now concerned. “On the grave of Mary

Morgan as I said. Are you Ok.?”

“Fine I think.”, but she was not feeling fine, far from it.

Maria laughed loudly and Jenny looked at her. “What?”

“Nothing and I don’t want to offend you. Just me being silly.”

Jenny pushed her. “What is it because if it’s funny I need ‘funny.’?”

Maria tried to keep a straight face and said, “When I ask people how they

are and they tell me ‘FINE’ I break it down into letters. F.I.N.E.”

“And what?”, asked Jenny.

She sniggered but then tried hard to keep a straight face.

“Fucked up, Insecure, Neurotic, and emotionally unstable.”

Jenny’s mouth dropped open and she mouthed the word silently burst

out laughing and said, “That’s me ok, Maria!”

Both women laughed loudly until their eyes filled with tears. The bell

over the door rang and Maria looked at Jenny in alarm, tried fast to pull

herself together and walked back to her counter. Jenny looked through

the magazine rack and could see that the Rev. Rodger Butts standing, a

small brown package in his hand. Jenny stiffened and waited.

“How are things?”, asked Maria, her face a mask.

“ Fine.”

Jenny put her handover her mouth and headed for the door, waved at

Maria who kept a straight face and was gone. The Rev. Rodger Butts

turned as the bell tinkled and seen the back of Jenny as she left.

He turned back to Maria ‘That’s the new person who is renting Holly

Cottage. She seems nice enough. I need to send this airmail Maria. First

class please.”

Maria took the package and put it on the scales and said; “Two pounds

fifty please.” The Rev. Butts brought sunshine in to Maria’s day and

handed over the money in small change then mumbled, “Fine.”

“That new woman, Jenny Snow seems to have an interest in Mary

Morgan and the history of the case. Nice enough woman mind you but I

hope she is not one of those people we get here seeking truth and

justice Maria?”

Maria frowned at the minister for a moment. “If she is then she will not

be the last I guess and what is wrong with a bit of healthy interest in the


“ Nothing at all but you and I both know that some people around here

don’t want it raked up again because of their own family ties to the area

and there are a very few who make it an unhealthy past time for Ms

Snow .”

Maria nodded and smiled. “I think that one can look after herself very

well. She is tough underneath it all and I have no doubt, a fighter.”

The Rev Rodger Butts was troubled and churning up inside because

there was something about that woman Snow that unsettled him. She

was the law not the police but why did she come here to this town?

His mind raced and he thought of Garth Jones and his own personal

connection with him over the time he was here, something no one knew

about, not even his wife.

His face was now set in stone as he walked from the post office and he

felt that all the local people's eyes were on him, they knew what he was

and what he had done or did they. This is not India, he thought so I must

pull myself together. Except for that one single discretion with James

Watts, aged six at the Scout clean up day when he brushed his hand

against him when raking weeds there was nothing. The mother of the

boy for a moment looked oddly at him from across the gravestones then

smiled as he had moved away. He was bold enough to talk to her later

and to thank her for bring all the scouts down to help in the clean up

and made a donation of fifty pounds to her for troop camping


She beamed at him and thanked him publicly then later with a letter but

it was as far as he was concerned a stupid move on his part.

It was her look, that look directly at him that had unsettled him and even

now as he walked back to the church he was unsettled. Something was

going on he was sure of it and his wife had also went cold in the last few

months. Time to move on, he thought and went into the rectory but not

before he looked up and seen Jenny Snow looking in his direction.

“Why do I not trust that man?”, she whispered to herself as she watched

him vanish through the gateway.



Rain snaked down the window glass and lashed the cottage as dusk

fell and darkness overtook it. Jenny looked at the new laptop pleased

that for once she was able to put a program onto it…and it worked.

She had put in the code as requested which was written on the CD case

though a little disappointed she only had 60 days free trail. Still it was

better than nothing and she still had to get connected up to the www.

Jenny had noted that there was a phone connection plug and also a line

running into the cottage and had rang BT on her mobile who said that

someone would be round late afternoon tomorrow to check and test the

line and install a phone. She had been puzzled why there had been no

phone in the cottage, even if Dolly did not like phones; it would have

been useful in case of an emergency. Still, for the moment, she had her

mobile even if it meant moving around till she got a signal.

She walked to the window in the sitting room and looked out over the

sodden garden and darkness. ‘Welcome to Wales.’ She muttered and

pulled over the curtains.

Jenny was pleased that all windows were closed, doors locked, and now

a log fire burning in the gate. The fire took a half packet of fire lighters to

get going but she knew that was because she forgot to use twigs

instead of logs. Now warm she opened ‘OFFICE’ and went into Word, on

the computer. She typed in bold, ‘CASE OF MARY MORGAN.’

Then she began her notes and was lost in them and all the events of the


Jenny had just stopped after an hour and was at the sink filling

the kettle when Sam knocked the window and made her jump. She

pointed to the door and he came in.

“Sorry if I frightened you Jenny. It’s wet out there and I did try the door.”

He looked at the blue screen of the computer. “ Been busy I see?”

Jenny folded her arms across her chest. “Sam. Your dripping all over

the floor. Take the coat off. Do you want tea?”

Sam struggled out of the yellow coat and set it across the back of a

chair and Jenny sighed and took it then hung it on the door. The puddle

under the chair she mopped up with an old cloth. Sam stood and

watched her frowning.

“Tea would be nice. When you have finished being house proud?”

She looked up at him annoyed. “Sorry?”

“House proud woman. This is the country not the city. We tend to get

muddy feet and rain water now and then in our kitchens down here, a

few flies, big hairy moths in Summer and even the odd badger wanders

in to it looking for food.”

She stood and dropped the cloth into the sink and went to the kettle

and made tea without answering aware that Sam was more than a little

crusty. She turned and handed him a mug. Sam took it and sat down at

the table and blew on the tea then looked at her.

“We have a problem Jenny?”, licking his lips and blowing again on the



“You and I. Seems there is talk in the town. There is crazy pub talk.

About you and I and your interest in Mary Morgan.”


She raised an eyebrow. “That did not take long. List of suspects then.

Let me see. Your sister, who I should point out does not like you, the

very Rev. Butts, The Liberty staff, maybe even Maria at the Post Office?

So what are the saying Sam? That I’m the new witch on the patch?”

Sam made a face and looked at the tea in his mug then directly at Jenny.

“No it’s much worse than that. This town has always been split with

reference to the Mary Morgan issue. Always has and always will be. The

people who have support for the Mary Morgan cause are less and less

now and keep their heads down and the people who resent it being

brought up again are more and more.

They think you’re here to open an old wound like others did in the

past,and that I am helping you. Some are saying that your are here in a

legal capacity and want to dig up old cases. Pry into people's lives and

so on.”

Jenny took a deep breath. Slowly she let it out. Sam watched carefully.

“Did you hear what I said Jenny?What the hell are you doing woman?”

She nodded. “Hi ho Sam!! Yoga breathing Sam. Gets the stress levels

down.” she mocked then added, “ You should try it sometime.”

Sam shook his head, supped tea then, “Well in that case you better start

breathing faster and more often then. Maybe we both should.”

She looked across at him now concerned.”Why? What has happened?”

Sam took a deep breath and let it out fast then “The good people of this

town and who want the Mary Morgan thing to go away, as well as the

child murder, are a gathering storm and have decided to call a meeting,

a meeting that will have a cover as a tourist attraction meeting but in

reality is going to be about you and others like you who come here to

upset the apple cart. Jones and the Rev. Rodger Butts will be in

attendance also.”

Jenny felt her insides go cold. “About me is it then I should be there.”

He shook his head and his voice was sad when he answered. “ Its is not

just the Mary Morgan thing Jenny. They think you’re dangerous and a

threat to them and maybe even their children. Whispers of course for the

moment but from what I can gather, getting louder and like Swine flu

virus is spreading panic. Uncalled for panic of course but there”

Alarm bells were going off and loud in her head. “What else has been

said Sam? Tell me and how come Butts is involved with the meeting!”

Sam shook his head. “ I have said more than enough already.”

Jenny almost shouted, “Tell me Sam!”

“That you’re a crazy woman and were treated for mental illness in

London. They somehow know that you spent time in a hospital for it.

Somehow they also know now that you defended a paedophile in

London a month before your husband and child were killed in that car

crash and he got off thanks to a well known barrister, that being you.”

Jenny stood up fast, the chair falling backwards and hitting the floor.

“ Sam the man was not guilty! The jury made the decision on that and

found him not guilty. He was tried by the media well before he got to

court and his defence was weak. Oh God!”

To Sam she looked like a deer in panic surrounded by hounds, or

wolves. Maybe she is, thought Sam, getting up and walking to her.

He opened his arms like a great bear and she moved into them and

began to sob. Maybe the least said was the easiest mended he thought.

When she had settled down and sitting across from him at the table he

asked softly, “What now Jenny Snow. Run again?”

Jenny red eyed and upset but no longer sobbing. She shrugged. “How

about I leave today.”

“And go where? Another part of Wales, over to Ireland, France, Spain?

They say Barcelona is nice at this time of the year?”

She looked at him, this old man who was full of wisdom and now a

friend but with a nettle in his hand. “If you were me, what would you do


He shrugged. “I’m not you Jenny but if I was…”

“But what if?”

“ Fight back and face them head on when the time is right because if

you pack up and run then they will think that your are guilty of

something. That is the way they are. Not them all but a good few. They

don’t need you here to remind them Jenny of the child in red and that

goes deeper than Mary Morgan. Much deeper.”

Shocked Jenny’s mouth fell open. ‘How did you know?”

“She has no peace and still around Jenny as well as others. Some were

found but many were lost, missing, gone. The child in red was murdered

in 1977 and found in a wood not far from here. It was the 17 th of March,

St. Patrick’s Night it was and in the evening and a wet evening at that.

Her mother lived in a caravan park and both had been out at the Church

Hall, sort of youth club then. Afterwards there was tea and cakes in the

old Church Hall a few miles from here but in another parish not the


There were other children and parents there as well as and as it was

dark and the children were having a good time no one noticed she had

gone missing until her mother went to look for her. There was no sign

and the alarm was raised. A search went on through the night and into

the next day. She was found in the wood, torn apart. There was a sexual

assault, her clothing had been removed and she had been dressed in a

red coat and hat it seems and a murder hunt was on. I read about it

when I was away but the pressed dubbed the murder as the Little Red

Riding Hood Murder just to sell papers.”

Jenny shuddered because she knew the pain of losing a child to a

violent moment. “And the mother what about her?”

“After the funeral she went to the wood where the body was found…the

spot where the child died looking for the child's heart. The killer had

removed it Jenny. The public were kept in the dark about that part. I

guess her not finding it really finished her off and she hung herself from

a tree.”

There was a long silence. Jenny’s mind was a back wind of memories of

the airport, her mother ringing her, the madness within her out of control

race to the A+E department, her case forgotten at the airport causing

panic, the look on the faces of the nurses and doctor who would not

meet her eyes and just shook their heads, mumbling words “Sorry. We

did all we could to save your daughter and husband.”

It was as she knew, the learnt lines of sorrow, well rehearsed and no

doubt came with the course book for medical staff, the only response

the staff could give because to give any more they would cease to

function when the next case arrived. She had looked at the two bodies,

kissed them both before they were taken away and asked about the

driver of the other car.

A red faced Irish nurse looked grim. “He did not make it.”

After the post mortems and the funerals, the police informed her that the

dead man had been drinking, which she suspected, but what she did not

know that he had been the father of one of the girls who had been

murdered and Jenny defended the killer, which she had done, and he

was found guilty and sent to prison for life. From the witnesses reports,

he drove his car at speed directly into her husbands.

Guilty as charged echoed around her head.

It was only later that she found out that he had got away from the court,

went on the run and somehow managed to get drunk and steal a car.

Normal criminals would get away as far as possible but he was out to

get her by any means. The police said that they had tried to contact her

but she could not be contacted. If only she had left her car at the airport

and not with Ray her husband and daughter would still be alive.

“Jenny?” The voice distant and blinked and Sam came into focus again.

“Sorry…Miles away. How did you find out about this? The talk?”

“Molly is a friend of mine as you know and. It seems that people were in

last night as well as the local free lance hack, Angie Edwards who

covers meetings, and courts. A real wasp of a woman and always

chasing fire engines and ambulances as well as the local small time

crime in the area. She is, what she terms a Journalist, though could

never get a full time job in any of the newspapers because she is an

artist rather than a reporter. Anyhow, Molly was serving the small group

of people she was with, some of them local and it seems the ‘wasp’

brought up your name. The ‘I have a big story bit’ and your name came


Molly of course was all ears but what she heard, she passed onto me

later. Somehow, and I don’t know how, she had already made inquires

about you because it seems your were in the local library looking for

books on Mary Morgan and the history of the town. She also I guess, got

a good bit of information from Garth Jones who told her you were a

lawyer from London. As he was there and half cut, him mouthing off like

he does when the drink is talking. Being what she is and I know for a

fact that she has a brother in the Met, she made a few phone calls, and

came up with your history.”

Sam noticed Jenny's face changing and it was full of black anger.

“Shit on a stick!. She has been busy! Does she live in the town?”

Sam looked at her alarmed. “Why?”

She glared at him. “You said ‘fight back’ Sam and I guess I will start with

her! Maybe I should just go there and punch her lights out!”

“Wow!! Slow down our kid! She’s poison!”

“I don’t give a fiddler’s …”

“Jenny! Stop! Listen!” Sam shouted at her his face going red.

She folded her arms and glared at him. Anger now replaced sadness

and it was white hot anger that she had no control over.

“What do I do Sam!” she snapped at him. “Let her run free and cause

trouble for me! No way! I’m better than that Sam. Much better and I have

teeth. Very sharp legal teeth and I will bite! ”

Sam shrugged. “Molly would not answer any of her pointed questions.

In fact if anything she stuck up for you across the bar.”


This confused Jenny who had been too blunt with her in the car park.

“Why would she do that? She owes me nothing?”

“Maybe not but she refused point blank to talk about you except to say,

which caused her a problem with her boss, that you were Ok and not a

half baked hack like Edwards was.”

“Sam. Where does this half baked hack live in the town?”

Sam sighed “Pistols at dawn is it? I’ll show you. Take the car and drop

me off at the pub.”

“You’re going for a drink at a time like this?”

Sam got to his feet and took the wet yellow coat off the back of the door

and struggled into it then looked at Jenny. “My dear woman one has to

be civilized when a crime of passion is in the offering and I have no

intention of getting between you two so I might even get pissed!”

Angie Edwards was rake like and to Jenny standing at her front door

in the rain, she looked breast less, short dark hair with some streaks of

grey through it and a rainbow coloured jumper on that did not match the

purple pants. A New Age Hack, though Jenny grimly.

“We need to talk!”Jenny snapped and pushed by her into the hall.

“Hi! You can not come in here! Who are you anyway?”

Jenny pulled back her hood, face damp and glared at the much older

woman. “I can be your worse nightmare in legal terms if you want it and

believe me, you don’t want it! I’m Jenny Snow and it seems you were

making inquires about me! Not just here and at the Met in London, all

unofficial police business of course and using police resources via

your brother. That in my book is going to drop him in deep shit!”


She watched Angie Edwards lick her lips; her eyes alarmed and knew

then that she was on the right footing and Edwards was not.

“It was a human interest possible story. I was…”

“How about that I get onto the national newspapers as well as the

National Union of Journalists, have your Press card pulled if you have

one, not to mention BBC Wales, and ask them all to come here and talk

to you. That, Edwards, is a human interest story and points straight to

harassment by you towards a member of the public. Might even makes

the Sunday’s? Oh yes...And of course your brother! A call to the Chief

Constable or Commissioner of police in London could see your brother

kicked out on his ass”

She watched the older woman’s face go a shade whiter, the lips licked

twice and her fingers fiddling with the cuffs of the rainbow jumper.

“How did you get my name?” muttered Edwards closing over the door

and trying to work out in her mind what to do next. Right now she had a

very angry woman standing in her house and who is not going to be

fobbed off with some lame excuse. Not only that, she was a real legal

beaver so therefore dangerous. She was also a past mental patient.

Jenny was starting to enjoy this now and in her own cruel way knew she

had already won the battle if not the war of words.

“The bloody fairies told me so now let’s talk!”

She followed the reporter into a cluttered room with a table and chairs,

large computer on the table and the place littered with papers and

books. Around the wall were newspaper cuttings that had by-lines of

Angie Edwards on all sorts of topics. Jenny sat down without being

asked and scanned the small coffee table top fast making mental notes.

Angie went to the other side of the table reached over and switched off

the computer. She looked up at Jenny. “I thought it would make a good

local story about you and coming here and for the moment it is…was

just an idea.”

Jenny made a face. “A bad idea and don’t give me bollocks! Garth Jones

started it off and you went digging for dirt well before that even to the

point of contacting you brother in London. Do you know what the law is

on writing something untrue or a slander? if you do and you by now

know that I worked and practice law for a long time as a barrister until I

came here. You will also know that I will meet you head on if you print

one thing about my private life and you won’t ever work again for any

newspaper here or in Wales. I will also sue you! Failing that, to protect

my dead child, I may even kill you! After all I have had a major break-

down so you have informed everyone!”

There was fear in Angie Edward's eyes but she tried to fight back.

“You know enough about the law to know that last bit is a threat and I

could go to the police. In fact once you leave and I would like that to be

now, I might just do that.”

Jenny laughed harshly. “The police? Your brother? Something you don’t

know blue eyes. No one saw me coming in here and no one will see me

leave! If you push me too far and don’t back off then anything could


Did I really just say that, she thought.

She let that hang in the air watching the other woman’s face.

It shook the older woman and more lip licking and this time she really

looked frightened. She did not know to do with her hands, Jenny


Angie Edwards looked for a way to escape but Jenny was between her

and the door that led out into the hallway and the front door.

She spluttered, “You’re a mental case! I found that out and I’m not

frightened of you. You are also recorded on camera and I can play that

back, time in here and leaving. Now get out!”

Jenny’s smile was not nice, her eyes sparks of hot light. “I know. And

very dangerous with it. I think you should be aware of that and believe

me, you should be frightened, very frightened because if I hear any more

about you shit stirring, I’ll be back and standing at the bottom of your

bed at two am some dark morning! As far as your camera is concerned it

is for outside.”

Jenny stood, pulled the hood up and stormed out of the house into the

street. There was no one to be seen. She cut back into the centre of the

town, found a coffee shop and sat down, shaking and seething inside.

By the time the coffee was set before her she had stopped shaking and

her anger was now under control. Jenny knew that she had gone too far

but there was nothing she could do about it now. She also knew that she

had to get from here and back to the car that she had parked in a dark

side street, hopefully without being seen. Welsh rain and dark nights

kept people off the streets walking but not people in cars and it was

always possible that someone in a car would see her.

“Hallo? We are closing now.”


She jumped and looked up at the spotty young man standing to the left

of the table. He could be no more than 18 years old and Jenny could see

that he was getting slightly impatient looking at his watch.

She looked at her own and could see it was well past ten o’clock so

nodded and stood up. “Sorry I forgot the time.”

“No problem. A bad night out there. Have you far to go?”

She shook her head and nodded towards the wet street. “No I was

supposed to meet someone here but I guess she is not coming. I’ll pick

up the car in the car park. Thanks.”

He held the door open for her and she passed him by then walked down

the street and headed back towards the church but not the car park.

Jenny was grateful that she met no one else or a car coming towards her

then took a sharp right into a badly lit street where she had left the car

and got in. She sat for a moment checking if anyone had followed her

but except for a dog there was nothing else there. The dog came up to

the car and lifted its leg and emptied its bladder and Jenny smiled.

“When you gotta go, you gotta go.”

Five minutes later she pulled into the cottage and got out and

shuddered. “Anywhere else but here tonight”, she whispered and

pushed the key into the lock.

Inside looked normal and she sat down with a cup of tea trying to settle

herself. Her mind replayed her confrontation with Edward's and she tried

to shut it out.

There would be little doubt that Jones and the reporter would get

together and in time she knew that as far as her staying in Holly Cottage

was concerned it would be a foregone conclusion that he would turn up

and tell her that he wanted her out.

But not without a fight, she thought. That I am good at.

If I do move move where? She cocked her head and listened and

expected a whispering but except for the noise of the rain there was


“You all gone deaf and don't want to talk. Well that is Ok with me and I

want to sleep straight through so no tricks my little friends, not tonight.”

She almost smiled and thought if anyone had heard her she was

heading for a nice ward with bars on the windows and a load of drugs

pumped into her.

Then she started to laugh and for some reason the Actor Jack Nicholson

flashed into her head, him in the films,

'One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest' and then the actor with yellow eyes

in 'Wolf.'

There was more than just a friendly connection between Edwards and

Jones, she thought. Somehow one or the other had something they

could used against the other. She pondered on this as she showered

and got ready for bed. If I am right and know people like I claim I do,

then Edwards will be in contact with Garth Jones by now filling him in

on her visit. No doubt she will also come across as the poor victim in all

this and so much so that Jones will have to take some sort of action


She lay in the bed, the light still on and pondered her future. She knew

she needed to get back into the saddle again and practice law and if that

was the case she needed to go anywhere but London. For a time she

tossed and turned, dreams of past defendants and blank faces of

witnesses and judges coming and going. Photographs of the victims

came and went, flashing images of torn bodies, bruises, stab wounds,

gunshot wounds, strangulation and drowning. Faces of men , women

and children all dull white and very dead. Her own child came into view

and she cried herself into a deep sleep.

Someone moved in the Church yard, next the yew tree and the Rev

Butts stiffened in fear. He waited where he said he would wait and then

Garth Jones came into view and passed by him into the doorway of the

church and stood. “You wanted to see me Garth?”

“Sorry about the late hour but I feel its urgent. I had a call from Angie

Edwards and it seems she had a visitor, one Jenny Snow. To say she

was upset is an understatement Rodger and she was all over the place.

Edwards also has been digging up the dirt on you, me and a few others

and she came across that she knows all about your past history.”

“How and why?”

Jones laughed harshly. “She hinted at money.”


“ A great sum of money which she said she would buy a house

somewhere else and move away. She also somehow got photographs of

some of the children and once I heard that I rang you.”

Rodger Butts held his head in his hands muttering to himself then he

looked at Jones. “ We have to stop her and before she has time to act!”

“We? Rodger you don’t understand. She has more on you than me but if

you go down you may take me with you. Should I take that risk with



Dawn came in grey and wet as Jenny sat at the table and thought

of last night. For some reason she did sleep well once she got over,with

no dreams and no ‘visitors’. Her clash with Angie Edwards was still very

fresh in her mind and on thinking about it she started to churn up as she

re-ran the events through her head. As for Sam she had no idea where

he was or where he spent the night but knowing the little about Sam

Deacon as she did he would not be sleeping rough. Jenny went to the

sink and was washing up when the front door was banged hard. She

went and opened it expecting to see Sam standing there wet and still

drunk but instead it was Molly with a rucksack and two carrier bags her

blond hair plastered tight to her head with the rain.

“Molly what are you doing here and why the baggage?”

Molly was stone face and shivered. “Jones sacked me last night and his

friends helped me pack this morning and put me out on the street. Can I

come in?”

Jenny nodded and took one of the bags and pointed to the kitchen

puzzled of what went off at the pub. “Go in there and I’ll get you a towel

and coffee.”

Molly set her bag and rucksack on the ground and sat in the chair

slipping off the wet yellow waterproof coat and dropped it at her feet.

“I’m sorry for calling so early and if your light had not been on I would

have kept on walking but I had no where else to go.”

Jenny frowned. “Where would you have gone if the light in the cottage

had not been on?”


Molly shrugged. “Get to the bus station in the next village and take the

first bus out of here and just go anywhere. Jones sent two hard cases

this morning around five and they had keys to get into the pub and burst

into my room and told me to get packed or lose a kidney.”

“They threatened you?”

“Big time. I was in bed dead to the world and there they were standing

over me shouting abuse. They were not locals and I had never seen

them in the pup before and believe me when I tell you I was frightened

because I have handled aggressive drunks in the past but nothing like

these two and they were not in any way drunk.”

“I’ll call the police and you have a shower Molly.”

Molly shook her head fighting back the tears. “No. I don’t want the

police involved because Jones will come up with some cock and bull

story about missing cash from the till or some other lie. One of the

coppers is in his pocket I think but not Sergeant Davis because he came

in four months ago and is as sound as a bell.”

Jenny put the coffee in front of Molly surprised how young she looked

without her make up and frightened. “I went and seen that woman

Edwards last night and clashed with her, putting her straight on the

facts. Thank you for what you said and did that night in the pub.

I take it this is why Jones sacked you and put you out?”

Molly laughed harshly. “That and because I would not sleep with him I

guess. He has been trying for months to get inside my knickers and in

the end I told him straight that I wanted nothing like that from him.

He was drunk at the time and made a move on me so I slapped him hard.

It was not just shock on his face but his eyes showed pure hate and I

backed off and he left. That was a week ago so I guess he has been

brooding over it and then what happened in the pub put the lid on it.

Molly paused then, “Guess he will be coming here next because he did

a lot of talking about you at the meeting along with Edwards and a few

others. Some of the people there, a very few wanted you to attend the

meeting and hear your side of the story but were voted down.”

Jenny nodded and looked around the kitchen. “Good job I did not get

the painters in then. What time do you think Jones and his gang will


Molly finished drying her hair and looked at her wide eyed. “From nine

onwards I guess because Jones has a pig farm and may have livestock

up there to check. He lives up at the back of the hill next the church but

the house is on its own, though now hidden. He feeds the pigs and other

livestock and hits town to open his shop around nine. Also Sam is


“Missing? But I thought he went to the pub because I dropped him off

last night and he walked across the road towards it.”

Molly shook her head. “That is what I meant when I said Sam was

missing. He came in and sat with Rebecca Shaw and that was odd

because he calls in most nights for at least a few drinks. Last night was

busy after the meeting, Edwards left early and went home and Sam left

with Rebecca to somewhere much quieter.”

“Other pubs in the town so he could have went there?”

“No. Sam is a creature of habit Jenny. It was my pub or nowhere. He also

got fed there so he missed his food as well and he is a diabetic so that is

not good news because if he does not eat he goes strange, blood

sugars drop like a stone Rebecca offered to drop him home but they

went to an INN out the road, had a few drinks and he said he would walk

back while she headed for her own home across the border. He could be

lying in a ditch somewhere, injured or dead.”

Jenny looked worried and all sorts of images came and went of Sam

lying dead somewhere or injured. Quickly she dismissed them from her


“You go and have a quick shower while I pack a few things and then we

will go and look for him. In case Jones does come I want at least to have

my stuff in the car but the law is on my side.”

Molly almost sneered. “Jones has no respect for the law. I have a quick

shower and be with you in a few minutes. Oh…Something I forgot to tell

you and why I did not want the police involved. Angie Edwards was a bit

pissed and full of herself and left her notebook behind her. I put it in my

rucksack. It’s red and full of stuff about everyone including you.

Thought you might want to have a look at it?”

Jenny for a moment looked alarmed then smiled.

“You never did. The password and all?”

“The password is “DRUID”, upper case. She has a lot of folders in there

as well as what is on the memory stick. I did not go into them but I can

tell you she has been busy over the years. Her photo album is not for

family viewing.”

Before Jenny could respond Molly had walked out of the room and

called back. “Where is it, the shower?”

“First on the left, yellow door.”


Jenny reached for the rucksack and opened it and found the small red

note book and set it on the table in front of her and opened it and

switched on. She could see that the battery was fully charged so she

had no need to plug her computer lead into it. Almost at once it

demanded a password. She typed in “DRUID” in upper case and hit


The desktop screen showed a number of folders all named and she

picked the documents one and pressed enter again and it opened to

show well over one hundred named folders including ‘My picture Album’

and she opened that.

Jenny’s mouth fell open with shock. More folders, all named and a few

jumped out at her, ‘witchcraft in Wales’ ‘missing children’, ‘Child victims

of sexual abuse’, ‘child murders UK’, Ireland and Europe , India child


Jenny opened the folder missing children and over fifty faces looked

back at her, most of them female children and some went back twenty

years or more.

She closed the folder and looked at the rest. All were Surnames of

families but Jenny’s was not there. She went back to the desktop and

again nothing until she opened the folder, ‘work in progress’ and there

she was. Name, past addresses, photographs of Ray and her daughter,

two photographs of her, where she had worked and what she did, cases

she had been involved in, newspaper cuttings relating to her.

She came out of the computer and closed it down and sat shaking with

anger because Angie Edwards was not just a hack but a very intrusive

one at that. She sat looking at the red notebook and worked out that for

the moment there was no way she was handing it back.

Somehow later she would find a way to return the note book but before

that she was going to make copies of every folder and file on it and then

when she got time would troll through each with a fine tooth comb,

She was now beyond guilt of prying into someone else’s computer and

if she found anything in there from a legal point of view that she could

use against Edwards then she would do it.

She almost smiled because she a good part of the old Jenny had

surfaced and that was fighting fit and crafty with it. Angie Edwards

without knowing it had helped her get kick started into recovery and she

was not going back into that dark hole she had been in.

Right now she had to weight up her options and one was to be here

when Jones got here, then find Sam, dead or alive, find somewhere to

stay and that of course would mean Molly as well if she wanted to but

not in the town because the town had too many secrets to hide and

some people wanted to keep them buried well.

Molly was educated and not just a bar maid so maybe she had talents

and skills she could use because now there were two people in this

quest, maybe three, if Sam was alive.

The thought that something had happened to Sam made her go ice cold

and she turned to Molly as she came back from the bathroom.

“Sam’s house? Could he have gone there and do you know how to get

there Molly?”

Molly shook her went head and shrugged. “Never been there. Sorry.”


Jenny swore to herself and was still sitting there when Molly came

back in dressed and with her face shinning she looked hard at the


“Bad is it?”, asked Molly then added, “You can say what you like but

from the little I seen she is well organised even though she writes shite

in the end. And those family surnames? A good few live in the area and

as far east as Knighton and beyond. Then there is the list of missing

children and child murders across the UK and Ireland. Intense research

don’t you think for a hack?”

“Very ,and she is not too fussy how she goes about getting it.”

Jenny looked at Molly and shrugged. “For the moment I want to hang

onto the notebook and go through it later. In the meantime we need to

pack just in case Jones and Co arrive and want me out of here. You can

leave or stay and I will understand if you want to go Molly.”

“I’m staying and ok, I was rattled when they came but now I’m angry and

will stay with you. As for Sam I don’t know where he is.”

There was the sound of a car pulling up outside and door cars slamming

and voices then the door knocked. Both women looked at one another.

“Here we go. Stuff that notebook back in your rucksack Molly and


When Jenny opened the door she was looking at the grim face of a

police Sergeant and her heart missed a few beats.

“Jenny Snow?”

“Yes. I’m Jenny Snow what can I do for you Sergeant?”


“Can I come in please? It’s to do with a woman called Angela Edwards

and what went on last night.”

Jenny sighed and stood back allowing the police officer past then

closed the door.

In the kitchen Molly looked up and she looked from the police officer to

Jenny. “I thought we agreed that I did not…”

“It’s for me Molly, not you.”

The Sergeant smiled at Molly and introduced himself. “My name is Sgt.

Davis, you already know that Molly, and I am here to ask Mrs Snow some

questions about the reporter Angela Edwards regarding last nights

events. Can I sit down?”

Jenny smiled, her courtroom face on, “Please do.”

She watched closely as he took out his note book and pen then flipped it

open and looked at Jenny. “Do you know Samuel Deacon?”

Molly went pale but did not speak. She looked at Jenny and waited.

“Yes Sam and I are friends of sorts or should I say now, seeing you are

here, ‘was friends’ if the news is bad?”

“Sam is ok but a bit knocked about with shock. It seems he was on the

road late last night above Wolf Hill and had just come to the bad bend

there when there was an accident.”

Jenny slowly let out her breath. “What has this got to do with Angie


The Sgt paused for a long moment then;

“She is dead and Sam is a witness to it. She was coming from the town

here, and around eleven fifteenth and eleven thirty about three miles out

she was travelling at high speed when a white cat came out of the

hedge, sat in the middle of the road. It may have been blinded by the

headlights but did not move and Sam says Ms Edwards seemed to brake

but hit a tree,then the car rolling over and went on fire. She did not get

out and it is doubtful if she could have even if the fire had not started.

Sam tried and had his arms slightly burned and hands but he also

sucked in smoke which at his age was not good”. He looked hard at

Jenny and asked the question she was dreading.

“When did you see Ms Edwards last?”

Jenny did not dodge the truth. “Around ten last night in her home.”

“And the purpose of your visit to her late at night?”

Jenny took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

“She was spreading news around about me and was also going to write

an article about me and I did not take kindly to that so I went to see her.

We had words of course but I left her around 10.20 pm and went to have

a coffee before going home. The shop, the Maze was just closing and

the young man told me that so I left, picked up the car and came home”

Sgt; Davis made notes then looked up this time at Molly. “I believe she

was in the pub last night and mingling with Garth Jones crowd. Did she

have much to drink and when did she leave?”

“She had a few, all vodkas straight, was a bit pissed but not over the top

and left everyone at around 9.30 to walk the short distance to her


“No wine?”, asked the police officer looking puzzled.

“Not in the pub but I don’t know what she had when she got home”, said

Molly. “If anything.”


He looked back at Jenny. “While you were with her did you see her

drinking or any evidence that she had been drinking wine?”

“No. I can say that she did not look or act drunk while I was with her.”

Sgt Davis sighed and looked from Molly to Jenny. “Well sometime

between eleven and midnight she got tanked up on red wine and I mean

a lot. We also found a bottle half empty in the car which may suggest

she was drinking as she was driving.”

Jenny spoke softly. “There is no evidence to support that is there? What

with the fire in the car?”

Davis smiled grimly and glared at Jenny.

“The bottle mouth slammed into her lips and teeth when she braked

hard and when she lost control she dropped the bottle and it fell on the

floor, jamming itself under the brake peddle. The half empty bottle still

had the cork in and was found in the back seating area so in all it seems

she had a half bottle of wine corked and one opened one in her lap that

she was topping up on as she was driving.”

Molly tried to stay calm. “Open and shut case then”, hoping it was.

“Unless we find something that says otherwise at the PM then I guess

so”, said Davis then added. “I don’t suppose either of you woman knew

where she would be going at that time of night or why?”

Molly shook her head and Jenny said “No. Is Sam staying in Hospital?”

The police officer smiled and shook his head, “ He is having breakfast in

the hotel and I know when I dropped him off there he was sober. It’s out

the road between the two towns and called Fly Fisher Inn. He spent

some time last night with young Rebecca Shaw who owns the bookshop

then she offered to drop him off but he said he would walk home.

Thanks for your help. We will need a formal ID of the body and Sam

suggested Garth Jones for that. It seems they were good friends though

I am not sure 'friends' is the right word to use.I’m off to see him now.”

“Oh yes. Very good friends but you do know she had a brother in

London who is also a police officer? Then being dead and in her case,

very dead it matter's little who takes a look at her.”, snapped Molly then

shook her head. “Sorry. Guess I should not speak ill of the dead.”

Davis nodded and smiled at Molly. “It’s ok. I already know you and her

never got on and doubt very much if she was liked much anyway. She

was never well liked in many places and that I do know as fact. Oh, one

last question? That white cat I take it you have not seen it this morning

because I believe it lives somewhere around here?”

Jenny nodded towards the woodshed. “Sometimes it stays in there but

no one owns it, no one every would want to own it. Off the record I

would suggest for a time you put someone on the door of Ms Edward's

house. Jones also owns that and he will be in there like a ferret after a

rabbit to see what he can gleam.”

“Meaning what?”

“I don't know but she may well have had some information on him and

he may well have wanted to see it.”

Jenny swallowed hard. She said too much and the police officer looked

at her confused.

Sgt Davis eyebrow went up. “Off the record also I don’t like the man or

those he hangs out with and you seem to know a lot more about him

than I do in the short time you have been here Ms Snow. How do you

know that Garth Jones owns the house?”


Jenny frowned and looked the Sgt in the eye. “When I was in the house

there was a purple rent book and a letter open on her desk, both with his

name on them.”

“I see. Is there anything else I should know?”

“Maybe check her computer and though this is not a murder inquiry

there may well be something in there that points at Jones and his

background, something of use. I expect him down here sometime this

morning and no doubt to ask me to leave, which I am quite happy to do

now. He already has sacked Molly from the pub and put her out in the

street. That’s why she is here.”

Molly looked glum and Sgt Davis ask her in a kind voice, “Sorry about

that Molly and I did not know. You ran a tight ship I hear and now you’re

jobless and homeless with it. Seems our Mr. Garth Jones is not a very

nice man. Where will you be staying?”

Molly shrugged and almost smiled. “Right now I don’t know but I’ll not

be sleeping rough if that is what you’re worried about. Have some cash

put by for a day as such as this.”

Sgt Davis smiled and waved making his way to the police car and both

women stood till he drove off across the bridge and up the hill into the


“What now?” asked Molly looking at Jenny.

“Load up the car with my stuff and yours and then you drive to the

Fisher Inn or what ever you call it and pick up Sam and bring him home

wherever home is then come back here.”

Molly nodded. “ Ok. It's the Fly fisher Inn out the road a little. You going

to stay here till Jones turns up.”


Jenny grunted, her lips tight. “Oh yes. I’m staying and I have some

things to say to that bastard. Now let’s get going.”

Molly loaded up Jenny's car and then turned back to her.

“Jenny be careful. He had two rough looking men drinking with him as I

should know, the same two who came into my bedroom. Maybe you

should come with me?”

“No. Go get Sam and then come back and pick me up. I'm not running

Molly. Never again am I going to run.”

Molly winked at her. “Now your moving!”

With a wave Molly took off at speed and across the bridge just missing

a duck and five young ducklings crossing the road and Jenny muttered

to herself, “She's as mad as a hare!”

She ran through her head twice of how she would handle things once

Jones arrived. The main thing is not to show fear and be calm, she

thought. Treat him as if he is in court and nothing less than a scum bag.

I must not get angry. If I do I will lose the advantage and once her knows

that Edwards is dead and the police have been here he might just run


A bell went off in her head. What if he already knows Angie Edwards is

dead and if he does how did he know?

She felt the start of a panic attack and fought it, took deep breaths and

wished she could be anywhere else right now but here. Granted there

were two cottages close by but would they hear here is she shouted and

more to the point, would they care?



Sam Deacon looked glum as he held his drink, the second of the day

in a bandaged hand and running the events of last night though his

head again trying to make sense of it. He was walking back from

Knighton and was almost at the bad bend when he heard the sound of a

car coming down the road at high speed. Knowing there were no lights

he stood well in on the grass verge and waited. The headlights came

around the bend and at that moment the white cat strode out of the

hedge and walked slowly into the road and sat down, facing the

brightness. Sam had shouted at the cat but it did not even look at him

but straight ahead. The car brake lights came on red and then hit the

tree and turned over and burst into flames. Sam ran across the road

seeing the woman inside who was screaming and tried to force the door.

It was jammed tight so he found a rock and smashed the glass and

again tried to drag her out but the flames by now were licking around

her face and head and his hand were burning. Smoke poured out of the

blazing car and he started sucking it in and coughing.He pulled back

and fiddled for his phone and dialled 999 then waited on the side of the

road. In the light of the flames the cat looked one at him then went back

into the hedge and was lost from sight. Sam found a puddle and dipped

his worse hand into it and kept it there till the pain eased.

Within ten minutes the police, fire service and ambulance were all there.

Sam was taken by ambulance to the local hospital while the fire service

put out the fire and the police waited on their forensic team to arrive.

Three hours later Sgt Davis arrived along with a young police woman

and he answered all the questions that were put to him. He had been

treated and was sitting in a chair. They left and said they would be back

for him in the morning because it seemed that his blood sugar had also

dropped and the sister in charge wanted him to stay till it stabilised

At first he refused but when the nurse showed him the blood results at

3.6 he thought better off it. Besides he would have to get a taxi and as

Sgt. Davis and the beautiful 'Miss Moneypenny' was coming back they

would no doubt give him a lift back home. PC Alice Moneypenny had

given him a smile that would light up a dark room but he knew it was

just an old man’s dream.

He thought of when Jenny had dropped him off and he had walked

through the doors of the pub making note that Garth Jones was

standing at the corner bar holding court with all those who had been at

the meeting along with two men he did not know. As always Jones was

loud mouth and had his bullying tone on. He looked up at Sam, winked

and then turned his back on him and the people around him laughed.

Sam could see the bar was busy but felt better when he spotted Rebecca

Shaw the young woman who owned the book shop and as Sam was a

good customer and a secret friend he went over and sat down. She

looked up, the dark eyes taking Sam in and smiled. “No I don’t mind you

sitting down beside me Sam. In fact I’m glad I caught you. By the way

that book you ordered, ‘The Forensic Archaeology of Rome' came in this

morning. You like heavy reading I note.”

“I have a copy but needed one that was up to date.”

“You look like shit my man.”


Sam grunted and looked across at Molly to catch her eye. She seen him

and nodded and within a few minutes came over with his pint and

whatever Rebecca had been drinking setting them down beside him then

whispered, “Drink it fast Sam and make tracks. Jones is looking for

trouble and he has Jenny Snow seems , in his sights so please be


Rebecca’s blood red lips tightened and she looked at Molly. “What has

he against Sam?”

“ He’s breathing it seems. He does not have anything against anyone

because he is just a bully and mean”, said Molly and headed back to the


Sam looked into his drink and grunted. “If I was a younger man I would

tackle him head on. Your drink awaits you my dear.”

“Thanks. You and this Jones got a history Sam?”

“Oh yes. I don’t like him and he does not like me.”

Her dark eyes looked concerned and she glanced at the group when one

of the men, a stranger left the group and came over and sat down hard

beside Sam.

“What is a nice girl like you sitting with an old man for when you could

be having fun with us over there?”

Before Sam could say anything Rebecca licked her bright red lipstick

and looked hard at the man across from her, took a sip of her drink and

then set the glass down slowly. “I’m sitting here with Sam, the old man

as you call him because he is well read, interesting and a friend of mine.

He also has a working brain unlike you.”


Sam came in fast, his old anger starting to come up. “ Do you know this

nice man Rebecca?”

“No but you called him a 'man'.

Sam turned to the man beside him. “What’s your name then?”

“John McGee and I resent what she just said to me.”

Sam sighed and looked hard at the man. “Well unless you are related to

John McGee of Falcarragh in Co. Donegal I had no idea that he had a

bastard son living in Wales. So now you can resent me too.”

Sam turned back to Rebecca and smiled one of his evil smiles and said,

“Now where were we. Yes you were asking about strokes and heart

attacks or little TIA’s and the effect on the human brain. Well what I can

tell you it is very unlikely that your father had such from birth as it would

have been picked up well before now. As for our new found friend here

well there is no hope for him in the brain department.”

Sam felt rather than seen the man get up and leave and he nodded at

Rebecca. “How do you drink that stuff?”

She picked up the glass of fruit juice and smiled. “Easy and I can still

drive which I will do now in a few moment and you are coming with me

Sam and I want no hassle from you about that. I can take you home or

somewhere else but here. I could always stay behind and wait in the

dark for him.”

Sam looked at the dark eyes in the pale face and the blood red lips and

thought any man could fall in love with her then have his heart broken

later. He took a long drink from the glass, almost drained it but not quite

and said. “ You and I know what you used to do and did it well but a

dead body in the car park would point a finger at you and me. Your place

or mine Rebecca?”

“In your dreams Sam. Lets try the Fly Fisher Inn and at least it will be

quite there.”

He nodded, stood up and headed for the door followed by Rebecca who

looked hard at Jones who was watching them leave and then smiled her

blood red smile at him and left. Sam waved at Molly and also smiled.

Garth Jones did not like that look from Rebecca nor the way she had

sent back Blacki Dawson with his tail between his legs. There was

something about her that sent bells ringing in his head and almost fear

because no one knew who she was really or where she came from. All

he knew that every few months to the day she would change her car and

the colour of it, something she could not afford to do running a

bookshop even though it did well in the spring and through the summer.

She had to have other income and a lot of it coming from another

source. At first he thought she was ‘police’ and working on a case in the

area and that alone had made him nervous but she dressed too sharp

and drove a car that did not say police car out of the pool. He even put

Angie Edwards onto the case to find out all he could about her but she

drew a blank even when she tried to follow her a few times when she left

the shop and headed by car for home. Somehow Rebecca lost her up

some side road and once led her to the lakeside at the Élan valley at two

in the morning and did nothing but sit in her car alone.

Jones himself also tried to get some background on her from a few bent

coppers he knew in Swansea but all he got back was she had a full

international driving licence was fully insured to drive took holidays


abroad and always returned two weeks later. No male friend as such and

no major relationships. Passport stated she was Jewish and up to date.

He worked out that she was the hunter not the hunted and that worried

him even more because she would be the first women he had ever met

that he could class as 'dangerous'.His mind jumped to Jenny Snow,

another problem for him to sort out tomorrow.

“Want me to go after them, sort out the old man and the woman Garth?”

Jones looked at the man beside him grimly. “She might just kill you if

you tried.”

“But she is only...”

“Trust me. There is more to her than meets the eye boyo and why is the

likes of her sitting with that old has-been and is in her shop every week,

sometimes twice a week? Leave it because when I am ready our time will


Molly did her best to listen in as she served drinks to other customers

but she only picked up a few words here and there. She agreed with

Jones on one point and that was what friendship did Rebecca and Sam

really have because when together they were as tight as fleas on a dog.

She cast a quick glance at where Jones and his gang were and could

see that his smile and laughter was gone and he looked more explosive

than normal.

“Hi you! Dreaming again are you. Another drink and the same for my


Molly walked over slowly to her side of the bar.

“Fuck you Jones!”


“You heard me. Everyone in the bar hears me and I am sure that they

would also like to know that your a tit grabbing son of a bitch, a bully

and full of shit”.

She watched Garth Jones face go from red to purple and then he

shouted. “ You're fired! Pack up and go. Leave the bar and go!”

Molly looked at them all. “ In the morning Jones. First thing.”

She turned on her heels and went across the room and vanished

through a door and up the stairs to her room.

Jones looked at the two men beside him while local people started to

drift out of the bar, some leaving their drinks unfinished on the tables.

“I want her packed and out of here before dawn. Make sure she leaves.”

His mobile warned him of an incoming text message. He took out the

phone and checked it.

“Great! Just want I need. Another bitch trying to screw me for money!

Well she is in for a surprise later. Leave him here and come with me. I

need you to do a little job on a car.”


Rebecca opened the door and let Sam out of the car and then took his

arm and marched to the doors of the Fly Fisher Inn. She laughed with

him and once inside and seated she asked him what he wanted.

“ No I’ll get it Rebecca.”


She laughed, “Sorry old man you got the last one and besides you have

forgotten what day this is, what special day it marks eight years ago

when you saved my life in the Holy Land at Qumran, cave 3 to be exact.”

She walked away with a slight wiggle and some of the fishermen who

were there for the opening of the trout season stopped talking about

fishing, mouths open as she passed.

He thought of that day ten years ago and how they first met. Then she

was called Rebecca Hofi daughter of Yitzhak Hofi who was then Head of

the Israeli Secret Service and she was there on site looking over an old

German who was in charge of the archaeology team and very suspect of

being a past Nazi war criminal. She now knew he was more than a

suspect his name being Alois Brunmer and had killed 340 children at

Auschwitz in 1944. But Brunmer was not alone and it was one of his

paid body guards that picked up on Rebecca because as she had

passed herself off as an English student by the name of Beccy Shaw

and who was attending Lampeter University in Wales studying

archaeology, she was also taking photographs on her phone of Brunmer

and sending them direct to Tel Aviv.

Sam Deacon was later working by lamplight on a table outside sorting

out many human bones that had been dug up from a BC burial place

close to the cave complex when he heard a muffled scream behind a

dune. He left the lamp and picked up a hand shovel and ran around the

dune only to find Rebecca on the ground with a man he knew called

Kroger and with the German party. There was no doubting what his

intentions were because he was pointing a pistol with a silencer on it at

the woman’s head.


Sam had moved fast and swung the shovel at the man’s head and it cut

deep into the neck dropping him like a stone, blood spurting in an ark.

Rebecca rolled over and grabbed the pistol and pointing it directly as

Sam’s chest.

“ Down on the ground!”, she hissed then, “Hands behind your head and

do not make any noise or your are a very dead man.!”

Sam tried to protest but now was aware that the pistol had been cocked

again and he looked at the face behind it and lay down fast and with his

hands behind his head.

“Who are you?” asked the woman pushing the muzzle into his neck


“Sam Deacon and a very frightened forensic archaeologist right now.

From Queensland , Sidney and Jerusalem at times in fact and before

that the UK. Right now I can be anyone you want me to be.”

She pulled the pistol muzzle away from his neck. “You killed him.

Thanks. Help me bury him deep, cover up the blood and we both go out

different ways to the camps. Hurry I have work to do.”

Sam looked hard at her, shrugged and did what he was told.

When they both had finished he stood there sweating and panting while

she took shallow breaths.

“ I don’t suppose you are going to tell me your name seeing you know

mine?”, asked Sam his heart pounding.

She smiled a red lipstick smile. “Rebecca Hofi, Mossad.”

He licked his lips and slowed down his heart rate. “If you don’t mind I

will be getting back as I have an early start in the morning. Won’t he be


She looked pure evil in the half light, vampire features, red lipstick and

pale skin. “Maybe at first but for long. His too friends will be joining him

before dawn. Go away. Fast and by dawn. I suggest you claim to be ill

and need medical attention. Head direct for the airport.”

He turned and took a few steps back towards the lights of the camp,

stopped and turned. “ I don't suppose I could....”

Where she had been standing was now empty and the only sound was a

soft sighing of wind across rock and scrub.

Sam had said his good byes on the site and boarded the rusting

bus that would take him to Tel Aviv Airport and glad to get away even

though inside was hot with the mixed smell of sweat, goats and dead

farts. The two armed guards on the bus were alert and kept running their

eyes over all the passengers as well as the road outside. Sam was

uneasy because right now a dead man, maybe more were buried in an

old burial wadi that had been there 400 years BC, and that he had in fact

killed one of the men. His mind raced, What if she was not all she said

she was and he had killed someone…No..his victim was going to shoot

her of that I am sure he thought.

At the Airport he grabbed his bags and made his way into the

building and as there was plenty of time to book in he headed for the

Bar Torus and ordered two pints of Lager, the first he drained in thirty

seconds and was just about to start on the second when three shadows

fell across him. He looked up and there were two men in dark suits and

glasses and one woman in grey and blue sunglasses.

“Mister Samuel Deacon?”, asked the blond man and looking at

him intently.

“ That’s me.”

“Passport please.”

Sam handed him the passport and waited noting that the woman’s

jacket had slightly opened and she had a pistol in a holster on a belt.

The woman asked sharply. “Well.”

“Yes this is the man. No doubt.”

Sam asked, feeling more than a little nervous now, “Eh! What’s up doc?”

The woman walked in front of him, Sam could see that besides having a

gun she also had a pair if fine nipples trying to burst through white silk.

He could also see his own reflection in the blue glass of the sunglasses

and he did not like what he seen.

“Please. You come with us and do not protest. You will not be getting

your flight today and will now be a guest of the State of Israel. You have

been summoned.”

He looked at her, at the nipples and then back at the stone face with blue

sunglasses. “Can I ask by who summoned me?”

She leaned in very close to Sam’s face and whispered; “God.”, her

breath smelling of fresh garlic.

“I really must protest!”, muttered Sam has he was almost frog marched

out of the airport and into bright sunlight. He was sweating but not from

the heat of the sun.

His mind raced and he thought about the young woman last night and a

dead man in a shallow grave, one who she and him had put there and he

had killed. What if she was Arab, even a member of some Middle East

terrorist group and the little she had told him were lies?

“I need to make a called to the British Embassy on my mobile.”


The taller of the men snatched the phone from him dropped it on the

ground and then stamped on it hard twice. He then bent down, picked

up the broken phone and handed it back to Sam who was standing there

open mouthed.

“It would seem sir that you can't get a signal here. A dead area.”

Sam held his temper, just. “It would be, now.”


Sam was then taken and bundled into the back of a large black car, the

woman with the garlic breath sitting beside him looking straight ahead

while the two men climbed in the front. They turned right and took the

carriageway into the city and Sam had to ask straight out.

“Where are we going and why have I been arrested.”

She did not look at him her face stone. “You are not being arrested and

we are going to our headquarters after you have been booked into one

of our hotels and you have a shower and a change of clothes. We will

wait for you then we go.”

That was not a happy thought being a nice clean dead corpse, he

thought as the buildings and palm trees slid pass the windows.

“Can I ask a question?”

“Yes. Please do”, she said in a husky voice a hint of a smile showing.

“Who the hell are you people and what right have you to remove me

from the airport, bugger up my phone, take my passport and luggage,

book me into some hotel then order me to shower then have a meeting

with God only knows who?”

She turned her head slowly to the left and looked at him through the

blue glasses. Then she took out her badge and dropped it in his lap.

He picked it up and read ‘ISRALI SECERT SERVICE. MOSSAD.

Sam noted her name; “SARAH WISEMAN.” And looked at the

photograph. She looked a much younger Sarah Wiseman than in the

flesh. He folded it over and thrust it back at her and she put it back

inside her pocket showing off the large pistol even more.

“You have every right to be angry and upset but we only go on orders

and those orders were to take you, by force if need be and bring you to

see our boss. He wants a chat as you would say in the UK. Your

passport and baggage will be returned to you and if everything goes

well we will pay for the flight so that you can return home. Your phone

will be replaced with a new updated one with the old card inserted”

Sam scowled at her.“ And if goes wrong then what.?”

Her laugh was horse like and she said in a soft voice. “Two things are

possible but one you can be sure of. You will be taken out by boat to

sea, far out, dropped over the side and left to swim home or you will go

to prison for a very long time and there will be no trail, lost in a system

of unknown faces and if you should die in there, no one will ever know

outside of the walls.”


Sam shivered though it was warm. “Glad you told me all that and I see I

have a choice. Can I get a drink at the hotel after this is all over and

something to eat?”

“ Yes. What would you like to eat?”

He smiled at her but she did not turn her head even when he said,


The room was large, the bed was large and above the bed was a

large mirror. He took a shower and when he came out she was standing

with a clean white shirt and blue pants in both hands. New underwear

was laid out on the bed that had been taken from the Hotel shop.

“ Hurry. We have a deadline.”

The man leaning against the door was smiling at him and he then shook

his head.

Half an hour later he stood outside the lift in a massive office block

and he could not fail but see armed guards almost everywhere. One of

them pressed the button and the hum of the lift filled his ears then

stopped and the doors slid open. She whispered in his ear, “ Good luck

Sam Deacon. Tenth floor, room A. Knock and walk in.”

She give him a gentle push and the door of the lift closed behind him

with a swish and the lift took off at high speed then stopped and the

doors open. He stepped out into a large area and at the end was a single

door with a large A printed on it. As he walked two overhead cameras

followed him and for some reason Sam could smell oranges.

He rapped on the door and heard a voice telling him to enter and when

he did he was faced by a large desk, two chairs one which was holding

the bulky weight of a middle aged man behind the desk. There were no

pictures or plants, no bookcases and no books but there were a number

of red folders on the desk.

The man stood up and walked around the desk holding out his hand,

“Welcome Mr. Deacon my name is Yitzbrk Hofi the Director of this

establishment. Kind of you to come.”

“Sam will do and I did not have a choice”,shaking the Directors hand.

“ You will understand and record that I am here under protest.”

The Director sat down and pointed at the chair. “Please.”

Sam sat looking at the other man and waited. “ You have already met my

daughter Rebecca and she wants to thank you for saving her life as I do

of course. All I want from you, then you can be on your way again is to

look at some photographs in these four files and see if there is anyone

you know there. Will you do that for me please.”

Sam nodded and opened the four folders and looked at a number of

photographs all set neatly in place, some in colour some grainy black

and white.

Sam jabbed his finger twice on file one and four. “ These two here. One ,

this one was at the other site and old man and much older than he is

here. Then this one but it was many years ago and he was very much

younger. He is German and worked in the forestry after the war, a POW I

thought, married a local woman and they were living in Knighton in

Wales. If I remember right his first name was Carl Wess and his wife’s

name I don’t know for sure but it may well have been Webb. The rest I

have never seen. Who are they and why do you have files on them?”

The man laughed harshly and jabbed the first photograph in folder one.

“Alois Brunmer killed 340 Jewish children in Auschwitz and moved into

Syria after the war, with the help of some US officials on orders from

Washington USA. He is an old man granted but he crossed over the

border to the archaeology site because he put the money up for the

research. The man you killed was a Syrian and was on loan to Brunmer,

now calling himself George Mycos,and registered there as a Greek

citizen and classical art dealer. He did speak Greek better than the


Sam raised an eyebrow. “Did?”

Director Hofi shrugged his face grim. “He died this morning with another

body guard before dawn and was buried with the man you killed. Case


“ Your daughter Rebecca did that.?”

“Agent Hofi and known to you as Rebecca Shaw is a first class operative

in the field and does her job well. Now this other matter of a war criminal

living in the UK, this person who calls himself Carl Wess is in fact not

German at all but a Croatian ex Police Chief who overseen the

transportation of seventy Jewish men woman and children to a pine

forest where they were shot by the Gestapo, followed by an unknown

number of gypsy’s and mentally retarded people of all ages. This Carl

Wess as you know or knew him took great delight in shooting female

children, 104 in all and then laughed claiming they were no longer

virgins. Some were not even dead when he ordered the bulldozers in to

bury them and then used other prisoners to plant a new forest over the

bodies, all pine trees.”


Sam sat shocked seeing the pictures hearing the screams and the shots,

smelling warm blood and urine.

“Mr. Deacon?”

“ Yes. I hear you. So this Wess is now on your list.”

“ Sadly no because he died of old age just before Christmas.”

Sam wiped his eyes and coughed. “Well I am sorry I could not be of

more help but you seem to have resolved the problems. The men are


There was a long silence then the director took out of a right hand

drawer two cheques and pushed them across to Sam who looked at

them and gasped. “But these are made out to me? Two million pounds?”

“Correct. My government wants you to head a team, one you pick

yourself and all the equipment you need and go to that forest and bring

the dead back home. In all we think six months would do it all and your

are paid in advance. Half the money is from my own personal bank

account and I want my parents bones back here where they belong.”

Sam found he was shaking not because of the amount of cash being

offered but of the challenge of getting all the bones, the paper that

would be written. The money that would be left over would go towards

his own small research establishment.

“Will you do it Sam?”

Sam Deacon stood and placed the cheques in his pocket and nodded

then; “I will need two months to prepare and get the team together and

also get permission from the government involved there at the moment.”

“Permission has already been granted Sam. I’ll arrange for a car to take

you back and thank you, as a father and a Jew for what you are about to

undertake. We have all your details so I will be in touch. Good luck

tomorrow on your trip home.”

“Director what about the UK Government? Will they need to know?”

“Yes, but only those people who work in Codex Red no one else not

even your members of parliament.”

He nodded shook the Director by the hand and headed for the lift that

smelt of oranges.

“Sam are you ok?”

He jumped and looked up at Rebecca standing looking down at him two

glasses in her hands.

Sam forced a smile and closed down ten years ago in his mind then took

his drink and looked at it. “I’m getting old my dear and not only old but

tired with it. Legs ache and I’m thinking of getting a shuffle.”

She sat down and reached down and touched his hand and smiled.

“I call it getting well matured Sam and you are a long way from dragging

your feet like some people I have seen not even close to your age.”

He give her a mock smile. “You still fancy me then?”

“Always and I will always care about you. Now drink up and we must go.

Are you sure you won’t let me drop you off at home?”

“Very sure. I need the air and some exercise and besides when I get

down the hill and the bend I talk the bridle path across the field and I am

almost at my own lane. Half an hour at the most if that.”

She nodded and then caught his eye. “What Sam?”

“Are you still active. Like in the field active. Mossad?”

She smiled with her lips but not her eyes. “Very. On standby always”

Rebecca waved at him and turned left leaving Sam on the side of the

road and he lit his pipe and started walking down the hill, aware that

night was moonless. Now and then an owl would hoot and somewhere

of in the woods of Wolf Hill the rooks were restless in the darkness, their

cawing echoing across the valley.

In the distance he could see the lights of a car coming around bends

then hidden and coming out onto a straight bit of road.

“Whoever it is they are in a bit of a hurry”, he muttered and looked for a

place to stand in off the road. Across from him close to a ditch lay a

dead badger, another RTA.

His eyes drifted from the dead badger to the headlights and then to the

large white cat that came out of the pine wood and sat in the middle of

the road looking towards the brightness advancing on it like an express


“No! Get away. Get away!”

Time it seems stood still for Sam and he watched as the car braked with

a scream of its tyres, the scream of the woman inside the car and his

own silent screaming deep inside of him.

How long he stood there he still did not know. There was the smell of

pine trees, burning rubber and flesh and then everything speeded up to

finding those mass graves and the bones of dead Jewish children and

adults from all races and religious in that forest in Europe.

As he stood there with his co-workers looking at the mass graves he

vowed that if he could he would never let this happen again.

Her screams inside the burning car brought him back from an old black

and white film of the past to a colourful horror film in the here and the

now and he ran towards the burning car knowing that it was already too

late to save her.

Tomorrow I will change things, he screamed in his head as he tried to

open the hot car doors watching flesh melt away from her face and neck

and then his own hands started to smoulder.

The cat ambled through the pine woods, along fire break paths and

across fields as as it went it stopped once to look at the faint glow in the

darkness. Then it leapt up onto a dry stone wall and looked across at the

deserted farm house and sheds in the distance. It sat there for a moment

and as the rain eased dropped down into the field and padded across it

till it came to a spot that was close to the run down barns. Listening to

the night sounds first and checking that there was no foxes close it

started to dig, stopping now and then to sniff at the new soil then went

on digging. Red soil in a small heap was beside her and her fur was

stained with it then she stopped and sniffed at the small rib bone.

The cat did not chew it but licked it clean and sat looking at it and then

went back the way it had come.

In the clouds, thunder rumbled across the hills and now and then a flash

of pink lightening lit up the sky. Soon the rain came and mixed with hail

the leaves on the nearby trees rattled like a million drums and nature

that night took its own course and washed the land.

By dawn, Sam Deacon was sitting in and A+E department with

bandanged hands and had another shot of pain killer. He sat looking

into space and was brought back when a young nurse came into the the

area he was.

He looked up startled. “Hallo. Can I go now?”



Molly has just vanished over the hill in Jenny’s car when Jones pulled

up at the gate followed by another car which Jenny could see had two

men in it. All three men got out and Jones walked up to Jenny while the

other two men stood close by smoking.

Garth Jones waved a sheet of paper in front of Jenny’s face, his own

face red with anger.

“I want you out of here and today and I am not signing the contract!”

Jenny snatched the paper from his hand and looked at it then pushed it

back at him.

“ I paid you up front so I owe you nothing Jones so call it rent if you like

but I am sure you know as well as I do about the law on renting and I am

sure you will take great delight in telling me why you want me out.!”

Jones smirked and turned his head slightly to the left and shouted,

“Danny! Get your arse over here now and tell this woman what is going

on and why she needs to move out today.”

The large red faced man who was in need of shave waddled over and

stood close to Jenny. “ Mr. Jones here and of Presteigne sold me this

cottage and any land with it for cash this morning and I want to move in

today if that is ok with you. If not my friend and I will help you get

packed now?”

She held the man’s gaze and without looking at Jones said in a

controlled voice. “It seems that you are within your legal rights if push

came to shove but if you had been a man with any breeding or honour

you would have given me at least a few days to find somewhere else. I

have already packed because I thought you might be coming here next

and after what you did to Molly. Sgt Davis is also aware that I am leaving

and he also thought that you might be calling. Surprised that you were

not man enough to come on your own without bringing a bull to back

you up.”

The man called Danny pushed his face close to Jenny’s so close that

she could smell his stale breath. “ Now listen lady I don’t…”

“ You listen because if you don’t get out of my face right now your going

to end up with a very second belly button!”, and jabbed him with the

small knife that she now had pressed against him. He looked down and

then up at her alarm and fear in his face. “Your fucking mad!”

“ Very. Back off!”

Jones said harshly, “Do as she says Danny. Now.”

Danny took three steps backwards and Jones said in a low voice laced

with hate, “Don’t be here by sundown because we will be back then and

expect you gone.”

Jenny laughed harshly, “Been watching too many westerns Jones and if

you want the sheriff you just missed him by five minutes. He was

looking for you I think.Put what rent money is left towards flowers for

the funeral of that woman that was killed last night. She won’t need


Garth Jones mouth fell open and he struggled to find words then when

he did he shouted, “Back in the cars boys. As for you if you are still here

when we get back things are going to get nasty.”


Jenny stood and smiled, “They are already and I don’t like threats. You

started the war and I’ll finished it because I may well be leaving the

cottage but I am not leaving the area. I’m going to set up my practice

and I am going back to law and no doubt at sometime out paths will

cross. Just for the record and to get me going, I have clocked the

registration of Danny Boy’s car so don’t be surprised if he gets a call.”

Jones turned and walked away followed by the two men and got in the

cars and drove off, tires screeching as they sped off.

Jenny looked at the small penknife that used to be her father’s before he

died many years ago and smiled, though shaking. “Well dad, that went


She walked back into the house and gathered up the last bag, closed the

door over and sat on the step waiting for Molly and Sam to get back. No

doubt Molly would fill Sam in on the events but she and Molly would

have to go to the next town and find a hotel until they could rent


She was not keen on sharing with Molly not because she did not like her

but because she wanted her own space but she knew that it was no idle

threat she had made to Jones. She was going to practice law again and

for that she needed a town not a village setting. Maybe Molly could type

and run the office. She pondered on this when she looked up and seen

her own car pull in and stood stiffly then walked to it.

“ Hi Sam. How are you feeling?”

He looked out at her and shrugged. “Sore and pissed off. Edwards is

dead. Got fried in a car fire last night. Get in.”

“I know that Sam. The police were here and told me what happened.

Where are we going?”

She looked at Molly and Molly rolled her eyes, “Don’t ask.”


Sam almost barked at her. “ Just get in the car Jenny and let's get out of

here. As you two you have nowhere to go I'll put you up.

Jenny frowned, “ In your cottage.?”

Sam sighed deeply. “ You have any other plans Jenny? Maybe you have

a tent packed away or you can fly out to somewhere sunny away from all


She shrugged and put her bags in the boot and slammed it shut and got

into her car leaving Molly to drive.

“Are you sure you have enough room Sam?”, asked Jenny. “Molly and I

can book into a hotel or a B+B somewhere?”

Sam glared at her. “There is enough room so stop worrying and it's not

a cottage Jenny. It's a house.”

Jenny nodded trying to find something to say to Sam that would not end

up with him snapping back at her. Instead she spoke to Molly.

“What are your plans now after we leave here Molly.”

“Need money, need a job and need a place to kip in that order”,she

muttered. “Why?”

“Well the job part I may well be able to help with because I am thinking

of setting up shop again and will need someone in the office.”

Sam grunted loudly and looked back out over the wet countryside.


Twenty minutes later Molly pulled into a rain soaked lane and

Jenny worked out that it was around here that she had first met Sam on

the road with the spade.

“This is where you live Sam?”, asked Jenny as Molly swung into the

lane and wondered how many scratches she would get on her car before

they got to the end of the lane.

“Yes and not many people know that. Take a sharp right here Molly and

up the forest track and slow down otherwise you will be scraping

bottom on rocks and roots. When you get to the large iron gate stop and

I will open it.”

Molly looked at Jenny in the mirror and caught her eye then smiled.

“You don’t like company Sam do you living this far in off the open


“The reason I live here and no doubt will die here. Besides I can work

here again.”

Molly nodded watching the sides of the car on the bushes when she

could and muttered to Sam; “Not surprised you don’t come out here

when you have a drink Sam because at night it would be pitch dark and

real creepy.. As for work well?.Rebecca ever been out here Sam?”

Sam snorted, “Yes and has even slept over at times, in her own room

and bed. As for getting here in the dark by moon light it’s Ok though and

the post woman leaves my mail in the box at the bottom of the track, the

Electricity Board don’t come up and send me an estimated bill. Now cut

the cackle and keep going woman.”

“Yes Master. How far is it now?” swinging around a sharp bend and

almost ran the car into the large gates.

Sam glared at her as she braked hard and skidded to a stop. “In fact we

are here.”

Sam got out took a key fob out of his pocket and pointed it at the gate

then pressed it and the gate swung open. He climbed back into the car

and looked at the two women. “What?”

Jenny shrugged and Molly shook her head and they both said at the

same time, “Nothing.”

Molly drove through the gates and was about to stop when Sam pointed

ahead. “They close on their own once we go ten yards and lock. Before

you ask if I ever lose the key fob I have one planked on each side of the

gate in a tin can and covered up with a sod of grass.”

“That’s pretty cool Sam and well thought out”, whispered Molly seeing

now that the track was getting wider and the cover less and less. She

drove into a large square of gravel and the large house loomed out in

front of them. Jenny was amazed at the size of the house and worked

out that at one time it had been a Manor House and at least a few

hundred years old if not more.

Molly stopped and got out of the car and stood with hands on hips her

mouth open. “This is all yours Sam!”

Sam came beside her and Jenny followed. “All mine, and the ghosts,

paid for and safe. You can choose a room when you get inside. For the

moment this is your new home. Welcome to Maesllwych House the past

family home of the Wilkins family of old.”

Jenny and Molly looked at one another shrugged and then smiled with

Molly saying; “Great place for a Rave Sam.”

He just glared at her and led the way to the front door which swung

open at the press of the fob key twice. Sam switched on lights as he

walked and behind them the door slammed shut, the bolts swishing into

place and he stopped and looked up at a red light that was not blinking.

He turned to Jenny and Molly. “You ever come in here and that is

blinking it means you have an intruder of the human sort but what is

more to the point they are locked in a room somewhere. Inside there will

be room numbers and all with a red light. The one that is blinking is

where the human is trapped. They can’t harm you and they can’t get out.

Rebecca had it all set up”

Jenny became alarmed for a moment. “Rebecca? OK. When we are in

the room what then?”

He sighed deeply and shook his head. “Turn it off once you are in and

on when you are leaving. That is what normal people do?”

Molly came in fast,“Sam if we are staying here and you are away

somewhere how do we avoid being locked in a room?”

Sam smiled and pointed to a small glass screen then pointed at his

eyes. “I’ll get you coded today and before nightfall and the only way you

can get from room to room if I am not here or lying face down in the

greenhouse is by your Iris profile. When I am here I switch the damn

thing off because it will not let me through if I am pissed. Rebecca

knows her stuff but glazed eyes don't register on the system.”

Jenny nodded and looked around her. Sam was not the old down and

out she thought he was and if this system had been in place for many

years then installing it would have cost and arm and a leg. What the hell

did Rebecca know about Hi-tec alarm systems but most of all, why?

She also noted a film of dust on the wooden floor and guessed Sam

did not do much housework. She dreaded to even think what the kitchen

was like and bathroom. She had to ask with a twinkle in her eyes,

“Guess you also have ghosts and bats here?”

He looked hard at her and half smiled, “Both and maybe more to add

from the ghost point of view. You remember Mary Morgan and the

source of your present trouble?”

Jenny gasped, “She worked here and also got pregnant here!”

“Right and she was also to kill her new born child here or someone did

but she got blamed for it. First off the best thing to do is give you a tour,

you choose your rooms, then move in your clobber and get settled.

Then I will answer questions over dinner which we will sit down at

around seven.”

“Dinner Sam? Who’s cooking dinner?” asked Molly her face blank.

He walked over to her,winked and smiled. “Guess?”

“Now why did I ask a stupid question? Anything you wish for Master you

will get. Jenny will of course help me won’t you?”

“Oh, sure. I’m not a great cook I want you to know.”

Sam held up his bandaged hands and put on a hang dog look, “Sorry I

can’t do much but I have no doubt at all you will both come up with

something. After I show you around I will need a nap. Onward!”

He marched off and Jenny whispered in Molly’s ear, “Is this for real?”

Molly laughed, “Oh yes dear maid, the King is mad but it is real.”

Sam threw open two large doors and switched on the lights to show a

very large room bare except for a single dust covered armchair and the

walls lined with paintings and portraits by and off the Wilkins family and

some friends. Sam walked slowly by and pointed to the first painting,

“Walter Wilkins the head of the family, next is his son, Walter the second

and possible father of Mary Morgan's child, next are the two main

women, Walter the first’s wife and Walter the sons wife. The man next to

that is one of the villains in the story of Mary Morgan, Judge Hardings

who hung her and also a possible father of the dead child.

Next to the good old Judge is another painting of Catherine Devereux,

wife of the son and they were married one year after Mary Morgan and

her dead child were placed in the grave at the church or so we thought”

Sam waved a hand around the great room. “ It was here that they held

the Hunt Balls and other dances and functions and it is here that Mary

Morgan, kitchen maid had to tidy up afterwards.”

Molly looked around her glumly. “I heard the story but never thought I

would stand in the house where it all happened.”

Sam laughed harshly. “Yes, this is where it all happened and those

people up there are the witnesses to the crime of murder against a child

of seventeen by a Judge and jury so rigged against her that she never

stood a chance to defend herself against the charge!”

Molly nodded. “Ok Sam, lets see the kitchen and lock the door behind


Jenny walked to Sam. “You Ok Sam?”


He looked sadly from the paintings to Jenny and nodded, “ Getting there

and later I will try and tell you more.”

She followed Sam out of the large room and closed over the door

wondering how Sam was able to live here and maintain the building.

“Where to now?”, she asked following Molly and Sam upstairs to a long

landing that had doors on the right hand side.

“Choose a bedroom of course”, he replied and added ,”Except for the

one at the end. I keep it locked.”

Jenny took the first one next the stairs and Molly next door. Both rooms

of choice were large and airy and the beds had yet to be made up.

“Plenty of linen downstairs, blankets in the cupboards next the

bathroom which has a bath and shower.”

“Molly you Ok with this?”, asked Jenny waving towards the bedrooms.

“Sure. Where do you sleep Sam?”

“Not here in the servants quarters. I have by own space downstairs,

office, bathroom and toilet, small bedroom and of course, the coffin.”

Molly spluttered. “You sleep in a coffin!”

Sam started to chuckle and then laughed. “ You should see your face.”

“Sam I don’t think that is funny”,said Molly and added, “I mean you have

lived here a good long time and the only time I ever seen you, sober or

drunk was once the sun went down. Now that I am here its not too bad

but still creepy.”

Jenny laughed a child’s laugh. “She has a point Sam. I mean we would

not want to get it wrong when we made dinner for us all and you ate



Molly and Jenny set out a dinner made up of what was in the freezer

and set a plate in front of Sam who did not look like Sam any more for

he was dressed in a white shirt and clean pants that clashed with the

purple socks. His silver hair was still damp from the shower.

He looked at the plate and smiled. “Looks Good.”

Molly scowled at him and sat down. “Better than good Sam. Healthy


Jenny sat across from Molly and wondered where Sam was going with

all this. Her legal mind was sharp so she picked up almost right away

that Sam had some plot going on. He was putting on a show for them.

Jenny poured some wine for Molly and Sam. Then they ate and said little

each with questions and answers forming in their minds. Waiting.

Sam set his knife and fork down and reached for the wine bottle and

Jenny raised and eyebrow and he got a look from her that stopped him.

“You were going to tell Molly and I something Sam, like what we are

doing here and what this place is because it is more than just a large


“Yes..I was. Hmm. Ok. What I am about to tell you stays in this room.


Molly and Jenny nodded and looked at him. Sam then smiled and sat

back in the chair. He looked like an overfed cat.

“Let me tell you a story, a true story and all to do with a child called Mary

Morgan. The same Mary Morgan who's grave has two gravestones and

a great mystery surrounding her and the people of this area to the

present day. Why don't you and Molly share the one and only chair?

Jenny sat in the great chair and Molly sat at her feet leaning back

against old leather.

“Ready and waiting Sam”, said Molly her eyes bright.

' It all began here, mainly in this house but before that I will fill you in

with the background of the case and please don't interrupt me or I will

lose my thread.

Mary Morgan was born in the village of Llowes to Elizabeth and Reece

Morgan around the 30 th of March 1788, that not being very far from

where you now sit. The child Mary grew up into her early teens and

when she was sixteen went into service, as was so often the case

around here. At one time this place was called Maesllwych Castle and in

the town land of those dark days of Glasbury-on- Wye. This is where the

Mary Morgan we all now know came to work for the Wilkins Family as

under-cook and later, when she had proved herself,was well thought off

by other staff and members of the family.Without doubt she was pretty

but also without doubt, someone took advantage of her and she

discovered she was pregnant. A servant girl in such a condition had two

choices, have the baby and lose her job and respect, never to return

home to her family, or find someone who knew their herbs and try and

have an abortion before she really started to show. For some reason

unknown to us, she decided to have the baby and wore loose clothing

so that no one would notice. The father of the child may have been a

male member of staff but I am of the opinion that it was the son of

Wilkins, also called Walter. She did turn to the male member of staff, a

young man and told him and he in turn stated that he could get some

herbs from an old woman that would force an abortion. She refused this

option and as her time drew near. I found this evidence strange because

she did not want to harm the unborn child yet later she was accused of

killing it. She did in fact appeal later to the son Walter for help and his

response was more than strange because he put it to her that he would

maintain the child if she told everyone he was the father. As he was

already engaged to be married to Catherine Devereux, daughter of the

Earl of Hereford this would have caused more than ill feelings in the

gentry around here and even as far as London because he was also a

MP and a JP.

Mary wanted to keep the child and only sixteen years of age then on the

16 th of September 1804 she give birth to the baby in her room but before

that told the other servants and the housekeeper she was feeling unwell.

She was before the birth visited by one Mrs Simpson who brought to her

room some warm wine to help her with her sickness.For some reason

this Mrs Simpson did not notice that Mary was in the first stages of

childbirth and her being the Housekeeper at this time failed to offer any

other help. It was a Sunday and by evening then the cook arrived with

tea for her in the bedroom at 6.30pm. She too missed the now advanced

labour. It is said that around this time after the cook had left the

bedroom, Mary got out of bed and blocked the door with a small single

bed. This bed belonged to Mary Meredith the dairy maid because she

shared the room with Mary Morgan and when she tried to get in could

not even when she banged hard on the door.


Once the child was born it was stated as evidence that she then took a

small two bladed penknife and cut the throat so deep she almost cut off

the head. She was then said to hide the body under her mattress as well

as the small knife. Help was called to force the door and Mary Meredith,

Elizabeth Evelyn and Margaret Havard burst in. Seeing some blood on

the floor and bed clothes they demanded to know if she had given birth

to a child and if so where it was.Mary was said to curse and shout telling

them there was 'no baby' and never was. They pulled off the bedclothes

and seen for themselves the signs of a birth but no baby. Somehow they

knew there was a baby and so they sent someone to fetch the local

coroner for the County of Radnor and also the landlord of the

Radnorshire Arms, Presteigne. He in turn once he was in the bedroom

now had to examine the crime scene, summon a Grand Jury to see the

scene before he could start committal proceedings against Mary

Morgan. All this I assure you would have taken up to three hours before

a weak and very frightened child was removed by the father, Walter

Wilkins Esq and escorted to the jail in Presteigne.

One has to ask why if she wanted to kill the child she did not use a

kitchen knife and as it turned out the said penknife in fact belonged to

the son, Walter Wilkins.

You have to remember in those days all the gentry stuck together be it

right or wrong and did so until Mary Morgan took the drop at the


Before that she was kept in a cell for six months and on the 11 th day of

April 1805 she was taken before Mr. Justice George Hardinge, a friend of

the Wilkins family. The jury was made up of local gentlemen from

around here and also friends of the family, more so the father Walter

Wilkins. The witnesses were called, evidence given and she was found

guilty. They say that she was taken by horse and cart, her hands tied

and her rapped in a winding sheet of white. It was raining that morning,

a rain that came straight down and no wind and by midday Mary Morgan

was hanging from a great tree that was her gallows. In the church the

bell rang three times but from the distant hills started the barking and

howling of dogs until the air was filled with the noise, then silence. No

birds singing, no dogs howling and no one speaking.

It was the norm for such people who were hung to be taken to the local

medical school so that medical students could refine their skills but for

some reason Judge Hardinge said no. Mary Morgan was to be buried

side my side with her child and this is what was done.'

Molly whispered, “She's not there is she Sam?”

“No. There is no sign of anything human buried at that spot because I

had someone scan it from your archaeology department and nothing

showed up, no bones, no teeth and no outline of a human body.”

“So where is she Sam?”, asked Jenny so upset she was tearful.

“Right here Jenny, her and he child.”

“Here! How?”

“I don't know but she was never buried and was brought here and

placed in the bedroom behind the wall. That is where I found her many

years ago, mummified because of the dryness as was the child, also a


Jenny stood and shivered and she helped Molly to her feet. “Ok. Great

story now what?”


“Tomorrow I will show you outside and now I will try and explain as

much and as well as I can. When I am finished if you don't want to be

here you can leave first thing in the morning. Rebecca, my friend will of

course see you back to the main road and you will follow in your car.

If you do go and the gate closes behind you, don't come back here.”

“Ever?”, asked Molly shocked and confused.

Sam nodded. “Not ever.”

Jenny studied Sam's face and she read in it that what he said he meant.

She asked him directly. “And friendship Sam? What about that?”

He nodded. “That will always be there for you both no matter what


Jenny nodded. “ Well that is nice to know. Ok. I agree. Molly?”

“Yes. Me too and I do computers well and bone archaeology if needed.”

Sam smiled. “Fine. Some of the stuff I may have mentioned in passing

before to both of you may well be repeated. Before I begin, and this

concerns you Jenny more than Molly.

“Me,How?”, feeling alarmed that she had been picked out almost at


Sam lost his smile. “I have been asked to go back to work, official work

and re-open the bunker, staff it and run it with a free hand without any

interference from local or central government. Before I can do that I have

to have on board a legal beaver who knows their way around criminal

evidence, mainly homicides, child type abuse murders and be willing to

look hard at the evidence gathered and say yes or no to it. Your it, if you

want it.”

Jenny's mouth fell open and she fought hard to find words but when she

did they tumbled out of her mouth like dry gravel.

She glared at Sam. “ Is this a wind up Sam! Another homespun story?”

Molly was about to speak but Sam held up his hand almost in her face.

“No wind up and no story. Codex Red is being re-activated and I want

you at the head of the legal side of it. I should have pointed out well

before now to both of you before my brain went soft with the booze and

possible ageing that I have been an advisor to Cobra on child abduction

and murders and organ harvesting of children's organs illegally in India

and Africa. This is on going with help from some countries from the UK

and Ireland and their police forces including the FBI and Interpol.

Codex Red is very much a 'Black Project' and always will be. Someone

will be joining us sometime later from Interpol once I clear it.”

Molly slowly pushed his hand down. “Where do I fit in?”

He looked from Jenny to Molly, his stare hard. “You investigate along

with Rebecca and you both will have total clearance from a police and

intelligence point of view. You will have your ID direct from Codex Red

and you will be linked to Interpol in Paris, not in the UK. Interpol is

processing everyone now and when it is done Molly will make up the ID

cards for each and everyone of us. We have blanks and the data will be

sent direct from Paris, then put on the cards with your photographs and

I should add, thumb print.”

“Rebecca already has impressive ID Sam or have you forgotten?”, asked


“For Mossad and good but not as an agent of Interpol and better”,

muttered Sam. The Interpol will open more doors world wide.”

Jenny spoke softly but directly. “Before I commit myself to anything one

way or the other I need to have and see proof of this Codex Red. You will

agree Sam it all a bit of of a shock what you just said and a little hard for

me to take on board right now.”

Sam stood and said loudly. “Follow me. Both of you.”

Jenny had to almost run to keep up with Molly as they followed Sam

down a hall and then a sharp right turn to be stopped by a large red iron

door. Sam turned. “Through here is the entrance to the Codex Project

and in the bunker. The bunker I should point out was built during the

Cold War and never used so when I bought this place I also bought the

46 acres of countryside,woods and all. Again you can only get in with

Iris registration and you need to stand in the middle and face the door

like this.”

The two women heard a slight click then a low buzzing sound and the

door swung out and upwards and all three went through into a long well

lit narrow corridor and as they walked forwards the door closed behind

them with a loud click. The echo from the click bounced of the stone


Molly expected the air to be stale but it was fresh and warm and she

could walk upright. Jenny was shaking inside but she let Sam walk on

and followed him then he turned a sharp left and came to another door

which was much larger and also painted bright red.

This time as Sam stood in front of it instead of going upwards the door

slid sidewards with a hiss and they walked into a large well lit building

the size of an aircraft hanger.


Where they stood they were looking down into a computer room with

screens lining the walls , all large and all in sleep mode. In all Jenny

counted ten screens but she could also see six well laid out office pens

and within those desks and chairs as well as computers.

Sam turned and held out his arms. “Welcome to Codex Red.”

“It's clean, airy and looks very advanced. How do we get down

there?”,asked Molly her eyes wide like a child seeing her first Christmas


Sam smiled. “Watch.”

He pressed a green button on the top of the safety bar and there was a

quick descent and then a slow stop.

“Of course if the outside power goes down we have two fully charged

generators always live and a massive food stock pile as well as fresh

water, toilets, showers and sleeping rooms.”

“Pretty impressive Sam even for you”,said Jenny and smiled at Molly.

“Maybe we have time for the guided tour and Sam can tell us the rest.”

“Can do. Let us sit in the computer control room”, said Sam and led the

way to the red chair in the middle of the half circle of black soft chairs

where he flopped into it. Jenny and Molly sat on each side of him.

Sam pressed a number of buttons on the right hand armrest of his chair

and all the screens started to charge up but there was no hum from any

of the computers and even the slow turning fans above them made no


Sam spoke softly and clearly, “As you said Jenny you wanted proof well

here it is. Keep in mind that I can only play with computers and only

know the basics but Molly will sort the whole system out and more to

the point keeping the system running and healthy.The far left handed

screen is missing children from 1960 to now in the UK, Ireland and the

Isle Of Man. You will note from the blinking red dots the numbers still

missing, never found. The black static dots on the maps are of those

children found dead and had been murdered but no killer or killers ever

brought to justice and they start with the death of Mary Morgan's child in

the early 1800's and of her own murder by hanging at the age of

seventeen in the market town we all know so well. You can also observe

that we do have a great number of cold cases to be working on the most

urgent being from the 1960's to now.

More will be added from outside computers direct to us from Police

Forces all over the UK, Ireland, Isle Of Man and Interpol. We will only use

the US data when and if we need it because unknown to them they have

more hackers in their systems than fleas on a rabbit. They have NASA

and the FBI and we have Codex Red, a more advanced system for the

type of work we do. If of course they need help with a child murder

suspect we will go all out to assist. Molly will make sure that our

brothers and sisters across the pond get requested data but not in any

way allowed to long on to Codex Red Data banks. They have tried but

failed because of the systems and we never but never do we use a

Windows system.”

Sam paused to let them take it all in.Molly almost whispered, “Don't we

trust the Americans?”

“No. Not with our system data banks. Not ever.”

Molly was pushing it and Jenny groaned inside. Sam was not in the sort

of mood right now to even listen to Molly.


“Screen two is suspects, fingerprints, DNA data all of which are again

updated on a daily basis. From here we can match DNA and Genetic

material from almost anywhere in the world to a tribe or culture to DNA

suspects in the last 30 years.”

Molly gasped her eyes wide like a child seeing a Christmas Tree.

Sam continued slowly and softly because he wanted them to take

it in what they were seeing.

“Screen 3 is all the outside police and other organisations worldwide

who work on child killers, missing children and young adults, John and

Jane Doe's or parts of them discovered, Medical illegal harvesting of

human organs and tissue world wide, and forensic archaeology data.

This is a direct line for all communications to the above and passport

controlled which , if you stay, you will have.

Screen 4 is right up your street Molly. Forensics and all the data that

goes with it but whoever operates this one is also expected to operate

screen three as well as investigations.

Screen 5 and 6 is your links to maps, which I should say are very

detailed as well as your spy in the sky, paid for by NASA and the UK

Space Agency but will only be used here for our cold cases not in any

way terrorist check up's or locations of terrorist training areas which is

not in our remit and we stay clear of all politics no matter what.”

Jenny look around the complex in amazement then turned to Sam.

“So you will be the director of Codex Red, you may have Molly. Rebecca

also and who is in charge of security because believe me with all that is

going to go on here your going to need it?”

The voice that came from behind them was straight to the point.

“I am.”

They turned and could see Rebecca almost in shadow and when she

walked into the light she as dressed in black.

Molly and Jenny looked at Sam then back at Rebecca.

“She is very good I can assure you of that”, muttered Sam. “ Tends to

show up in the oddest places and without an invite. Hi Becky.”

Rebecca smiled and looked at Jenny. “ We meet again. Hi Molly and glad

to see you because all this computer stuff does my head in. As your the

tizz kid with computers your welcome to it.”

Molly laughed. “ It's 'Whiz' not Tizz Becky. Well! You're a dark horse!

I thought you were just a book worm?”

Rebecca laughed. “Like you were just a bar maid?”

Sam smiled. “So far we have a gang of four for the new Codex Red if

you want to be part of it. If not we leave.”

“I have concerns Sam”, said Jenny looking at them all then directly at


Sam raised an eyebrow. “Concerns? Shoot Jenny.”

She went red and fumbled for words. “Well...I..”

“Spit it out woman! What concerns?”

Jenny took a breath and then, “Your drinking Sam. You drink too much

and that is an observation. To me that could well be a risk to the


“True but not when I am working Jenny. Never when I am working on


Rebecca's dark eyes narrowed almost burning. “ What he says is true. I

have known him for many years and yes he does drink too much

sometimes, insults people at times when he is not drinking but always in

a professional way. Also I have never but never seen him fall down on a


“If Sam is the Director of Codex Red he needs to be on top of it. Sorry

Sam it is the way I feel and from my legal standing that is my advise.”

Rebecca started to laugh then more and Sam joined in till he took a fit of

coughing and pointed at Jenny.

“What so funny Sam!”, feeling more anger building inside of her.

“You are Jenny. I'm not the Director of Codex Red. You are!”

Rebecca nodded and Molly said, “ Shit on a stick!”

Jenny stood and looked at them. “You want me as director?”

Sam nodded. “ No better person for the job. Good legal mind, crazy, fit,

single and has a first class reputation with her peers.”

“Not only that”, said Rebecca. “You head the outfit, say yes and no and

we agree to that but we will be allowed to have opinions."

Molly smiled at Jenny. “And I get to play with the computers.”

Jenny looked around her then at them and threw her arms up in the air

and walked towards the lift. “Your all bloody mad but I will do it!”

She stopped and turned. “How do I get out of here?”

Sam tried to stop coughing until Molly slapped him hard on the back

and that set him off again. Rebecca rolled her eyes and walked past

Jenny whispering to her.

“Follow me Madame Director.”

Outside Jenny stopped and stood with Rebecca who was smoking and

looking off into the woods.

“Is this for real Rebecca?”, asked Jenny finding it all unreal.

“Call be Becky or Beck. Yes. Its is real. We set it up many years ago,

used it well and then put it into hibernation for a while. Now Codex Red

is coming out of that hibernation and this time we are working on cold

cases of missing and dead children.”

Jenny frowned and nodded back at the house. “So what do local people

know about this place?”

Rebecca smiled. “ Crazy old man lives in big house.”

“Nothing about the bunkers, the Codex complex?”

“Nothing. And that is the way it will stay.”

Jenny found it hard to take it all in and she could see that to do this right

she needed time to adjust to what had been dropped in her lap. She also

knew that so far all that had been shown her was the Complex but

nothing in writing to confirm what Sam and Rebecca told her.

“Rebecca we can't run this project with just four people. It's too big and

though we all have skills we are going to need more skills than we have

got. Can you type even?”

Rebecca dropped her butt into the stones and smiled. “ I don't do


Jenny's mouth fell open then snap shut. “In time we are going to need

some trusted people to type up reports like in a real legal system?”

Rebecca turned, head tilted to one side. “In time, when you have found

your feet, proved yourself we will need a lot of things including an office

and staff.”

“Prove myself! What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

Rebecca smiled. Her eyes dark and bright did not smile. “I know you

only as a friend of Sam's and that for a short time only. I don't know you

and I will be protecting Sam and the Codex Project. Sam has a good

heart, sometimes soft in the head but he is no fool and when he says

your the director that means he trusts you and I respect him for that. Till

I really get to know you I will do my job under your directions and do it

well. I will, I should add, have an opinion and will voice it even if

everyone else finds it wrong.”

Jenny was shocked. “You don't like me do you?”

“I don't know you Jenny. Yet. But I will and then I will tell you.”


“We need more help”, muttered Molly as she sorted out her

computers but enjoying the work and turned to Rebecca who was going

through 1143 missing files on children.

“For the moment it seems more help we cannot have. Not because there

is a shortage of cash because we have a new rainbow government but

because Sam says we, that is you and I and Jenny need to prove

ourselves in this type of work.”

Molly laughed as she downloaded another data file and stored it in one

of her new folders.

“You sound pissed off Beccy.”

“Oh yes! Well pissed off! I should be out there killing rats but because

we now have to work within the law and under the eagle eye of our

Director, Jenny we have to wait till we have a suspect that the law

cannot touch. Then if and when I get a nod and a wink, 'bang'.”

Molly gulped and shot a glance at Rebecca. “ Run that past me again.

You kill people?”

Rebecca shrugged and made a face. “ A few. Here and there but it was

all political and above board but now Sam says and Jenny says I must

not get political and for me to keep my nose clean.”

Jenny came into the room and glanced at the two women huddled

together. “What are you two cooking up now?”, and laughed.

Molly and Rebecca looked at her stone faced then Molly shrugged.

“We were talking about rats.”

“Rats?”, said Molly fast looking sheepish.

Rebecca nodded. “Little furry things with long tails. There are none

around inside or outside the building. Don't you think that is odd?”

“ Not in the least. Sam more than likely has put down poison. Anyway I

am here to state that your director is taking you both out for a meal

tonight. A week now and I need to go out and see the world. You up for


They both nodded and Rebecca asked, “Where?”

Jenny smiled and pointed to the map of the UK. “Lets try Oxford, leave

this evening find a hotel, book in go and have a meal and come home on


Molly punched the air. “Yes!”

“What about Sam?”, asked Rebecca looking concerned.

Jenny smiled again and laughed. “ Sam is in Paris for the weekend.

Interpol Convention of member states. He left an hour ago, dressed to

kill and in a taxi that will take him to the airport for the seven pm flight.

“But I go with him. Anywhere out of the UK. Protection? Right?”,

protested Rebecca.

“Wrong Becky. Sam is up, ready and a grown man again. He does not

need protection this weekend. Cops everywhere including female one's

so let him have some fun, some freedom from us and we will do the

same. Ok?”

Rebecca nodded but still looked glum when Jenny left the room.

They were almost at the last roundabout to Oxford when Rebecca

noted that Molly was deep in thought. “You're very quite back there


“Oh sorry. Been thinking about something that came up on the

computer. Child was murdered in Scotland and found with its heart

removed. The killer was never caught but he was a right sicko because

he dressed the dead girl in a red coat and hat before he buried her in a

shallow grave. Seems he took her clothes along with her heart.”

Jenny took the roundabout fast and headed back onto the motorway at

speed almost taking out a safety barrier.

“ What the hell Jenny! You almost lost it there”, snapped Rebecca and

looked at her. “Where are we going?”


“Back? Back where?”

Jenny threw a glance and then , “Back to Codex Red. Molly was onto

something. A murdered girl dressed in red.”

“Yes...That is what I said. She was found at a place, a wood outside a

village. Can't remember the name but it was in Scotland.”

“We had one much closer to home than that. In fact very close and

almost in the same way. Clothes removed , heart removed and then the

killer buried her but he must have dressed her in red. There has to be a

link. The date. What was the date Molly!”

“I don't know. Maybe around March 1990. I think?”

“You think! Don't you know”, snapped Jenny putting her foot down and

speeding through the night.

It was well after midnight when they got back and Jenny ushered

them, bags of chips in hands down through the passageways and into

the Codex Red complex. She threw the main switch and everything

came on, computers, lights, fans and air vents.

“Can we eat there first?”, protested Molly and looking to Rebecca for


Jenny nodded. “ Good idea but fast. We have work to do folks.”

She took her own bag of chips and sat deeply in the red chair looking at

the screens but touching nothing because the whole process of this

complex computer system confused and even frightened her.

Jenny shot a glance at the other two woman gulping down chips and

almost smiled. She looked at her pager and thought that maybe she

should ring Sam or at least page him in Paris. And say what?

“We ready yet folks?”, she demanded wiping her hands on her jumper.

Rebecca shouted and sat in a seat at a computer. “ Ready to go boss!”

“Me too”, said Molly sitting at another.

Jenny took a deep breath. She looked at both women, shrugged and

smiled “ Ok. This is what I want. All details of the girl in red and both

cases brought up and that will include the forensics of the case. I also

want Ariel photographs of the crime scenes, any list of suspects, time,

dates and post mortem reports. When you have done that then later I

want you to look worldwide if need be of similar cases but lets cover the

UK and Ireland first. Ok”

“We are on it. What are you going to do Jenny?”

“Make coffee for us all because it is going to be a long night.”

“Coffee I could use”, snapped back Rebecca and punched in letters and

numbers on her key board,adding, “ We need more help here.”

Molly laughed. “Coffee would be great. Why don't I run the systems on

our two main computers but using all the screens for information


Jenny smiled. “ You can do that?”

“Sure. We import all the data we need to work with,place it in a new Girl

in Red Folder and at the end display on the six screens when needed for

viewing. That way all related data to each folder is on hand.

“Do it!”

Jenny walked to the small kitchen area and plugged in the kettle and

switched on. Am I being excepted or what? she asked herself.

Rebecca looked at Molly intent in sorting out the data on all the

computers and whispered. “Smart ass!”

“That's me kiddo. My world I guess but I can always help if you get

stuck. The keyboard is the flat thing with numbers and letters on it.”

“Thanks I'll manage”, muttered Rebecca and hit Enter and the details of

the second girl in red came up from police and medical files.

“I'm into Victim Two.”

Molly shot her a glance then at her large screen on the wall.

“Victim One also up and running. We have data one and two now on

show. We have go.”


Rebecca sighed deeply and then laughed. “ Where do you get all that

shit from Molly? 'We have go.'

“Star Trek. I was brought up on it. You?”

“Missed out I guess. Let's do it!”, and they both laughed.

By two thirty am all there were sitting looking at the six screens and

Jenny was in command. “Ok. Now we have data let's put it together.

New folders ready?”

“Up and ready boss”, snapped back Molly. You want data up on victim


“Yes. Middle screen please. All related data.”






















“Hold it”,shouted Jenny. Scroll back. There! Stop.”

Molly stopped the rolling script and gasped out loud. “Jesus! Where do

we go with this! Edwards was her sister?”

Rebecca came in fast. “Let us take a hard look at the brother.”

Feeling nervous now Jenny nodded. “Can you find anything on him?”

“Need at least a date of birth Jenny. No have. Could go in the back door

of course”, muttered Molly then added. “We are 'official' right?”

“Yes. We are official but we don't exist as far as the public are

concerned. Rebecca run the fingerprints and any DNA data on Robert

Edwards. He is also a copper working in the Met so there may also be

something there. Ok? Molly lets try the back door.”

Molly smiled a happy madness in her eyes. “On it boss.”

Jenny watched as both women worked their key boards and Rebecca's

screen started to do a roll search at speed. Molly got a hit within five


Newspapers items on one Detective Constable Edwards with a


“Seems he was a wasp of a crime fighter. Awards and notes on his

bravery. Saved a woman from a fire and another from the River.

Married with two children. In 2008.”


Jenny began to speak but Molly held up her hand. “Oh,oh! Seems he

was a naughty boy because in 2009 was suspended from the force and

later fired.”

“Does it give a reason,Molly?”


“ Find one!”, snapped Jenny feeling anger that he was no longer a

serving police officer but that annoyed her more, Angie Edwards was

not aware of it or if she was had been bluffing.

Rebecca said loudly. “I am going to leave this running for a trace and by

the looks of it will take time.”

“Rebecca restart screen two, Codex Red data on the girl in red. Continue

where we left off.”

Rebecca hit a button then typed in a code and it came up on screen.





DATE OF PM 18th March 1977 20.00hrs Shrewsbury Hospital.

State Pathologist .Edward McCall.

The remains were that of a healthy seven year old female and there was

little on no bruising on the body except for the neck and throat area.

It has been noted that the hyoid bone in the neck was fractured due to

pressure on it as well and finger pad bruising on both sides of it.

There was also fracturing of the laryngeal cartilages and severe bruising

of the thyroid. The killer therefore strangled the victim from the front

and she was lying down as some bruising on the back of the head

suggests. The heart was removed after death as suggested by the

clotting which was very little. The heart removal was not in any way a

surgical one and suggests a heavy bladed knife was used as ribs were

cut straight through and the organ torn from the chest and in a ripping

movement. There were signs of sexual activity but no DNA material.

The last meal was partly digested and contained tomato, meat and

chips. Fluid were taken and sent off for testing with negative results and

no toxins were found.

As the body of the child was in a state of rigour I can put the time of

death at around 4 to 6 hours. There were no scratch or drag marks on

the heels or legs which suggests that death occurred somewhere else

rather than where the body was discovered. This means that the victim

had been carried to her place of disposal.

Material found on the body included leaf mould from native species, in

the hair some types of small white cubes were found, three in all and

were sent to the lab. The results that came back was that 90% of fish

meal and 10% of wheat or corn flower.

The fingernails did not show any damage or skin or blood from the killer.

CLOTHING. Small child's red winter coat made in China and also small

red hat also made in China. Both could have been bought in any retail

shop in the UK or Ireland between 1975 and 1977 or from a Charity shop.

Edward McCall Pathology Dept.. 1977

“Ok. Save it all. Rebecca anything yet?

“Zero so far. Let it run. Could be hours before we get a result.

Want me to bring up victim two in 1984?”

“Please.” said Jenny with her thoughts racing.


Rebecca hit her keys and almost at once the full profile came up.



























Rebecca looked back at Jenny stone faced.

“It would seem that this is not good and suggests what Jenny?”

Jenny bit her lip because she needed the pain to hold control and she

nodded at the screen.

“The same killer. A sexual predator and very mobile.Very possible that

its a serial killer.”

“Or a copy cat killing? They look the same they could be the same but

we need to be sure Jenny.”, said Molly.

Jenny looked hard at the two women. “Trust me. It's him and not only

that there may well be more victims out there never to be found. We

have a large canvas and now we add to it.”

Molly nodded. “My data is still on run. Want to leave it for the night


She nodded. “ Lets all look at it again in the morning but don't close

down. I want everything we can get including the death in Scotland.Let

everything run. We start again at noon and it's already morning. 5.15am

in fact. Come on. Oh, and thanks.”

Before they could say anything she turned and walked away fast and

they looked at one another then Rebecca shrugged and they both

followed her out of Codex Red and back to the house.

The computer screens scrolled down fast, flashing lights of red and

yellow blinked away in the turned down overhead lighting and the

clocks above the screens give the world-wide times. The screens looked

like green rain as numbers fell.



Sam Deacon blinked his eyes open and shook his head as he listened to

the his mobile ringing. He looked at his watch then at the phone screen,

grunted and pressed the receive button.

“Jenny? Have you any idea what time it is in Paris, France?”

“Five thirty Sam. And that is AM.”

“And?” What?”

“The girl in red Sam. There are now two of them. Both victims and both

who had been dressed in red after the killer removed their hearts.”

There was a long silence from Sam and for a moment Jenny thought she

had been cut off. “Sam? You still there.”

“Oh yes Jenny, I'm still here. Could be a ritual killer and sexual with it.”

Sam muttered and sat up in the large bed and rubbed his face with his

free hand. “What are your dates on the second victim and her name?”

“Mary McClure, 17 th March 1984 Castle Kennedy, near New Luce,

Scotland. Same MO Sam.”

Sam grunted into the phone then; “Six years between the victims, both

called Mary and both killed on St. Patrick's Day. Jenny I am getting a bad

feeling on this because the way I read it there is likely to be more victims

but don't assume that because we have not found them that they were

all called 'Mary' and met their end on St. Patrick's Day. Do not however

rule out an Irish connection but I guess you are on that. How is your

team responding to all this?”

She almost said 'FINE.' then said.'Working well together Sam, just gone

to bed because we have been at this for hours.”


“No personality clashes then?”

“Not yet. Rebecca and Molly get on together and half the time I don't

know what the hell they are talking about when it comes to computers

and programs. Molly is a wizard, Rebecca at times struggles when it

gets to technical but she picks up fast.”

“And Jenny? How are you getting on with your new post?”

“Confused at times wanting to know more and if in fact Codex Red is

legit or just another hackers plaything Sam. Are we legal Sam?”

Sam laughed. “ Oh yes. Very legal. In fact you will be having two guests

in the morning 10.00am sharp at the gate. Make sure they can get in and

the escort van will have four people in it, not in uniform. Your two guests

are from Whitehall, the team of four are from Poole. Once they are in

bring them up to the house. Oh! Get Molly to make tea or whatever.

“Who are the guests Sam? I'm getting very nervous and how much do

they know about Codex Red?”

Sam made a face at the phone he was holding then laughed, “Let's just

say 'important' Jenny. And they know everything. They pay the bills and

as you are the director you had also tell the others to have their bank

details on hand otherwise you won't get paid. All official red tape of

course but that is Whitehall for you. Now I am back to sleep. Bye”

There was a click and then the hum and Jenny shouted into her phone.

“Sam! Don't hang up on me! Bastard!”

Outside her bedroom window the dawn chorus of birds was in full


Molly stared at Jenny over the top of her third cup of coffee, dark

smudges under her eyes. She blinked again. “I'm hearing you right? It's

just gone seven am and we have been in bed for less than two hours

and your telling us that two bods are coming here at 10.00am for tea and


“Correct. Rebecca you need to be at the gate and let them in. Two cars

and a large van with four people in it more than likely armed and on our

side. We have no control over the protection crew and Sam says that we

have to be nice to all our guests.”

Rebecca was not smiling. To Jenny she looked like a large cat that was

on the prowl. She snapped back at Jenny. “ Do I meet them tooled up or


Jenny was shocked and confused. “Tooled up? Bra-less? What the hell

are you talking about Becky?”

Molly said in a tied voice. “What she means does she flash her guns or

her tits at our guests!”

If someone had slapped her she would not have been more shocked of

what Molly just said. She frowned at Rebecca. “ Tell me it's not true

Becky. You with guns, here?”

Rebecca nodded and walked to the sink, rinsed her cup then turned to

Jenny, her face like stone. “Two tits, four firearms loaded and ammo as

spare. Sam, I take it forgot to mention this. That is just like him,again.”

“Just what did you do in a previous life Becky? Work for the Mafia!”,

said Jenny looking to Molly for some kind of support but could see there

was none forthcoming.

Rebecca smiled but her eyes were like ice. “I worked for Israeli

Intelligence and in my past life I eliminated people when the need arose

as it did.”

“ Mossad! You killed people?”, said Jenny with a dry mouth and her

coffee did nothing to help. She licked her lips and waited for an answer.

“Yes. I killed people. Mostly political and needed killing.”

Molly spluttered on her coffee. “ Like 'dead, dead'?”

“Very. That was my job and I am on long term loan to Sam and you of

course. I will kill again if ordered too Jenny and you give the order."

Jenny took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “ Ok. You go meet the

guests Becky and be there before ten, open the gates and let them in

then come back with them. No guns.”

Rebecca set the cup down slowly and walked to the door, stopped and

turned. “Ok if I have a shower first Director?”

Before Jenny could speak Rebecca was gone. She turned to Molly who

just shrugged. “ Me? Just computers, archaeology and sex.”

Jenny nodded grimly. “Nice to know someone is normal around here!”

Rebecca stood at the gate and could hear the small convoy of

cars coming up the lane from the main road. She was still angry with

Jenny but understood that she was now under a lot of pressure and if

Sam had been here she could have advised him to get her sorted.

Dressed in black, her long dark hair in a pony-tail she stood with the

gates still closed. She was aware of the auto pistol tucked down the

back of her tight fitting pants and knew that if she had to get to it, which

was unlikely anyhow, she could. The first car had two men in it and

slowed then stopped. She could tell that these two were not from

Whitehall. The driver slid down the window and spoke to her.

“We have a meeting with Director Snow at ten am.”

Rebecca nodded. Then held out her hand. “ID please.”


For a moment the driver was surprised then reached down and picked

up his ID and handed it to her. She flicked it open and looked at it.

“Royal Navy, Royal Marines Green. John. Ply 223341.”

She handed it back and smiled. “Must be important to have the SBS as


Green nodded but did not smile. “You going to open the gate?”

She pressed the key and the gate swung open.

“All the way up the drive to the house. You will be met there.”

Green nodded and moved forward and was followed by two more cars,

the large black one in the middle of the convoy had four people in it, one

a middle aged woman who looked hard at her then faced front as the car

passed Rebecca. She stopped the last one and found herself looking

into the face of a very large and good looking black man. Beside him sat

a much smaller one and would have been the more dangerous of the


“I need a lift back to the house. Do you mind.”

She opened the back door and got in then sat back.

The smaller one spoke first. “I'm Bob, this is Noel and you are?”


“Hi Rebecca. I take it you know we are baby sitting the bods from


“Of course. The woman in the second car? Why is she here?”

Noel said softly. “She's admin. Does the paperwork for our party and no

doubt for yours in time. What is your job and what is the place slap bang

in the middle of the sticks?”


She did not take the bait. “ Me? I'm just a go-for. We work in a lab here

on vaccines for the MOD and US Army. Our main lab for production is in

Oxford. I work in the typing pool."

There were no more questions and they pulled in behind the VIP car and


Jenny was coming out of the house with Molly, dressed well as was

Molly. The two VIPs and the woman got out of their car while the four

SBS team walked away, two back down the lane and two in the bushes

facing the house.

By the time Rebecca got to them Jenny started the introductions.

“Molly does all the computer work, Rebecca here is also part of the team

and looks after all our interests and I am Jenny Snow, Director of Codex

Red.” For a moment Jenny felt embarrassed but put it out of her mind.

It was the woman who spoke. “Helen Shaw, Administrative Officer for

Whitehall. Let me introduce you to James Mackie, From the Home Office

and Jerome Tell from New Scotland Yard. Shall we go in?”

She was blunt and to the point and she talked as she followed Jenny

and Molly. “ We have had breakfast and we have a lot to get through so

we will skip refreshments if you don't mind. Our escort will unload the

car while we have the meeting. Some equipment for you and two large

boxes of files that Sam Deacon requested.”

“That was nice of him”, muttered Jenny as she closed the door over.

Jenny took them to the L shaped study that had been set out by Molly

before their arrival. Jenny took her seat at the top end of the table, the

two men on the left of her and Molly, Rebecca and Helen Shaw on her


It was James Mackie who spoke first and he looked directly at Jenny.

“As you are Director of Codex Red then I will outline what the purpose

of it but this involves your team only and not in any way Whitehall or the

present Government in any shape or form.

Your directive is straightforward, you investigate missing children, you

try and find those responsible and if you gather enough evidence that

can be used in a court of law you hand all the documentation over to the

local police. You will, I repeat, not be called as witnesses if it goes to a

Court of Law. For a Court it will need to be water tight, no mistakes and

if the defendant is found guilty in a child murder then there is no

guarantee that he or she will stay in prison for the rest of their natural

lives. Some may be released back into society within ten to twenty five

years and a good few will re-offend again, even kill.

If you do find someone who you know from the evidence gathered is

guilty but it has no hope of a conviction Codex Red then takes direct

action against that person. That final clause will be yours Director Snow.

It will be a straight 'yes' or 'No'. You are of course well known for your

legal mind and the law but now you make the law work or take action so

that such a killer of children never does so again or goes unpunished.

You will have all the resources you need, and more.

No one that is in this room will ever contact you again and you will not

contact them for any reason. Miss Shaw will give you a password for all

government computers and to all high ranking police officers in the UK,

Ireland and any country within the European Union. Outside of the

Union if you have to, you will make your own arrangements, own

contacts. That may include India and Africa.


All of you will also sign the Official Secrets Act today and Miss Shaw will

also provide the paper work for that. I should point out that your

password I have been assured is already in the systems and neither I or

Mr. Tell knows it. Mr Tell will know it once he gets back to London but no

one else in Westminster or Whitehall has excess to it only those in a

'need to know' basis. As far as the world is concerned Codex Red never

existed. As for funding this will not come out of the Public Purse or

government but a Black fund sponsored by people who want to see

Justice done. Families of victims will know they will get closure on the

crime but never closure on the pain of that crime.”

Jenny went pale, her heart racing. Molly looked at her hands and tried to

stop them from shaking too much and Rebecca sat stone faced, no

emotion showing on the surface. Underneath she was excited.

“Have you any questions Director Snow?”, asked Mackie then added,

“Now is the one and only time to do so.”

Jenny licked her lips. “We need to stay legal, gather evidence and if we

have enough, hand our case of to local police if I am sure they can get a



“And if we find them guilty but I know it will never get a conviction?”

Mackie shrugged his blue eyes like ice. “Then you decide one way or the

other and Miss Hofi that being Rebecca Shaw of course, will take the

steps needed if your answer is 'Yes'. I have been informed by a number

of sources that she is very good at what she does and does well.”

Jenny shot Rebecca a glance. She knew what that meant.


Her mind raced. Am I really up to this, she thought. Could I when the

chips were down give the go ahead to have a killer murdered?

“Director Snow?”

It was Jerome Tell from New Scotland Yard. “Have you any idea how

many children are missing in the UK right now?”

She shook her head. “ No.”

“One thousand three hundred and six Director Snow. Some have been

missing for years, one third of those will be found dead or alive, some

have vanished into the crowd but 50% of them are victims Director Snow

and have been sexually abused, murdered and disposed off in many

ways. Outside the UK but still being brought here are fresh human

organs, young organs that are sold direct to private organisations with

major Health links here and all because of money, not medicine.

Many of those children are also disposed off after the organ has been

removed and if they die they are not missed. Children of the Moon

Director, as Sam Deacon would say and in a silent scream even after


Jenny was grim and she looked at Mackie and nodded. For a high

ranking police officer he was showing compassion and emotion.

Mackie stood up and shook her hand. “Thank you. Mr. Tell and I will wait

in the car while Helen Shaw sorts out the paper work with you.

Once the door closed over Helen Shaw shuffled forms and placed them

before Molly, Rebecca and Jenny.

“Just sign the bottom line and date it. One is the OSA, One is for your

Bank Details, and the last one, the yellow one is for your new ID.

The Cards have been printed and attached to the yellow sheet and you

now go under a company name as Legal Forensics and Law.

I do suggest you get some sort of an office in a town of some sort, open

your company bank account as soon as you can and move the money

from your own account into the new one, staff it as you would a normal

office and look busy in the legal field. You can even advertise. Pay your

taxes on time like us all and we can top your account up.Then you do

your real work here with no paper trail.

I have left the space for you to insert your own photographs. In future if

you do employ new staff at your legal office you will now be able to print

a card off and attach their photographs. Under no circumstances do

they ever come here unless they have clearance at the highest level. You

will do the interviews Director as needed. Pick new staff carefully.

One last thing and I am going to say this once. Your pass-word from

today is 'SHADOWLANDS'. It will open and close doors for your team

Director as needed. Right. Please sign and I must get going. There has

been a number of crates left for you in the main hall way as we have

been chatting in here. Three in all. One is for you Miss Shaw, my name

sake, and the other two are old cold case files.

Thank you. Please be quick as we have another appointment in four

hours. Rebecca you will find also a blanket Home Office firearms

certificate. Sign it. Covers the UK, Ireland and parts of Europe only.”

When they had finished she gathered up the documents and the three

pens, slipped them into a black case and left the room shutting the door

softly behind her.

Jenny looked at Molly and Rebecca. “Well it is legal. I think.”


Rebecca laughed but it was not a nice laugh. “ You do know that the

names they give us are all Mickey Mouse and the number plates on the

cars won't be traced if we ever decided to. The little men with the big

guns, they were real Ok and Navy Special Forces but names, no way.”

Molly frowned as the door opened and the woman, Helen Shaw came

back, her face red and angry. “I don't suppose one of you could open

the main gate for us!”

“Oh! Sorry. I'll do it right now”, said Rebecca, throwing Helen Shaw a

fast salute and went past her to the outside.

Molly waited till she heard the front door slam shut and then turned to

Jenny. “This really happening and can we hack it?”

Jenny walked to the window and looked down the drive way as the cars

vanished into the distance and was not surprised when she seen the

small girl in red walk across the track from left to right, stop for a

second and give a single wave looking back at the house.

Jenny turned. “Yes. We can and will do it but we need help.”

“Oh no! That is what Becky says every time she gets stuck on the

computer! Talking of which?”

Jenny nodded. “ Any food?”

“Loads. I made it up thinking they would like a snack.”

“What is it.?”

Molly smiled. “I raided the Freezer, salmon and cress.”

Jenny rolled her eyes and then laughed. “You really go all out don't


Molly laughed. “I hate to say this Jenny but we need to make a shopping

list for food and stock up. Normal shopping like women do because Sam

gets what Sam likes and from what I could see, not good. We need real

food Jenny!”

Jenny raised an eyebrow. “That bad?”

“That bad, unless you like salmon for each and every meal and

watercress from the stream. No tinned food and no bread except for one

loaf in the freezer and what once looked like a rabbit.”

“A rabbit?”

“Been dead a long time judging by the date on it. 'Road Kill' it says so I

guess he picked it up one night from the road and brought it home.”

Jenny made a face. “ Don't fancy rabbit. Ok later we will or get someone

to make a list and go get supplies, but not Sam!”

Molly nodded. “Lets get back to work then.”

“Coffee first. I can't work with no coffee.”

They both laughed and headed for the kitchen.

Rebecca enjoyed the walk back from the gate and did not rush it

because she needed to mull over all that she now knew and what was

expected from everyone at Codex Red. Jenny could be a born leader,

she thought but may hold off from giving the order if it was needed and

that would be a mistake if she waited too long. Molly was mouthy but

great with computers and she had guts. Sam would have his useful

contacts all around the world if needed. She stopped and looked at the

skylark then said out loud, “ And I will do whatever I am asked to do

except cook or heavy computer work, filing or baby sitting noggins.”

The song of the lark faded slowly as it fell to earth to where it had its



In the control room of Codex Red, Molly and Jenny sat down facing

the screens and quickly Molly brought them from slumber and all six

screens lit up.

“Bingo! We have a list of suspects on all two girls!” said Molly then

added, “ With photographs and dabs as well. Let's take two and have a


She hit 'enter' and three suspects came up in full. Photograph of each

and profile with fingerprints and DNA material.

“Four in all. Males. One dead in 2004. Died in prison. Sexual offences

but no link to girl two. John Francis Drew aged 50. No link to girl two

found. No relation to me or my family.

Suspect two. Malcolm Scott aged 40 now. String of sexual offences from

way back including rape. On the day of the murder he was in Blackpool

and this has been confirmed. White van man and he was on a run for his

company. Was in the area well before the girl went missing but went

direct to Blackpool then onto Liverpool. Was back home next day and

stayed in a B+B in Liverpool. No link to the girl found.

Suspect three. Male,aged 60. Known paedophile, Fred Wilson, was in

Hospital at the time, A+E Department. Suspected broken hip. No link to


Suspect four. “Andrew John Hill. Aged 51 years now. Was in area buying

farm livestock. The two farms he had been at were checked out and

owners confirmed he had been there and bought sheep. No police

record and no link to the girl though he was within five miles of where

victim found.He has I see lived at three different addresses over a


number of years, been in and out of the UK a fair number of times,

mainly India, France and Spain, one trip to Portugal, three to Ireland. The

trips to Europe were no more than two weeks, the trips to India were

anything from a month to three months. Visas for India renewed in

Birmingham and London three weeks before departure.

Was married. Two years, no children ended in divorce.”

Jenny let out her breath slowly. “ No joy there then. Bring up girl one


Molly hit the key and four photographs came up.

Molly nodded. “We have two only. Jesus!”


“Andrew Hill!” The photograph!”

Jenny's mouth fell open. “But that's Garth Jones? Why did we not pick

his face up in the first lot of profiles?”

Molly went back to the profile on Andrew John Hill.

“Oh yes! But not then. He had a beard and wore glasses. Now he is

Andrew Hill,aged 51 years, Male, Livestock dealer but without the beard

or glasses!Was in the area moving sheep and also his van was clocked

by local in a lay-by close by. Less than two miles from where the victim

was found. Interviewed but no link found to the victim. No DNA trace and

no record of conviction in the past but we have the bastard!”

Jenny groaned. “ We have shit, Molly.”

“Sorry?. Jones has also made trips to India and Europe, his visas

renewed in Birmingham and London before he goes!”


“All we have so far, and it is good, but not enough, is that this Andrew

Hill was in the area where the two victims were found. He has no known

police record and no DNA links to the two victims.”

Molly looked dejected. She pointed at the screen and said in a low but

angry voice. “It's Jones! Look I'll link the Hill photograph with the

photograph of Jones. There! Now take another look.”

Jenny nodded and smiled at Molly. “No doubt about that.”

“That's it! That is all you are going to say?”, she protested loudly.

“No. I need an address for this Hill, full date of birth and also bring up

Garth Jones date of birth and profile, business interests, bank accounts

and if possible, his home phone details for as long as possible and his

mobile phone today. I also want his email addresses and I want to know

where he has been on the internet in the last five years if possible both

as Hill and Jones. You once mentioned he had a farm somewhere?”

Molly nodded. “Yes. But he does not live there. He bought it years ago

just to keep his livestock on and do his butchering. A run down sort of a

place, sheds, old house in need of repair and a graveyard of rusting farm

tools lying around and five old cars and a dead van in the fields.”

Director Snow was getting excited and she looked hard at Molly.

“You've been there!”

Molly went red and laughed. “One night. Went up with this student

doctor on my night off. His car, my body. A quick shag then he was gone

but not before we took a look around the place in the moonlight. Real

creepy place and I wanted out of there.”


Jenny shook her head and smiled. “When you have finished getting the

data print it out,file it and find out who he bought the farm from and


“You're pretty smart Jenny. I like that. Good to have you as boss.”

As she walked away from Molly she waved and said. “Don't get me on a

bad day Molly because you might change your mind.”

Molly made a mental note on what Jenny said and smiled to herself.

Jenny went to the kitchen and flopped down feeling a slight

headache coming on. I end up with no family, live in a cottage that an

old woman died in, get evicted and now the director of a massive project

that I have to handle. She mulled over what she knew so far. Jones come

Hill was in the frame but as it stood there was little evidence that would

get a conviction in a court of law. She knew how the DPP worked and

they always went to court only if they were sure they could get a


She shuddered at the thought of the end ball game because she now

the power to do to do it and order total elimination of Jones.

Jenny sighed. So far she had not reached that stage and hoped that they

could get factual evidence on Jones.

'What if he gets off Jenny. He could do the same again and again?”

Jenny muttered to herself as she heard footsteps coming towards the

door. “That will not happen. I promise you.”

She sat waiting, trying to guess who it will be this time, Molly or



Rebecca walked into the kitchen thinking that Molly and Jenny were in

the Codex Red Complex but was surprised to see Jenny sitting drinking


“You want to be on your own Jenny? I heard voices.”

“No. Just reflecting on what we found. I'll fill you in later but Garth Jones

is involved only at the time of the two deaths and burial in a shallow

grave he was calling himself Andrew Hill. Molly is working on him now.”

Rebecca sat down looking concerned. “ How good is the evidence

against him?”

“Worse than poor. That is why we now focus on Jones big time and I

want you to pay his farm a visit later this evening. Everything checked

out including the house.”

“I think you might find that he will object strongly to that.”

“He does not live there. Its empty as far as we know but you need to be

careful because one or both of his two goons might be. If I had anyone

else to send I would but Molly is not a field officer like yourself.”

Rebecca smiled. “Everyone to the own place and strengths Jenny.

I'll go at dusk once Molly gets me a location. Do I tool up for this little


Jenny frowned and thought about it. Then she nodded thinking of the

two men that were with Jones. “Yes but only to be used as a last resort.

That is that your life is at risk.”

“Anything else boss?”

“Yes. Have you been in touch with Sam or him with you?

“No. I know he is fine and not drinking.”

“How?”, she demanded , put out that Rebecca had been in touch with


“How what?”

Jenny sighed. “ How do you know he is Ok and not drinking?”

She laughed. “ Because he would have rang me by now if he was pissed

as he always does and rattles on about sex and my body. That is Sam all

talk and no action.Except for a loss of sleep no harm done”

“Maybe Rebecca we should run a profile on him?”, muttered Jenny.

“ Already did years ago and last year. He is as clean as a new born baby,

except for a few drunken arrests which was never pushed by the police

here in the UK or anywhere else. As for the far east and south west Asia

there is nothing known. Unless you take the killing of that cow in India.”


“Yes. He hit it with a car and was pissed doing it. It walked out in front of

him and then bang! The cops were all over him because a cow is looked

on as 'holy' and it had been a man then things would not have been so

bad. They threw him in the slammer for a night and a day till he paid for

the cow. On top of that he had the fine.”

Jenny smiled then nodded. “ He is one of these men who has lived three

lifetimes it seems and I don't think we will understand him.”

Rebecca frowned. “I don't think Sam even understands 'Sam'. Anything


“Yes. I want a tour of Codex Red because right now all I have seen is

computers. Can you do that.?"

Rebecca nodded then shrugged. “ Ok. Seeing your the Director and all.”

They went back into Codex Red and nodded at Molly who was on the

computers then up to a large door. Rebecca placed her eyes to a glass

panel and a blue light flashed then the door slid open and they walked

into a large lab all fitted out with stainless steel tanks and two large

tables with overhead lighting. Behind them the door hissed shut making

Jenny jump.

“What is this place?”, looking at the vast array of laboratory equipment

and also three large freezer units that took up on wall.

“Sam and his partner, his live in lover, Amos,set this up many years ago,

a fully equipped pathology laboratory including forensics. There was

one good forensic pathologist and she trained in forensic archaeology

then retrained with Sam's funding into Medical Forensics. That was five

years ago.”

Jenny could feel the hairs on the back of her neck rise and she looked at

Rebecca. “ You said 'was'? Where is she now?”

Rebecca walked over to one of the tall stainless steal tanks and tapped

on it. “In there. Frozen but not ice frozen. Cryogenics Jenny and Zelda

Wess the departed was placed in here. She is wired up but I don't see

the point to it because when she was taken out of the river she had been

in the water too long and no oxygen did a good job on her brain.

Sam seems to think that someday someone will come up with a way to

kick start her brain or at least do an implant with some computer

technology. What he overlooked that by the time that happens he and I

will be long dead.”

Lost for words, Jenny walked around the holding tank then reached out

and touched it and pulled her hand back in shock.


“The vibrations are real but caused by the tubing and small fluid

circulator inside. She is dead believe me.

It was the way Rebecca said the word 'dead' made Jenny know that she

was out of her depth here. She went over and sat down in a large chair

and started to shake. Rebecca went over to her. “Bit of a shock? Right?”

“More than a shock Becky. I don't think I can do this because my head

won't take it. It is worse than any horror film because it is real. I'm not

Mary fucking Shelly!”

“So you want out?” It was a statement more than a question and

Rebecca said it in an icy voice. “ Like fly the coop?"

Jenny was still shaking.“I don't want it to be real and I don't want to be

part of it! I can’t do it Becky. ”

Rebecca nodded then shrugged. “Ok I can understand that. It was you

that said you wanted the tour and that is what your getting. I can assure

you that this area, the Cryogenics Project, need not be part of your

everyday duties as Director. There are a number of reasons for this.

Research, No staff, and no forensic pathologist which we need.

You don't ever have to come in here again but we do need this up and

running as a forensics facility with staff. You go and the whole project

goes tits up with you and the killers of children will feel safe.”

Jenny put up her hand almost in Rebecca's face. “ Stop!”

Rebecca stood hands on her hips watching Jenny and waited.

“Who was this Zelda Wess to you?”

Rebecca looked away from Jenny and muttered. “She was my partner of

long standing and I loved her like I never loved anyone else before.”

“Your partner? Sorry I did not know. How did it happen?”


“I thought you just said you did not want to know!”, snapped Rebecca

her dark eyes flashing.

Jenny nodded then said softly, “I do now. I would like to know Rebecca.”

“We came to the UK together and though both of were still on the active

Mossad list we just wanted somewhere to set up home, like a real home.

We managed to find what we wanted and She got a job in a local

hospital while I opened up a bookshop. Things went well for a time and

then Zelda got involved in a case that required her to examine a possible

crime scene. The body was caught up in branches because of the flood

so she waded out to it and somehow lost her footing and was washed

away in the river. They found her an hour later pinned under a narrow

sheep bridge.”

Jenny looked hard at Rebecca. “Pretty bad that. What about the other

victim in the tree branches?”

Rebecca almost whispered, “An old woman from a nearby nursing home

and had wandered off in the night.”

“I’m sorry Becky. Knowing she is in there and you were both close.”

She looked at Jenny with sad eyes. “We still are and what is in there is

nothing more than a shell. She is in here”, pointing at her heart

area."Her and I go everywhere together and I still have a good number of

good memories to draw on.”

Jenny nodded. “Thanks for showing me around.”

Rebecca walked over to Jenny and looked her straight in the eyes. “We

do need you because not only are you good at what you do, you handle

people well, myself included. At first I thought you were another hard

nosed bitch trying to make a name for herself and have been wrong.


Molly jumped when she heard the voice behind her and swung

around to see Sam standing there with a young Japanese woman bright

purple streaks in her hair.

“Nice to see everyone is up and working”, smiled Sam then turned to the

woman beside him. “Molly this is Suzy La. She is coming to work with

us on long term loan from Interpol. She is into forensics in a big way but

does not know her way around our computer set up.”

Molly stood up, give Sam a hug then shook hands with Suzy.

“Welcome on board Suzy. I love the hair.”

“Thank you. Sam has filled me in on the Codex Red set-up and I am

looking forward to working here.”

Sam laughed. “Don't jump the gun too fast Suzy it is going to be hard

work. Where is Rebecca and Jenny?”

“Last I seen of them they were heading east down into the forbidden

area, behind some great beast of a door.”

Sam raised and eyebrow. “ Jenny is in there?”

“Seems so.She asked to see it Sam.”

Sam nodded at Suzy and said in a gruff voice. “ Lets go meet the

Director. That way you can see your work place. We have one in the

cooler, your taking her place and I won't go into details about that right

now. Anything you need ask for it. Molly you had better have a look too.

When you get time Molly sort Suzy out with her new ID, Iris scan ID, and

a Codex mobile.Her bank details are already logged.”

Molly smiled. “Ok. Let me save this first.”

She saved her work on the computer and put it into sleep mode.

“Let's go and see what is behind that door Suzy and I have no doubt

some sort of advanced technology of the third kind.”

Sam whispered to Molly, “ It's a lab and a post-mortem room.”

“No way! You want me to go in there? Like the dead Room!"

“You have to see it sometime Molly so now is the time,”muttered Sam.

Sam led the way and placed his eye against the glass panel and the door

slid open.

Molly muttered under her breath, “Good job I'm not a dwarf!”

They walked into the complex and Jenny and Rebecca looked up


“Your back! You should have let us know and I could have picked you

up Sam. Must say you look very dapper in the new clothes.”

“Thanks Jenny. This is Suzy La and she is working in here. Interpol has

released her to us for as long as we need her. Suzy meet director Snow

and Rebecca. Rebecca has many skills and is our Minder.”

Jenny quickly scanned Suzy and made mental notes, brown eyes, thin,

bright red lipstick and moved with grace. The bright purple streaks in

the dark hair told Jenny that she was a confident person.

Jenny and Rebecca shook hands with Suzy and both were very aware

that Suzy's handshake was real and her gaze was penetrating.

Suzy smiled then asked, “Mind if I look around Director?”

The request threw Jenny for a moment because Suzy did not ask Sam

and he stood there like a smiling over-dressed toad.

“Please do. Sam I wonder if we can have a word please.”

Sam lost his smile and grunted. “Private word is it?”

“Very. I need to talk to you.”, she snapped.


“Can't it wait, till at least we have eaten?”, pleaded Sam.

“No. Now please!”, she demanded and headed for the door.

Sam shrugged followed her back out of the forensics laboratory and

waited till the door closed over before he turned to Jenny.

“Why do I get the feeling that I am not going to like this Jenny?”

Jenny took a deep breath trying to form the right words.

“ Sam I don't think I can do this job as Director of Codex Red.”

The old man looked sideways at her and his voice like ice.

“No balls for it then. Again?”

That stung Jenny and she flared up. “You have no idea have you? I have

lost my husband and child, and I end up in a place where we are dealing

with child murders or missing children, death all around me and to cap it

off you have a fucking body in there behind that door on ice!”

Sam came back at her fast. His face red with anger. “Death woman is our

business and dealing with the deaths is our job. You need to put your

own grief behind you ,though not forget it, and start thinking of other

people besides yourself and your sorrow. Every child lost or murdered

leaves the pain and scars with the family and you better than most

should know that! I need your legal mind and I also need your friendship

but if you want to walk then walk!”

“That's it! That's all you have to say!”

“Yes. You're a free spirit and must be here by choice. I want Codex Red

to work and I want justice done and I want dead children found and the

killers of those children behind bars or dead!”

They stood in silence glaring at one another for a moment then Jenny

said, “And when we are on the subject when did you get the power to

hire and fire like taking on Suzy what's her name without even a word to

me about it? That undermines me in case your now aware of it!”

Sam grunted. “ You don't want her then we send her back to France and

you hire your own pathologist but you will go a long way before you find

one that good.”

“Says you!”, snapped Jenny,her face contorted with anger.

Sam smiled at her. “Says you Director and you can make it work if you

stay that is.”

He walked back towards the door and did the scan, the door slid open

with a hiss. He looked back at her. “You coming director?”

“No I need to go for a walk outside and I need time to think.”

He nodded and the door slid closed and she was left standing looking at

the six computer screens.

She left the complex and went down through a dell of young trees and

heard the stream first before she seen it. A large log was in place and

she sat on it looking at the water. She knew that she could walk away, go

back to London and start working again in law. Start a new life with her

own home, her own space for herself.

“And of course all work and the loneness that came with it”, she

muttered to herself. She also thought on the power she had gained as

Director of Codex Red and it frightened her but she could turn that fear

into something positive now that she had a full team on board.

There was a slight rustle behind her and she turned and Suzy La was

standing there.

“Sorry if I startled you Director. I just needed time to take it all in and

make a decision.”

“No. It's Ok. I was day dreaming. Please call me Jenny at least when we

are alone.”

“Ok. But first let me ask you a question?”

“Ok. What?”, said Jenny not looking at Suzy La.

“When I met you earlier you seemed troubled? I also felt that I was not

wanted here, an intruder of sorts and it may have upset you.”

She looked into Suzy's eyes. “ You don't miss much do you?”

“Sometimes I do but when I see you and the way you looked it reminds

me of how I must have compassion for others, even the dead.”

Jenny almost smiled. “Why do you do what you do, dead bodies and

everything linked to death of a human being. Don't you get tired of it


Suzy sat down beside Jenny and looked at the stream and slowly shook

her head. “I lost my whole family in Japan when they dropped the bomb

and I lost my mother from cancer seven years ago because of that

bomb. It would be easy to become bitter and fill my heart with hate but

for what purpose? Now I am alone and I do my job well and in many

ways I ease the pain of others by finding out how and why a child died.

Every child that dies needs a place of rest and if that takes years then

that is what I do best.”

Jenny nodded. “ Yes I understand that but how do you deal with it all,

the images, broken bones, the process of death? That is what I need to

understand and can't.”

Suzy smiled, the bright red lips and purple streaked hair making her

look like an oversized children's doll. “ I leave it behind me and play


loud music and dance with myself but not before I eat a bowl of ice


“Ice cream?”, spluttered Jenny then started to laugh and lay back on the

log still laughing and Suzy joined her.

Sam stood on the wooded hill and nodded when he heard the laughter

then made his way back to the house.

Molly was feeling concerned about Rebecca's night visit to the farm that

belonged to Garth Jones because she knew that the single lane if not

used would be overgrown with brambles. She also knew that not so long

ago her one night stand was more than a little put out that he had to

reverse all the way back to the main road, a few scratches left on the car

paintwork. Her 'doctor' never rang her back but she was not surprised at

that because Molly picked up very quickly that all he could talk about

was himself. She shook her head in dismay. “How do I end up with men

like him?”, she muttered to herself tapping on the master computer


Rebecca opened the case and looked at the 9mm and the two

magazines, She checked the magazines were loaded and full, slipped

one into her back pocket and loaded the other one into the walnut butt

of the pistol with a loud click. She took from the back of the case a small

silencer and screwed it slowly into the muzzle. Then from a small bag

recovered a worn holster and clipped it onto her belt and tied it off.

Slowly she lowered the pistol into it and stood in front of the mirror

putting on her black zip up coat, stuffing black cotton gloves into a

pocket. “ Ready or not, here I come.”



Molly brought up her 'spy in the sky' map of the farm and Rebecca

stood beside her looking closely at it. She was concerned at the lack of

cover because except for the sycamore trees around the farm buildings

the rest was open fields. The only way in and out seemed to be a long

lane but narrow and now overgrown.

“Can you get in any closer on the lane?”, asked Rebecca looking


“How close?”

“Ground level if possible. I want to see grass blades.”

Molly hit a zoom key then tilted the images. Both could observe

brambles and weeds almost over the track.

“Well at least we know Jones has not been in there for a while or anyone

else”, muttered Rebecca then added, “I'll have to leave my car and walk.

Can you find a lay-by or forest track close by?”

Molly scanned the surrounding countryside within a mile of the farm

house then stopped. She zoomed in closer. “How about that? Track in

and through the wood known as Wern Dover and stops at the field

shaped like a triangle north of it. You can get on the track from the main

road but I can tell you now there is nowhere to turn around if you need

to in a hurry.”

“I could reverse in off the road part of the way.”

Molly snorted and made a face. “ Great in daylight Becky but in half light

or dark you could end up in a ditch. I would suggest you take someone

with you and we keep in contact with our new phones.”


Rebecca thought it over. She could see the wisdom in Molly's

suggestion, knew that she would have to stay here and keep track of the

car and go live so that anything moving in the target area would be


“I'll take Suzy with me as back up.”

Molly nodded, feeling a little disappointed and scanned the fields

around the house then stopped at a patch of brighter green. “Disturbed

ground and not to wide. Suzy could use a mobile scanner there and

check what lies under it. We have two. Relay back what is under there.”

“Like what?”

“Bones, clothing, long dead cow. You would be surprised what is there.”

“Ok. Remind me to inform our leader we need a four by four soon

because my car won't take the pressure. Can you pick up on the tracer

on the car and me.”

“Testing. Car live and your too close for a reading. Move back a little,

there. Ok your live as well.”

Rebecca was impressed. “How do you know all this stuff Molly?

“Field archaeology. I got into the technical side of things and love it.

We once used ferrets with tracers on them to find old underground

passages ways on a Roman site and it worked. The tracers will not work

well in lead ore such as a quartz seam.”

Molly looked at Rebecca. “Be careful out there.”

“Thanks. I will. Better find Wonder Woman. Kick off in half an hour.”

By the time the two women had loaded up the car and waited for dusk

the first bats were coming out of their roosts to feed. Jenny stood close

by with Sam and Molly was in the Codex complex watching her screens.

Sam called Rebecca and Suzy over and looked at them.

“ Suggest you take the back roads, slow but no one on them at this time

of night. You back one another up all the time. Understood?”

Suzy smiled. “ Of course.”

“Three hours and no more”,said Jenny. “ That puts you both back here

no later than 11.30pm. Ok?”

Rebecca nodded and then walked to the car and Suzy followed.

“You think they will find anything Sam?”, asked Jenny.

Sam looked at her and smiled. “ Who knows? But it will be a good trail

run for them both and we can wait up for them. Molly has the traces

running on them and all we can do is wait. They might even bond.”

“ If Jones is not who he says he is then that old farm may turn up

something but I would rather have done this in daylight. What is the

history of the farm before Jones took it over.”

Sam shrugged. “Not good. Belong to an German POW who married a

local woman. Nine children born up there, three died from natural

causes, Mother died early and the husband a while later. He kept

himself to himself and if they came into town they did so as a family.

Local people thought they were a bit odd but they could say what they

like he was a good farmer, they all were.”

“ And the surviving children where are they.?”

“Gone to the scattering. Still fighting over the money the old man left

when he sold the farm. Trouble is there is no will. Jones will have the

deeds of course and it sold cheap.”

Jenny thought on this. “Why did it not fetch a good price Sam?”

“People around here thought it was haunted.”


Jenny though on this remembering the girl in red then nodded at Sam.

“ No surprise there then?”

“None. Jones did all his butchering up there for a long time until last

year when the Department of Health stepped in and stopped him from

using it as a licensed slaughter house. He got rid of most of the pigs on

the farm a few weeks before you turned up.”

She walked to the door and stood looking off into the distance and Sam

lit his pipe. “Rebecca says we need a four by four. A Discovery would be

a good bet and we could fit it out here with Rebecca's gadgets.”

“Get one then. Order it direct from Shrewsbury and when it is ready we

can go an collect it. We also need a logo on it. How about it?”

Jenny shrugged. “ Ok. I'll sort something out tomorrow as well as

looking for office space well away from here. A small real legal firm and

our cover.”

“Have an idea on that Jenny. West end of the house is empty, two

downstairs rooms and a small box room. Keeps the public should they

visit at one end of the house. There is also a small carpark weeded over

but that would be easy sorted.”

Jenny looked at Sam. “ What about the gates when people come and


“Leave them unlocked between office hours then primed after that.”

“Ok it is a good idea but we need to staff it like a real office and they

don't go anywhere else but the office work place.”

“Your staying then?”, not looking at her and sucking on his pipe.

“Yes Sam. I'm staying. Lets call it unfinished business.”


Sam nodded and turned back to his pipe and heard the house door click

shut. “Thought you might", he whispered to himself.

He looked out over the quickly gathering dusk in the far direction where

Jones farm lay and knew that the two women should be on target in ten


Inside the Complex Molly was already tuned into them, her map of the

area showing the car moving through the back roads and then as it

approached the wood and lane she spoke into the microphone around

her neck. “Target area. Lane on right 30 M.”

“Rodger that”, replied Rebecca and started to reverse her car up the

lane with the headlights switched off and the going was slow until she

no longer could see the main road or seen from it by anyone passing.

They loaded up the equipment and carried two medium rucksacks on

their backs. Rebecca shifted the pistol around her body within easy

reach should need it in a hurry.

“Come on. Let's go”

Suzy grunted under her load and whispered, “Maybe would should have

brought a horse to carry the gear.”

Rebecca did not answer and when they reached the first barbed wire

fence she sat down and scanned the farm in the distance with her night

glasses. The only life seen was a fox crossing the fields with a rabbit in

its mouth.

“Molly what should we do first and I need a location.”

Rebecca waited then, “From the map the two areas of disturbed ground

is slightly to your right from where you are now. Get Suzy to scan those

first and use the high mode for sending back tome. The Bartington Grad

gradiometer that Suzy has is up to date with modifications. She needs to

move across the ground in lines and everything it covers will come

directly back to me. Tell her to walk slow speed because if she walks

normal speed all I get on screen is a blurred image.”

Suzy replied in a low whisper. “I'm also linked up to you direct and

earphones on.”

“Ok. Seventy meters to your right and facing where the farmhouse

should be in the trees", said Molly looking at her screen.

Rebecca replied. “ Starting now. You got any sign of life on the ultra

green screen?”

Molly chuckled. “ One fox and its dinner heading east away from you

and a few bats around the trees. And you two.”

Rebecca snorted. “Ok. Suzy is on her way and I am behind her. We work

from here in silent mode unless you see something on your screen.”

Suzy moved forwards and took the first edge of the disturbed ground,

walking slowly. Within a few minutes of walking Molly was on line.

“Stop! You have contact. Back up slowly. Stop. Ok. Cattle bones and an

old chain. Three feet down. Negative. Not human. Move on.”

Half an hour later Suzy had covered both areas and nothing to show for

it than cattle and sheep bones.

Molly muttered. “At least we know it works. Move directly to sheds, four

in all. Behind the trees 50 M away due North.”

Suzy jumped because something was moving through a tall weed patch

and coming in their direction. Rebecca heard it too and pulled her pistol

pointing in the direction of the noise. “We have living contact Molly.

Scan us, then in front of us.”


“Badger. Black and white face and furry. Heading away from you at


Rebecca hissed into her mike. “What the fuck is a badger Molly?”

Molly came back. “A badger. Meles Meles. Common here.”

“Not in the Holy Land it's not! I'm Jewish!”

There was a hiss of static and Rebecca whispered. “Molly?”

Molly was fighting back her laughter, gained some control then,

“Too much chit chat folks. Head for the sheds please.”

“Rodger that”, muttered Rebecca and pushed ahead of Suzy who was

panting now with the load she was carrying.

They reached the row of sheds, one of them large and with the roof at an

angle, the other three full of rusting farm equipment that went back

years. Rebecca spoke softly into her mike.

“You still got us live and picked up?”, now tense.

“Yes. Your in the shed area. Be careful there. You won't be able to use

the scanner because there is too much background magnetic material

and the place is cluttered. Suggest you leave the sheds and come back

in day light.

Rebecca felt frustrated about what Molly said. “Then suggest a new

target. Please? That is if it’s not too much bother!”

She waited then Molly came on air. “Have picked out another building

close by the house. Looks like a sheep or pig pen with a shelter.

North-east from where you are now and only 20 M but hidden by

vegetation. On the right going up the road to the main house.”

“Ok. We are on it. Anything living in the area.”

“No. Dead of movement or life. Suzy got her blue lamp?”


Suzy whispered. “Yes Molly. Will use it once we get there.”

It took less than three minutes to reach the pens and shed and they

pushed through the undergrowth till the got to the shed. The door was

half open and once inside Suzy switched on the blue light.

Rebecca stood and looked around. The shed was empty but there was

very dry mature on the floor and a few fungal growths in one corner.

Suzy handed Rebecca the torch and spoke to Molly.

“I can scan the floor area. Switching on and going live.”

Rebecca kept the blue light from the torch just in front of Suzy's feet as

she walked, the scanner working the floor in front of her.

“Stop”, demanded Molly. “Back a step. There. Long bone, small size

and fractured. Lower jawbone and part of human skull also small and

from here suggest the bones of small child or adult. Move forward

slowly. Tape running and looking good on screen. Stop. Slightly to your

right. There and hold that. Pelvic girdle and vertebra, no, cluster .

Vertebra all small. Move at an angle from where you are now to left hand

corner. Good. Slowly. Good have more. Stop.”

They both heard the intake of Molly's breath and Rebecca asked,


“Three broken skulls lumped together and rib bones. All human.”

Suzy was stunned. “Human?”

“Yes. I did forensic archaeology and bones were my speciality.”

“Then it looks that we now have a possible crime scene”, whispered

Suzy. “Keep recording this while we move into the pen area. Rebecca

keep that torch steady.”


Rebecca and Suzy moved from the hut into the pen area and here the

ground was thick with manure. Suzy bent down and place her finger into

it and found it hard. She sniffed at it twice then nodded. “Pigs. Pigs were

kept here.”

Rebecca was doubtful. “ I meant sheep poo and pig poo could smell the


“No. Sheep don't eat people Rebecca. Look!”

The bright blue light picked up a number of small white objects

scattered around. “What are they?”, asked Rebecca looking down at


“ Teeth and bone fragments”, she said and picked up a piece of

shattered bone and looked at the ragged end of the shaft. “And well

chewed. Teeth undamaged. He cut up the body or someone did and fed

the chunks to the pigs. That tells me that not only were they large pigs

but many of them and hungry.”

Suzy replaced the bone fragment where she found it then said to Molly,

“You getting all this?”

“Clear as a bell but I hate to say this but we will need photographs and

film of this area, like tomorrow.”

“Molly we are going into the house. Keep an eye out for live ones”, said


“Rodger that. Check everywhere you can.”

The door of the farmhouse was locked but Rebecca drew her pistol and

then with a heavy kick hit the door and it burst open. She went in first in

a crouch, moving her pistol side to side, Suzy with the torch beside her.

Quickly checking all the rooms and found no one there, they then

started a minute search of each room but except for old dusty chairs

and a table there was nothing there.

“You being the new forensics bod Suzy what would your next move be


“ Get the Director to make it official and call in the cops, have it sealed

off and guarded then evoke 'Shadow-lands' big time.”

“Molly better get Jenny and Sam out of bed because it is going to be a

very long night and day”, said Rebecca casting around looking for

shadows that moved.

“Will do. You coming in?”

“Like fast!” said Rebecca and headed for the door almost at a run

followed by Suzy. For once Rebecca had a feeling that they were being


They both reached the car breathless, got in and took off down the track

and swung onto the main road, the headlights picking out a young girl

in red standing across the road on a high bank. Rebecca shammed on

the breaks and jumped out of the car.

There was nothing to be seen and she shouted at Suzy, “ Your torch!


Suzy stumbled out of the car and switched on the blue light and pointed

it back up the road. “What are we looking for Rebecca?”

“Didn't you see her?”, she demanded, her voice now high.

“Who is 'her' Rebecca?”

She glared at Suzy then blurted out, “ A girl in a red coat and hat. A


Suzy moved the torch around. There was nothing there. She shrugged

and said softly. “ Sorry. I seen nothing. I was thinking what we had found

and how best to deal with it.”

“I seen her!”, shouted Rebecca. ” A child no more than tend years old!”

“Ok. Ok! But lets get out of here and come back officially tomorrow.”

Rebecca nodded and got back in the car and Suzy hung on inside.

Suzy looked grim. “Those teeth are not old. By that I mean in years and

they are not from a pre history burial.”

“How do you know that Suzy? We were only there for a short time.”

“I know. Building area is older than the teeth and bones not buried deep

in soil. Add to the soil one quarter metre of pig slurry on top and you

don't even have a metre in depth where the bone remains are.”

Rebecca give this some thought then, “Ok. Lets say that they are human

remains and teeth we have no evidence that Jones put them there. It

could well be that the owner before Jones did murder and when Jones

bought the farm, the remains were already there.”

Suzy grunted. “ I won't know anything until I have all that on my table

and go over it bit by bit, run tests and check out dates for the farm and

the past owner. Jenny is not going to be pleased with that but I must be

sure because if I start guess work and present it as evidence it would


“You're right. Our director is going to be pissed off. You really like your

job don’t you?”

Suzy nodded. “I like solving the puzzles even if one piece is missing.”

“Missing. Like what?”

“One skull. Maybe it will turn up but right now, its not there.”


Jenny waited along with Molly by the screen showing the tracer on

Rebecca's car then let out her breath as they arrived at the gate on the

bottom of the drive. Molly looked at her and looked grim.

“Suzy was sure the bones were human, Jenny and she should know?”

“She does know but what she does not know are they old bones from

the Roman or Saxon past or something within the last twenty years.?

They only way we will know is get in there officially and dig.”

Molly checked her screen and nodded at Jenny. “They are back.”

“Good. Buzz Sam because he needs to be in on this. We need a meeting

and decide best how to proceed.”

Molly put a call through to Sam at the house. It was picked up almost at

once. “What!”

“Rebecca and Suzy hit gold Sam and we need you here for a meeting.”

“On my way.”

Molly laughed. “ He's grumpy.”

“Guess you woke him up. Anyway when have you known him not to


Jenny went to the long table and placed pads and pencils by each chair

space then turned to Molly. “ You got the basics in your head?”

“Sure. We don't need my print outs right now but I can do a pretty good

outline of what we have so far.”

Sam walked in sleep still in his eyes followed by Rebecca and Suzy and

went to Jenny.

“Are you sure what you picked up were human remains Suzy?”

She nodded. “No doubt there. How old I don't know but they were bones

and human at that. Molly confirmed it that they were human."

Jenny felt better. She was getting a buzz that she had not had in a very

long time. “ Lets sit and talk what are next move will be and I want input

from everyone here because Jones or Hill are one in the same and we

need to go legal now because we have a major suspect.”

She waited till everyone sat down then; “From the legal point of view

first we do have a suspect, we do have a possible crime scene that

shows human remains on it and we need to proceed along those lines.

I can tell you now that even if we can get the police involved and Jones

is arrested on suspicion of murder with what we have so far,a good Law

practitioner will have him out on fixed bail within thirty-six hours.

Unless we can link Jones to the remains and the other killings for the

moment we have a weak case or none at all.”

Molly came in fast. “So we need hard evidence linking both the suspect

to the remains or maybe I should say suspects?”

“Yes and that is where Suzy and you come in because you will have to

work together and get that evidence and then work on it. Rebecca you

have a book shop to run in town but his shop is only four doors away

from where you run your business. For the moment keep an eye on him

as much as you can but don't follow him. We need to know that he is in

that shop and when.” Jenny looked at Rebecca then at Molly.

Molly frowned and said. “There is a way to get on the land but it is a

long shot.”

“Meaning?”, asked Jenny alert now and added, “Within the law?”

“We seed the fields with a few archaeology items, get some students

and a tutor to discover them and then under the law get it passed as a

'protected' site and start digging, removing earth on the areas we have

now targeted. We can and should use 'Shadow-lands' to to get what we

want from all sources. If on the other hand they were led to the right

area and found human bones or human remains then by law the police

get involved.”

“Meaning?”, asked Jenny. “Archaeology gets us on then what?That

could take days, maybe weeks.”

Suzy spoke up from the corner end of the table. “ The archaeologists are

not informed what is under there in the target areas and besides

discovering 'normal' artefacts they also come across humans bones and

the police notified, then it becomes official. That is where I come in and

as an outsider but 'attached' to the Coroner's Office under the umbrella

of Shadow-lands as well as the police, I can work on the remains as an


“I'm not sure about the legal side of that Suzy”, said Jenny then added,

“Do you have a licence to practice here in the UK?”

Sam laughed and then smiled at Jenny. “Suzy has an international

forensics licence from Interpol which covers a very large world wide

area where she can and has carried out her craft.”

Jenny glared at Sam. “How then does she explain that to the local

Forensics Team and police involvement? They could be more than a

little upset by an outsider taking over.!”

Suzy smiled sweetly. “I'm working for Interpol on missing immigrants

anyway and who went off radar and had entered the country illegally as

well as children who went missing from Europe and Asia. That Jenny is

my official line but it does give me a direct door to any remains.”

Jenny was impressed by Suzy's statement. She shrugged then said in a

soft voice. “There is more to you than meets the eye Suzy. Keep me

updated as we get into it. How soon can we get an archaeology

department from a University involved because I need a sealed site and

by that I mean the whole farm quickly.”

“Day after tomorrow”,muttered Sam. “ Molly can send the emails and

also seed the area tomorrow night but I feel that it would be better if they

found things on their own. That is pointed in the right direction like the

pig pen areas and the front and back gardens of the house. Another one

of their team could be 'led' to the disturbed land area in the hope they

would find more than just animal bones. The archaeology group work

independent of us until the shit hits the fan. Then the police and Suzy

take over, The Coroner, will want details of course which he will get but

the area then is an official crime scene.”

“ Sam could be right. Lets do it without seeding the area because there

is enough there we know about anyway.Two days is too long. We need

them in at least late PM tomorrow”, said Jenny then added, “Nearest

University with an archaeology department?”

“Lampeter. That is where I went and I know the head of the department”,

Molly said. “I'll get there first thing in the morning.”

“Do that Molly. You think he will come?”, asked Jenny.

Molly nodded. “She. Yes she will come.”

“And Jones? He is not stupid”, said Rebecca.


Sam looked at her. “You know how to rattle his cage, rattle it. Molly will

put a trace on all his mobile calls in and out and get the past details over

the last few years as well as details on this Andrew Hill's phone details,

home and mobile if any. He must not know that your involved but once

the area becomes a crime scene we need him to run or contact others.

In the meantime, someone has to break into into his house when he is

in the shop, get all his computer details, the tower or laptops taken out

and make it look a mess by trashing it.”

Jenny thought on this. “We don't have a warrant for this move.”

“We have George.” ,said Sam smiling at Molly who then laughed.

“George? Who is 'George' Sam?” Jenny was confused and more than a

little alarmed at what Sam suggested.

“George my dear is an old type break in merchant and non violent even

if he got nicked, which he has sometimes, served his time and went onto

better things.”

“Like computers and removing the hard drives then selling them on”,

continued Molly then added. “ It seems he does the break-in, finds the

computer or laptop and removes the drives. Then he goes back to his

little shop and re-programs the hard drives and sells the hard drive back

to who ever needs one. Only this time we need George to sell us any

and all hard drives direct. From there I can sort the wheat from the chaff.

Jones I know has a computer maybe even a lap top.”

Jenny frowned. “How will you make sure he is not in the house so that

George can get in?”

Sam was thinking deeply then, “ He knows my voice, knows Molly and

you so we need someone to ring him that he does not know.”


There was a long silence and almost as one they turned and looked at


“Oh,no! Me? I'm legit and besides I am Japanese.”

“Your English is great. Slight lilt to it but not bad”, said Sam.

Suzy looked at Rebecca who was smiling with her eyes.

“Rebecca would be much better at this Sam because knowing me I will

make a dick up as you say.”

“Cock up. Not 'dick up'”, whispered Molly laughing.

“See? I have already done it this..cock up.”

Sam muttered something under his breath. He glared at Suzy.

“ We will write down everything you have to say, word for bloody word

and all you have to do is use a public phone or one of our Mickey Mouse

cell phones then dump it.”

Suzy sighed then relaxed. “Ok. When?”

“Late tomorrow night would be a good time. I'll have George in place

and ready to go at 04.00. You can drive me there, Rebecca and Molly will

track us. We pick George up as arranged, he goes in, comes out while

Jones is at his shop, hands over the hard-drives and we drop him back

at the station in time for him to catch his early morning train to


Jenny almost hissed with anger. “I hate to bring it up Sam but I'm

Director and I will direct any operations?”

Everyone looked at Jenny and Sam slapped his forehead. “ Sorry Jenny.

Got carried away a bit. Of course you are and it's your operation. What

do you want to change?”

Jenny took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She looked at Rebecca.

“You go to your book shop tomorrow and find out where Jones parks

his car or van then somehow I want one of your toys planted on it

because I want to know everywhere that bastard drives to.”

Rebecca shrugged. “I know where he parks his van. In the Hotel car park

across the road behind his shop. Same van and same place most days

that he is in town. He always goes into his shop by the back door.”

Jenny nodded. “ Can you do it?”

“Sure. Place the beacon on the car. He is not what I would call a 'hard

target so it will be no sweat. I go into the hotel for my break, have the

coffee, go out the back into the car park, have a smoke and do the


“Good. Do it.”

Jenny looked hard at Sam who lifted his hands in surrender and smiled.

She turned to Suzy. “You make the call from the public phone box in the

station at three fifty am. You will need coins which will be on hand. Once

you make that call and set the phone down walk away and stand on the

corner next the bridge. There is a small bus shelter there and I and I only

will pick you up once I have dropped off this George at the station. Sam

you stay here because I need you with Molly on station. Suzy and I will

get back here as quick as we can.”

“What do I do when everyone is playing out there?”, asked Rebecca.

Jenny looked hard at Rebecca. “ I want you at the bottom of the drive

with the gates open when we leave Jones house area and closed after

we pass through them. Then I want you to wait there and check if we are

going to have visitors. If everything is ok then come in.”


“That leaves me a bit worried Jenny.” said Sam and looking at Molly for

support but it wasn't there.

“Worried Sam?”

“Well Yes. The distance from the target house to here is four miles and

five if you take the back roads which I should point out you don't really


Rebecca laughed. “ Don't worry Sam. 'Tom Tom, does and this is a very

upgraded one which I have already fitted in Jenny's car.”

Sam made a face at her then laughed. “ Sorry I spoke.”

Molly walked to the door. “I'm going to make coffee. Anyone want one?”

Sam shook his head, Jenny said no and Rebecca nodded yes. Suzy put

her hand up and Jenny noticed. “Something on your mind Suzy?”

“Can I go to bed?”

It was said in her little girl's voice and took everyone by surprise and

then laughter broke out and Suzy stood there looking confused hands

on her slim hips.


Molly smiled at her. “Maybe Sam should tuck you in?”

“ You want a Teddy with you Suzy?”, said Jenny trying not to laugh but

when Sam said in a matter of fact way, “I have a big, big bed Suzy!”

Rebecca glared at them all. “Leave her alone. Can't you see she is totally

out of it and becoming brain dead? We need her sharp tomorrow and

even sharper still for tomorrow nights adventure!”

Molly, Jenny and Sam looked sheepish and Suzy asked softly,

“Did I say something wrong and who is Teddy?”


Sam stood by the fallen tree log when Rebecca came up behind him

and coughed making him jump. He turned around. “ What do you have

to do that Becca!”

She laughed. “If you had been wearing your hearing aid you would have

picked up on me. You leave it sitting on your desk doing nothing so I

can sneak up on you.”

He nodded. “ Of course you have a point but my ear sweats if I keep in

in too long and also I have to listen to you all babbling on.”

“Are we doing ok Sam?”

“ A little disorganised but we are doing well considering that we just got

started and our first major case. We do need to set up that office and


Rebecca smiled. “You got an office manager set up yet?”

He looked at her and winked. “ I'm working on it. It is going to have to be

done so that Jenny makes the appointment and not me but whoever she

gets needs to be on top of things because you and I and the team are

going to be very busy. I think also she has someone in the pipe line.”

Rebecca sighed. “Wow! For a moment I thought it was going to be me!”

Sam laughed. “Can’t see you stuck in an office all day, not with all you

have done in the past. Even your bookshop gets you down sometimes I

noticed but at least if things are quite you could read.”

“True but I also get away from it when I need to . In an office I would be


“That won’t happen. I promise you that”, said Sam. “Jenny I must see.”

“Try the home kitchen. She looked whacked and may be there.”


Jenny was sitting at the kitchen table when Sam came in,

looking tired and slumped down in the chair beside her. “Time for bed


She nodded and looked at him. “ You look tired Sam and tomorrow is

another day.”

He rubbed his hand over his face and smiled. “Yes. I am. Where are the

rest of them?”

“Sleeping I hope. Rebecca has set the alarms in the Codex complex,

computers still running so hopefully Molly will have phone details on

Jones and his double by dawn. How is the not drinking going Sam?”

He made a face. “Tough if you really want to know but I am getting there.

This would not be a good time to fall off the wagon now would it?”

She laughed. “ No. Not a good time Sam because right now I need your


“You got it. Goodnight.”

For some reason she leaned over and kissed his forehead and walked

out of the kitchen, closing the door softly behind and Sam whispered to

himself, “Well I'll be damned!”

Dawn came in wet and windy and there was a knock at Jenny's

door and she blinked her eyes open far from alert. “Come in.”

In walked Suzy with a tray on which breakfast was laid out with a large

mug of coffee and held it out in front of a very startled Jenny.

“What is this!”, she demanded looking from the tray to Suzy's face.

“In Japan we call it breakfast. The first meal of a new day and it gets you

on your feet. Eat and enjoy.”

“You're not here as a maid Suzy”, said Jenny with a slight edge to her


“No. I am here because like you I am part of a team and I care.

Everyone is on station and we all thought that a lie in would do you no

harm because of the amount of work we have in front of us in the next

twenty four hours and we need our leader on the ball.”

Jenny sighed then looked at her watch. “Oh,God! It's gone eight!”

“And four minutes and thirty one seconds. We will await you in the

Complex. Molly has some good stuff come up. Bye.”

Jenny was speechless as the door closed over. She took a long drag of

the coffee and munched a slice of over cooked toast then almost ran to

the shower.

Ten minutes later she walked into the complex and dressed in a red

jumper and black pants, her hair in a pony tail. She spoke sharply taking

control right away. “ Good morning all. Right. What do we have new


Molly brought a mass of numbers up on her screen in front of her.

“All Jones mobile numbers in the last three months, and they are in

green. The red numbers are the ones for his old mobile phone in the last

two years. There are no phone numbers listed for any 'Andrew Hill'.

Jones does have a home phone with only seven local calls listed in two

months. Before that nothing and he has that home phone for two years

now. Some of the red phone numbers are for numbers abroad, mainly

India, that is Goa, Bangalore, and south India. A good few are numbers

in the UK, mainly hospitals the rest to other mobile phone numbers.”

Jenny walked in close to the screen and looked hard at it then turned.

“Why India?”, she asked. “ Not always sun, sea, and sand."

Molly raised an eyebrow. “Because he has been in India a good number

of times in the last fourteen years Jenny, both as Garth Jones and as

Andrew Hill. Visa's for both up to date.There are two passports, two

photographs that show the face of Jones on each, a birth cert for Jones

and a birth cert for Andrew Hill who you should know was born in Bristol

the same year that Jones was born.”


“Andrew Hill of 3 Heron Walk Bristol died four days after he was born,

the mother was single and she later vanished. Missing person.”

Jenny took a deep breath. “Did you find out where Jones was born?”

Molly hit a button on the keyboard and up came a copy of the birth


“Shrewsbury Hospital? And his parents?”

Molly looked towards Sam and Sam took the floor. “ Parents unknown it

seems. He was dumped on the hospital doorstep well wrapped up and


Jenny looked from Sam back at the screen. “ It says here that his

parents are...”

“They are not real. Its a Mickey Mouse job Jenny. This is the sticks and

this is what happens to many children back then born out of wedlock.

More than likely he was given the name of 'Garth Jones' by the nursing

staff before going into care.”


Molly spoke up. “ Never adopted. Went into a children’s home”

Jenny turned back to her team. “ We do as planned. Molly I need to

know all you can get on Jones and Hill.”

“You want me to try the other numbers as well see what I can come up


“Yes but for the moment stick with the India numbers because I need to

know who he knows or knew out there. Hill or Jones”

Sam spoke and he sounded rattled. “ George will be coming in by train

and he will be staying at a small B+B near the station. All he knows is

that there is a paid job to be done later on in the night.”

“He is not going to be on the Codex Bigot list”,said Rebecca then

added, “But we all are as a team. George is just a tool to get what we

want and paid for it. Once he has completed his part of the deal he is

going on holiday, two weeks somewhere sunny.”

Jenny looked at Rebecca then Sam. “ Does he know?”

Sam shook his head. “No. But he will when he goes back to Shrewsbury.

I have put his airline ticket in with the cash. Flies out at the weekend.”

“Sam tell me that George is not going to end up dead?” Jenny stood

waiting arms folded across her chest.

Sam and Rebecca laughed. Molly smiled and said, “ George is flying out

to Spain Jenny for a real holiday with a few of his old reformed criminal

friends. Sun Sea and bunny's.”

Jenny relaxed. “One more thing Molly. If possible I want locations for all

the property's Hill and Jones rented or owned in the last 20 years and I

also want to know with your spy in the sky, if they have back gardens.”

Suzy nodded. “Good point. He might just have buried others there at

sometime but we need to know if he has in fact other houses in the


Suzy stood in the wet darkness near the phone box but in the

shadow of overhanging branches so that no street lamps would show

her up. She brushed a string of wet hair from her eyes and looked again

at her watch. “Almost four”, she whispered as a wet fox crossed the

road in front of her and vanished into a hedge. She looked again from

her hiding spot for other signs of life then seeing none walked to the

phone box and closed the door behind her. She lifted the receiver and

inserted the coins then dialled Garth Jones home number at three fifty

nine and waited. When it was lifted a gruff voice spoke into the phone.

“Jones here. Who is it.”

“Police here Mr. Jones. Just to inform you that we have had a report of

smoke at the back of your building and have notified the Fire Service

which are on their way. Can we offer you a lift?”

“ A Fire! No. Don't worry I'm on my way. Thanks”, and slammed the

phone down.

Suzy left the box after wiping the phone clean and made her way back to

where she would be picked up. It did not took her long and she found

cover and stood in out of the rain then sent a pre-paired text directly to

Jenny informing her that Jones had taken the bait.

George Kirk sat huddled in the back of the car keeping his head

low as Jones came out of his driveway at speed and turned right and

away from them. Jenny sat up and looked at the thin ferret faced


“Go now!”

“I don't do this for everyone. Sam is a good friend”,snapped George.

“ So is the Queen on the bank notes you will be paid. How long will it


“If there are no dogs or a wife I'll be in and out ten minutes flat.”

Jenny nodded and he got out and ran across at an angle towards the

driveway and being the only house close by in the lane he knew he

would not be seen. Jenny watched George vanish into the shadows.

George Kirk was no fool and he knew that whatever was on those

hard-drives was needed by Sam and this woman he brought him here to

break into a house. He stood in the shadows and viewed the house with

a night scope seeing a few brightly lit greenish bats chasing greenish

insects. Quickly he scanned the lawn then the windows of the house.

Then he picked up the night light which so far had not come on.

Moving from cover he went around the side of the house, his face now

covered and gloves on and went to the back door. Overhead the night

light stayed off. George smiled to himself. Whoever this was the bastard

was too lazy or stupid to replace a dud bulb or else had them switched

off. Sam had informed him there was no wife, no partner or kids, As for

a dog he did not know but two loud taps on the glass breaking it on the

door brought no barking.

Within a few seconds he was inside, the back door key had been left in

the lock, a common mistake by many people.

Switching on the torch he took the stairs and went into each room. In all

two bedrooms both untidy but no computers. He trashed the drawers

quickly scatterings the contents all around him. Then into the bathroom

and found nothing there. Quickly he went downstairs found a almost

new computer and set to work removing the hard drive using his small

wallet of pocket tools. Three minutes later he had it out and in his

pocket then set the computer tower back in place as he found it. The

laptop was easy to find it was in the lower right hand bottom drawer of

a worn desk and an older model. He removed the hard drive but it took

more time and work to get at it. Replacing the laptop back in the drawer

he then trashed the rooms down stairs taking with him some CDs, a

camera and some loose change in a bowl by the front door. He left by

the front door and across the lawn surprised that the night lights had

not come on.

Jenny was looking at her watch and noted seven minutes from the time

George left her then looking up seen him walking fast across the road

towards the car which she started up once he opened the door.

Jenny waited till George caught his breath then looked at the camera in

his hand.

“You nicked that!”

George sniggered. “ Of course. Not much point breaking into a house

and not nicking something to make it look good. I also trashed the place

to make it look like it was well done over. As for the camera you can

have it. I have five at home from a past life.”

She waited as she almost took a bend too fast then frustrated she asked,

“Well! Did you get the hard drive?”

“ Two. One PC and one laptop.”

“Anything else besides those?”


George nodded. “Ten to twenty CD writer discs all lablled that I am

throwing in with the two hard drives. I am not going to ask what Sam

and you are into and don't want to know but when do I get my dough?”

Jenny smiled. “When I drop you at the station and I get the hard drives.”

“Cash like promised?”

She nodded as she put her foot down on a straight stretch of road and

glad she had in fact used the TOM TOM.

Coming the back roads she pulled in close to the station and got out.

“Ok. Good luck George and thanks. There is more at home for you.”

He took the brown envelope and stuck in inside his pocket handing her

the hard-drives, his gloves and the mask. “ First train to Shrewsbury

leaves in twenty minutes. Tell Sam I'll see him around and whistle if he

needs me. Anything else?”

Jenny frowned and asked, “ You trust Sam?”

Old George screwed up his eyes. “With my life. Bye.”

She nodded and climbed back into the car then drove into a wet dawn.

Suzy grunted wiping rain from her face and looked across at Jenny

who was frowning and looking through the car window.

“You need glasses?”

“I don't.”

Suzy looked ahead. “ You do and I have noticed over the last few days

you are frowning more. You could at least go for a check up.”

“That frowning is caused by stress!”

“Then try yoga and then go for the test.”

Jenny could not help but laugh. “ You're sounding like my mother Suzy.

Well at least we can say we pulled it off thanks to you getting Jones out

of the house and George getting the hard-drives. Let's hope there is

something we can use on them and that will be up to Molly.”

“Your phones over here are a bit more complicated than those in

Europe. Over there we use a phone card and it saves much time looking

for the right coins. Even if there is a coin box we use a Euro and that is


Jenny smiled then deep in thought she pulled up at the lane and the

gates swung open ahead of her. “Rebecca is on deck I see and looks


She drove past the open gates and then stopped waiting for Rebecca

who climbed in the back smelling of rain and soil. She looked fed up to


“Did you get what you wanted?”

“Yes. George was in and out within the ten minutes we allowed. No

problems there. You?”

“Standing in the rain for almost an hour and getting wet is a problem for

me”, Rebecca grumbled then added, “All we have to do now is see how

are target will react. I will sort my end out this morning when I go to

work so don't worry.”

“Me worry? Never!”

“Can I ask you a direct question Suzy?”,said Jenny looking at her for a


“Sure. What?”

“You and Sam? You go back a long way then. Have a history like?”

Suzy laughed loudly. “ I never met Sam till he came into Interpol HQ in

Paris and though I knew a lot of his past work I expected a much

younger man. Once we had been introduced and he had spoken with my

boss I ended up here.”

“You like your work?”

“Yes. I get a buzz when I solve problems, help crack a case from the

forensic point of view and present the evidence.”

Rebecca grunted. “ Me too when I get the chance.”

“Meaning?”, asked Jenny as she pulled up in front of the house.

“Meaning that the guilty get away from a legal point of view, move to

another country, or have their case thrown out of court because there is

not enough evidence. Some of the guilty people even buy their way to

freedom but never from me because I always make the punishment fit

the crime when I catch up with them.”

Jenny went cold and switched off the engine then turned to Rebecca

and said softly,

“What if they are in fact innocent Rebecca?”

She glared at Jenny. “ Then they are dead innocent.”

“Ooops!”, said Suzy and got out of the car and waited for Jenny and

Rebecca to get out then asked meekly, “What now?”

Rebecca said,” Me? I'm going to bed for some kip. I have a job to go to

and I need to be on the ball and all delightful in my shop when people

come in”, and stormed off into the house.

“I think she has a bee in her bum”, said Suzy and shrugged and Jenny

has to laugh.

“It's a 'bee in your bonnet' , Suzy, not 'bum'.”


“Whatever. Ok if I go to bed for a while?”

“Yes do that. I think I will too and later I will get Molly to run these hard


She waited till Suzy went inside them muttered to herself. “And we

might as well take a good hard look at Angie Edwards hard-drives as


She sat on her bed and ran through her mind all the events so far that

brought her this far and to Jenny it was becoming to be a large canvas

of a case against Garth Jones. To make sure that he was arrested and

charged she needed to present a waterproof file of evidence and of the

right sort. Then she thought of her team. Molly was good on the

computer front, had forensic archaeology background, was keen and

had a good focused brain when working. Sam was Sam but had a wealth

of archaeology experience and an expert on ritual killing but he was also

a reformed drunk and not for very long at that. What he did also have

was the house and Codex Red complex and good strong and useful

contacts at his fingertips. Suzy was a legal beaver with Interpol, an

expert forensic pathologist of European reputation, very through in her

thinking and most of all seemed loyal to the project.

When Jenny's thoughts came to Rebecca she flinched inside of herself

because Rebecca was like a snake and when she would strike it would

be fast and deadly. Jenny thought she was also easy to get angry and

that may well get her into trouble. Without doubt Rebecca could well be

a racist if she took a dislike to someone though so far it had not come

across yet. She was also gay and dangerous to boot.



Everyone slept late and by the time they were up, showered and in

CODEX RED, it was almost noon. The only one missing from the team

and then jenny remembered that she was going into the shop as well as

sort out the tracker on Jones car.

She set the two hard-drives beside Molly once she was seated and then

the small laptop that had belonged to Angie Edwards.

“May I suggest you check the laptop first and log and save everything

somewhere else then I can leave it somewhere it will be found.”

Molly looked glum but nodded. “ OK then the other two hard-drives?”

Jenny nodded. She turned to Suzy who had done her hair streaks now in

pink. “Can you drive?”

“ In Europe I have no problem here because you drive on the wrong side

of the road I may have a problem but I can drive.”

“Ok. Take Sam with you. I want you to go to Shrewsbury hospital and

take a look at a woman called Angie Edwards post mortem report. You

need to find the pathology department and speak to whoever did the


Suzy arched and eyebrow. “Will they let me see it?”

“Make them! Flash your Interpol ID or something. If you can lean on

someone official and by the time you get there, 'Shadow-lands' will be

activated. All they have to do is ring a number.”

“How do they get that?”

“It will be already on the computer at the pathology department if they

need it.”

Sam came in through the door slipping on his coat as he did so and ran

his fingers through his hair. “ Sorry I'm late. What are we doing?”

Jenny smiled at him. “ Suzy and you are going to Shrewsbury for the

day. Take my car and leave it in the station car-park, catch the two thirty

to Shrewsbury. Take a taxi from there and and go to Midland Motors and

pick up the new four by four. The taxi driver will know where it is. Once

you have the car head for the Hospital. Suzy will fill you in as you go.”

Sam was flustered. “ But I don't drive!”

“No Sam you don't but you sure as hell know your way around

Shrewsbury and Suzy would be lost. Just treat it as a nice day out.”

Sam shrugged. “Ok. You're the boss.”

“That is true Sam. I am", and raised an eyebrow looking at him

Suzy held out her hand. “Keys please.”

Jenny found the keys in her back pocket and handed them over then

said in a mocking way, “ I love my car Suzy.”

“Ok. Message received. Bye.”

“Don't I get breakfast or brunch before we go?”, muttered Sam and

followed Suzy out through the sliding door.

She smiled at Molly. “ Ok. You and I. Lets go to work.”

Jenny's phone rang three times before she answered and it was

Rebecca. She smiled and pressed the button.

“That book you ordered is now in and you can pick up at any time, day

or night. Bye.”

Jenny spoke softly. “Jones is now on target and can be traced. What do

we have on those phone numbers in India?”


Molly brought up the details. “Ok. Here we go. The three main numbers

are all registered to medical doctors and all surgeons names beings;

Dr. Khristna Subu Mysore, Dr. Taz Kerna Mumbi, and the last but not

least, Dr.Supplinder is not a surgeon but a medical GP type. He is the

one who is odd man out because he runs a large Charity out there that

is called Silver Light Foundation. Take a deep breath Jenny. His Charity

deals with street kids and homeless children in all the major cities in

India. He has also set up a number of Orphanages, five in all and runs an

Education program. To say the least he is well heeled and gets good

donations from all around the world. What is more to the point he is

Registered here also in the UK as a Charity as well as India.”

“Jesus Molly! What is Garth Jones doing with the likes of him?”

Her heart missed a few beats. She fought panic back and then, “Jones

has been over there has’t he?”

Molly swallowed hard. “ Yes a fair number of times and on both

passports over the years. The real bad news is Jenny, he sits on the UK

Commette for this charity, Silver Light and has raised thousands of

pounds with others for it.”

“How long!” she snapped at Molly. ”How long has he been doing it!”

“Ten years. Six as a committee member the last four as Chairperson till


Jenny went white and found herself shaking. “Oh,God Molly! He is

having a field day out there and no one to stop him.”

Molly stood up and took Jenny by the shoulders and gently eased her

into the red chair. “Time for a coffee break O great one. I'll make it.”

Jenny nodded and fought back the tears. “Ok. You do that.”

Rebecca was serving a customer and wondered when the girl she had

employed part time would turn up for the afternoon shift. The woman, a

tourist just bought five books on Welsh history. Pleased with her books

she was just going out the door when Garth Jones pushed by her and

went to a book case. For a split second she felt all her warning bells go

off in her head. She noted he was going through the Asia section of

travel books. He turned and asked her straight out, “ What do you have

on Bangalore in India?”

“Just the normal Indian guides I am sure. Let me check on the


“ No need. This will do. At least it will give me some idea what it is like.”

Rebecca nodded. “Well the city is pretty polluted and you might be

better outside it. Traffic is bad too. You planning a holiday there?”

For a moment he looked at her then nodded. “Bit of a getaway for a few

weeks. Need a break. This town is getting worse because last night

some yobs broke into my house, trashed it from top to bottom and

buggered up my computers somehow.”

Rebecca kept a straight face. “Did you not hear them?”

“That's the point. Someone rang me, said they were the cops and there

was smoke coming from the shop so what do I do? In the car and down

here and when I got back they have been in and out. That bitch that rang

me was all part of it.”

Rebecca was noting this word for word. “Of course you rang the police

I hope and reported it?”


Jones face went a deeper red than normal. “ Waste if time here and

besides what could they do except come up, be nosey and hand me a

crime number for the insurance.”

“Well lets hope when you get back from your trip things will get better.”

“Thanks. Don't bother with a bag”, and handed her the book and money.

She put the cash in the drawer and her eyes caught the new mirror that

had arrived and she looked in the corner and smiled at Jones.

“Oh! With what you just told me about your break-in I wonder could you

place my mirror up in that corner. It gives me a view of anyone on the far

side of the book shelves?”

He looked at the mirror and then at the hook. “Ok. I need to hurry


She moved around the counter with a duster and wiped the mirror and

sides of it then held it up to him still holding the cloth and he took it and

she nodded. “Thanks Mr. Jones.”

Rebecca placed the duster back behind the till and smiled at her own

reflection and now she had Jones fingerprints without her demanding

them or the police. Of course there may be no record but she doubted

very much that someone with his background did not leave his dabs

somewhere in his previous life and he had that. She noted that he was in

fight or flight mode meaning he was planning a 'runner' because what

was on those hard-drives had him in a panic. She picked out of her bag

the official Codex mobile phone and found Jenny's number.

“Hi. How's things going Rebecca.”

Rebecca was brisk and to the point. “ Target planning a holiday in


“You sure? Did he say when and where in India?”

“Very. No location target area.He is also upset about the break in at the

house. Came in looking for a book on Bangalore but he had to get the

one on India as I did not have it. Target rattled big time.”

“So he is running. Ok. I'll get Molly to activate Shadow-lands and find

something to hold him at the airport.”

Rebecca took a deep breath. “Anything on the hard-drives?”

“ A lot.Still working on them. When will you be coming in?”

“One hour.”

“Ok, See you. Bye.” Bangalore is close to Mysore, thought Jenny.

Rebecca put the phone back in her bag making sure it was locked down

and just then the part time girl came in.

“Sorry I'm late. Baby playing up most of the night.”

“Ok. I need a favour Alice?”

Alice looked at Rebecca with a very worried frown. “Sure. Whatever.”

“Wait till you hear before you agree to anything. I take it your mother

helps with the baby?”

“Yes, she loves Thomas and now that she has free time on her hands

after dad died it keeps her busy. Why?”

Rebecca picked her words carefully. “I want you to run the shop.

Ten to four, weekdays and Saturdays mornings. You do the banking and

ordering and you know what is wanted. More than that, I trust you.”

Alice's mouth fell open. “Me?”

“Why not? You love books you are a young mother who needs a full

time job and I need to get on with another project. I'll call in now and

then and you have my mobile number if you get stuck.”


“I don't know what to say?”

Rebecca smiled at her. “Try 'yes'?”

Alice nodded. “ Thank you. Really. Mum will be find with it and as I am

living with her even better. Thank you very much.”

“Ok. I have to go now but will come in next week and help you sort out

all the paper work. You start Monday. By the way what about that rat of

a boyfriend you had, the one who left you and found someone else when

he knew you were pregnant?”

For a moment a great sadness came into Alice's eyes but she blinked

and then said. “ He's gone. I did not know what to do but I told him it

was over. Did I do right.”

Rebecca laughed but it was not a nice laugh. “You should have killed

him. You still can if you write a short story and have him as the bad


They both laughed and Rebecca waved and left the shop then walked to

her car thinking that today was already a good day. Inside the car she

sent Jenny a text saying she was on her way.

Alice had just finished ringing her mother to give her the good news

when the Rev. Butts walked in looking frustrated and red in the face.

“Can you help me? I'm looking for a book on India, a travel guide will


Alice smiled at him. “Yes we have two. This way please.”

By the time Rebecca had arrived back at Codex Red , Molly and Jenny

had been working three hours straight on the hard-drives as well as

Angie Edwards laptop. She walked into the room and noted computer

six was down loading fast with names, addresses and phone numbers.

“What is this coming in?”, she asked Molly nodding at computer six.

“HOLMES. UK government computer system that lists names and

addresses world wide. Great for tracking or finding someone. It's

working hard for us thanks to 'SHADOW-LANDS'. Nice to have you


Jenny looked at the rounded cloth that covered something that Rebecca

brought in. “Been shopping?”

Rebecca smiled and set it down then slowly took the cover of the mirror

and stood back. “On this are the fingerprints of one Garth Jones and I

thought Suzy might be able to lift one or two and get a match later.”

“How on earth did you...?” Jenny stopped. “You got him to hold it?”

Rebecca nodded. “Yes.. and hang it in the shop for me. Like I said he

was rattled but he did it for me. You know that soon he is going to be

running and more than likely to India?”

Jenny nodded. “ Well he won't be going. Not after what we found on his

hard-drives and on Edwards laptop. On top of that the Archaeology team

will be moving onto the farm site first thing tomorrow but before that we

need police involvement and have him arrested and held. Molly will fill

you in while I make coffee for us all. Ok?”

“Sure. I could murder a coffee”, said Rebecca and flopped down in a


Molly stood up and held a remote control. “Ok here is what we have but

I won't give you all the details yet. We have enough on him right now to

bang him up if we could get a conviction. After tomorrow and the bones

are 'discovered' that makes our case much better. His PC

Drive A for records has a lot of stuff on it, mainly bank statements and

2000 images of children. Each photograph has an index number many

with the same index number which we don't understand yet. At least 156

photographs have the word 'MORT' beside them including some old

photographs of past missing children and those found dead in shallow

graves. Seventy five present show children from India, male and female.

His two bank accounts are what we call over the top 'healthy., one here

in the UK and one in India. He pays his taxes, his NI and all his bills on


I was able to find out that he has made a good number of trips to India

over the years and his last visa expiries in two months time which he

can renew here in the UK or in India. I also found out that he does have

an International Driving Licence as well as his normal UK one.

Much of the email traffic over a few years is to do with his charity the

SILVER LIGHT FOUNDATION., at least fifty to eighty a day.

The Silver Light Charity Foundation also has two bank accounts and as

he is also a Trustee as well as the Chairperson he lodges donations and

grants into the UK Bank Account. A few grants also went in there in the

last year, the highest being £30,000 the lowest £500.

To say the least he is a poor book-keeper but the amount of donations

received in the last two years which he kept notes on do not match his

bank statements or the Charity breakdown of accounts. Jenny has also

checked the figures and they don't match.

We may or may not be looking at long time fraud here but that will be up

to the police and the Charity Commission to sort out.

Hard-drive B is from his laptop and much more interesting because it

not only has the same child photographs on it but new ones added.

None of the photographs are of an indecent nature Rebecca.”

Rebecca's mouth fell open. “What! Then he is not a paedophile!”

“For the moment we have no evidence to suggest that and I agree with

Jenny on this that we don't go down that road. That does not mean that

he does not have links with paedophile groups across Europe but he is

much worse than that Rebecca. He arranges child murder and no doubt

has carried out such killings himself here in the UK and India but his

killings here are personal, for profit.”

“Profit? What the hell does that mean!”, snapped Jenny.

Molly looked at Jenny as she arrived with the three coffee's on a tray

and sat down with her own. “ Your show Molly. Tell her.”

“He is it seems to be the main man in getting organs for and from the

three doctors mentioned and he gets well paid for it. The doctors do the

'harvesting' and he is the middleman from India to Turkey, Middle East

and even here in the UK. What we did find out that the surgeons that

Jones works with are not fussy how many organs they take from one

child just as long as there is a market. Why take one kidney when you

can have two?”

Rebecca went very pale and her lips tight she looked at Molly and then

at Jenny. “ What the fuck are we dealing with here!”

Jenny cleared her throat. “ Murder on a very large scale, illegal surgery

that removes an organ or organs by force, and all linked to Gurgaon, a

New Delhi well to do suburb where there are four doctors involved not

counting the three we have as targets, at least twenty four to thirty

nurses and paramedics, mobile ambulances, two that we now know of

with a built in lab and surgery unit, five hospitals involved across eight

Indian States and the 'Baby Farm' where new born female children go

that are not wanted by the mother or father. That Rebecca, is based in

the Silver Light Charity Complex and getting rid of unwanted children in

India, more so very young ones, are a welcome source of human tissue

material. The Patron for that charity is the Rev; Rodger Butts."

Jenny watched Rebecca closely and she was surprised that to be

looking at someone who used to kill people for a living could get really

upset by what Jenny and Molly has just told her surprised her.

“ I need a smoke”, snapped Rebecca and stormed out of the room and

Molly looked at Jenny grimly. “ You think she is losing it?”

Jenny stood up and stretched then, “ No. I think she is lighting the white

fires of anger again and I would not like to be her target when she goes

after them.”

“With our help.”

“Oh, yes Molly. All the way and to the end.”

Suzy and Sam pulled into the parking area of the house, both noting

but without comment that Rebecca was sitting on a garden seat


“She looks pissed off”, said Sam getting out of the new land-rover.

Suzy grunted and got out then went around and looked again at the logo

printed on both doors and read to herself, “Phenox Medico-Legal

Services”. She looked across at Sam. “You think she will approve?”


“The boss.”

He nodded. “Too late now to object. You better go and give her the bad

news while I have a word with misery guts over there.”


She shrugged and walked passed Sam and into the house then down

into Codex Red. Jenny and Molly were sitting looking at the screens on

which parts of Angie Edwards hard-drive had been up loaded.

“Hi Suzy. Got the new wheels?”,asked Molly smiling at her.

Suzy did not smile back. She patted a folder in her hands. “ Yes. I also

got the full PM Report on this Angie Edwards and it does not make good


“RTA death right?”, said Jenny fear rising within her.

Suzy extracted the six sheets. “ Death was due to fractures of the ribs

and spine, frontal fracture of the skull and then the fire finished her off.

Even without the fire in her car she would have been dead within

minutes due to loss of blood. Broken ribs entered the lungs and heart,

the air bag pushed every broken bone deep into her body.”

“Like I say Suzy. Death due to RTA”, said Jenny frowning.

“Caused by her brakes not working when needed. Someone had cut

through the brake fluid pipe and by the time she got where she died she

had no brake pressure to even slow her down.”

Molly gasped. “ She was murdered!”

“Indeed. Whoever did it knew her car well enough to know where the

pipes were and the information I got was that it was a single snip on

each pipe. The good news is that the person who did it knew where she

lived and where she kept her car.”

Jenny swallowed hard. “She was Ok when I left her. Slightly drunk but


Suzy looked at Jenny. “You seen her, talked to her on the night she died.

Sam told me.”


“Yes. I already told the police this.”

“Did you have a row, threats made, what?”

“We had a row and I lost the plot. I left and went to a café and had a cup

of tea. Well no, I could not get served because it was closing. It was

raining and from there I picked up the car where I had left it. Went

straight home.”

Suzy rubbed her head then, “Let me see your hands and arms.”


“You heard me Jenny. Hands and arms please.”

“Your treating me like a suspect Suzy. I resent that!”

Suzy sighed. “ You are a suspect Jenny. Please?"

Jenny held out her hands and pulled up the sleeves of her jumper.

Suzy looked closely at Jenny's arms and hands then directly at Jenny.

“You're left handed?”

“Yes. Would you mind telling me what is going on?”

Suzy smiled. “ Sure. You were picked up on Miss Edwards camera going

into her house but so was someone else. A male but not Jones and he

went around to the back of the house to where she kept her car.

You wearing your watch on your right wrist rules you out now because it

would have been hard for anyone who was left handed to do the fluid

pipes because of the angle. The other point is that you show no

scratches on the back of your hands or arms. Whoever did it somehow

knew that she would be leaving that house on the night and leaving it


Jenny looked grim. “ She was set up and someone pushed the right

button for her to take off in a panic. Molly you got anything on the

numbers and emails yet that were on her computer?”

There was a long silence and Suzy and Jenny turned to look at Molly

who was standing there with her sleeves pulled up and arms out


“Molly what the hell are you doing?”, asked Jenny her voice with an

edge on it.

“In case Suzy wants to take a look at my hands and arms!After all she is

the Pathology bod around here as well as working for Interpol. No I did

not like Edwards and in fact she is one of the few people I would like to

have slapped hard but I had nothing to do with her murder. So that we

all can get on with the business in hand maybe Suzy should just check

the whole team out!”

Suzy walked over close to Molly and stood looking at her directly in the

face. “You want to slap me Molly?”

Jenny almost shouted. “Stop! What the hell is getting into everyone!”

Molly glared at Suzy then let her eyes drop away and looked at Jenny.

“Time of the month I guess. Sorry.”

“Me too”, muttered Suzy and then pointing at the computer screens.

“We need to get back to work. Our Archaeology team that was arranged

by you Molly will be on site first thing tomorrow morning you said?”

“ Seems they arrived early and setting up shop, tents and the like so that

they can start right away. Before we continue I think it best that we have

a meeting Jenny, Sam, Rebecca, Suzy you and me. There is a lot of data

to go through that came in the last hour and I can tell you now its not

pleasant. Jones our main suspect is more than just a country butcher.”

Jenny looked from Molly to Suzy. “Where is Sam and Rebecca?”

Suzy made a face. “ He is baby sitting Rebecca outside.”

“Oh! Right I'll get them”, said Jenny then, “ She look upset?”

“Like a wet cat and troubled”, muttered Suzy and sat down next Molly

and looked at the screens. “Guess she is pissed off too."

Jenny shrugged and made her way out to the glass sliding door thinking

that maybe she needed to expand her 'people skills' because right now

the team was not jelling as they should. She was also still upset the way

Suzy had conducted herself in front of Molly with reference to her being

a suspect. Maybe that is why I am pissed off because she could even

think that I killed her or at least wanted to, she thought as she walked

out into the open air.

Suzy was not playing games, though Jenny. She had me in the line up of

suspects but then that was her job and I can’t fault he for that. Who

else? Rebecca? Jenny dismissed that from her mind because it was a

man that was on camera. On a dark, wet night it may well have looked

like a man. No way! Rebecca was a total professional, a killer when

needed with intent. It had to be one of Jones hired thugs.

She pondered on this and decided to leave it to the local police to sort

out rather than getting Codex Red involved and in time she had no

doubt that they would get him. She headed for the door and to check on

Rebecca thinking by now she would have cooled down.



Sam stood up and tapped out his pipe as Jenny came into the gravel

area in front of the house. Rebecca dropped her cigarette but on the

stones and stood on it adding it to three more already there.

“Everything Ok here?”, Jenny asked Sam looking at Rebecca out of the

side of her eye and noted that she had been crying.

Sam nodded. “Is now.”

“Can I help?”

Sam smiled sadly. “ No its sorted. You have a reason for being out


“ Yes. We are holding a full meeting and I need you both there. Seems

there has been a lot of developments.” She looked at the new land rover

and gasped, “ That ours!”

“Yes. We also have a logo it seems. The fire-bird. What do you think of

the company name?”

She frowned. “Company? We going public?”

“Best way to go. All above board on the surface and all you need is

office space somewhere. So if your seen or any of the team are seen

they are working for the company. Of course if you don't like the idea


“ No. I like it. Come on lets go and see what we have new.”

Jenny's mind was racing fast as she walked back to the Codex Red

Complex. She liked the idea of staying legal and in an office but now she

would have to think who and what she needed to staff it. That could wait

till they got this other case out of the way.


Molly took the floor and with Jenny in the red chair, Suzy and Rebecca

on one side of her and Sam on the other. They waited till Molly had her

notes organised. She looked up and smiled. “ I feel like a school


“Molly just get on with it”, muttered Sam looking at her then smiling.

“Ok. I have it all on computer one. The hard drives that came from

Jones computer does show and more so on the laptop that he has been

a very busy man. The laptop shows the images of children Ok but the

ones on his PC show images of children and not nice. They were in what

is termed as a 'hidden folder', a folder within a folder. Over two hundred

of those and at the moment looks like they came in from India, Europe,

a few from Ireland and a good few from the UK. In the history of his

emails and attachments many show child images coming in and going

out so the good thing we have is addresses , at least email addresses.

There is also two snuff films both of children being murdered, the oldest

no more that twelve ,and all children from Asia.”

Molly paused watching their face then continued. “The UK emails with

attachments is seventy, the Europe ones fifty and two in Ireland and

seven in India. That is the out box and all sent by Jones from his PC.

In the in box and deleted there was ninety and all within the last two

months. The surprise in all this for the UK is that a number of clergymen

from mixed religions sent and received this material, one being the holy

Rev. Butts and two priests, one in Nottingham and one in Ireland.”

She waited till this had sunk in. “ Like I said before, his bank accounts

are healthy and what I would term a rich man. Some of the payments

were made to him by doctors and a good few by other people. Their

bank details and addresses are now downloaded with Shadow-lands

codex. All have healthy bank accounts.

I will now inform you what was on Edwards hard-drive of her laptop. It

seems that somehow she was onto him over the last month and was

working on a story about him, his child images, the doctors and most of

all what he was being paid to try and get a human organ for a sick child

or young adult. From the organ point of view he was the middle man, he

got paid by someone who wanted an organ, he in turn paid to get the

organ and in the end he came out well on top. Then there was his other


Jenny felt sick. “What other business Molly.”

Molly licked her lips. “ Again he got paid for it. Someone who wanted a

child and could not have one he would arrange for an 'adoption'

sometimes with papers, most times without. On this he could not have

worked alone. Most of the children came from the east of Europe and

Asia, a few from Spain and France. It is now very possible that he

somehow had excess to Orphanages abroad, his Charity as a front and

if a street child went missing in India, no one notices or cares.

Our Mister Jones was and is more than a paedophile he runs a child

farm, maybe more than one and he sells children, their organs and is

from a legal point of view, a child trafficker for sexual purposes.”

Sam spoke up gruffly. “ Edwards had some or all of this information?”

“ Some. She also had images of children that she obtained. Somehow

she got his passwords”

Molly looked very grim. “There was also a phone call between Edwards

and Jones on the night she died, a good hour after Jenny left and also a

sample email was sent to him five minutes after the phone call, showing

one of his child images as well as a demand. She was trying to

blackmail him.”

Jenny let out a long breath. “ Then if you have saved all this material, we

have him?”

“ Yes but I suggest you wipe the fingerprints of all the hard drives, seal

them in a box or package and somehow get them to the local police HQ

by dawn. The shit is about to hit the Fan and and what with the

archaeology people making the 'discovery' of human remains, by this

time tomorrow the police are going to be involved. The Chief Constable

is going to have all the computer data, other forces notified as well as

Interpol and we get a good few of the others in the net. India may well be

a problem but we can follow that up later.”

There was a long silence then Rebecca started to clap and followed by

others and everyone was smiling.

“Well done Molly. We got the bastard!” said Jenny.

“Thank you. It was worth it. We can go legal now?”

Sam coughed loudly to get attention. “ We are now legal and we have a

company and we even have our own logo but lets not get over excited

and try and jump all the fences at once.”

Rebecca nodded. “ What is the logo Sam?”

“The Fire Bird ,Phenox and written in Latin, “From ashes to life.”

Suzy kept a straight face, the dark eyes looking at them. “ I would

suggest that Molly sends of all the data as soon as possible to my

people at Interpol. They in turn will set the wheels in motion in every

country we have an agent or office in. This would be better done before

we get the hard-drives, print free to Police HQ.”

Jenny frowned. “ That makes sense of course but how do we get these

hard-drives quickly to the police and making sure there is no

fingerprints on them.?”

“I need a night out and away from here for a while”, said Rebecca. “All I

need is directions to where Police HQ is. The hard-drives clean and well

wrapped, in a bag and sealed. I'll take them.”

“I can come with you if you want?”, offered Suzy hopefully. “ That is if it

is OK with you Jenny?”

“ Better if I do this on my own Suzy. Less hassle if I get stopped.

Besides tomorrow you will be up to your tits in forensics because of

what is going to show up in the farm fields.” Rebecca looked at Jenny.

“Less risk and we need everyone on standby here.”

“I agree Rebecca. Suzy as you are the only one that is more or less

'official' when it comes to the police and you will need to be on site

when they arrive along with their forensic bods. Work with them but take

charge from the start. They may well kick up a bit of a row and huff and

puff but your ID and Shadow-lands will get around that.”

She turned to Rebecca. “ You are aware that you just can't walk in there

and dump the hard drives on the reception desk?”

She nodded at Jenny. “Of course. They need to go direct to someone in

Authority, someone who has power and acts on it. I am sure that this

person you refer to is that and he will...”

“He is a she. A woman. Catherine Du Pont”, said Jenny interupting.

“Whatever. She will have the power to act fast.”


Jenny smiled. “Molly? When will those hard-drives be ready to go?”

“Ready and waiting, dabs cleaned and print free package all waiting

boss. In the fridge.”

Sam nodded and laughed. “Trust you Molly. The fridge? That's cool.”

Everyone laughed and then Jenny took Rebecca to one side while the

others got back to work.

“You Ok with this?”

“Sure. Just need the directions and use the new wheels and off we go.

I have two plans Jenny. One get to her direct if I can or find someone

that I could trust who can. There is not much of a window to work with

but I will do it. Keep me up to date of what is going on because I want to

be in the picture. You think Jones will ever get to Court?”

She nodded. “ We have more than enough to convict him and any others

on the lists once we have them in the net. Take care.”

“You too. By the way?”


You’re good Jenny. Like working with you.”

“Even with the roundabouts and circles Rebecca?”

Rebecca laughed. “ Sure. Even though you are crazy enough to take all

this on and there is a new light in those eyes that is scary.”

“Thank you. That means a lot Rebecca.”

Rebecca walked away and Jenny took a deep breath. “Show time”. she

whispered to herself.


Molly was juggling all her computer data and looking at each

screen in turn as data came up. Sam stood with his back to the sliding

door on his mobile to the archaeology team leader Dr. Alex Cooper.

“And you are sure that what you found in site one and two is human?”

“Very. Site one's remains also had an artefact lying in the bones. A small

gold cross, stamped on the back. Site two had one cotton child's sock,

left foot I think and a skull with teeth, two fillings in upper jaw. We have

not yet removed anything because we are now waiting on someone

called 'Suzy ' some forensics bod who it seems is overseeing the whole

operation alongside the police forensics team.”

Sam almost smiled. “ Good work Alex but this came as a bit of a

surprise because I thought you were starting at dawn tomorrow?”

“That was the plan but two of my students decided to try out some of

our new scanning gear, a donation by someone unknown by the

University but known to me. Thanks for that and we will put the

scanners to good use. Anyway, they came up with black and white

images of bones a feet feet below the surface on both sites as well as

the bones of a cow. Right now the whole site is lit up with lights and

more coming no doubt. All we need is the police to arrive. Anything else

we can do?”

Sam thought fast. “To the east of where you are there is the old farm

house. Close to that is pig or livestock pens as well as a large back

garden at the house. That should keep your students busy for a while.”

“Ok. And if we do find anything what do we do.”


“Oh! Find that Suzy what you call her and tell her. She's in charge.

Thanks Alex, bye.”

Sam was brought back to reality and that good day feeling by Molly.

“Jenny needs to see this Sam. Jones is on the move!”

Sam rushed over to the screen with the map and the small red dot that

was blinking fast. “ That him?”

“Yep. Just passing over the bridge and heading for the Shrewsbury


Jenny came in and looked at the screens. “What the hell!”

“He's moving Jenny. All within the last four minutes and heading for the

Shrewsbury road”, said Jenny then pressed another button and screen

data came up on computer two.

“Seems he has booked his ticket, return to fly out of Birmingham to Goa

in India tomorrow morning six am, stop of for an hour in the Gulf for

refuelling. His return date is open. Paid by credit card, has visa and is

now running.” Molly did not look at Jenny or Sam. She waited watching

the red flashing spot on the map. “ Has now reached Shrewsbury Road

and looks like he is heading for the North Bound Motorway.”

Jenny looked at her watch and swore. “Two am. Has Rebecca been in

touch yet from her location?”

Molly shrugged. “ No. But I have her on tracking on the new wheels. She

fitted it before she left and is now activated.”

“Like where is she?”, snapped Jenny looking at all the screens in turn.

Molly typed in her code and another red flashing light came up.

“That's her.”

“But that is no where near Police HQ. She is miles out!”


Sam looked at the map. “ Around twenty in fact. What the hell is

Rebecca playing at?”

Jenny hissed. “ Her mobile, the Codex one. Page or ring her.”

Molly's hands were almost blurred as she worked. “She has switched

off, the land rover is stationary in a lay-back next somewhere called,

Hooton Village.”

“Can't you page her Molly?Anything to get her attention?”asked Jenny.

“ Sorry. She has switched off.”

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!”, shouted Jenny. She turned on Sam. “Tell me she

knows what she is doing Sam?”

Sam nodded. “ Yes. She is now invisible to all.”


Sam looked from Molly to Jenny. “Doing what she knows best.”

Rebecca slipped from the small wood and over a fence dropping

down onto a soft well kept lawn. She knew that a police car was sitting

out front, a single officer sitting in the drivers seat now and then

nodding on the brink of sleep and pulling away from it with a head jerk.

Quickly she reached the back door, knew by the locks there was no way

she would get in that way unheard or unseen. The small shoulder bag

with the hard-drives she stuffed inside her coat and zipped it up tight.

She found a drain pipe close to an open window of a bathroom and was

up and in within half a minute. She was standing in the empty bath, the

smell of warm soap surrounding her very away that it has been used

within the last hour or so. Softly she climbed out of the bath and out

onto the landing, stopping at each door to listen then she found one

where soft snoring was coming from behind. There was no trouble

getting into the bedroom because the door was not closed tight.

Inside on the bed were a man and a women, both nude and both

sleeping with arms around one another. Very quickly she removed the

hard-drives and set them by the head of the attractive blond woman then

back away and closed the door over the way she had found it.

By the time she had reached her land rover she was breathless and

sweaty and went back up through the wood and out onto the main road

where she stopped to switch on her codex mobile. It went off almost at

once and she answered. “Yes?”

“Where are you?”, asked Jenny, her voice crisp and almost cold.

“On my way back.”

“From where?”

“Your coppers house. Very nice. Left the hard-drives with her and her


“Good God! You spoke to her!”

“No. She was sleeping after being otherwise engaged. Love is fun


Jenny almost laughed but got control of herself. “ Jones is heading for

Birmingham International Airport. Flight out at 6.0am to Goa, India.

We need him stopped Rebecca. He must not get on that flight.”


“What does 'Ok' mean Rebecca?”

“I'll make sure he does not make the flight. Get Molly to transferee his

tracking location to the land rover and I will take it from there.”

Jenny thought for a moment. “Ok. Stop him but not dead stop.”

“You sure boss?”, she hissed back.

“ For the moment and don't switch off on me!”

Before Rebecca could reply Jenny cut the connection.

The camera slowly moved around the airport terminal and inside

another camera picked up the young woman with dark glasses and a red

beret, no luggage, not even a small bag. She went over to the flight

board and looked up at the flight screen to see the departures are

arrivals. She moved to her left and found the aircraft flight company she

was looking for and stood by the desk looking into the crowd.

A voice behind her made her turn slowly and look at the woman in blue

behind the desk.

“Sorry were you wanting the flight to Tel-Aviv? If so you have missed it

by seventeen minutes.”

“No. I am waiting for someone. He has not arrived yet.”

There was something about this young woman that upset the desk clerk

and she reached down slowly and pressed the button once. With a

racing heart she scanned the young woman's body for any signs of

bulges that were not natural.

“Could you please wait in the public area over there.”

Without turning back to the desk clerk she said out loud. “ No!”

The woman's mouth fell open and she backed away from the desk and

vanished into an office.

Rebecca stood and waited but there was no Garth Jones walking to the

Air India flight desk to stand in line.

“Can I see your passport please?”


She turned and looked at the two men in dark suits and knew almost at

once they were armed, the one standing behind the other with his had

resting on his hip.

Rebecca reached slowly into her zip pocket and took out her ID and

handed it to the taller of the two men. He looked at it, looked at her then

handed the card to the man behind him who looked twice at it.

“Shit. Sorry we thought that you were...”

She snatched the ID card back and put it in her pocket then removed her

dark glasses. “A dirty bombing Arab or Muslim terrorist?”

They looked up as two UK armed airport police arrived and the tall man

shook his head and they moved away and continued on their airport


“Agent Hofi I take it your active right now?”

The tall man nodded to his friend. “ I ask this in case there is something

we should know, to protect out country? Something or someone we

should be aware off?”

Rebecca's mind raced. “Yes there is a Garth Jones and I need to stop

him form getting on man the Air India flight.”

The two men looked at one another and the tall one smiled at Rebecca.

“It will be done but we can't arrest him only the UK police here can do

that. Can I ask why?”

Rebecca took a gamble and told them what she knew about Jones and

as she did she watched their faces turn to stone.

“I can't get involved at the moment directly because we are on the

lookout for others. Can you get him arrested by the UK police here and

held? Tell the officers that they must hold him and we will be in touch

within the hour.”

“Consider it done Miss Hofi.”

Rebecca looked at the tall man and smiled. “Thanks. I owe you one and

will mention it directly to our people back home. Good Morning.”

Outside she stood in a grey dawn and rang Jenny on the Codex mobile

and it was picked up at once by Jenny.


“Package is in the bag but you need to contact the airport police here

and have him arrested.”

“Ok. You coming in?”

“Yes but I am going to have breakfast here then drive down.”

“Thanks Rebecca. Everything going well this end too. Take care.”

She found somewhere to eat and rushed a quick breakfast. Rebecca was

just gulping down the last of the coffee when the tall man came over and

sat down bedside her. Rebecca raised an eyebrow. “Well?”

“Bad news. This Garth Jones was not on the flight list for India Miss Hofi

nor the one before or after that. He cancelled his flight here at the airport

three hours ago. Please. Check the passenger list.”

Rebecca snatched the sheets from the man's hand and scanned quickly

then stopped on the second page. “Shit!”

“It is bad news then?”, he asked and looking concerned.

Rebecca nodded. “ Thank you for your help. I am sorry I was so abrupt

with you.”

She reached out and shook his hand stood up and left for the airport


Jenny picked up her mobile. “Rebecca?”

“The bird has flown but not as Jones but as Hill. He pulled a fast one on

us and gone.”

Jenny almost went into panic mode with Molly looking on. Rebecca


“Hill booked to Paris then changed it as a direct flight to South India.

There was no stop over except in Saudi Arabia for half an hour. He

changes here then flies direct.”

Jenny thought fast. “Ok. Anything else?”

“The Rev Butts was on the same flight Jenny. Like together.”

“Butts! Oh great. We might be able to get them picked up in India.”

“Doubt that Jenny. You don't know India and the way they work.”

Molly looked at Jenny as she put down the phone. “What?”

Sam rubbed his beard deep in thought. He turned to Jenny and Molly.

“Ring Suzy. Tell her we need to visas in a hurry from the Paris Office,

one for you and one for Rebecca. Molly send direct to Interpol copies of

Jenny's and Rebecca's passports direct to Interpol as well as copies of

their ID, the Codex One. Use Shadow-lands to book flights from Paris to

South India and give details only of the passports of Jenny and


“India? You want Rebecca and I to go to India?”

Sam shrugged. “I can't go, Molly is needed in here and Suzy is going to

be up to her armpits in forensics for a long time. I'm not telling you what

to do but we need someone out there looking for Hill/Jones and also to

take a hard look at this Charity as well. We also have those three doctors

to sort out and of course that man of God, the Rev. Butts.”

She re-ran what Sam just said and knew he was right. She nodded. “Ok.

Lets do it “, picking up her Codex mobile and ringing Suzy.

Suzy picked up on the third ring. “Hi”

“I need you to contact Interpol now and arrange visas for Rebecca and

me for India as well as a flight from Paris as soon as possible. Use the

Codex mobile. Can you do it?”

“No sweat. You want to know what we got?”

Jenny held her breath. “Yes.”

“Children's bones, skulls, teeth, hair and a sealed bag containing a pair

of blue surgical gloves with bloody fingerprints all over them. I will bet a

months wages that the prints on the gloves will match those of Jones.”

“How many children do you think?”

“Four at least. I am of the opinion that they are from two year old up to

ten year old.”

Jenny alarmed said in a whisper, “You getting any heat from the police

forensics team.”

“No. But I had to pull rank and place a phone call. They in turn rang the

main investigation officer and was told that the forensics was all mine

and they had to assist. They are not happy but we are working together.”

“Well at last some good news. Thanks Suzy. Get back to me once you

sort out Paris.”

She switched off. “Ok Molly. Find me flights from Cardiff to Paris as

soon as possible. Two seats anywhere.”

“On it.”

Sam smiled sadly. “ Four so far?”


“Yes and Suzy found in one grave a sealed bag with gloves in it and

prints on the gloves.”

Sam clapped. “There is a God after all.”

“She is also running the whole forensics show it seems and everything

comes here, then a report sent to police forensics as well as all evidence

and from there it is their case as well.”

Sam grunted. “Things are moving fast Jenny. Now we do need Jones

and Butts back here one way or the other.”

“Meaning, one way or the other Sam?”

Sam looked straight at her. “ That will be your call Jenny and only you

will be able to make it.”

Jenny nodded. “If Suzy with Molly’a help can match the prints on the

gloves to the prints Suzy lifted of the mirror we have him dead to rights


“True. But right now you need to be heading for India. A little bit of

advice if you don’t mind?”

“Go on.”

“I take it you have never been there before?”

Jenny shook her head. “No. Get to the point Sam.”

“Drink bottled water only, get a mosie net when you get there, don’t eat

salad unless your sure it was well washed, try and get some anti malaria

tablets down your neck as soon as possible. You may be able to buy

them in Paris, drink plenty of fluids and tonic water.”

“Tonic water Sam.”

He nodded. “Without the gin of course. The bugs don’t like it on your

skin when you sweat.”



Jenny and Rebecca came through with hand luggage only and

walked out to the main airport. At the barriers people were standing

looking at the passengers coming towards them, some holding up

sheets of white cardboard with a name written on it.

The last time Jenny had been in Paris was on a school trip many years

ago and the airport was not a bright place. Now it was lit up and shops

were everwhere as well as places to eat. She was casing her eyes

around the people with cards when Rebecca grabbed her arm then

pointed. “ There! That grey haired man!”

Jenny looked and could see the card, 'MISS J. SNOW'. She lifted her arm

and the man seen her and Rebecca and waved back.

“What's your French like Becky?”

“Bad. Like very bad? Yours?”

“Worse than yours. I have a few words and that is all. Now what do we

do?”, as she eyed the man walking towards them a smile on his face and

hand outstretched.

“Director Snow?”he asked in English.

Jenny was stunned and pleased at the same time. “ Yes. This is Rebecca


The smile widened. “ Delighted. Gerald De Mont. Interpol Paris Office.”

“Thank God for that. You speak English”, said Rebecca shaking his

hand then added, “ I need a pee. Where?”

De Mont pointed to a shop with a red sign. “ Just there. We will wait


They watched Rebecca walk away then De Mont handed Jenny a large

sealed envelope. “ Everything you requested is in there including a letter

of introduction to our agent in Kerala. She has been instructed to meet

you when you get there but in the mean time the names of the two men

you are seeking are has been flagged up in India, that is Hill and Butts

and where they land. That information will be, I hope, be ready for you

when you land. One last thing if I may?”

Jenny nodded, “ Yes of course.”

“ The police in India, all ranks, are not always honest and many are as

bad as the crooks unless they get a kick back and they are not worried

who offers them a bribe as long as it is enough. They also have an

obsession with paper work. Therefore if you plan to arrest these two

men or have them arrested please be prepared to fill out loads of forms

and details and also if need be, offer a bribe.”

Jenny nodded and pondered on this. She looked at De Mont.

“ Thank you for all you have done at such short notice and I have taken

on board what you just told me. Lets say we can have them arrested

how fast can we get them back to the UK?”

La Mont smiled again and produced a small blue card and handed it to

Jenny. “ My direct number at the office and my mobile, day or night. Now

you have less than half an hour before you board but you are in front of

everyone so I will take you there now. Ah! She returns. Come this way


Rebecca looked at Jenny. “We in a hurry or what?”

“In a hurry it seems. We are boarding. Lets go.”


The flight from Paris to India became boring for them both after they

left the middle East. Rebecca was glad to be in the air because she was

on high alert when they had stopped off to refuel. Jenny noticed her

tension as Arabs passed her and knew that she was somehow in a bad

and dangerous place. A Jew in an Arab state was like a chicken walking

into a lions den, Jenny thought and Rebecca had nothing to fight back

with, not even a penknife. Once they were in the air the tension left

Rebecca and somehow transferred to Jenny.

“I know we can't talk about what we are going to do in India Jenny but

can you speak Hindi?”

Jenny looked at her and smiled. “ No. Not one word but don't worry we

have someone meeting us from our parent company that does. She is a

native speaker.”

Rebecca nodded. “ That is good news. As for clothes all we have is hand

luggage that contains some underwear, scent, foot powder, and a

change of socks. Sam has no idea what women need on trips like this.

Not only that we have to change money at the airport and that could be

a hassle.”

Jenny laughed softly and patted her bag. “Fear not child out Mister De

Mont has everything taken care of. Sam may not know much about

women but De Mont does so he has also made arrangements in India for

us to have anything we need, including the local cash.”

Rebecca grunted. “ I hope that means some tools Jenny. I hate going to

work with no tools.”

“I don't think that would go down too well in India if we ran into trouble.”

Rebecca leaned over and hissed into Jenny's ear. “ Trust me Jenny. We

need tools. I have a feeling that they could come in useful”

They sat in silence for a while, Jenny looking out the window at great

white clouds and Rebecca looking at the map in front of her showing the

aircraft's progress. She noted that they were flying at thirty five

thousand feet at 400 mph but the red tracer did not seem to be moving

very fast at all. With half an hour Rebecca's eyes had closed and her

head resting on Jenny's shoulder.

The aircraft touched down, rose again into the air then with a bump

came back down and the engines roared when they were out into

reverse. When it stopped it sat on the runway in the heat and it was

Rebecca who noted it was a military airfield. She nudged Jenny and

whispered. “Delay I think.”

Jenny looked out the aircraft window, simmering heat across the runway

and of the tin roof of a nearby hut. “Why do you think that is?

“Don't know. You see anything out there.”

Jenny scanned. “ A few bunkers, some guys with guns, a flag and a few

Jeeps. Oh and a great yellow truck towing steps towards us now. Seems

we are getting out here.”

Rebecca groaned loudly. “ I'm cooking Jenny like a slow roast!”

The heat inside the aircraft was building up not just with body heat and

the air conditioning was on full blast. Then from overhead speakers,

“Welcome to India. Passengers are now advised to get ready to leave

the aircraft. Please make sure you take all your luggage with you as

once you leave this aircraft you will not be allowed to return. There will

be no smoking until you leave the airport.”


There seemed to be a mad scramble as people undid their belts and

stood up removing bags from the overhead lockers. Jenny and Rebecca

made their way to the front of the aircraft and then out to the steps

where a blast of hot air hit them.

By the time they reached the airport terminal and stood in line to get

through the police check point both were sweating and it showed on

their clothes.

Jenny was first to face the woman police officer. She handed over her

pass port. The police officer looked at it looked at Jenny and muttered,

“ Are you here on business or pleasure?”

“Bit of both I suppose”, Jenny said putting on her best smile.

“Purpose of business please?”

“Medical Research. I am doing some work on worms and lung disease

and have some people to see at the local hospital.”

The officer stamped her pass port hard and smiled back. “Good. Next


Rebecca gulped air. She looked at the fat police officer and forced a

smile. “ I am here on business and pleasure as well.”

She held out the passport and the officer took it, looked at it then

Rebecca. “ Do you have any drugs in your bag or person?”

“No. I don't do drugs!”

“How much money are you bringing into the country?”

Rebecca was thrown by this. “Maybe two hundred pounds?”

“ Please. Let me see?”, the police woman demanded holding out her


Rebecca took out her wallet and opened it.


“Please remove the money," her eyes fixed on the wallet.

Rebecca was fighting down the anger and took all her notes out plus

some small change. The woman officer counted it like she had counted

it before. She nodded and said, “ Put it away.”

She watched closely as Rebecca put the money back in the wallet.

The police officer said something fast to two women behind her.

“Go please. We need to search you.”

“Search me!”, protested Rebecca. ”In your dreams!”

“There will be no need for that. I will take it from here!”

Rebecca looked to her right and a tall Indian woman was standing and

had thrust her ID into the police woman's face. “ Maybe you would like

to search me constable?”

The fat woman police officer shook her head and called out, “Next


Jenny and Rebecca were laid through the crowds and out into the open

air. They stopped and the tall woman held out her hand.

“Ira Ragene, ICPO Agent for India Miss Snow, Miss Holi. Interpol. The

cops here think they are Gods and have power but most of them cannot

read nor write and a good few use their uniform to rip off tourists if they

can. I have a car waiting. Please this way.”

In the car they felt cooler and Ira said. Miss Snow got through the police

check Ok but they stopped you because your Jewish.”


“In this part of India there are more Christians and I guess she took the

hump because of what the Jews did to Jesus.”

“Please call me Jenny and that is Rebecca.”


“You call me Ira then. I have booked you into a small hotel on the sea

front and will drop you off there. Try and get some sleep and shower

before hand. You need to drink plenty of fluids her. I will see you both at

seven for breakfast.”

Jenny looked at her watch. “ its night. I forgot the time change.”

“ I need a shower, a sleep and food in that order”, snapped Rebecca.

Two rooms had been made ready for them and Jenny and Rebecca

were delighted seeing light clothing left neatly on the bed still in the

wrappers. There was also fresh underwear, bottled water, slip on shoes,

two large towels each, large packet of cigarettes and insect net.

After Ira had left Jenny tossed to Rebecca the packet of cigarettes and

looked at the sizes of the clothes and underwear . She laughed and held

up a pair of panties to Rebecca. “ Bit on the large size Becky for me but

they will have to do.”

“Me two. Right. I'm off to bed. See you later”, and left Jenny's room.

Outside darkness came in quick and the only sound was that of the surf

on the beach.

Dawn came in with the calling of Jungle crows, well before

the sun was up and this was added to by the calling of roosters. Jenny

opened her eyes and looked up. A small lizard ran across the lampshade

and hid. She could hear the surf and smiled. It had been a long time

since she heard the song of the sea. She got up, feeling sweaty and

stripped off then went into a simple shower. The water was far from hot

but it was refreshing and she stood under it until she began to feel

chilled. She came out of the shower and was drying off when there was

a knock at the door. She rapped the towel tightly around her and opened


“Good morning English lady. I brought you breakfast”, said a small aged

Indian woman with a large smile. Jenny took the tray. “Thank you. That

was very kind.”

“You need anything else please ask for Mira. That be me please. I get for


“Thank you. I will do that. Good morning Mira.”

“Good morning English lady.”

Jenny stood with the tray of food until she was gone then flicked over

the door with her foot. She sat on the bed and looked down at the tray.

“ Four eggs, no egg cup or spoon, toast of sorts, pot of tea and a cup.

Welcome to India Jenny”, she said out loud and then laughed.

The eggs were hot but hard boiled and she peeled the shells off them

one by one and eat them with the toast. Outside she could see the red

glow of the sun coming up over the wooded hillsides and as she was

finishing the last egg the door was knocked hard.

“Come in”, pulling the damp towel around her.

Rebecca came in dressed in the new clothes, the brightly loose top

seemed a bit large but it would help once the heat came. Jenny could

see that her hair was wet and she could smell the sea of her.

“Hi. You had breakfast I see”, Rebecca said flopping down on a seat.

She shook water out of her hair. “That was a good swim. You should try

it Jenny.”

“You have been swimming! What in?”


“Bra and the new passion killers. No one there except for a one legged

fisherman. He never even looked at me. What time is it?”

Jenny looked at her watch that she had adjusted from the night before.

“Just gone six. You sleep Ok?”

“No. Tossed and turned in the heat and the crickets were having a party

so went outside and smoked. The night watchman came to me and

muttered,'vipers' pointing to nearby bushes. That was all he said and he

carried in a holster a very old .38. After he had gone I came back to my

room and checked it out.”

Jenny smiled. “ As one would do. Did you find anything?”

“Two lizards, one cockroach, a few flies and a moth. The room has it's

own wildlife reserve it seems. I must have drifted off to sleep but then

the crows started and it was not even light yet.”

Jenny stood up and took the tray to the door and opened it, then set it

on the ground to the right. When she turned around Rebecca was

looking at her, smiling.

“You have a good body Jenny. Not that I am interested because I know

you're straight but you are in good shape.”

Jenny felt her face get hot, forced a smile. “ Thank you. Don't you think

you should go and get showered and breakfast. Ira said she will be here

at seven?”

Rebecca laughed and stood up. “ You're the boss. See you soon. Oh!

One thing I noticed about Ira Jenny and that is she has blue grey eyes.”

When Rebecca had gone Jenny let out a long sigh then smiled.

Outside blue smoke began to rise from the small houses.



When Ira Ragene arrived she was dressed in a light cotton shirt and

pants, had with her a laptop and small overnight bag. Jenny did note

that she did in fact have light blue grey eyes. Jenny also worked out that

Agent Ragene had too dark a skin to have been born of mixed

parentage. There was no sign of a wedding ring on her finger but she

did wear a silver OM on a chain around her neck.

“Good morning Ira.”

“Yes and a good one to you as well. Rebecca?”

Jenny shrugged, “ Having a shower I guess but she will be here.”

Ira nodded. “That is Ok. I will tell you what I have then when you are

alone you can fill her in with the details.”

Jenny smiled. She liked the way this woman got down to the business in

hand and no hanging about. “Please. Take a seat. Can I offer you tea or


Ira waved her hand. “No thank you I have already had. I have however

some good data on this Jones or Hill and also the man Butts.” She

opened her laptop and switched on then typed in a password and


Jenny watched her hit keys and then Ira looked up at her.

“Are these the two men in the film taken by the cameras when they

landed in South India?”

Jenny looked at the screen and nodded. “ That is them. The one with the

sunglasses is Jones on the left.”

“Good. At least now we know that we have the right people. Butts is a

suspected paedophile and has been active before in India but no


charges were made against him. Jones on the other hand now seems to

have been much more active and more deadly because he matches very

closely to a man linked to one Auto Shankar who was executed in 1995

for the murder of nine teenage girls that we know of and one young

woman aged twenty known as 'Payal’. All were found in a mass grave,

that is 19 skulls and bones recovered which included the children I just

mentioned. Butts had no links to the killings or the children I should

point out. Payal’s mobile was used after her death and was traced to

Koll’s house but her Sim Card she used was inactive.

Jones also had known links to Surender Koll who between 2005 and

2006 murdered seventeen children and one adult in Nithari, Nolda UP.

The DNA of eleven of the seventeen children helped us to put names to

the remains thanks to the Forensic Lab at Hyderabad as well as some

help of film found in Koll’s home which showed some of the. children

nude with Koll, Jones and Butts as well as other white foreigners.

I should point out that this film was made in 2006 and far from pleasant

viewing Jenny.

The one adult was also female, a young woman was also shown in

another film. Butts was not in this film but Jones and Koll were and they

were filmed murdering her. Jones had his face covered up but the small

swallow tattoo on his left hand shows up well. All the children had major

organs removed, just before death or just after which included kidneys,

heart and liver. A local doctor was a suspect for a long time as the

person who removed the organs. You already have him listed as

Dr.Supplinder, the Director of The Silver Light Foundation which is a

charity here but also registered in the UK. The local police however

cleared this Supplinder of any crimes and six months later four police

officers were suspended from duty then fired. I have found out that the

four ex police officers are all dead because they were thought to be

involved somehow. The local criminals do not like this happening to

children so for a small fee were able to remove the officers, their bodies

vanished but their heads were placed on bamboo canes in the village

square one night.

This Dr. Supplinder had since been in contact with Surgeons Subu from

Mysore and Kerna from Mumbi and we have just discovered that the

police were aware of this but did nothing. He has since moved house to

another district, has a house in the UK and tried to practice medicine

there, which he did for a while till a number of complaints were made

against him and the GMC struck him off. He returned to India this year

and is carrying on his charity work here. However the amount of funds

coming in has slowed down and even at that such funds would be more

than enough to feed and cloth children in the Homes. I only found out

last night that some of the Homes are badly run and at least two have

more sudden deaths of children than other charities. Because the

children who died were Hindu they were cremated on the same day

before sunset and no post mortems were carried out. Dr Supplinder

signed most of the death certificates as requested by law and unless

someone knows that a child died because of neglect they have little

hope of a post mortem. If a child was from a normal or rich family and

died at home or in a hospital then a full medical post-mortem would be

carried out and recorded. Street children vanish and are forgotten


Jenny was pale and sweating at what she had just been told. She licked

her lips then in a soft voice, “ That means that unless a child or adult is

found in a shallow grave and foul play is suspected there would be no

police involvement?”

“Correct, most of the time. What you also need to keep in mind Jenny

some poor families out in small villages and hamlets have little or no

money and that is where organ harvesting takes place once the parents

agree a price for a kidney. One kidney is removed in clean conditions,

the child sometimes is given pain relief, the parents given some money.

If the harvesting is done on a female child then it’s chances of survival

is in the hands of the Gods.”

“And of course,if the child has no parents or close family then no one

cares what happens”, said Jenny. “How long do you think Jones, Butts

and the doctors have been involved in the harvesting of organs not to

mention the child sexual abuse Ira?”

The pale blue eyes clouded over and Jenny could see for a moment as

great sadness come over Ira. She shrugged, “Twenty years or more.”

“Where do we go from here Ira?”

Ira looked at Jenny. “We take a train to Hyderabad Forensics department

first and I introduce you to some friends of mine. Real friends. I need

you to read the reports and I will do that for you. Has Rebecca any

forensics knowledge Jenny?”

Jenny almost sneered, “ Rebecca creates work for people like you and I


“Oh. Right. Well that might be good when we reach the end of the trail

and call on a number of people including Jones and Butts.”


“You know where they are!”

“Oh yes. They are staying with Dr.Supplinder as his house guests at the

Silver Light Foundation outside Selem. Jones knows you and Rebecca

but he does not know me nor does Supplinder.”

Jenny nodded, “Local Police involvement?”

“Useless. There is however a number of students from the UK and

Ireland working there as volunteers. They don’t live on campus except

when working but there is a purpose built hostel for them run by Lisa

Walsh from Ireland and she looks after them. She’s clean and has in her

time been around the block.”

“You trust her?”

“Yes. She has made complaints to the police and to others including

Interpol. It is her that is putting us up in her home rather than a hotel.

Jones does not know her or Butts and Supplinder is now aware that

some of the volunteers have told her horror stories before they left for

home, But she made notes on neglect in the Home.”

The door opened and in rushed Rebecca breathless, “ Sorry about that.

Fell asleep after the shower. Have I missed anything?”

Ira and Jenny stared at her and both said at the same time, “All of it!”

“Bad was it?”

“Very”, said Jenny and added, “ May have work for you Rebecca

because its getting messy.”

Ira nodded. “ I have in my car in a small case everything you may need

Rebecca. Not much in the way of tools but good enough when and if we

need them.”


The train to Hyderabag at nine that morning and Ira had already booked

first class though there was little need to do so as it was half empty

when it left Kerala. Jenny remarked on this to Ira and she laughed.

“This is not the UK Jenny but India and that is why the three of us are

first class with sleeping accommodation because we will not get there

till nine in the morning. By the time we get there we will be packed, even

with people on the roof of the carriages. Rich, poor all have to stand the

heat and the lunch and dinner for us will be borough here. Water is

bottled and plenty off it and all paid for by our 'company.’.

Jenny said. “ We travel all day and night?”

“Yes. But we can rest and catch up on sleep. A car will pick us up and

take us to the forensics lab.”

Rebecca smiled. “ You’re well organised I’ll say that Ira, Thanks.”

“ I have help when and if I need it. Good contacts and I trust them.”

Jenny waited then asked, “When did Interpol recruit you Ira.?”

Ira smiled. “ Your fishing Jenny. Five years ago when I was in Paris.

I studied psychology got my degree then did my masters. The Ph.D. was

the best part and I loved it all because I had plenty of research work to

do. I was asked to give a lecture on Parapsychology and when it was

over a card was thrust into my hand and I was taken to dinner by two

people from Interpol. There we were joined by a strange man, an

archaeologist who had worked in the Middle and Far East but had a

great interest in the paranormal as part of his work. He was English I

think, drank a little too much and worked with something called Cobra at

times in London. The nice thing about him he was a gentleman through

and through. His name I think was Sam...”

“Deacon!” came in Rebecca fast and surprised herself.

“You know him?”

“Oh yes Ira, we know him”, said Jenny with a laugh. “Well he gets

around that’s for sure. So what did he want from you because Sam

always has an agenda. He had to want something.”

Iri went stone faced. “He wanted to know more about parapsychology

and the paranormal so much so that he excused the two Interpol agents

after dinner and we talked well into the night. Before I left I sent him two

of my books, and a week later was told that someone was coming out to

see me from Interpol. It was a woman and she brought with her a

present from Sam.”

Rebecca smiled. “What?”

“A letter from him and a letter from Interpol pleased that I had been

appointed the sole agent for India and I would work through the French

Embassy in Delhi as a child cult profiler and join the Missing Children

team. Sam’s letter was a personal one which I won’t discuss but he also

sent me a personal cheque and said,”to get you started on the road.”

Rebecca laughed. “ That’s him. Kind to a fault.”

“ Yes. But you are right. He did have an agenda.”

Jenny and Rebecca looked at one another then at Ira. Jenny said,


Ira laughed till the tears came and she had to brush them away. “ No, not

sex. He wanted to know if the dead could contact people or people

contact the dead. I told him that it is the dead that contacts the living

and only people that are turned in and don’t know it. Then they get a

shock because not only do the see things, shapes but also hear things

and there is always a trigger.”

“Which would be Ira?”, asked Jenny excited now and waited.

“Trauma. Something painful or frightening that opens up a two way

communication. A place or area that a dreadful event took place.”

“You mean if I said that not so long ago I seen a child dressed in red

standing at the side of the road and when I stopped the car, she was not

there?”, whispered Rebecca.

“Or I seen almost the same child in red waving once to me and hearing

a voice?, added Jenny.

Ira bit her bottom lip and looked at them both. “That is what Sam was

talking about all those years ago. A young girl dressed in a red coat and

some sort of hat. Somewhere close to where he lived but he also had

another vision that of a young woman with a dead child in her arms. If I

remember right, he called her 'Mary Morgan’ and wanted to know if there

was some connection with him.”

Jenny said “And you told him what?”

“From a paranormal or parapsychology point of view I could understand

the girl in red but not this Mary Morgan vision he had. At that time I

could not make any connection or advise on it because I did not know.”

“Well that’s it. Something has been proven to me today”, said Rebecca

and added, “We all seemed to have some link to the other side, ghosts

what have you but if that is true, why don’t they name the killer or


Ali shrugged. “ I don’t know.”



Their arrival at the station made Jenny think that it could only end

in disaster because it was like a nest of human ants of all colours and

shapes. People coming and going, a blind man sitting crossed legged

with a battered tin in front of him, a well dressed Indian woman with two

children being helped board the train before it had emptied, her three

porters loaded down with baggage

Jenny could feel the dampness under her arms and Rebecca showed

sweat on her forehead while Ira, looked settled and in control.

They followed Ira through the crowd into the street and she walked

directly to a large white taxi. The driver hopped out and opened doors

for them to get on board and once they were inside Ira said something

to the driver that the other two women could not understand.

Jenny looked out as they travelled through the thongs of people, houses

and trees, the smell of India, real India coming in through the open

window. Now and then the driver would slow down as a funeral party

dressed in white rushed across the road in front of them, the body being

carried between four men. A cow walked slowly in front of them and they

had to stop while it voided urine onto the red soil and everywhere the

sound of car and van horns blaring. To Jenny there did not seem to be

any form of traffic control because everyone was going everywhere

when they wanted. Three motorbikes went past loaded up with

passengers, a child sitting cross legged on the handlebars smiling.

Ira smiled at Jenny and nodded towards the bikes, “Mortuary meat.”

Rebecca nodded and said gruffly “They are mad!”


“At least twenty people a week died like that across India. It is


Rebecca grunted. “ Don’t they care, know the danger?”

Ali said in a sombre voice. “Yes but still they do it. We are almost here.”

Jenny and Rebecca noted the two armed guards at the gate house as

they left the road and as they stopped both men walked over. Ira spoke

to them and showed her ID and they waved her on. The taxi driver

seemed impressed and smiled at Ira.

Ira paid the taxi driver and he did a 'U’ turn and went back down the

straight road and out onto the highway.

“This is where it all happens. The best forensics facility in the whole of

India and also a teaching project for students. We even have a Body

Farm here, a training area.”

Jenny gulped. “ Like real bodies and bits of bodies left in places,

including water to be used as teaching skills?”

Ira nodded. “Best way for students to learn of what nature does to a

body above and below ground in all seasons.”

“ Where do they get the material from,” asked Rebecca impressed.

“ Mainly homeless people, street people and those that were drowned

and had no ID. The end up here.”

Inside the great white building the air was cool and they went to the

reception area and Ira spoke to the young woman there who in turn

pointed to her left and said something back.

and said, “This way. Professor Singe is waiting for us.”


It was a long walk down a bright corridor and then they entered a large

circled area, doors around the walls. Ira knocked on a door and then

opened it.

An aged think man with a grey beard and glasses on the end of his nose

stood up and walked to Ira. They shook hands and his English sounded

to Jenny educated. “Dr. Singe I would like to introduce you to Jenny

Snow, Director of Codex Red in the UK and Rebecca Holi her assistant."

They all shook hands and the doctor smiled, “ Please. be seated.

Welcome to my India.”

Jenny sat with Ali and Rebecca sat near Ali. Dr Singe sat on the corner

of his large desk and picked up a black control hand set and pressed a

few buttons. Behind him the wall slid sideways leaving a white screen.

“ I am aware that Ira has filled you both in on the Shankar and Koll serial

murders as well as very positive links this man Hill or Jones as well as a

man called Butts. However that is only the tip of the ice bergs because

we have reason to suspect that street children and those in a local

charity home are being abused and used for organ harvesting. Not just

here but also in other parts of India. Please take a look at these slides


He pressed a button and when the first slide came up it showed a dead

child with a open scar wound that had been infected. The second slid

showed a child sitting with his back to the screen showing a healed scar

but still red. Jenny, Rebecca and Ira watched in silence till the slide

show ended.

The doctor looked over the top of his glasses at the women sitting in

front of him. “ Believe me when I tell you this is now common in India.”

Jenny looked grim and pale when she asked the question. “ We know

that three doctors are involved as well as a back up team for them but

we also know that Hill,Jones is somehow involved as well. This doctor

Supplinder is more than likely supplying children to the others for organ

harvesting, maybe even taking part himself. Besides the illegal organ

harvesting some of these people, two we know off, are involved in child

sexual abuse, even murdered and dumped somewhere.”

“Correct Jenny but not before they are checked out for health organs.

Supplinder is behind a lot of it, Jones / Hills name has come up in

whispers and most of all in medical circles because some people think

that there is nothing wrong in taking organs and selling them on, using

the excuse that it is for the benefit for other sick children. Those people

are not medical men they are business men.”

Rebecca took a deep breath Dr. Singe raised his hand to stop her

speaking. “ Back in the basement, I have the remains of children and

adults that died from organ harvesting, bodies dropped in rivers, left on

the side of the road, thrown into the jungle, some burned, and a good

few nothing but a heap of bones in a shallow grave. Those I have have

no names, no ID and no one to mourn them.

They are called 'The Disappeared’ but each and every one of them have

a number and a file, then at some time, a resting place in our garden of

rest. You may well ask why this Supplinder has not been arrested and

the answer is easy. There is no direct evidence yet linking him to

missing children that would stand up in an Indian Court and he does

have friends in high places, Police Commissioners, A few Judges, Some


Committee members on the local health board here who he has been

known to bribe.

One young police officer did try to investigate the rumours five years

ago of abuse in children’s care homes around this area and two weeks

later he vanished, leaving a wife and two children behind. He has never

been found and unlikely that he will be.”

Ali said, “ What is the answer then.”

Dr. Singe looked direct at Jenny, his face flushed, “If people are from the

UK,Europe or Ireland are involved then Codex Red should take action.

The names of others involved should be listed with Interpol and with

good strong evidence, a swoop made and the people arrested as soon

as possible, working with Codex Red even here in India and other parts

of Asia. It should not always be left to the Courts to decide the

punishment for child killers.”

There was a long silence the only sound the ticking of a large clock on

the wall.

“ I agree”, said Rebecca looking at Jenny and Ira. “ If the evidence is

there and we know it is right but the courts are unable to do much then

we take them down.”

Ira nodded. “ We need to place fear at such peoples doorsteps so that

they know they are now being hunted and when found eliminated.”

Jenny stood up and everyone looked at her. She waited for a moment

then said in a calm voice. “Jones, Butts first. Then Supplinder but not

before we get a statement from him. A signed statement with a witness.”

Dr Singe nodded. “ I agree and so will other people but they will never

know who did it.”


“Disposal here in this area? “ asked Rebecca.

Ira looked at the doctor. “The Body Farm.”

He almost smiled. “ I will not ask when or how. Just let me know were

we pick them up. Once you are finished, go home.”

“Amen to that”, said Jenny and nodded and stood up.

It was Ira who had the last word. “We need the use of some car or van if

possible, not new but going well. Also I do not want you directly

involved doctor and thanks for all your help.”

“Everything will be ready for you in one hour. Thank you. Thank you all.”

They walked back down the road and into the town, found a small place

and went in to eat, but none of them were really hungry. Jenny was lost

in her own thoughts and for some reason she was not feeling upset or

guilty about what they were going to do. It was Rebecca that broke the

silence and her voice was cold. “ You said that you had friends that

might help?”

“Yes. What can I do?”

“Who do you have in the Selam area near the home and can you have

them ready on standby?”

Jenny asked, “What are you planning Rebecca. I need to know?”

“Sure you do and this is it. We make sure that Jones and Butts are not

with Supplinder and somehow we have to know where they are. Once

we know then Ira’s friends pick them up, hog tie them and bring them to

a location out in the brush. I need to get Supplinder on his own and on

my own because the less involvement you have in this process the

better. Ira and you then will stand by and when I come out we drive to

the location where Jones and Butts are being held. We need two hand

held tape recordings, one for you and one for me. That way if they want

to talk then let them. You want a reaction with local people then instead

of getting rid of Supplinder in the Body Farm, I arrange for him to give

his last great public statement. My part of the deal will take place at

midnight. At one AM make sure as much press as you can muster is on

hand, but don’t get involved directly. Tell them Dr. Supplinder has a very

important speech to make about his discovery about child sexual abuse

at the home by some members of local staff and most of all, he will

name them.”

Ali looked concerned. “How are you going to get him to do that


“Trust me. I will.”

Jenny’s Codex phone buzzed in her pocket and she took it out her eyes

fixed on Rebecca. “Molly.”

Molly’s voice sounded tinny. “Suzy wants a word.”

“Jenny? Suzy here. The prints on the gloves found in the grave area

match the prints on the mirror that Jones handled and an almost perfect

match of five fingers. If you need them over there I can send them direct.

Also the total count is sixteen and that is from three locations. Police all

over the place keeping the press at bay. it’s a positive result.”

Jenny cleared her throat. “All human?”

“Yes. All children and not archaeology remains. How is your team

getting on over there?”

“Us? We are doing well. Just sorting out the contracts. Thanks.”

There was a silence for a moment. “Jenny I also have a bit of bad news.”

“How bad Suzy.”


“Very. Sam’s in hospital. An hour ago and they seem to think its a

stroke. We had to check in with you first about that other matter.What do

you want us to do?”

Jenny bit her lip hard tasting blood. “Stay on station.”

“Right. Keep in touch.”

She switched off and looked at Rebecca. “ Ok lets do it. The prints on

the gloves and mirror match. Ira how far is from here?”

“Sixty clicks and a slow journey because of the twists in the road.

Two hours tops.”

“Can you pick up the car or van. I need to have a word here with


Ira looked for a moment puzzled and then as Jenny held her gaze she

worked out something else was wrong. “Sure. Won’t be long. I’ll place

that phone call as well.”

She watched Ira vanish into the crowd and then turned directly to

Rebecca. “ Sam’s had a major stroke. He is in hospital.”

She watched as blood drained out of Rebecca’s face. For someone who

was used to dealing in death she took this bad thought .


“Working on it. Thought you should know.”

Rebecca licked her lips and blinked away the tears. “We still do it then

later I will cry. Right now is not the time or place. The son of a bitch

could have waited till we got back!”

Jenny opened her arms and Rebecca went into them sobbing.

She just held her tight and did not care what people thought as they

passed by.


Ira arrived and picked up Rebecca and Jenny, seeing that Rebecca

was upset but did not ask. “Everything is ready at the other end. I have

people there who will help. They do not want to give their names so

don’t ask them. Two of them I picked are already on Jones and Butts and

from what I can gather they are down in the town at a market. They are

being followed. I also found out that Dr Supplinder is by himself at the

moment in his private house. He too is being watched.”

Jenny nodded. “Where do you want to be when it all kicks of Ira?”

Ira thought for a moment. “ I will go and visit Lisa Walsh. When it is all

sorted text me and I will leave and pick you up where I dropped you off.

If you have to change location ring me. Don’t use my name.”

“Ok. I’ll go with Rebecca.”

“You won’t because you might get in the way of what I have to do and I

need you out there. Ira can you do the press for the time arranged. They

must be there at one AM and no later.”

“ Will do that. Have another phone that can’t be traced and then I will

dump it after I remove the card.”

Darkness came fast as it does in India and Rebecca was up and

over the hight fence quickly. Jenny standing in the trees lost her almost

at once.

Quickly Rebecca scanned the area, slip past lit up windows of the house

checking for any signs of life. Slipping around the back of the house she

froze because sitting in a chair beside a massive pool was Dr Supplinder


reading some papers, a drink on a small table beside him. Low sounds

of Indian music playing coming from a small radio on the table.

She listened to the night but no other noise. Slipping out the .22 pistol

with a silencer already in place she came up behind him and placed it

quickly against his neck. “ Don’t move and don’t call out!”

She felt him stiffen and slowly walked around to his front moving the

pistol around his head as she did so.

To Rebecca he looked like an overfed toad, puffy cheeks and black eyes.

“Who are you and what do you want”, he hissed, fear now on his face

when he seen Rebecca.

“Your past,your now and no future. Sit tight, don’t move. I have

questions I want you to answer. But first you don’t mind if I record the

answer? Good.”

She set the tape recorder on the table beside his drink and pressed

record. “ We know all about you now, about Garth Jones, The Rev Butts,

Rodger first name, your deals with organ harvesting, child murders and

rapes, your past life in the UK and your bogus medical qualifications

and you being struck off by the GMC. Did I miss anything Supplinder?”

She watched him lick his fat lips. “Answer me please.”

“ I don’t have to say anything. Your not police so I am saying nothing.”

Rebecca tightened her lips and quickly she moved the pistol from his

head and placed it on his left knee and pulled the trigger.

He was so shocked by the pain that he started to stutter clutching his

shattered knew cap and whimpering.

“ Please. I have money. Plenty of money. I have a heart condition


“Do you know Jones and Butts and did you arrange organ harvesting

with Jones and two other doctors?”

“ You can’t do this. You have no real proof.”

She shot him on the right knee and this time he screamed once and

fainted. She picked up the glass and threw the drink in his face and he

spluttered awake rubbing his eyes. “ Ok..Please no more. Yes I was

involved but it was Jones who did the killings and Butts and him with

the sex. That’s the truth!”

“Do you know what I am holding in my right hand?”

He nodded, pale and sweating. “A pistol.”

“Good. A . 22 with hollow tip bullets, the bullets rip flesh and bone and

leave a good sized exit hole. Good for close up work and not much

noise. Another question and a lot depends on your answer if you lose an

elbow joint not. Were some of the children in your care used for organ


Supplinder was sweating badly now, the fresh smell of urine mixing with

the smell of warm blood. He licked his lips, faced twisted in pain.

“Yes”, he whispered. “Some.”

“ How many at a rough guess say over the last ten years.”

He hesitated and Rebecca placed the muzzle quickly in the joint of his

shoulder and pulled the trigger. ‘Putt’

This time he clutched the shoulder and whimpered again tears rolling

down his face. “ Maybe fifty. I don’t know.”

“Fifty what?”

“ Fifty children that I had in care.”

“ Why?”


“Why did fifty homeless children in your care go missing.”

She moved the pistol to the centre of his forehead. “Three shots fired

leaves me twelve more. Unless I get a jam in the chamber which I would

have to clear and that would leave me eleven. Why!”

“Organ removal, surgeon were brought in, a whole team. I tried it myself

but I am not a surgeon .”

“Thank you Dr. Supplinder. Have you any last words of wisdom?”

He tried to shake his head but because the pistol was pressed against it

he could not move. He looked into Rebecca’s eyes and started to cry

just as she pulled the trigger.

She left the room after she washed her hands in the fish tank, the water

turning pink and the small fish feeding on the heart. Back the way she

came she stopped at a side window where there was the blue flickering

of a TV screen. She approached the window and looked in. A nude blond

man was sitting in a soft chair looking at a child sex film unaware that

she was watching. Rebecca went to the open door, the audio sounds of

a child making her feel sick. She went on her toes up behind the man in

the chair and thought, why one when you can have two?

When she pulled the trigger he jerked once, the hollow point bullet

exiting the front of his skull and he was dead before he fell forward onto

the floor. Quickly she found the spent shell casing and put it in her

pocket then lifted the TV controls and pressed ‘repeat’ six times, then

wiped it clean with a shirt that was draped over the back of the chair.

At least the press and police would have some clue now why he was


Jenny looked at her watch and was starting to panic when Rebecca

dropped down off the fence and ran to her in cover.

“Job done”, said Rebecca. “Where is Ali?”

“I’m sending her a text now so she can pick us up.”

Rebecca sighed, controlled her breathing then said, “ No hurry any time

will do. I mean we can’t go anywhere till she gets here. Ar least we have

cover. What time is it?”

“Twelve thirty.”

“We are cutting it fine Jenny. If we leave it too late we meet the press on

their way here and no doubt the cops. Not a good idea when there are

two dead bodies in there and still warm.”

Jenny gasped. “Two! Who was the other one?”

“Don’t know his name but he was nude and sitting watching a child porn

film so I plugged him.”

Jenny hissed. “Anyone else I should know about?”

Rebecca smiled in the darkness. “No. Oh! I fed the fish.”

Just as Jenny was about to ask what fish, Ira came around the bend at

speed and no headlights on. She stopped and Jenny and Rebecca

jumped in the back.

“Did you do it?”, asked Ira driving back the way she had come then

when she got to the main road switched on her lights.

“ Yes. Two of them. Blond man was watching a child porn film so he

went too”, said Rebecca.

“Good. We must make up some miles. Jones and Butts are now being

held in a Game wardens hut on the Wildlife Reserve. Twenty minutes.

Did you leave the tape recorder?”


“ Yes. Wiped it clean, no shell casings and no prints.”

Ira nodded. “ Press are sending people and the local TV people are also

on their way.”

There was silence now as each woman thought how far they really had

come and how far they had to go.Jenny was torn between justice and

the law, the whole idea of being responsible of taking a life, a human life

bothered her. Then vivid pictures of children came into her mind and

what she had seen and heard on the videos balanced it out. She might

even have pulled the trigger herself, she thought bitterly. Sam also came

into her thoughts and him in hospital because it was more than likely

when they got back to the UK he would be dead.

Rebecca sat wrapped up in her own thoughts, also thinking of Sam and

thinking what still had to be done. She had no emotions running around

her head about killing these men because they needed killing but she

knew that Sam would not be there for her to dump on and debrief.

She looked across at Jenny in the darkness. Maybe, she thought.

Ira was feeling good and had no problems with one man and the

pending deaths of two others. This was her first real case with Interpol

where the good guys were coming out on top and children who died

were being revenged but not just on a whim or anger. The evidence was

clear that they were guilty and as long as she did not have to pull the

trigger that was Ok.

Ira noticed headlights coming towards them from the other direction and

she shouted. “ Down!”


Rebecca and Jenny lay down in the back seat as the cars came by,

‘swish, swish, swish.’ In all seven cars had passed them including two

with flashing blue lights.

“Ok they are gone. We turn left here and I reverse. Rebecca the hut is up

the lane on the right. Watch where you put your feet because of vipers.

Jenny and I will wait here.”

“Where are you people and the disposal van”?asked Rebecca slipping a

fresh magazine into the butt of the pistol.

“Van is behind the hut and everything is ready. When you go in the men

will not talk to you but will go outside and wait. When you have finished

give them the tape recorder and the gun, make sure it is safe.”

They stopped and Ira switched of the engine and Rebecca got out into

the darkness, placing the pistol into a plastic bag and making it tight.

She then cocked the pistol and walked to the hut. There was just a clink

of light coming from underneath, she knocked and it was opened by a

young Indian man. He nodded and stood to one side to let her in and

then left followed by a much older man who closed the door over.

Jones and the Rev Butts were tied up and sitting on the floor and both

were hooded. She took out the tape recorder and set it on the table and

pressed play then went over and pulled up the hoods on both men but

not off them. She could see that they had masking tape across their

mouths and even though the oil lamp did not give off much light, it give

off enough for her to see that they were both frightened.

Butts blinked in the light and Jones shook his head and tried to


“Welcome to Romper Room boys,”


They looked up and seen her and what they seen they did not like.

She walked over and ripped of the masking tape of both of them then

stood back a few feet.

“You!” snarled Jones. “ How did you get here!”

“Shut up! I will ask some questions, the answers to most I already know.

We have the evidence of the children here and on the farm in Wales, we

have the videos of children and we also have other males in those

videos sexually abusing children. We have your hard drives Jones from

both you computers, the police are already going through yours Butts

and I’ll bet they will find more than Sunday sermons on them.

How many children did you in fact kill and dispose of in the UK Jones?”

He lifted his head and spat at her. She shot him once in the groin and he

fell sideways screaming. “ Wrong answer.”

“ Please don’t hurt me.Please don’t kill me in God’s name!”, whimpered

Rodger Butts.

“Did you abuse children here in India and the UK?”

He nodded. “Yes but I did not do any killing.”

“How many Butts. How many children over the years?”

Butts shook his head crying. I don’t know. Maybe twenty over ten


“ You also knew that children were being taken here and organs

removed and in many cases those children died?”

“ Yes. I knew. God forgive me!”

“I’m sure your God won’t but I’ll send you to him anyway”, and shot him

in the forehead then twice in her chest. Butts twitched for a few seconds

then lay still. She reached over and pulled Jones up who was trying to

focus on her. She nipped his ear hard and his eyes cleared as the pain

hit him and he looked at Butts and his eyes widened in fear.

“One question Jones and much depends on your answer if I send you

direct to hell or not. How many children did you kill in the UK and I want

to know when and where and if you used Hill as a name also. You can

start now and don’t stop because I am taping it as you speak.”

She watched him lick his lips and look at her and looked at the tape

recorder on the table. He was taking a long time so she shot him in both

knees and this time he screamed.

“I’m counting to three Jones. One, Two...”

Jones started talking giving dates, locations and where he could

remember, children’s names. It took less than five minutes and she

switched off the tape recorder and put it in her pocket.

“What are you going to do now?” he rasped with pain.

She smiled at him and shot him in the head followed by two in the chest.

“Nothing. I lied.”

She opened the door, made the pistol safe, handed the bag and pistol to

the younger man and looked at the old man who was smoking and


When Jenny seen Rebecca get into the car she relaxed and Ira drove off

and turned east onto the main highway. There was no other traffic.

“ I will leave the tape recorder in the back for you Ira because it is all

there and I did not want it rubbed out by mistake.”

Ira nodded. “ Thank you both. We will take care of the rest. In five

minutes we will be meeting another car, a white taxi. The man in it will

take you direct to the airport. Your tickets are in this small bag and you

fly from direct from Delhi ten AM. He will drive a good part of the night

and will give you both a small bag of Indian souvenirs and a change of

clothes. He has been instructed to say ‘Hallo and Goodbye.”

Rebecca asked softly. “ Can he be trusted?”

Ira laughed. “ Yes he is my younger brother and he too has blue eyes

and also from Kashmir. We were born in Kargil. Our parents are dead but

we stick together. We were both placed in an orphanage, a branch of the

Silver Light Foundation many years ago. In answer to your question

before you ask it, Yes, we were.”

A few hours later they said goodbye to Ira and Jenny said to her. “ I will

be in touch.”

She nodded and climbed back into the car and as she did both Jenny

and Rebecca noticed the silver scar tissue on her right lower back and

they looked at one another.

They slept through the night in the back of the taxi and when Jenny

opened her eyes they were pulling into the drop off zone at the Airport.

A blood red sun was coming up fast as they said goodbye to Ira’s

brother and he shook their hands and said, “Thank you for coming and

doing justice.”

Jenny smiled and thought. Yes, it was justice after all.

As they sat in the waiting area set aside for VIP’s they had time to clean

up and feel human again. Each carried their hand luggage and inside

their bags were gifts from Ali. Not wanting to open them till they got

back to Codex and see sam at the hospital, if that was where he still


“How do you feel after all that you had to do?”


Rebecca looked at her with sleep still in her eyes. “Honest answer?


“ Like two different people Jenny. The one that loves books and life and

the dark half of me that deals in death. I don’t regret the killings but I do

regret that it became necessary. Killing is never easy no matter what

people tell you about me. If you enjoy it like Jones did and the others

you are pretty sick in the head. I never enjoyed it but part of me, the

human part switches of for a few minutes. Once it is over I get on with

things put it behind me and and don’t have bad dreams about it.”

Jenny nodded. “ I found it hard to handle at first that we were in fact

going to do it but in the end we had two choices. Walk away and let them

continue doing what they did, or end it here.”

Rebecca looked straight ahead. “ It never ends Jenny. There will be

others to deal with, other cold cases and the team is ready. That is why

we got together. Right?”

She nodded. “ How do you feel about that Rebecca?”


Jenny started to cough then went into a fit of giggling then laughter.

Rebecca looked at her. “What did I say that brought this on?”

She was breathless and had to gulp air till she could answer,

“That word! Fine.”

“Keep taking the tablets Jenny. Please?”

Jenny started laughing again, the tension draining out of her and

Rebecca just watched and shook her head.

“You’re nuts!”

“ I know”, Jenny gasped wiping tears from her eyes still laughing.

When they landed at Birmingham airport Molly was there to meet them

and took their bags to the Discovery.

“ How’s Sam?”

“He died last night. I did not text you because you were mid air but he

died in his sleep at four.”

Jenny nodded, “ The hour of the wolf.”

“Everything else is going well and just tidy up’s to do. Funeral to

arrange, inform his sister of course and then put our children of the

moon to bed. That Chief Constable, the woman, give a short statement

this morning on BBC News about Police Forces across the UK and in

Ireland carried out swoops on houses, taking computers and making

arrests. Quote and unquote, “Thanks to the forces working together and

evidence gathered we have smashed a major paedophile ring nation

wide and were also able to close cases where children had died or

missing for many years. Our thanks also to Interpol for the work they

done in India and arrests will be made there also. Two UK citizens are

being sought in connection with the murders. It is thought that they are

in India.”

Rebecca sneered, “ To hear her you would think she did all the work!”

Molly raised an eyebrow. Suzy did a great job with the forensics.There

are whispers of course in the town, Jones and Butts missing at the same

time, raids on their houses and what was found.

Jenny smiled. “ Whispers. I like the name. Our next code word for our

next case.”

THE END (c) 2010 RC


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