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Ronnie Carleton 2012



Ronnie Carleton.

A Dr Suzy la mystery.


Nine pm, rain lashed night as the night shift came on, the hustle and
bustle of St James, a busy hospital, people coming and going, some ill,
some leaving the morgue in a black van with smoked glass windows,
another blue flashing light outside A+E and in the shadows the Night
Stalker watched, waited then sent the text message via a throw away
phone to Professor Mary Allan still in her Pathology Department and
part of Cromwell University Medical Facility, looking at slides when her
phone buzzed twice. She rubbed her face and picked up her mobile then
read the message;
Mary Allan re-read the message again. Checked who sent it but there
was no number or name. Just the time. 21.06
Professor Allan had been in her pathology department for over twenty
five years, watched it grow and made it work. Yes there had been
problems but they got solved, family members who did not like the
pathology results on a dead relative. Organ removal without family
permission, lost still births but with the new regulations in place such
things had dropped to almost zero. Almost was not good enough she
had told the Trust Board at the last meeting.
She sat looking at her mobile working out what to do next. This was a
direct threat on her and her department.
She was tired and the thought of going back to an empty house did not
appeal to her a few hours ago now she wished she had and was tucked
away safe with Nelson her cat.

She picked up the handset on her desk and was about to dial when she
noticed Dr Suzy La and Silver McKee across in the specialised unit
known as Codex Forensics and Legal. Suzy had taken up the new part of
the building six months ago and was funded separate from the health
budget working for police forces and forensics input when needed.
She opened her office door and cross the hall, knocked once and went
inside, her mobile in her hand.
Sliver McKee looked at her and Dr Suzy La smiled. Molly Drew was at
the computer waved and carried on working.
“Suzy I have a problem.”
“You want coffee, tea?”, asked Silver aware that Mary Allen was
showing signs of stress.
“No. but thanks. I think I may have had a death threat.”
Molly stopped typing and came over. “You sure?”
Mary smiled grimly. “Oh yes. Very sure. Look.”
She held up her mobile and brought up the message that the other three
women read but it was Silver (Sally) McKee who looked more concerned
and having once worked for the 14th Intelligence Service Unit in
Northern Ireland during the troubles knew that this may not be an idle
“Do you mind if we try and trace the call Professor Allan. Molly could
back track on her computer as long as we had your mobile number?”
“You can do that here?”, Mary Allen asked surprised and looking at
Molly Drew.
Dr Suzy La, Director of Codex Forensics and Legal nodded, “Yes and
very quickly but we may get a held back number though we will get a
map location where it was made from and if it is still switched on where
that phone and the owner is right now.”
Mary Allen handed Molly over the phone and she watched as Molly Drew
found a cable that fitted and plugged it into her computer and worked
her keyboard then pressed enter.
Everyone’s eyes were glued on the screen as numbers and letters went
down at fast speed, slowed then moved fast again.
1738inl;gf8p0953l.,evm.=== dr3399371,,, bt mm Allan,,, 20.05 location St
James Hospital NHS teaching Hospital Text message sent from
0012777151 location St James Hospital name,,773738hsh9 night stalker.’
Molly looked at Mary Allen. “Came from within this hospital.”
She looked back at the screen and brought up a map and zeroed in.
“Still active and switched on. Location hospital mortuary. Downstairs.”
Suzy snapped. “Silver go check it. Molly get the Security Office but
inform them only that Silver needs to get to the mortuary urgent and into
Professor Mary Allan got another surprise when Silver McKee snapped a
holster and pistol onto her belt then let her grey jacket drop over it.
“You never know so my team is licenced to carry and use firearms when
and if needed”, said Suzy firmly and looking directly at Helen.
Molly came in fast. “If someone has threatened to kill you then we have
a duty to protect you Professor Allan. All part of the same hospital and
working in forensics for the same aim. Don’t worry she won’t draw her
pistol unless the person is armed and is high risk.”

“High risk?” muttered Allan looking at Suzy La.

Suzy took a deep breath. “Means if they want to or going to try and kill
us we kill them first.”
“Just like that! Bang!”
Molly smiled and shrugged, “More like ‘Bang-bang’ then ‘Bang’

Mary Allen looked puzzled. “Why a third shot.”

“Head job. That way they stay dead Professor”, said Suzy then added,
“Two in the chest then one to the head.”
The professor ran thin fingers through her well-kept grey hair and
laughed harshly. “God! Remind me not to ask you lot to one of my
charity functions!”

Bert the bald security man was all bluster and fat. Silver looked at him in
amazement flashing her hospital ID and wondered if she needed to take
out the Interpol ID. “You don’t have a key?”
“No. Porters Lodge. They have a key to get in and out. It is the porters
who get the call if a body has to be removed from the wards or A+E or
an undertaker is coming to pick up a dead one.”
Silver McKee hissed and took out her mobile and dialled Molly.It was
picked upon the fourth ring tone.
“You find it?”, asked Molly.
“No. Can you ring the number we have on the computer now.”
She waited while Bert lit up a cigarette and blew out smoke over his
head and looked into the distance. Silver picked up the jingle tone low at
first then getting louder. It was coming from a waste bin next the door of
the mortuary.
“You have gloves on you?”
Bert fumbled at his belt and pulled out purple gloves and thrust then at
Silver who put one on and the other she placed in her jacket pocket.
“Open it.”
Bert opened the lid and looked down at the yellow waste bags seeing
and hearing the phone. “Want me to get it?”
“No. I will do it.”
She reached in aware of the smell coming from the bags and gently
picked up the mobile then took out the other glove from her pocket and
slowly dropped it into the glove then placed it in her jacket.
“Anything I should know?”, asked Bert more than a little confused.
Silver stopped and turned looked at Bert then his name tag and smiled.
“No. Thank you for your help.”
“Oh! I still have to make a report when I get back. To cover the time I
have been away and about you finding the phone?”
“No problem Bert. “My name is Silver Sally McKee and I work for Codex
Forensics and Legal in the Pathology Department here and we do a lot
of forensic work for the local cops. The phone is part of a case that I am
dealing with. Seems someone has been making obscene phone calls to
male doctors in the hospital claiming they are Rodger Rabbit and want
to hump the doctor. That is it!”
Bert’s eyes went wide. “Good God! That is pretty sick!”

“Yes it is. Now I must rush Bert. Things to do and all that.”
Silver crossed the road and into the pathology department and took the
lift up to Codex Forensics Complex. She held up the phone.
“There may be dabs on it so you may be able to lift one.”
Suzy put on gloves and sent to a bench and removed the phone then
dusted it. In five minutes she had lifted two prints, a thumb and a finger
and nodded at Molly.
“How long will it take?”
Molly shrugged. “Depends if they are on record. Could be five minutes
or 24 hours.”
“Do it.”
Suzy turned back to Professor Allan. “Molly is running a scan for UK
prints and this may take time. I do think you should inform the police
Mary but in the meantime Silver here will escort you home and wait
outside in her car till they arrive.”
“There is no need to”, protested Mary Allan.
“There is every need Professor Allan”, said Silver then added, “Idle
threats in one thing but from my experience this person knows you,
knows where you work and more than likely knows where you live.
We don’t know who or what we are dealing with here, if it is male or
female or more than one person. He or she has also give a deadline, and
that means this person is going to play silly buggers with your head.
At least for tonight have at least one police car sitting outside or close
by. Thirty days and thirty nights is the deadline and we are now on night
“Ok. I’ll ring them from home.”
Molly shouted. “Got a result!”
Suzy, Silver and Mary Allan went to Molly and looked at the screen.
‘Patrick John Murry, DOB 05/09/1940
BORN Belfast Northern Ireland moved to Birmingham with his mother
1948, father killed in Burma1944.
Served three prison sentences between 1960 and 1971 for safe breaking
in the Jewellery Quarter Birmingham, Rolla Jewellery’s London East End
and failed safe breaking attempt when he was injured in explosive using
Gelignite in the premises of Lloyds Bank on December 31st 1971 Derby,
right hand lost.
Never used violence and always pleaded guilty if caught.
Last known address; 21 Willow Drive, Camden, London.
No other offences known.”
Professor Allen reached for the wall phone. “He is here!”
“What! In the hospital working?”, said Molly looking confused. “
He’s seventy two!”
Mary Allan held up her hand. “Ward 12? Yes. Professor Allan here
Pathology. I had some medical records sent down this afternoon on a
patent of yours who died today pm. Is Patrick John Murry still with you
or downstairs in the Rose Garden? Date of birth? Yes 5th of the ninth,
1940. Right. We will be coming up. Has the family member left yet?
Thank you. Bye.”
She hung the wall phone up slowly then turned to the other women.

“Your suspect died at 4.21pm this afternoon and they had to wait for a
daughter to come and see him. She had just left and they were about to
ring the porters to have him brought down to the mortuary. If the prints
on the phone are not his then someone got his phone when he was on
ward 12 and sent me the message.”
Silver asked, but watching Allan closely. “How come he is coming down
to the mortuary then sometime you would do a PM?”
Professor Allan sighed. “He had an op nine days ago, was up and
walking about then took his afternoon nap and was found dead by a
student nurse. Hip replacement and it went well but because he has
been in the hospital for more than 24 hours and did not have a terminal
illness, a PM is required. It was not him that sent the text message.”
Suzy La nodded. “So his medical folder is on your desk and you will be
doing the PM”
“If I may suggest Professor Allen why don’t you and I nip up to Ward 12
and have a look at him and check his medical records that you now
have. Then if you like we can do the PM tonight and I will help.
Silver can be on standby here, Molly can open a new case folder of what
we know already which is little enough then she can go home.”
Mary Allan’s eyes lit up. “Better here and working than at home I am
thinking. Thanks Suzy.”
Silver looked glum. “I’m not happy with that arrangement. I need to
come to the ward with you.”
Dr Suzy La frowned then nodded. “Molly when you get back to the
house send in Sofia Duffy to be on pathology standby.”
“On it. Sure you don’t want me to stay on till you are finished?”
“No. Professor Allan and I can do the PM and Sofia the tests if we need
them. Thanks.”
When Suzy, Silver and Mary Allan reached ward 12 they met a
young woman sitting sobbing outside on a chair, a young nurse sitting
with her holding her hand. Suzy pressed the button and the door opened
on the buzz. They almost marched up the aisle to the nursing station
and were met by a staff nurse and two student nurses.
“Oh sorry. Though you were the bank staff because the night shift is two
down. Can I help you?”
“I spoke to someone a short time ago about one of your patients, Mr
Patrick John Murry who died this afternoon?”
“Oh that must have been Linda Dawson the Ward Manager. She just left
when I arrived but had run the Bank staff office and arranged for two
more nurses from other wards to come over. I don’t work on this ward
but was sent from Ward 8 to cover. This is Student Nurse Rose Dill and
Helen Reed. They will leave when we are fully staffed.”
Suzy La asked in a firm voice. “And your name is?”
“Staff Nurse Bonnie Kirk. Sorry.”
Silver pointed at the two student nurses University ID then at Kirk.
“Your ID. Where it?”
Bonnie Kirk’s face went blood red. “Sorry. Must have left it back on ward
8 at the Nurses’ Station.”
Silver McKee’s voice was icy. “No doubt for someone to pick up and use
it later to gain excess to other wards, the pharmacy?”

Mary Allan spoke, her voice controlled. “Which one of you student
nurses discovered that Mr Murry had pasted on?”
Student Nurse Helen Reed held up her hand. “I did.”
She looked at Staff Nurse Bonnie Kirk. “I suggest Staff nurse that you
start ringing around and get staff in here now. It might be a good idea to
ring the Nursing Office at her home and tell her that you can’t cope on
ward 12 without help and I would do that now. Her home number is in
the on call book somewhere behind that desk Everyone else with me
except Student Nurse Dill who should right now be answering that
patient buzzer.”
Dill scurried off and turned right into the female ward and the buzzer
stopped. Mary Allan rolled her eyes and walked into the male ward that
was in darkness except for the small light behind pulled curtains.
All four women went in and Silver pulled the curtain back and
whispered, “He looks peaceful.”
Helen Reed looked frightened but not because Mr Murry had been laid
out and she wondered if she had done everything right when doing the
Last Office on the corpse.
Suzy and Professor Allan went to each side of the bed, Allan then
pulling down the clean sheet off the face and body and looking into the
eyes then peeled back the dressing on the hip wound and nodded.
“No infection in the wound, no blood spots in the eyes.”
Suzy took the medical folder. “Last set of Obs show normal
temperature, pulse and heart rate, BP just a little high, fluid intake and
output normal. Death Cert signed by a Dr Amid at 4.35pm. ‘Cause of
death Cardiac arrest’. Revival failed by crash team who were here in
three minutes. Who hit the alarm?”
Student Nurse Reed whispered. “I did and Staff Nurse Robb and Staff
Nurse Mugabe came in and started working on him.”
Suzy whispered. “Good call that.”
Silver Sally McKee looked at the open medical records on the bed and
looked at Professor Allan. “I know these are patient records but that
matter we spoke off in pathology may be linked to Mr Murry.
Patient confidentiality does not apply here so can I scan through them?”
Mary Allan frowned. “Well if you think it would help?”
Silver took her time and came to the last four pages and stopped then
looked at Student Nurse Helen Reed. Who did the drug trolley today and
by that I mean the afternoon drug round?”
Helen bit her lip. “It was Staff Nurse Mugabe. Dolly Mugabe did the
drugs after lunch before the patients go for their rest time. That happens
before we open the doors at 2.00pm for visitors. Two to three thirty.
I was on break when Dolly, Staff Nurse Mugabe did the round.”
Suzy was watching McKee closely and frowning. Now what?, she
“Either someone did not check the drug sheets right through or
someone did not know their job. Patients name is Patrick John Murry on
pages two and three of the drug sheet with what I take is for pain relief
while page one is for insulin injection three times a day and yet no
mention in his notes he is a diabetic?”

Mary Allan almost snatched the drug sheets from Silver’s hands looked
at them, checked and re-checked then looked at Suzy and Silver while
Helen Reed seem to freeze eyes wide.
“Sheet one is for one Patrick Moore, not Patrick Murry. Do you have a
Patrick Murry on the ward Student Nurse Reed?”
“Did have. He is down with you as from seven this morning Professor
Allan and I saw them, the porters, taking him out and off the ward as I
came on duty.”
Silver nodded and smiled at Helen Reed. “I am sure that Professor Alan
and Dr La here will agree with me that as far as you are concerned you
have been very helpful in this matter but would advise you to go and
wait by the nurses desk until you are able to go off duty. Oh! One last
thing. Don’t mention to anyone out there about this. All confidential and
all that?”
Reed nodded and back up to the closed curtain and left fast.
Allan hissed at Silver. “How did this happen?”
“I don’t know Professor Allan but suggest you get himself here down
fast and a PM and tomorrow you need to get Patrick Moore’s medical
records and I am willing to bet that in them is sheet one of Murry’s drugs
sheet. Someone has made a mistake or playing head games.
Suzy agreed. “You got Patrick John Murry’s notes on your desk this
afternoon, Moore dies early dawn, is taken down to the mortuary or
chapel of rest but you don’t get his medical notes?”
“I will check my pathology Clerks desk. Maybe they are there. We had
better go and work to be done.” She reached over and gently pulled the
sheet over Murry’s face. She turned to Silver McKee. “Thank you.”
Jimmy Leeky, known to his friends as ‘Warthog’ had both bodies
loaded on two side by side tables when Suzy, Silver and Professor Mary
Allan walked into the autopsy room. Suzy and Mary Allan were now in
fresh green scrubs and Silver took a seat in the corner observing.
“I found Patrick Moore. Dropped in but porters forgot to place the label
on his cabinet. That is him there on the right and Mr Patrick John Murry
on the left.”
Suzy glanced at the two covered bodies and nodded. “Moore have a toe
tag Jimmy?”
Warthog sighed and shook his head. “No.”
“And why not?”, snapped Professor Allan glaring at him.
He walked over and pulled back the sheet. “No legs. Were removed last
Friday, gangrene with diabetic links. His tag is on his wrist. Murry has
his on his toe and I am getting a little confused here because the paper
work is a mess. I know I am just the body tech but paperwork is
important folks.”
Mary Allan scowled at him. “As Professor of Pathology here Mr Leeky
don’t you think I know that? Dr La and myself found that there was some
mix up in the medical files which I should add we just discovered on the
ward. Anything else you want to enlighten us with from a technicians
point of view Mr Leeky, that Dr La and myself with our experience and
qualifications missed?”
Jimmy caught Suzy’s eye then looked at Professor Allan and smiled.

“Not for me to tell you anything Professor, being a technician but you
should know before you start your pre post external examination that
both the deceased have cloves of garlic inside their mouths and close
up, smell of it.”
“Your saying what Leeky!”
He looked at Mary Allan hard, his smile gone and muttered, “Placed
there after death but before rigor Professor. Rigor in the Moore body is
relaxed now but Murry is still in it.”
Suzy walked over and pulled both sheets of the bodies and took a long
pair of forceps and went to Moore. “Dish Jimmy please and I will need
one for Murry. Also Sofia need to be here for tests.”
Jimmy placed a dish on each chest of the two corpses and said to Suzy
in a tired voice. “She is already in Codex setting up her testing
equipment and is ready to go.”
“Why isn’t she here?”, asked Allan without looking at Jimmy Leeky but
watching Suzy remove a large clove of garlic and drop it into a stainless
steel bowl.
“Because she is better equipped in there and now works for Codex
Forensics and Legal as I do or have you forgotten?”
Suzy was now moving garlic from Murry’s mouth and it clinked as it was
dropped into the bowl but she just said softly, “Thank you Jimmy.
Maybe Sofia needs a hand seeing we have two on the table?”
Jimmy nodded, stripped off his gloves and dumped them in the yellow
bin then his greens into a laundry bag and closed the door behind him.
“Your man has a bit of an attitude problem Dr La.”
Suzy looked at her and nodded. “More than a bit. Best forensic body
man I ever knew though and good if not brilliant in the field when it
comes to death and decay. His insect ID from an Entomology point of
view is top notch and he has written two papers on shallow grave
insects and carnivore damage to human remains. Not bad for a
technician. On top of that he has a Psychology degree, been to the FBI’s
profiling course of a year in the US as related to a killer and a body with
wounds as well as a vice like brain.”
Silver sat watching and had a slight smile on her lips with what Suzy
had just said. The jab at Professor Allan had been sharp and to the point
and she did not like it but said nothing.
Three hours later and close to midnight all four women and Jimmy sat
in the office drinking coffee going over the PM’s and it was Sofia who
brought up the subject of tests. “Someone or something is playing
games, a sick joke if you like. As you said Professor Allan Dr La and
yourself did two PM’s, two full blocks on the bodies, samples taken and
that included all chemical and tox screening and I tested them as you
did them. No trace of insulin in the Murry samples where there were
traces in Moore’s samples and low at that. Murry was not given insulin
but had low to normal morphine reaction which would be accounted for
by his official pain relief.”
Professor Allan raised an eyebrow in surprise. “Seeing we don’t have all
of Murry’s drug sheet till morning you don’t really know what he was

Sofia held up the flat pad. “Everything and every patient that come
through the hospital is on here, computerised medical records, as well
as all the other related data. Murry’s is in here as is Moore’s and when I
tested I tested also for what was on their drug sheets and all is correct.”
Mary Allan flushed pink. “When did we start using these?”
“Five weeks ago Professor Allan. We all got one as you did.”, said Sofia
softly. “Yours is in your in tray un opened, still in its package.”
Mary Allan rubbed her face and slowly moved files folders and letters
from front of her in tray on the desk and pulled out a think cardboard
box, read what was on it as well as the activation code and hospital
“Technology today. Who would have thought?”, was all she could say
then added, “I take it that this comes with a book of words?”
Suzy cringed and rescued Sofia. “Yes and the tech boys and girls are all
on hand to help you set up Molly of course is there for backup if you
need her. We still have the problem of your text message and the garlic
cloves in the mouths and as we found nothing relating to foul play I
think we need focus on that now.”
Jimmy Leeky nodded. “Vampire cult, vampire fear and whoever put the
cloves in their mouths knows you or about you and the two things are
linked. Your text message and the cloves left so that you would find
them when you did the PM blocks.”
She spluttered, “Vampires, garlic and for what purpose Mr Leeky!”
Everyone looked at the floor except Allan and Leeky.
“Well! Answer me!”
Jimmy Leeky sighed deeply looking straight at Mary Allan. “To put you
on high alert and cause fear within you Professor. All this is a pre run to
let you know that he or she or even them are out to get you.”
“By them you mean ‘vampires’ Leeky?”, the ‘Mr’ dropped by her and
then she said in a shrill voice. “In 2012 you believe in vampires, the ‘un-
dead’, Count Dracula and his followers?”
Leeky shook his head his eyes not leaving her face. “No. But I believe in
the evidence we have in front of us and know in the last few hours that
someone wants to hurt you Professor Allan with a dead line of thirty
days and thirty nights as mentioned in the text I would be inclined to
take it serous Professor and not dismiss it.”
“And that is one of the reasons you should notify the police about the
text and let me stay with you overnight”, said Silver McKee.
She looked at Silver then Sofia, Suzy and lastly Jimmy. “This is some
sick joke. Right?”
Suzy shook her head as did Jimmy Leeky. Blood drained from Professor
Mary Allan’s face and she began to shake then reached out for her desk
phone and dialled 999
“Police please.”
For a moment there was silence then Mary Allan spoke with a shaking
voice, “My name is Professor Mary Allan from the Pathology department
and I live at 12 Oak Grove drive, seven minutes’ drive from St James
Hospital. I have had threats made against me tonight and I want to
inform you that I am going home now to the address just given so if you
could send around a car I will talk to you people there. Yes, 0070400321.

Thank you. Goodnight.”

“Time for bed said Zebbty”, muttered Sofia but no one laughed and
followed Mary Allan out to the lift and down to the ground floor.
Bert the Security Man waved as they came out and got into their cars
but Silver made a mental note to interview him tomorrow.
Professor Mary Allan lived in the leafy part of London, a private
road leading to a large private house and Silver McKee was impressed
with both the location and the house. As they drew up the headlights of
the car picked up the police vehicle and a female and male unformed
police officer standing beside it.
They got out and both officers came forward but it was the woman who
spoke first.
“Professor Allan?”
“Yes. I rang ahead and asked for someone to come and see me.”
The police officer nodded. “Yes we got the call. I am WPC Wendy Adams
and this is PC Rodger Drew”, looking at Silver.
“Silver Sally McKee, Codex Forensics and Legal. I work in the same
building as Professor Allan.”
“You live alone Professor?”, asked PC Drew looking from Silver to the
“Yes. I live alone except for my cat, Nelson.”
Drew shot a glance at WPC Adams who frowned. “May I ask what colour
your cat is Professor Allan?”
“Orange. All over. Why?”
The woman swallowed hard twice. “I am afraid your cat is dead
Professor. We arrived five minutes before you got here and did a check
around the back where we found a cat, an orange cat, hanging from a
tree in the back garden. I’m sorry.”
Helen Allan stood shocked, blood draining from her face and for a
moment Silver thought she was going to faint. Silver nodded at the two
police officers and then the front door and said. “Take the professor
inside please and search the house top to bottom and call for some
back up. I’m going to have a look.”
The young officer stepped forward, his face set. “I need to come with
you as the cat is now evidence.”
Silver thought fast. “Ok. Suggest WPC Adams and the professor get into
the police car and lock it then wait. You come with me.”
She followed Rodger Drew and his torch around the side of the house
and came into the back garden. The dead cat stood out in the darkness
when the police officer put the light of his torch on it. Silver walked in
close and slowly reached up and placed the back of her hand on the fur.
It was still warm. She nodded at Drew and followed him back to the
police car and asked Professor Allan for her house keys which she
handed over without speaking.
She took from a small pouch on her belt a pair of disposable gloves and
told Drew to do the same. Gloved up they opened the door and stepped
inside and in the light of the torch she drew her pistol and Drew sucked
in breath hard.
“Jesus! That is a gun!”

Silver leaned close to his face. “I have a licence constable and I also
work for Interpol and if someone is in here then I am going to find them
so hit all the lights as you pass and we start the search downstairs then
upstairs so come on and close your mouth or it will get dry.”
Silver moved fast, crouching in doorways then going in low and each
room search was the same. Nothing was found in human form but on
the bathroom white tiled wall was; ‘TWENTY NINE DAYS LEFT.’
She reached out and touched the blood and swore, “He used the cats
blood for that so he a real head banger and very dangerous PC Drew so
inform your back up when they come. Professor Allan is staying in a
hotel tonight while your people do your forensics and I would like a
copy of what you find.”
Rodger Drew licked his lips, his eyes darting everywhere around in the
darkness. Silver had seen this before when she worked in Derry when a
young squaddie went down. “Take deep breaths Drew and get it back on
track, At least it is not Professor Allan. You ever seem a dead body
close up?”
Drew shook his head. “Not like this. Seen one on my police training in
the mortuary but it was not scary. I know it was just a cat but who, what
would do this and more to the point, why?"
“Good questions but right now I don’t know. Come on because I hear a
car coming up the drive and it has to be your lot.”
Detective Sergeant Ned Bracken was not amused when he climbed
out of the car with two other constables because right now he should
have been in bed with an almost brand new wife of three months trying
to make a baby and instead was called back to this shit. One dead cat
and a neurotic Professor of Pathology with her partner. Some mention
of a swinging car in the back garden.
“You two go around and get photographs, bag the Moggie, seal the bag
and bring it back here to the car. Could be the work of street rats so look
for fag ends and anything else.”
He walked with a slight swagger over to where the two constables were
standing talking to Silver McKee and introduced himself in a formal
manner. Silver nodded and handed him her card and he glanced at it
then at her. “Seems you outrank me. So we have a cat killed, a professor
of Pathology threatened via a text, where is she by the way?”
WPC Wendy Adams nodded at the police car. “In there and I have got a
statement. Not much but better than nothing.”
“Good work. No point in wasting time on something that may be nothing
so was the house broken into?”
Silver was ice cold. “Backdoor key under a flower pot, easy to find,
alarm system not switched on.”
“Did she put a note in the front window advertising this fact or did the
street rats work it all out for themselves with their doped up brains?”
“They left a message on the bathroom wall, wore gloves and washed the
bath out with the shower head”, said Silver McKee then added, “They
could also spell big words as well Sgt Bracken but I suspect for the
moment there was only one person involved.”

“Why did they wash the bathroom. Sorry, why did the person who came
into this house wash the bath out and write on the wall?”, asked
Bracken his tone condescending.
PC Rodger Drew jumped in fast. “Signs are the cat was killed in the
bathroom, in the bath, orange hairs still showing on the sides of the
bath. Then when dead it was taken outside, hung by thin garden wire by
the back legs then had the throat cut when still warm and bled out.”
Bracken made a face. “You want to make detective son? How long have
you been in the Force?”
“One year, three months and one week Sgt”
“So with that time put in your an expert in forensics and
“He is right. I am an expert in field forensics and a good investigator Sgt
Bracken and the only thing he missed was the paper cup that cat blood
was drained into”, muttered Silver then added. “No doubt your people
who just went around the back will find the cup thrown into a rose patch
and a bloody tissue that was used to wipe blood of the lips or fingers.”
“Yes. The person who killed the cat may also have sipped the blood or
even drank it.”
Wendy Adams nodded. “Possible of course. In the meantime should we
not be thinking where we are going to have Professor Allan spending
the night?”
Bracken sighed. “Ok. Who is taking her where?”
“I am”, said Silver and nodded at Bracken. “If you could sent a copy of
your report to me to the address on the card I would be grateful Sgt
Bracken as would Professor Allan. Thank you PC Adams and Drew for
your help and kindness in this matter. Good night.”
Mary Allan was too upset and tried to resist leaving with Silver McKee
and now looked aged with shock and grief as she passenger seat and
snapped her belt on with robot like movements then looked straight
ahead with tear filled eyes as Silver drove off.
McKee shrugged. “Crazy people out there.”
Silver did not want to get into a debate with Mary Allan right now about
the ‘why’ because her mind was like a washing spinner and Bracken has
pissed her off with his attitude on site. She had thought of taking the
dead cat with her but was sensitive to Mary Allan’s feelings but when
they got the police report they could move forward if needed.
She glanced at the dashboard and read the time of 01.22 hours. In ten
minutes she would be at the hotel and would stay there for the night.
Four hours to sunrise she thought. She glanced at Professor Allan and
wondered why a pathologist with so many PM’s under her belt over
many years was upset about a dead cat called Nelson.
McKee almost missed the right turn off to the hotel, braked and backed
up then turned right and drove in checking if any other cars were
following her. She paid for single rooms, waited for Mary Allan to go in
and close her door then went to bed nude with her pistol under the
pillow and was asleep within minutes.

McKee slept deep and was awakened by a pounding on her door. She
could see it was light and puzzled she got out of bed and put her coat on
and with the pistol went to the door and looked through the spy hole.
“Shit!” and opened the door and let in Molly Drew and Lisa Walsh.
“You know what time it is!”
“Six forty two”, snapped back Lisa then added. “Suzy sent us as back
up. Dr Lucy Ward has gone missing from home, a flat on Broadway.
Her boyfriend got home, found her not there and rang Pathology.
He got no answer but found a text on his phone which read;
‘Lucy is with the dead and that leaves six. She can be found with the
Magnificent Seven in London in the company of her kind and other
Shades.’ Night Stalker.”
Molly muttered, “Used her phone to send the text to Alistair Geer her
live in boyfriend, an independent TV producer working in London.
Got home at midnight, bed not slept in and text came in at 03.00.
He went to St James Pathology Department then onto Ward 12, also
checked A+E in case she was brought in. Nothing. She left Ward 12 at
eight in the evening and that was that.”
Silver McKee nodded then muttered. “This is not good news. Let me
shower and get dressed. Professor Allan is next door. Kettle and coffee
is over there and make mine strong.”
She stopped at the door and looked back at the two women she worked
with. “If Mary Allan comes to the door let her in but tell her nothing yet
about Lucy Ward or that text. She is shaky right now and I will explain all
When Silver had closed the bathroom door over Lisa picked her pistol
off the bed, removed the magazine and made the pistol safe and looked
at Molly. “Had one up the spout and if she did that she was worried and
that is good enough for me Molly. High alert until proven otherwise.”
Mary Allan finished drying herself after the shower when her phone
buzzed on the bed side table. She looked at who sent the message and
was relieved and annoyed to see it came from Lucy Ward’s phone.
“Now what?”
She opened the message and her mouth fell open with shock showing
Dr Lucy Ward lying sprawled across a tombstone on her back, her chest
bare and bloody with a stake protruding from it. There was no doubt it
was Lucy Ward who worked on Ward 12 and she had known for three
years but she also knew that she was dead. She read the single
sentence, her lips trembling.
‘High on a hill with a gate two ponds and her heart.’
Shaking she dressed quickly and left the room then ponded on the door
where Silver McKee was staying. Molly opened the door and Mary Allan
thrust the phone into her hand and almost whispered, “Dr Lucy Ward is
dead, murdered by some insane bastard!”
Molly took the phone and looked at the photograph and read the text
with it. She handed it over to Lisa and then used her own mobile and
rang Dr Suzy La, Director at Codex Forensics.
Suzy answered, her voice gruff. “You told Silver?”
“And what?”

“Ward is dead, lying somewhere with her chest cracked open and a
stake through her. On a tombstone. We are coming in Director so could
you notify the police and get them at Codex. That way we are all in the
room at the same time for briefing.”
“Codex Red?”
“In my opinion? Yes.”
Suzy was business-like and said. “Get them all back here. Is Silver on
“In the shower at the moment?”
“Well get her out of the shower and on the phone to me. I’ll wait!”
Molly rolled her eyes at Lisa and she passed and banged on the
bathroom door. “What!”
“Director wants to talk to you most urgent and now!”
There was a muffled ‘Fuck!’ behind the door and it swung open
displaying a very wet Silver McKee who looked like she could kill
someone. “Suzy?”
“McKee we are as from now on condition Red. Lisa and yourself get
Molly and Professor Allan back here now. Are you up to par with Lucy
Ward yet?”
McKee for a moment looked confused. “I was in the shower, Something I
should know Director La?”
“Talk to Molly!”, and hung up leaving standing with a dead phone and
nude. “What!”, she snapped at Molly who took the phone off Lisa and
showed her the photograph.
“Oh, shit. Where is she?”
Molly grunted. “We don’t know at the moment but some boneyard
around London and that is her. Better get your clobber on Silver and we
get back. Lisa and you are riding shotgun it seems and our leader is
wound up and in an ‘all leave cancelled’ mode so we have been

Professor Allan’s cage had been shaken, had been emotionally rattled
and everyone in that room knew it. Molly was worried about her and
wished Silver would move faster.
Lisa watched and kept quiet but thinking she was looking at a ‘bomb
victim’ that had not been killed in Belfast because the Professor’s face
had set in stone, the eyes had a thousand yard stare and her lips were
tapping one another.
Silver was now alert and in charge of the movement from the hotel back
to St James and Codex Forensics. Molly drove her car with Mary Allan in
the back and Lisa Walsh beside her and Silver took the other car and
followed close, her eyes glancing at the rear mirror every now and then
and her pistol on her lap. She looked at her hands free phone on the
dashboard and almost swore. It was Ned Bracken. She pressed talk
“McKee here.”
“Ah, the famous Silver McKee and Investigator known to the criminal
underworld as ‘Flash Silver’. How are you?”
“Cut the crap Bracken because right now I am not in the mood. Get to
the point of this conversation!”

“Ok. Mary, Mary, quite contrary is not going to like this McKee. I had a
government vet check it over last night. He was on duty call at the Police
Dog handling centre. Anyway, pussy cat was friendly, too friendly it
seems, was killed or stunned in the house, taken upstairs and put in the
bath. All the blood was drained from the body, some into the cardboard
cup, the body was then washed, back legs tied and carried downstairs
and out the back door and hung upside down in the tree. Whoever
drained the blood from it cut the cats throat ear to ear.
There is something else McKee. The vet found a clove of fresh garlic in
its mouth. What does Miss McKee think of that?”
Silver drew breath hard and fast. “Very good Sgt Bracken except that
does not explain why the cup was found in the in the garden and not in
the bathroom, why a clove of fresh garlic was placed in the mouth of the
cat or how the cat was carried from the bathroom to the back garden
and strung up?”
“Meaning what McKee?”
“Meaning the killer did not walk through the house with a dripping cat
and into the garden and had to be wrapped up in something like a towel
or coat which you have not found, the cup was also carried downstairs
but not at the same time as the cat and dumped in the garden, the tissue
with blood on it as well in the same place as the cup and the writing on
the wall was spelt well. No street rat did this Bracken. Where is the cat
She could hear Bracken swallowing hard then, “We of course took
photographs of the cat and wall.”
“The cat Bracken?”
“The vet said he would take care of the body as he had others to do in
the Centres inclinator. Dogs or cats in RTA, foxes. They all go in the
burner each dawn.”
“Of course you brushed the cats fur into an evidence bag for your
forensics? No! Wait. Don’t answer that. You over looked the fact that the
killer of the cat left his or her DNA maybe, fibres from his clothes even
head hair.”
There was a long silence. Silver spoke softly. “I suggest you get over to
Codex Forensics at St James Hospital as soon as because a dead cat is
now the least of your worries Bracken because the cat is linked now to a
murder case, when we find the body. I am sure the Chief Inspector who
will also be there would be glad of your skills. Good morning Sgt
Sgt Ned Bracken was rattled by the phone call because as a CID officer
he knew he failed to do things by the book. That bloody cat is going to
be the death of me, he thought, his mind racing. He sat at his desk
looking at it and the stack of files on crime unsolved, the paperclips in a
cup, message pads with numbers on it, some crossed out, tea stains
and rings across the wood where it was uncovered and for some reason
in a flash reminded him of Crop Circles. Bracken snorted and a few
people looked at him from their desks then went back to work.
I need to get my act together and fast, he thought. The words went
through him like a knife, ‘the cat is now linked to a murder case, when
we find the body.’

Suzy La looked at Silver and frowned. “She won’t go Silver and

yes I do agree with you that she needs to be placed somewhere safe
away from here. But where?”
Sliver McKee shrugged. “Don’t know but the local cops will be here
soon and that will include CID and high ranking officers as well as
someone from the Murder Squad. As far as Professor Mary Allan is
concerned she is, in my opinion, coming apart and her doing official
PM’s is high risk because she can’t function. She is in shock Suzy.”
Suzy nodded. “Well I can suggest it to her but I might as well tell you
that she may dig her heels in and I know we work in two sections here,
Codex Forensics and Legal which is us here and across there is
St James Pathology Department. Her Patch Silver and she is already
stacked up there. Clients on ice.”
“Then the NHS and the Trust need to get a locum in to do the autopsies
on the hospital load while you, Sofia and Jimmy Leeky stay here with
our stuff. You can’t do both before you even suggest it.”
Dr Suzy La shot Silver McKee a look and muttered, “You telling me how
to do my job McKee?”
Silver shook her head. “No. Just a suggestion Director. And your right,
we have not been asked to get involved with her threats or the Lucy
Ward killing so it all comes down to the meeting later and the cops
there. Right?”
Silver waited, hoping applied psychology worked. Right now we have
our home team on board, Calypso in the office, Molly finishing off the
Vera Rossi Black data for Interpol and opening up a file on Lucy Ward
just in case, Jimmy ‘Warthog’ Leeky in the lab playing with bones that
were found on a building site and looked old, Sofia Duffy on human
blood samples and slides in her lab while she and Lisa Walsh twiddled
their thumbs. Great!
“Where is Professor Allan now?”
“In her office with the door closed holding her head four minutes ago.”
“And Lisa?”
“Unofficially on the Spy in the sky Laptop that Zack got us.”
“Looking for what?”
Silver sighed. “Lucy Ward’s mobile but it is switched off.”
Suzy looked at her. “Then why is she still on it?”
“Trying to trace where the last call or text came from and still searching.
If she finds it then more than likely that is where Ward’s body is.”
Suzy rolled her eyes and headed for Mary Allan’s office muttering,
“Might work. Keep on it.”
Silver smiled and punched the air and went to the computer room where
Molly and Lisa were working.
Molly waved but did not look at her as she watched the data
downloading fast. Lisa smiled then shrugged, “The MOD laptop is good,
very good, but still searching. Mobile switched off but now looking for
text messages and photographs sent. This thing legal Silver?”
“Of course if you are in Afghanistan or somewhere like that. Molly has
given it a password now which is ‘CodexRed17814’ and the numbers
added are Zack Maloney’s Royal Marine service number. Ex and dead.”
McKee laughed harshly. “No such thing as an ‘ex-marine’.”

It was after ten am. before the Hospital Board Room was set up and
trust members, the police, Suzy La, Molly, Silver McKee, Jimmy Leeky
and Lisa Walsh. The Head of Hospital Security, Adam Bell came in last
and added to the gloom faces around the long table.
The Chair Person called the Trust Meeting to order, grey haired, glasses
and stern looking. Mrs Victoria Boyd coughed lightly.
“This meeting was called in a hurry and is most urgent, requested by Dr
Suzy La from Codex Forensics and Legal and the police. Not all
members could attend at short notice but as we are not voting it matters
little. Most of you here will already know that all hospitals with and A+E
Department in and around London are on high alert in case of a major
incident during the Olympic Games. We here are also on high alert as
well on two fronts, one as I said the Olympics and two, the suspected
death of one of our doctor, Dr Lucy Ward, from the Private Wing on
Ward 12. The police are present and are the Chief Constable Marcus Ball
as well as DI Wallace McCloud. Sgt Ned Bracken was involved in the
early stages as one of the Trusts pathology Professors, Mary Allan had
been threatened and her cat at her home killed. She is from this morning
on sick leave and two Pathology Locums are coming in and though
Dr. Suzy La is not NHS or directly part of the Trust she has agreed to
oversee Professor Allan’s Department as from now. Molly Drew sitting
next Dr La is the Codex computer manager and programmer, next to her
is Jimmy Leeky their pathology technician and remains expert, to the
left is Silver McKee and Lisa Walsh Codex Forensics investigators.
Everyone who is on this Committee have their name in front of them so
there is little point in introductions.
Dr Suzy La will now address this committee.”
Suzy took a sip of water then in a clear voice said, “Thank you.
Someone has made threats against professor Allan’s life and sent her a
text stating that, which means we have forty nights and forty days to
zero hour. As from today and at this time we have now thirty nine days
left. We also had a text and photograph of Lucy Walsh lying dead and
mutilated but I will not be showing that here and is ready for the police
in a folder. Without doubt is Lucy Walsh. We have no idea where her
body is yet but all we do know is that the body was photographed in a
cemetery somewhere in London using Dr. Wards mobile phone.
Because the phone is now switched off we are unable to trace it but we
are stilling running a computer program back at our lab to get the last
messages sent from it and the location. If my phone rings then my office
Manager, Calypso St. Claire has hit gold and has phoned me with the
location. There is no guarantee that the message was sent from where
Dr Ward was killed but we can work with that as can the police.
I can tell you that most of London’s burial grounds are locked at night, a
few are locked all day and no longer used but the photograph of the
diseased was taken late in the evening then sent.
Jimmy Leeky who has examined the photograph and blown up on a
computer can confirm that the body has been dead a number of hours
before the photograph was taken as zooming in to the chest area he
was able to see fresh maggot eggs as well as on the eyes and in the
mouth. Mr Leeky also confirmed that the killing is cult related and more

than one person has to be involved. The cat and Lucy Ward were killed
by the same person or persons. Thank you.”
There was a stunned silence and it was Ned Bracken who put us his
hand and looked directly at Jimmy Leeky.
“I don’t mean to make little of Mr Leeky’s suggestions but you seem to
know a lot for a pathology technician about bodies and cults. How can
this be?”
Jimmy stood up and nodded. “Besides pathology training I also did
Psychology then went to the FBI’s Behaviour Study Centre and studied
there for a year, took part in active pathology and also learning about
types of killers and cults, their behaviour mode and how dangerous they
could be but I do not have the training of a profiling psychiatrist.
I was also involved in two cases with positive results, the re-opening of
the Green River murders there and also finding the remains of a child
missing for years in Idaho, USA.
Of course I can understand why Sgt Bracken asked the question and it
may be because he was in charge of the dead cat and took it off the
crime scene, along with a cardboard mug that had been used to catch
blood and a bloodied paper tissue from the garden. Maybe we can still
help if he produces the dead animal, the cup and the tissue though I
suggest now that it will only show cat blood type.”
Silver McKee could have stood up and cheered but sat on her hands
waiting and watching Sgt Bracken’s thunderstruck face.
It was Wallace McCloud who asked Ned Bracken. “I take it these items
mentioned are in evidence bags Sgt Bracken back at your station and
the cat at least on ice?”
Bracken did not knew where to look and all eyes were on him.
“I have the report from the Government Vet Sir and it seems that….”
“The cat man! Where is the cat?”
He swallowed hard. “Cremated Sir, last night.”
Suzy’s phone was loud and some people jumped. “Yes. You are sure
Calypso? Ok. I’ll inform them. Thanks.”
She turned and looked at the three police officers. “Highgate near the
Egyptian walk. She is lying on a tombstone close to thick cover. All we
know. If you need any input from us then please ask Chief Constable.”
The senior police officer nodded. “I think with what you already know
about the case and came up with the results I do feel we hand it over to
you and keep us informed through Sgt Bracken here who may well re-
learn something on forensics from your team. I am happy to keep it all in
the one box so to speak and know where I can find you if I need you.
Thank you.”
Suzy nodded to her team and headed for the door and Bracken followed
only to be stopped by Suzy hand hard on his chest. “Later. I think your
boss wants a word and see that the uniform people get it taped off now
if you please!”
“I made an honest mistake Dr La.”
Dr Suzy La looked at him hard wondering how he every made sergeant
of CID. She took a deep breath and pushed down her anger.
“Ok. Not listen up Sgt Bracken. What is done is done and cannot be
undone but from here I need you to focus on this case, be proactive with

my team, make sure your Scene of Crime Officer is aware that you are
working with us and that Sofia Duffy, Jimmy Leeky, Lisa Walsh, Silver
McKee are the second team there. McKee will be in charge of our team
which I will add, now includes you as seconded via your boss. Anything
you find on site or the police forensics team I want copies of the
information daily. We will from our end do the same for the police team.
Do you have a problem with that Sgt Bracken?”
He shook his head. “No. Fair deal”, and held out his hand which she
ignored and looked him in the eye and said softly. “You should be out
that door five seconds ago and on your way to the murder scene?”
The helicopter hung like a hover fly above where the remains of
Lucy Ward lay as the police forensics team were with the SOCO and a
police surgeon. Silver McKee and her small team stood back and
Bracken spoke to the SOCO Donna Stillwater and Paul Burke the police
surgeon, Paul Burke. Now and then Stillwater glanced in the direction
and was nodding, while Burke went to the body.
She was a middle aged woman, blond hair tied back and an easy smile.
“I see your team is all kitted out with protective clothing, gloves and by
the look of them a wiliness to go. I won’t shake your hand but I am
Donna Stillwater. Behind me doing his stuff is Paul Burke and you
already know Sgt Bracken who explained why you have to be here on
my patch. Who is in charge?”
“I am. Silver McKee”, then rattled off the names of her team and added,
“Sofia and Jimmy are pathology, Lisa and I investigators.”
“Good! Right ho. Your path people better be with Burke and if you would
be kind enough to fill me in on the victim. You don’t mind if I use a small
recorder, beats handwriting with gloves?”
Silver nodded. She liked this woman’s approach. “Feel free.”
McKee told Donna Stillwater what she knew about Dr Lucy Ward in the
sort time she knew her in and around the Pathology Department and St
James Hospital which was not much. She knew that Dr Ward agreed to
treat one of the past Codex Forensics and Legal team as a private
patient for heart surgery, Liz Black who later turned out not all she
claimed to be and was in fact Vera Rossa Black. Without the operation
Black was high risk but her medical records had been tampered with
and Ward refused to do the operation. It was also discovered that Vera
Rossa Black had HIV from a pre op blood test so she was dying anyway.
Vera Black on her birthday, unknown to the team, killed herself in the
woodshed and Lucy Ward took her death on board.
Sofia Duffy took as many photographs of the body as she needed as
well of the surrounding area then helped Paul Burke with samples on
Jimmy Leeky stood and looked at the body from all angles and made
notes then he suggested for Burke to check inside her mouth and was
surprised to extract a clove of garlic with the tip of long forceps.
He held it up and nodded. “Garlic, a stake in the chest and her heart
removed. Seems we have a crazy out there Jimmy.”
“Her heels?”
Burke lifted one foot at a time then looked up. “Clean. No scratches or

Sofia photographed the garlic clove and bagged it then made another
note in her book.
Silver frowned. “Any evidence of sexual assault?”
“We will know that when we get her on the table. I’m just the locum and
on the Bank. Where will she be going?”
Bracken spoke up. “My governor wants her to go to St James but with
the Director there in Codex Forensics and Legal. Dr Suzy La will be
doing the post mortem and the result of her findings sent on to us.
Do you have a rough time of death?”
Paul Burke nodded. “In this heat now and if I back track and think body
temperature I found I can only put it somewhere between midnight and
six. Sorry I cannot do better than that. You will note the blue bottle eggs
in the nose, mouth, eyes and the open chest. They are early and were
attracted to the body around dawn.”
“Cause off and method of death Dr Burke in your opinion?”, asked
Burke stood up and sighed. “Blow to the left side of the head. This
would have stunned her or knocked her out, then she was stabbed twice
directly where her heart was and she would have died quickly with a
massive bleed out. I can tell you she was not killed here where she was
found. Little or no blood under the body but blood had ran down her
chest and legs, as far as the pubic area. Means that she was lifted up
and this created some blood flow. I hate to say this but her blood
volume for the body size is very low.”
“Jesus man! She was drained?”, muttered Ned Bracken shocked.
“Or bleed out fast when the chest was cracked”, said Sofia Duffy then
added, “Not here.”
Silver McKee and Lisa Walsh looked at one another then Silver
addressed Bracken directly. “Sofia and you stay here and Jimmy, Lisa
and I will go for a walk. That ok with you Donna?”
“We are done here. I’ll talk to you later once the undertakers take her
back to your place. I need to be in at the PM as will Dr Burke in case
there is a court case later. Thank you for your help.”
McKee made a gesture then nodded and walked back carefully followed
by jimmy and Lisa. She walked about fifty metres and stopped looking at
Lisa and Leeky.
“She didn’t climb over the gate, was not killed where she was found, had
no shoes on and her feet were clean”, said Jimmy Leeky then added,
“Means that the killers wrapped her up in something and took her over
the wall, more than two people involved I would say and they had to
have a car or van to move the body from A to B. The gate here is locked
most of the time so she was not brought here in daylight as a visitor.”
Lisa nodded. “So we walk the wall on the inside, check for broken ivy,
blood, anything?”
Silver. “Split up and used your mobile if you find anything. See you at
the gate if we don’t.”
Lisa looked around her, trees, ivy and headstones all around her. “ What
do you think Jimmy. This a good plan?”

He nodded and walked off, scanning the ground along the high walls
and was soon lost from sight. Lisa shrugged, “Ok. Let’s do it and get out
of here.”
Dr Suzy La stood and looked at the remains of what had been Lucy
Ward after the PM and glanced at the people behind the glass of the
viewing room, normally used for medical students and nurses.
Jimmy Leeky and Sofia Duffy were on the other side of the table waiting
to finish off and tidy up the body.
She spoke into the overhead microphone in a calm voice though she did
not feel calm inside.
“I have been asked by the London Coroner’s Office to carry out a full
post mortem on a thirty four year old female named as Lucy Ward who
lived at 21 Vintage Mews, an apartment. This I have done and now
concluded, my findings will be written up as well as pre-recorded as I
speak. As you will appreciate the fluid samples have not yet been done
yet but will I have been assured by the Pathology lab across in the
Hospital block by first thing tomorrow morning. Other samples have
been held back for testing in our own lab in Codex Forensics and our
technician Sofia Duffy will have them completed by noon tomorrow.
The results of both labs will go to the Coroner’s Office along with my
report and the police report as well as the Police Surgeons Report.
For legal purposes as required by law, the Folder and Case is named as
“WARD,LUCY. Case number CR 17714- Forensics. Post Mortem
findings. Dated 03/08/2012”
The body is that of a young female, there was no sign of internal
disease, was well nourished, no evidence of early or late pregnancy.
There is no evidence of rape but there is evidence above the right and
left breast of teeth marks and bruising. Photographs of the teeth marks
and bruising have been taken but the left breast bite is not from the
same person who made the right handed bite.
There was a fracture found on the right side of the head caused by blunt
trauma but not with club or baseball bat and this may have caused the
victim to loose conscious for a time.
The heart had been removed after death by using a heavy instrument
like hedge shears or pruning shears, ribs on both sides sliced through
and peeled back to reveal the heart and lungs. Some evidence where the
heart was suggests knife cuts but this could also be after death.
The heart was removed with force and taken away. We do not know at
present where that organ is located.
Evidence of two stabbing wounds in the chest area that penetrated
around 22 cm into tissue, the weapon could either be a long handed
screw driver or a thin bladed knife.
There were no defence wounds on the hands or arms.
That is all we know at the moment.”
She switched off the mike and whispered to Sofia and Jimmy. “You two
ok finishing off here?”
Jimmy ‘Warthog’ Leeky nodded. “Sure. Tidy her up, wash her, wash her
hair and comb. You want her in the cold or the Chapel of Rest?”

Suzy looked sad for a moment then shrugged, “Seems no family

members can be contacted, the boyfriend is pissed so I guess place her
on ice. Can you put her somewhere on her own for a time Jimmy?”
Jimmy nodded. “Sure. Keep her in ours and not downstairs in the

Molly had already set up the computer and projector with data ready to
be shown to the people gathered in the viewing room, a small room that
also doubled as a dark room when and if needed. All the Codex team
were assembled as well as Sgt Bracken, Dr Burke the police surgeon,
DI Wallace McCloud and the Head of Hospital Security, Adam Bell.
A very blond tall woman sat at the back in a business suit, a Profiler
brought in by DI Wallace everyone thought, called Dr Felicity Bateman
from the Psychology Department of Southampton Psychiatric Unit in
Behaviour Studies.
Dr Suzy La give a slight nod to Molly Drew who stood by the computer
and waited.
“What we have right now is little enough in this case of Lucy Ward,
linked somehow to the Professor of pathology, Mary Allan and her cat.
In order to get a time line Molly has put together a presentation of all the
evidence we have so far as well as data, So please make notes.
We have with us also Dr Felicity Bateman from Southampton at the
request of the police.”
“Ok. Thanks Molly.”
The screen lit up on the wall in front;
03/08/2012 MURDER VICTIM; Found dead in Highgate burial grounds
The victim was last seen on Ward 12 of St James Hospital 02/08/2012 at
20.04 as she left the ward.
Did not arrive home or phone to say she was going to be delayed.
Alistair Greer went looking for her because she was not answering her
mobile or hospital office phone. He even went to the hospital to look for
her. At 21.06 Professor Allan received a text message from a dead
patient and she was upset. It seems the male who owned the mobile
phone was still on ward 12 and had not yet been taken downstairs.
She went with Dr La and Investigator Silver McKee to Ward 12 after the
mobile phone had been discovered by S McKee in a yellow bag outside
the mortuary door which was locked.
Dr La removed from Mr Murry’s mouth a clove of garlic.
It was also discovered that he died well before the text message was
sent to Professor Allan. Mr Murry died around16.30 or thereabouts as
the time of death recorded by the duty doctor on Ward 12.
Later another male, Mr Moore who it seems died early morning, a legless
diabetic who was also found in the hospital mortuary. A full post
mortem was carried out on both males and in Moore’s mouth more
garlic. There was no sign of violence on any of the bodies during the
PM;s except for medical disease factors.

Later Professor Allan reported the threat to the police and was taken
home by investigator McKee. They were met at Professor Allan’s house
by uniformed officers Wendy Adams and Rodger Drew from Green Lane
Police Station.
PC Wendy Adams put prof Allan in the car and took a statement from
her while PC drew and Investigator McKee went to the back of the house
and found the cat hanging from its back legs and dead though still
The cat was later removed by the police and taken to a vet and he found
that it had been butchered and drained of blood but the mouth on
examination produced garlic in the form of a clove.
The house where professor Allan lives was searched top to bottom by
PC Drew and Silver McKee and discovered that the bathroom had been
used to kill the cat and written on the wall in blood was the words;
The next morning while staying overnight in a hotel for her own safety a
text and photograph were sent to her from Lucy Ward’s mobile showing
her body. Ward’s mobile is still switched off so at the moment we cannot
trace it.’
The computer light was switched off as well as the projector and
overhead light brightened. They sat in silence and Suzy La stood up and
said, “That for the moment is all we have. The main link in all this and
across the board is garlic cloves. The killer or killers of Dr Lucy Ward is
playing games, they know their way around this hospital, they have
been on Ward 12, I suspect they knew what Lucy Ward looked like, they
were bold enough to insert a clove of garlic into the mouths of two dead
patients, a cat, and Lucy Ward. It suggests three things to me but I might
be wrong. One. They don’t stand out when they are on the hospital
campus and come and go as they please. Two. They want Professor
Allan dead but are in no hurry to do it, motive unknown.
Three. They carry out their criminal activities when it is still dark and
leave a calling card. Lucy Ward was bitten twice on each breast and
from the PM this was done before she was killed but the teeth marks
belong to two different people and we don’t know if male or female.
All we know is that they could strike again somewhere in this Hospital.”
A voice came from the back, a heavy American accent and Felicity
Bateman stood up, pale face and bright red lipstick. “May I address
Before Suzy La could say yes or no, Bateman was on the floor in front of
everyone. “Having listened to the evidence and having worked with
Serial killers I have no doubt this is what you have here. A person who
wants to be caught and plays the game as long as he can. Blood seems
to be the draw to this person and he takes himself along the vampire
route, not in a sexual scenes but in control and enjoys the hunt. I have
over the years,…”
“Talked utter bollocks like you’re doing now Bateman, like you did
during the Green River Murders”, shouted Jimmy Leeky standing up, his
eyes wide and jabbing a finger at her still shouting, “You know as much
about Criminal profiling as my arse know about snipe shooting! As for
serial killers the only thing you know about that is when you eat you

cornflakes in the morning! To remind you Bateman about the death of

Victoria Huston in Florida or have you forgotten that, or that the FBI or
any US law enforcement agency would touch you now with a bargepole”
The red lipped mouth fell open and for a moment she looked like a
gasping goldfish then she shrilled, “Leeky!”
Jimmy glared at her, his eyes blazing. “Your nemesis Bateman, always
there and always knowing what you failed to do and it resulted in the
death of Victoria Huston. You forget her already?. Something else you
forgot as well, it does not become an official serial killer case unless
three or more bodies turn up so cut the drama shit!”
She had nowhere to run and all eyes were on her and Jimmy Leeky, a
live drama about death thought Lisa Walsh, her heart racing with a form
of excitement.
Suzy killed the first act fast. “I do feel Miss Bateman that you should
leave, maybe work with the police and not us here. Mr Leeky is just
leaving for a coffee and something to eat in the Codex kitchen and
suggest we all have a fifteen minute break. Back say just before noon?”
Suzy La did not wait for an answer she stormed out and into the staff
room and into the kitchen, slamming the door on Calypso St Clair who
sat bug eyed then muttered, “Opps!”
Jimmy Leeky stood, hands on hips, breathing hard and looked at
Suzy as she slammed the door.
“Just what the hell is going on Jimmy!”
“That woman! Bateman is what is going on. She is trouble, no, more
than trouble and what she is doing here with us is beyond me!”
Suzy had never seen Jimmy Leeky so upset and angry since she had
known him and seeing Felicity Bateman had rattled his cage big time.
“Totally unprofessional Jimmy at a murder briefing and in front of
everyone! Don’t just stand there, talk to me!”
“She came on the scene of an unsolved murder of a child in Florida all
because twenty seven years later the suspect confessed on his death
bed. His name was Ottis Toole and all that was ever found of the boy
was his head found in a canal a week after he vanished. TV blitzed the
story of course and Felicity Bateman then a Florida TV host and at that
time a self-made paranormal investigator. She made statements that
more than one man was involved though no DNA was linked to the
suspect Toole, even went to the canal and swamp area with TV cameras
declaring live that there were more bodies there. A search was carried
out for days and in the end called off. Then on a news programme she
started banding names of possible suspects about. One of those was a
man of low learning called Matthew Huston who lived in a cabin in the
swamp with his daughter, Victoria who was wild and beautiful, She lived
there happy with her father and her wild creatures. Met her once when I
was over there hunting gators with her dad at night and though shy she
knew her animals.
After Bateman’s finger pointing at Huston and three others and because
they were black, Swamp Rats, formed at vigilante group, raided their
cabins at night and strung them up kicking and screaming. Victoria
Huston was not so lucky because after raping her and making her watch

her father’s hanging, they put a car tyre around her neck doused her
with petrol and set her on fire then left.
The FBI were called in and the morning we found Victoria Huston in the
swamp what was left of her, Bateman was on the morning news saying
she may have made a mistake. That I can tell you was because the white
men involved were all wearing white hoods, had hunting hounds with
them and a burning cross left at each cabin.
That was the last I seen of her but if I were you I would check out her
qualifications big time Boss because if she comes in on this case I
resign same day!”
Suzy frowned. “How come she knows you?”
“CBS News did a story on it and I was interviewed and said what I had to
say, mainly she was responsible for five deaths that night and that the
Klan was also involved. I also made the point that she was a fraud on
air. She vanished from Florida after that and I never knew where she
went, until now.”
The door was knocked twice and Suzy went and opened it, surprised to
find DI Wallace McCloud standing there. “Sorry to bother you Director
La. I have just come to apologise to you and Mr Leeky. I was under the
impression that you had asked her here and so thought nothing off it
because she shadowed us in to the meeting. She has left in a bit of a
hurry and I feel that Mr Leeky’s outburst was justified in this case.
I can have her arrested if you like and let her sit in a cell overnight?”
Suzy smiled. “No need. She running now and no doubt back to her rat
pit but I will notify the University via email of what happened. As for Mr
Leeky we were just discussing his, our ideas of what we do next.”
Jimmy Leeky grunted. “Have a suggestion for you Director and DI
Suzy frowned, now alarmed that he was going to resign there and now
but she nodded. “Go on.”
Jimmy cleared his throat. “Whoever the killer or killers are of Dr Ward
then I suspect they have total access and movement in this hospital,
they are not high profile but their faces are known so no one challenges
them. I take it that someone is checking the Cameras on ward 12 and
outside in the car parks because we need to take a look at them.”
Wallace shook his head. “ Head of hospital security is having people
check it now but he has already informed me that some of the cameras
are down and the one on Ward 12 only covers the Nurses’ Station and
nowhere else on the ward because of patient’s privacy. As for the car
parks, the angles and viewing are limited and mainly focused on parked
“Hospital Mortuary back door and parking area?”, asked Suzy La
already knowing the answer before Wallace told her.
“Single camera in the parking area but has been knocked out five
months ago and never repaired and the staff in the workshops have
never got round to fix it. Not good and I need guidance on this because
we have a murder case to investigate, threats also to a member of staff
who has now been moved to a safe house with two armed officers with
her down to Norfolk and the Hospital Board are going to come up with a
lot of shit about patient confidentiality and will want a blanket ban on the

press. I have officers right now checking out staff rota’s for shifts in the
last ten days as well as any bank staff that has been employed on ward
12 but some people are trying to block even that!”
“Meaning that they don’t know how many bank staff have been on duty
or called in at the last moment and a few of them might not even have
the right to work in this country so are agency staff?”, said Jimmy then
added. “They produce a time sheet, a staff nurse or ward sister signs it
not even remembering the name or the agency. Great!”
Wallace looked glum and nodded. “Yes and if we push too hard at least
one or two will produce the racist cards, hold it up and scream, “Foul!”
Suzy looked at Jimmy Leeky and then Wallace and shrugged, “Let’s get
back in there to the Board Room then and rattle a few of the Suits cages
and see what happens!”
Wallace smiled broadly. “You going to enjoy this aren’t you Director?”
“Oh yes”, smiling back and then to Jimmy added, “And you Jimmy are
going to help me when the time is right with a good old horror story of
what happens when people fail to act on time in a murder case and there
is obstruction placed in the way. So let’s go!”
Calypso St Clair was in the doorway as they were leaving for the board
room. “Director. Two phone calls for you. One from the GMC ref to
Professor Alan and her fitness to work and one from our bank.
Your dentist is not a happy bunny Director because he also rang and
wanted to know why you did not turn up for the morning appointment.”
Suzy stopped and glared at her. “You are the office manager so deal
with it. Phone them back and sort it.”
Calypso for a moment was shocked then smiled, “Ok. You have a post
mortem client on the table waiting. You want me to do that too
Suzy smiled back and with an icy voice said, “Only if they are dead
Calypso. If not ring the Crash Team, the cops and the family members to
come in for a viewing. You miss any of that!”
She brushed past Calypso as Molly, Lisa and Silver McKee entered the
Codex area and poured out coffee.
“You hear her?”
Molly shrugged and said, “Time of the month maybe.”
“Could be”, said Lisa smiling then added, “Maybe she is in love?”
Silver rolled her eyes. “Like with who. The only man around us is Jimmy
Warthog Leeky?”
Calypso grunted and shook her head. “No she hauled him in there a
while ago then slammed the door shut and they have just come out with
the Fed.”
“We don’t have ‘Feds’ in this country Calypso. Just cops. Whatever it is
she looks up tight and I guess the murder is getting to her plus Madam
professor’s case load”, muttered Silver. “She gone back to the Board
“Think so. Jimmy her and the cop. Big meeting and that is maybe she is
as she is right now. Her Mary Allan it seems is tucked away now in some
hotel”, whispered Calypso.
Silver looked at the office manager strangely. “You know a lot about her
being moved?”

“I know a lot of things but I am not stupid. You three had better get back
in there and back up our Director. Break is over so hustle.”
Molly followed Lisa and Silver looked at Calypso. “How did you know
she had been moved?”
“Professor Allan left a note for her Head tech man, Cox. He came in
while you were in the meeting and asked did I know where she was.
When he went away he looked up tight, huffy like and cut Sofia dead
with a look as he passed her.”
Silver frowned. “Sofia? Where is she now?”
Calypso nodded to the closed door of the lab. “In there playing with her
chemistry set and running tests. She was excused from the meeting by
Suzy because the test results were urgent.”
McKee nodded and walked fast to the Board Room making a mental
note to run a computer check on Cox when she got time and on a
second thought to run one on Mary Allan’s past if there was one.
The Board Chairperson stood up and almost shouted back at DI
Wallace. “I protest! You want to run a check on all the staff on ward 12
and the patients that have been there in the last six weeks including Dr
Wards private patients!”
“Correct. Ward 12 first and maybe a selection of other members of staff
including kitchen staff, porters and maintenance staff. Director La and I
agree on this as does Agent McKee.”
The woman’s mouth fell open. “Have you any idea what sort of
disruption this will lead to across this hospital. I will have the Union reps
crawling all over me, ward managers threatened to resign, staff taking
‘sickies’ because they will feel they are suspects! No! No! and No!”
Suzy La spoke softly but clearly to the members of the Board, her eyes
not leaving the Chairpersons face.
“In my mortuary I have what is left of a young and once was a talented
doctor with her heart ripped out of her. I have knowledge of two dead
male patients who died on ward12 but someone placed a clove of garlic
in their mouths yet their deaths proved to be of ‘natural causes’. I and
my team are also aware of real threats made towards your Professor
Allan in pathology so much so that it has given us all concern seeing
what was done to Dr Ward was also done to the Professors cat and the
police are already involved. I would say right now you have what I term a
major and dangerous events at this hospital and not one you can and
should ignore. Your staff and your patients are at risk in case you all
missed that. Professor Allan is now on sick leave for her own protection
so you are down to the one and only hospital pathologist in her
department. Her case load is building up and you don't have a cut, slash
and run person to do PM’s. I don’t work for you, and we pay our own
way here so right now the Board and this hospital should be on high
There was a very long silence then Jimmy Leeky came in, standing up
and looked at everyone on the Board.
“I agree with Director La’s summing up but will add that until these
people are caught you may well be looking at another killing on the
wards or around the hospital and even, the real possibility of a board

member sitting here right now ending up like Dr Ward. The Press will
have a field day and not just the local rags.”
The Chairperson swallowed twice and looked pale. She glanced at Paul
Mellows the Boards legal advisor and muttered, “Paul how do we stand
with all this from a legal point of view?”
Mellows looked like he did not like the question, pushed his glasses
back up onto the bridge of his nose and grimly said, “From a legal point
of view I would advise full co-operation with the police and the
investigators from Codex Forensics and Legal. If you seem to be hiding
anything at all it will become a PR disaster of the worse kind. For you,
the Board and this hospital I would suggest sooner rather than later a
joint Press release or Conference between you and the police fronting
Jimmy Leeky made a face that Suzy did not miss and said, “Mr Leeky
has something more to add.”
Everyone on the Board were looking at Leeky like the way a bird of prey
looks at a small bird on the ground and he licked his lips. No pressure
then, he thought.
“Suggest the Chairperson and DI Wallace sort out the press and give
nothing away about injuries to Ward because the killers or killers will
gloat on that information and it would be feeding their ego. The killers
may even work in the hospital or have strong links to it and that cannot
be ruled out. Hospital Security as it stands at the moment is bad to very
bad, not enough people at night on the ground, cameras out of action
and many Security staff sitting with porters in the Lodge drinking tea or
watching the Olympics. Before anyone says anything I checked and was
able to walk into A+E, past patients on trolleys and beds, out another
door that took me into the main wards corridor all the way up to a car
park and medical staff accommodation and the Medical Library.
I was not challenged once either by nursing staff, porters or any
Security people. With a Stethoscope around my neck if seen I could
have passed as a doctor. That is how bad things are here.”
The Chairperson slowly turned her head to the left and looked directly at
Head of Hospital Security, Adam Bell, who sat red faced and stiffly.
“Mr Bell. Any comments to what has just been said?”
Bell was finding it hard to answer. “I will look into it but our night staff
numbers are low, six men in all due to cuts by the Trust to cover the
whole hospital at night. By day I have only eight men when I used to
have ten and as for the broken cameras I have asked Maintenance time
and time again to get them fixed and….”
“Just sort it Mr Bell and now! You are excused.”
Bell stood up and with head down left the Board Room while a silence
fell over them. Once the door was closed the Chairperson nodded at
Jimmy Leeky. “Thank you for your input. Now where do we go from
DI Wallace McCloud stood up. “I would like to set up a Crime Room
within the hospital with my team but with the co-operation of Codex
Forensics and Dr La’s team if she would agree to that. I need to do it
today and be ready to roll by evening.”

The Chairperson frowned then said, “Ok. Where will the police be
working from Mr McCloud?”
Wallace McCloud smiled. “This room is ideal. We set up here, move in
our computers and some personnel with Codex Forensics across the
hall in Pathology. In the meantime we need to work out a Press
“The Board Room! You want to use my..the Board Room as a murder
Investigation Room?”
McCloud was gruff with the woman. “Unless you can provide a larger
room than this with six or more power sockets, a tea and coffee making
machine, overhead projector felicities, toilet, and at least three phone
sockets and internet access, then yes I want this room!”
Suzy almost smiled but looked down at her hands instead and nipped
her finger hard under the large table. Bracken nodded, while Silver
McKee was already working out some logistics of her and Lisa being
between Codex Forensics and in here with the police investigation team.
“There will be no smoking in here!”, said the Chairwoman and stood up
then left the room followed by everyone else. Wallace McCloud smiled at
Suzy La. “I take it she meant ‘Yes’?”
Molly Drew spoke up, “Our computers over in Codex are up and running
and until you are up and going I could let you or a member of your team
use one of them.”
“Great! I take it that Silver and Lisa here will be helping us as well?
Not of course forgetting Mr Leeky who also seems to know what he is
Jimmy smiled. “If it is ok with my boss.”
Suzy nodded. “Ok with me. I will have to keep Sofia my tech person with
me because until it is sorted I will have to take on some of Professor
Allan’s workload.”
Wallace McCloud frowned then nodded, “Could arrange to have Dr
Burke help you out and as he is on the Bank he would like a job of sorts.
I know he is pushing on but he knows his stuff.”
Suzy nodded. “Ok. We at Codex will fund him for the work as long as he
is here but he is under my wing and not the NHS. That is my deal and we
will co-operated from both sides. What we find out you will know and
what you come up we need to know?”
McCloud held out his hand. “Deal then?”
“Deal. Now I have got someone waiting for me. On the table.”
“Something that concerns me and this case Director?”
Suzy La smiled and shook her head. “One of Mary Allan’s. DVT in forty
year old male who had a long flight. Went into a coma at the airport, died
in A+E last night. Straight forward job.”
He nodded towards Silver McKee, Lisa Walsh leaving the room followed
by DS Ned Bracken. “Seems to be working?”
“Glad to hear that because your man is going to be like a rose between
two thorns if he does not come up to scratch and those two do not take
McCloud smiled. “He is a good cop most of the time Director.”
“Most of the time could be dangerous for him on this case Inspector
because McKee will insist on full commitment. Must go.”

Dr Paul Burke looked across at Director Suzy La surprised at

her youth but also knowledge. She was young enough to be his grown
up daughter if he had one.
“You want me to come here and work for you and Codex Forensics and
“Correct. Paul let me get straight to the point. You do not have a full
time job, you are close to retirement age, sixty four in fact, not married
and are good at what you do according to SOCO Donna Stillwater and
most of all DI Wallace McCloud. You are not an appointed Home Office
Pathologist but should be. You have a history many years ago with
booze, fought your demons and got back in the saddle. That recovery
started six years ago and you have not had a drink since then. All I can
offer you is a full time job, doing crime forensics of the bloody kind,
helping me with PM’s when and if needed and holding it all together with
Sofia and Jimmy. I know you are not an offical Pathologist but you are a
doctor and the GMC have not pulled your licence. No one here will know
of the mistake you made because of your drinking when you were called
in to a patient at their house and it was discovered that the man had
died an hour before and the family knew that but your started talking to
him and they reported you. End of story. Oh! Yes and it will be Codex
Forensics that will be paying your wages not the police or the NHS so
give your bank details to Calypso the Office Manager and welcome
She held out her hand and he took it. “Thank you. When do I start?”
She looked at him directly. “You just have. Professor Allan is not here
as you know but A+E have sent us up a seven month old baby. It is on
the table and covered. Check it out for me before I come in and to do the
autopsy. Her name is Laura Stitt. Found not to be breathing this morning
in her cot by the mother and her live in boyfriend. You know what to
look for. Grab Sofia to help for samples. Blood, stomach and urine
samples needed.”
Stunned he stood up and was about to say ‘Thanks’ again when Suzy
glared at him. “You still here?”
He nodded and crossed over into St James Pathology Department and
found Sofia Duffy the Codex Forensic Technician in heated conservation
with the Head Technician, Tom Cox who was shaking his bald head.
“I don’t give a shit or a Tinkers Curse who said what Duffy but I need a
real pathologist in here to do the baby post because the cops want to
know, the bloody social worker wants to know and the coroner will want
to know how the baby died. So go and tell Dr La Lal or Lala whatever
that we are all waiting!”
Sofia looked up and seen Paul Burke and smiled. “Dr La send you?”
“Yes. You and I first with baby Laura and Dr La will be over in a few
“Ready to go Dr Burke”, said Sofia heading for the post mortem rooms
but was stopped by the sound of Cox’s raised voice. “Now just hold on
there! Who the hell do you think you are mister!”
Burke frowned and moved in close to Cox and whispered, “Dr Paul
Burke and up to today, police surgeon, now working for Codex

Forensics and when you speak to me again you do so with some

respect to me and my assistant here, Sofia who have a job to do.
Failure to meet those conditions at all times and I will personally turn
you into a de-balled male with a high voice. I take it we understand one
Cox’s mouth fell open and all he could do is nod as Burke walked away
with Sofia Duffy and into the post mortem room, the doors closing
behind them.
Paul Burke always had problems with child deaths and as he
looked down on the small body he felt a great sadness engulf him for a
moment. He knew what was needed and he knew he could do it but such
a death had repercussions for everyone. Sofia looked at him and
whispered, “You ok Dr. Burke?”
He nodded and pushed away the feelings. “Right. You done one of these
before Sofia?”
“Three in the time I have been working here. All with Professor Allan.”
He looked across the table at the young woman and smiled.
“Ok. What should I be looking for on the body?”
For a moment she thought he did not know then realised that he was
asking her a question for her to come up with answers.
“Signs of visible trauma on the body, check the skull for signs of
fractures, mucus in the nose and mouth, pin spots in the eyes, all
bruises new and old, finger bruises on the body, nutrition signs of the
body, check both legs and arms for possible fractures, check inside of
mouth for obstruction, check nose for signs of blood as well as inside of
ears, check body for insect bites, cat scratch and bites, check rectum
for any signs of trauma.”
He looked over the top of his glasses at her and nodded. “Well done but
you missed one because it was female.”
She nodded, “Check the virginal area for trauma.”
“Shall we proceed then?”
They treated the small body with great respect and care and covered all
the points that Sofia had raised then Paul Burke looked at her.
“What next?”
“Height and weight then compare with known age. As there is evidence
of blood pin spots in the eyes that could suggest suffocation someone
needs to go with the mother to the house and the bedroom where the
child slept.”
“Correct. Why the mother and not the father or in fact both parents to
the house?”
“Possible cover-up between them, accident or otherwise where in most
cases the mother will be much closer to the child and talk more without
the male being there.”
He looked at her. “Providing the mother did not kill the child Sofia or
neglected it.”
“True but we have no evidence to suggest that. Yet.”
“Very good Sofia. Well she is all ready for Dr La and you can obtain your
fluid samples then. Speak of the devil and here she comes.”

Suzy walked to the table dressed in green scrubs and asked, “Tell me
what we have so far and where is the hell is the supervising police
officer who is supposed to be here when I do the post mortem?”
Sofia looked at the baby then at Suzy and nodded, “I’ll chase them up.”
“Do that Sofia and on your way out tell Tom Cox I want him in here
Cox came in and shuffled up to the table where Burke and Dr La were
standing waiting. “You wanted to see me Dr La?”
She give him a stony glare and pointed at the small body. “What is this
Mr Cox, in your expert opinion?”
He looked at the body then at her. “Small body of a child?”
“Waiting for a post.”
“Why is there going to be a post mortem carried out?”
Tom Cox looked at her as if she was going mad then sighed, “Mother
and father brought child into A+E in the early hours of the morning as
the child did not seem to be breathing. Child was pronounced dead in
A+E and post mortem was suggested as it was now a suspicious death
of an infant as is the law in such cases.”
Suzy rolled her eyes. “Who placed the child here on this table Mr Cox?”
“One of my technicians on my orders as a PM had been requested.”
“And where is the police officer who is supposed to be here when a PM
of this kind is due?”
Tom Cox’s face went red and he looked like a goldfish swimming around
a glass bowl with its mouth open. “I told her to wait outside and got her
a coffee until someone arrived. It slipped my mind when Sofia and this..
Dr Burke came in.”
“Enough! This department is getting very sloppy, the whole hospital is
getting sloppy in fact and no one here seems to know where their anus
is and always find an excuse to say why not! A word of warning Mr Cox
and that is if you as Head of this Pathology Department make another
mistake like this I suggest you go onto the flat roof of this building and
look out over London and guess what you will see?”
“The Olympic venue and The Wheel?”
“More than that Mr Cox you will see where a great mass of unemployed
people live and on a very clear day looking East you will see the DSS
Office where you will be signing on. Now get out of my sight!”
She waited until the door closed over and looked at Paul Burke then
hissed, “Don’t say a thing Dr Burke.”
A young police officer in uniform came in clutching a notepad and pen
and stood where she could see the table while Sofia got her sample
bottles and containers ready.
Suzy La spoke directly at the police officer. “Glad you can make it
officer so is it all right if we start?”
She nodded and Suzy made the first fine cut then without looking
around when the woman police officer hit the floor in a dead faint she
said into the microphone, “Lungs, and heart well developed for a child
of this age.”

Student nurse Rose Dill snapped open her umbrella as she left to walk
across to the hospital car park, rain slanting sideways in the darkness
and pondering why she ever decided to do a degree course in Nursing.
Her shift had not went well from beginning to end, a patient sick over
her shoes, an Aux. Nurse of the old sort ask her for help to clean up an
old man who was wet both ends. She made the mistake of telling the
woman that she was a ‘student’ nurse and did not do that sort of thing
which led to a confrontation on the ward and the Ward Manager took her
into her office informing her directly that if she wanted to be a nurse on
her ward then she cleaned and powdered bums like everyone else.
Dill was close to tears, hungry and tired when she spotted her car
through the rain. She fumbled for her keys and opened the door then
threw her bag in the back and followed it when she was given a hard
push from behind that sent her sprawling across the back seat.
She was trying to get up but someone was sitting on her hard and she
heard the passenger door and driver’s door slam shut then the car start
up and being driven at speed into the night. She felt a pain in her neck
then lights that were flashing by went out of focus and darkness
engulfed her.
The coldness was real and she shivered, her head spinning
and she tried to move only to find she could not even move her legs,
rain splattering down on her nude body. Rose Dill’s mind began to clear
and she remembered the car park, the rain and opening in the car.
Moon light slipped between departing rainclouds and blobs of water
dripped on her now from tree branches. She tried to turn her head but
found herself looking at a flat moss covered stone with some sort of
writing on it. She mouthed the words slowly to herself, ‘ MARY COLL,
BORN 21 ST JULY 1803 DIED. JULY 1831.’
Her blue eyes went wide and she wanted to scream but before she could
a rough piece of cloth was thrust into her mouth and she gagged.
Her eyes looked at the three shapes that were now huddled around her,
all hooded and their faces in darkness. Then as the moon came out from
behind another dark cloud, they peeled back their hoods showing their
faces, two females and one male, their faces made up with very white
face powder and lips with bright red lipstick. It was the woman with the
long dark hair that did all the talking. She ran a finger down over Rose
Dill’s face, down he neck and between her breasts then the finger
stopped and she rasped, “My! What a strong healthy heart you have and
we thank you for it and coming to dinner.”
She seen the flash of the blade just before it slid sideways across her
throat, swallowed blood and died.
Helen Reed jumped as her mobile rang and shocked she picked
it up and looked at the name and number. It was from Rose Dill.
The young man underneath her looked annoyed, a junior doctor, and
asked with an edge to his voice, “Who the hell is that at this time of
Helen Reed extracted herself off his body and sat on the bed then
muttered into her phone, “Bad timing Rosy. I’m sort of busy right now.”

“Too bad. Rose is also busy bleeding out fast. She is at Cross Bones
Cemetery if you want to say goodbye.”
Helen Reed screamed into the phone. “Who are you! Where is Rosy?”
“My name is Leggila and I am one of the children of the night. Your
Doctor Lucy Ward met me once, poor thing. If you really care about your
little friend you need to hurry because I think she is now down to her
last pint of blood. Bye.”
“No wait”
The phone went dead and she then dialled 999.
“Which service please?”
“Police and ambulance. I need them to go to Cross Bones Cemetery
fast. She is bleeding and someone just rang me here in the Nurses
Home at St. James Hospital. Hurry please!”
“Your name and address please?”
Helen rattled off her full name and the address.”
“One moment please.”
Four seconds later it was answered, “Police how can we help you?”
Helen Reed spoke fast then switched off her phone and told the man in
the bed what had happened.
He shrugged and muttered, “Some crackpot or piss artist who got your
“No! It came from Rosy from her phone!”
“Then it is her that is playing games and got someone to ring you!”
For a moment Helen almost took this on board but then shook her head
and shouted, “Get dressed! We are going to look for her. Cross Bones
Cemetery, you have a Stat Nav in your car?”
“Yes but you need a postal code or road name to get there. Unless it is
on Treasure Island?”
He laughed at his own remark then said, “Come back to bed and let the
police sort it but I don’t think they will find much.”
She lost the plot with him. “Just get dressed and leave now!”
“Leave! I’ll find someone to take me so piss off!”
She dressed quickly, grabbed her phone and coat and opened the door
were two uniformed police officers and Silver McKee and Lisa Walsh
who pushed her back into the room. McKee looked at the young man
struggling into his clothes and said, “You’re going nowhere in a hurry
so sit!”
“You Helen Reed. The woman who called 999 and put in a call about
your friend Rose Dill?”, asked Lisa watching her closely.
“Yes. How did you get here so fast? Have you found her and is she
alright”, stammered Helen Reed.
Lisa shook her head and then said, “We were close by and the call was
passed on to us. Based over in pathology and the Board Room working
on another case. There is a team on its way to the Cross Bones
Cemetery right now so I want you to take a deep breath and sit down
Miss Reed and tell us all that was said to you from Rose Dill’s phone but
first we need the number. I take it you still have it on your mobile?”
Helen Reed nodded and brought it up and Lisa rang Molly and give her
the number then added, “Spy in the sky job and keep trying then if it

comes up pass it direct to Dr Burke and the team at the Cemetery and
guide them into it. We are with the woman who made the call about her
friend. We are over at the Nurses accommodation. OK?”
“You want me to call in Suzy?”, asked Molly.
“No. Silver and I are here, Bracken has gone with Jimmy and a police
team as well as their dog team. No point in calling in everyone and this
might be an all-night job. Can you stay on station until we can confirm
one way or the other then go home and get some rest Molly. Tomorrow
could be a very busy day. Ok and thanks.”
She closed the phone and nodded at Silver and they all sat down the
uniform officers making notes as they talked with Helen Reed.
McKee looked at the student doctor. “You have a name?”
“Terry Poole. Student doctor. I have been here all night with Helen.”
Silver nodded. “I noticed.” She turned to Helen Reed. “ Rose have a
“No. She was more of a bookworm and a TV addict since we went on the
wards. We went as a group sometimes over to the hospital Social Club
at weekends if we were not on duty. I already met you when you came
onto ward 12 asking questions with the Professor and a Dr La. The old
man that died suddenly, Mr Murry?”
McKee nodded. “Sorry. You look different out of uniform and your hair
down. Your friend Rose Dill of course was the other student nurse?”
“Yes. We were put together and became friends. Our Ward manager,
Linda Dawson tried to keep us together. Same shifts and all.”
Lisa had been watching her then, “You and Rose left the ward at the
same time early on this evening. Together?”
“Yes. She said she would go watch a film while Terry and I…She said
she did not want to be in the way and went to across to the car park.
That would have been around 9.15pm, her film started at 9.30pm down at
the Odeon. It was raining so she must have taken the car. Then at
around 11.00 I got that crazy call from that woman. That was when I rang
the police.”
Lisa asked kindly, “You are sure it was a woman that you were speaking
with and not a man pretending to be a woman?”
Reed shook her head. “It was a woman, husky voice and she was
laughing and no man could laugh like that.”
Silver looked at Lisa then back at Helen Reed. “When you were on the
phone to her did you hear any back ground noise that you may also
have heard.?”
“Rain, wind, sniggering and somewhere in the distance a dog barking.”
“Sniggering. Are you sure?”, asked Lisa, her eyes alert now.
“Yes, someone close by sniggered when that woman told me that Rosy
was bleeding out.”
“The dog barking in the background, was it deep, yelping or howling?”
“Deep barking, five or six times then stopped and then again the same
bark until I was cut off.”
Lisa’s phone rang and she picked it up. It was Molly. “We have a hit in
that area and the phone had been left switched on. Team now being
guided in and from the computer, they are now within fifty meters of it.

Body heat of the searchers and the dog, none from the target. You going
over there?”
“No. I think they can handle it. Will finished interview here and then
come back in and wait with you. Thanks.”
Silver looked up at Lisa, caught her eye and knew that something had
gone off. She stood up and said to the two uniforms, “Can you finish
taking the statements and pass them onto DS Bracken as soon as.
“Have they found her”, asked Helen Reed almost whimpering now but
Lisa said firmly, “Just her phone. We will be in touch if there is anything
Outside Silver lit a cigarette and blew out smoke as they walked back
across the moon lit campus towards Codex Forensics. “You lied in there
Lisa because if they left the phone switched on then it was beside Rose
Dill’s body and they wanted us to find it.”
Lisa made a face. “Sure I did because right now the kid could not have
handled, ‘yes we found the phone and your friend with her chest split
open and her insides ripped out. Would you like a cup of tea?’ I’m the
sensitive type Silver and it is the Irish in me.”
“Bollocks. You sensitive Lisa. When have you ever been sensitive since
I have known you?”
Lisa stopped and looked at McKee in the moonlight. “The day Liz Black
came home and died in that woodshed on her birthday?”
Silver watched Lisa storm off and knew deep down she had put her foot
in it. She stood under a dripping tree and finished her cigarette cursing
herself and her big mouth then flicked it away and followed Lisa back
into the building.
Molly ran her fingers over her face and through her blond hair watching
the green figures on the screen moving in on the target. She shuddered
because the red pulsing of the mobile phone looked like it was coming
from inside the prone body on the ground.
‘You’re starting to let this get to you Molly and you need a coffee.’
She swung her seat around and could see there was no one there and
Lisa and Silver were in the rest room having a heated discussion. In
here was sound proof but she could see the body language from both
D/S Ned Bracken climbed out of the car and looked at the Skull
and crossbones on the gate and a plaque with a goose on it. The few
trees around him looked ill behind the wall and on Redcross Way, blue
flashing lights flickered across wet trunks and brick, police yellow tape
flapped in the wind and swore. “Jesus wept! It is almost a building site!
This is Cross Bones burial place?”
Sofia nodded then shivered. “Not much to look at and if you take in the
ribbons and dolls tied to the gates and on the odd tree, a pit of pagan
worship goes on. She looked through the gate and could see the tent
and the bright arc light shining into it. The young police officer and CPO
next to the gate checked Bracken’s ID then nodded and let them
Molly Drew had dreams and nightmares before but the one
she had last night set her nerves on edge and she was hung over from

not sleeping for the rest of the night when she reached Codex
Forensics. She sat at her computer setting up the new data on the
murders but her nightmare kept getting into her head, She stopped
typing and as there was no one in the computer Data room she sat and
remembered the blackness and most of all the strangeness of this case
and young women and her nightmare. Both it seems were linked one
now and one in the future. Maybe I’m burned out, she thought and have
nothing left now to offer the Codex Forensics Team because for the last
few days she had been punching her keyboards and glaring at the
monitors in front of her. No one she knew could have nightmares into
the future and she had never heard of it. Dreams yes, nightmares, no so
get a grip. Yet her nightmare started off in black and white, went into
high colour and ended in blackness, a place she did not like and felt raw

Molly Drew stood with her stick in her garden poking at any weed that
was in view, the orange cat by the name of Nelson lay sprawled close
by, summer sun warming it. There was something about weeds that
always had annoyed her, like when they were not there the day before
they had sneaked in overnight when she was sleeping, worse she
thought on nights of a full moon. It was almost as if they wanted to be
friends like what she used to have in the past.
She sighed and slowly lowered herself down onto the seat and sat
hearing the bees and somewhere a song thrust singing. She looked in
the birds direction, her pale blue eyes searching for it but unable to see
The cat lifted its head when it heard the gate latch lift then the gate
being closed and Thomas Dillion the postman came around the corner
of Holly Cottage whistling softly. He came up to Molly and smiled.
“Thought you might be here Molly and a good morning for it. One letter
marked private and a parcel that I left at the front door. Books they are
and I have to get you to sign for them.”
She squinted up at him, one hand shading the sun of her face. “Why.
After all these years you still don’t know who I am Thomas?”
He smiled and nodded. “Course I do, the whole village knows who you
are, the world maybe knows who you are and if you’re lucky, even God.
It is the book company needs your fine writing on this slip just to say
that you got the books delivered by yours truly here and then I can get
“Have you a pen?”
He held it out to her and she took it then muttered, “I sometimes get the
feeling Thomas I sign my life away these days. Did you speak to
Carpenter about the fence and his bloody sheep?”
The postman was not happy now but he nodded. “Yes. I told him.”
“He told me to tell you to get stuffed.”
Molly Drew cackled loudly then started to cough and thrust the slip and
pen back into Thomas the Post’s hand. “He still annoyed at me for
shooting that sheep?”

Thomas rolled his eyes then said in a soft voice. “Just a bit. He is more
frightened of you than annoyed Molly because you shot the sheep dead
with a pistol that not even the cops knew you had and everyone thinking
you were just a nice quite old woman who came here to live in Holly
Cottage. Instead you plug the sheep between the eyes than you rang
him and told him to get it shifted.”
She smiled going distant and looking at a bee on a flower head. “They
took the gun off me you know. Said I needed a permit or something
Thomas laughed. “They would do that Molly. Like your almost eighty
years old now and tooting a gun and you don’t even have a permit or
She glared at him. “Eighty one in fact in September the first and if you
go to that bag there handing on the tree I’ll show you something.”
He walked to the old apple tree and brought the side bag over to her but
held it away from his body as if there was a snake in it. She took it and
slapped it down on her knees and the rummaged inside of it, removing a
crushed packet of French cigarettes, three coloured lighters, a watch
with a broken strap then with a grunt, pulled out a wallet, well-worn and
flicked it open and he took it, looked at the Interpol Badge then at her
then back at the badge and her ID photograph.
“It’s you! Like really you Molly, younger but you!”
She snapped the ID and badge off him then lit up a cigarette and blew
smoke over her head. “Sure it’s me Thomas. You tell Carpenter if that
fence is not fixed by sunset and a sheep comes into my garden then I
will be eating lamb for a year.”
Thomas Dillion licked his lips, smiled and nodded. “How come you
never told anyone about the Interpol thing and all?”
She laughed, coughed once then pointed at him. “You weren’t always a
postman Mr Dillion so how come you never told those sad sacks in the
pub you were a real live hero in the past and a MM to prove it?”
He shrugged, “The past is gone Molly and I don’t feel a hero.”
She tilted her head and looked at him sadly. “Well you are and don’t you
let anyone take that away from you. You and I are hero’s Thomas and we
don’t broadcast it. The world is full of hero’s who are now ghosts
Thomas and no one around here gives a fiddlers fuck. I sometimes
wonder what we all did it for because it has not changed anything. Bad
guys and good guys and perverts and that sums it up. Oh yes Thomas.
We not only walked the walk we talked the talk as well and proud of it.”
“I had better go Molly. Don’t forget your books at the front door and see
you tomorrow. Bye.”
She watched him walk away, and looked at the cat sunbathing at her feet
“Nelson life can be good and today is a good day to be alive but some
bugger will ruin it!”
As if to answer her, the song thrush sang even louder and she smiled,
then poked at a weed and went in the back door of her cottage and
switched on the kettle.

She looked up at the clock and grunted. Just gone nine and her three
visitors were going to be here at ten. Well they had better get ready for a
few surprises and maybe a few tears because today is Judgement Day.
She ripped open the letter marked, ‘PRIVATE’ and read the letter from
her bank and noted the balance then whistled. “I could have done with
this thirty years ago but I guess I can spend it fast before I die.”
It sounded like a whisper, in the corner and she smiled, “ You back
Jenny Snow or is that you Calypso you black witch? Maybe even you
Zack with your green Beret and cocky smile, or you Suzy La, with that
smile that still lingers?”
She sat down and waited for the kettle, like one waits for a train lost in
her thoughts. ‘Every one of them in the books are real people’, she
muttered then added, ‘Not many people will know that.’

It was the young girl who came to the door first, dark haired, slim
and looked like a sixties hippie. She stood looking at Molly for a
moment, shrugged then said in a soft voice. “Beccy O Carlon. You knew
my grandfather it seems and sent for me, or at least traced me. So here I
am. You are Molly Drew?”
“Correct. You had better come in then.”
There was no handshake or the offer of one so Molly stood to one side
and let her past.
“Your early”, muttered Molly catching the smell of wood smoke and
incense on her as she passed. “You come by car?”
Beccy shook her head. “Bike. 250cc. Live in Wales in a place called
Tepee Valley, sort of community. Other side of Llandilo.”
Molly raised an eyebrow and smiled. “Take a seat. Tea, coffee?”
“You got real coffee?”
“Of course. No other kind. You want to smoke do it outside.”
The door was knocked hard and Molly looked at Beccy. “Get that will
you and bring them in.”
Beccy stood up frowning. “How do you know they are not break in
merchants or worse?”
Molly nodded at the clock. “I know. Two people, one male one female.”
“Ok but don’t blame me if they are God people in dark suits and speak
with a Salt Lake accent.”
When she opened the door she looked at a young man and a woman,
the women well dressed and the man in a suit.
“We are looking for a Molly Drew, we think? She live here?”
Beccy folded her arms across her chest. “She might. Who are you and
what do you want?”
The man for a moment showed anger then said, “Billy Wolfe. I had
someone contact me from a solicitors office and said to be here at ten.
Something to do with my grandfather. I don’t know her. She came in her
own car.”
The woman beside him stepped forward, her blond ponytail flicking.
“Jenny Roberts. From London. Same message, same time and same
request. My Grandfather.”
Beccy laughed. “Grandpa spread himself around I see. I’m Beccy and
also his granddaughter. Better come in. Molly is inside.”

Billy grunted and looked at the ivy around the door and the distant
church across the river Lugg. “Spooky or what?”
“You any idea why we are here?”, asked Jenny Roberts.
“Nope. Same as you and in the dark. No doubt we will soon find out so
you going to stand there in the door or are you coming in because your
letting the ghosts out.”
Beccy led them into a small living room, the walls lined with books and a
computer in the corner and top of the range.
Molly came in with a cup of coffee and set it on the table in front of
Beccy then said to Billy and Jenny. “I’m Molly Drew. You are who?”
They introduced themselves and Molly asked them did they want tea or
Both shook their heads.
“What is all this about and why are we here?”, asked Billy looking
around him.
“A history lesson and all about your grandfather.”
“You brought us all this way to the arse end of nowhere to tell us this”,
snapped Billy standing up. “I had to fly in from Belfast then get a taxi
here, for a history lesson!”
“Sit down. Now. Then listen because what I have to say is important to
you, to me and one million pounds being divided three ways, maybe.
Leave now but you may well miss out on money your grandfather left
you. I’ll pay your taxi back to the airport and give you the money you
spent on the flight.There were four grandchildren but one died when she
was young, Linda was her name and she was murdered. Your
grandfather in his late years went looking for the killer and found him.”
Jenny Roberts said in a now quite voice. “He went to prison for life?”
Molly looked grim. “No he went to a shallow grave not far from here and
has never been found. Never will. Your grandfather never give the
location of the grave even on the last day of his life. All he said to me
before he died was,
‘He is buried in the books and the clues are there if someone wants to
really find the remains along with a box with the goldfish in it in it which
I buried also’.
Beccy made a face. “Grandpa killed the killer of Linda and buried him!
This reward do you know what it is?”
Molly nodded. “Of course. One million pounds but not cash because
paper money would get damp and be fed on like the remains by all sorts
of creepy crawlies out there. It is I was informed in a box and all gold
ergots with a letter that confirms he has left it all to you three and is
legal and part of his estate.”
Billy came in fast. “But you know the location?”
“No. I don’t and don’t want to. Even if I did Billy I would not tell anyone.”
“So what do you get out of all this Molly?”, asked Beccy and added,
“What is in it for you seeing you were his friend?”
She looked at each of them in turn, taking in some of the features that
the grandfather had when alive and matching them in her head. Billy
seemed to be the odd one out but she put that down to a genetic thing
and more from the mother’s side. “Enjoyment that’s what. His last
adventure even in death and you three have to solve the riddles. Failure

means you get nothing. Now to set your mind at ease that this is no
practical joke by an old man, your grandfather you had better read this
letter and take note of it. If you think he was crazy he was not but you
can leave here now if you don’t want to continue with his last project.”
Beccy set her mug down on the small table and looked hard at Molly.
“My parents don’t know I am here and if they did they would go ape shit
because he dumped my mum and took off with another woman. The old
story it seems.”
Billy shrugged. “I never knew him just heard some of the stories from
my dad and some of those were hairy. All I know for sure is that my dad
was hurting for him for a long time and now hates him.”
Jenny made a face. “Same here but it was my mum as a child paid the
price and he flew the coup and never kept in touch. He is not worth the
hassle I was told.”
Molly listened and nodded in all the right places. “It is obvious you were
not, any of you told the full story about the grandfather. It would be,
quite naturally one sided because, yes he did leave your parents and his
wives, three in all in fact and one lurking somewhere in the background,
that is if he was ever married to her.
Linda’s mother. So have any of you ever read any of his books?”
They looked at one another and shook their heads and it was Jenny who
“Never knew he was a writer and always thought he was just another
male asshole who drank himself almost to death onetime and listened to
sad country and western music crying into his beer moving from women
to women when it he wanted a new version. Anyway it is all rather
academic as one would say, because the fucker is dead!”
Molly scratched her right ear then looked up. “You finished?”
“Sure. Not much point in being here is there really”, muttered Billy
standing up and then harshly said to Molly, “Thanks but no thanks!
Besides you don’t even know if we three are in fact his grandchildren
even for real. We could be anyone.”
Molly sat for a moment then she looked at Billy directly. She lifted a red
folder from the side of her chair. “My research Billy. I used to be a
computer programmer so I know how to get information on the web and
even via the back door. Your grandfather used me in his books. You
Billy shrugged and looked at Jenny and Beccy. “You think what you
have there is something I should be worried about so go ahead!”
Molly laughed. “You’re not here to be scared Billy, none of you are but
you are here for the challenge because your grandfather offered it plus a
vast amount of cold hard cash if you make it. I don’t think you are up to
it because if your grandfather was anything he was not stupid. So here
we go Billy. You first.
A little profile on you. I’ll outlay the basics.
Born in Belfast, Father’s name Paul, mothers name Rita. Only child but
born on the wrong side of the blanket as your parents never married.
One a Catholic and one a Protestant and had to move out of their home
twice and live in another area because of religion. Went to an ‘open
school’ both religions went there, a new venture for Belfast. You did

well, your parents working class and you got through to Queen’s
University to study of all things, law. You dropped out in your second
year, took a job in a warehouse, and then got a job in a hospital, the
Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast as a porter. Met a girl, Tania Webb,
she got pregnant, lost the baby and then dumped you. Then you started
drinking for six years, drifted from job to job and had a three month
prison sentence for procession of drugs in Crumlin Road Prison.
Released early and still drinking got into a fight and beaten so badly
ended up in hospital in a coma. Some brain damage but you came
through and started getting yourself sorted out, stopped drinking and
went to AA. Went back to night school and later went to do a degree
course in Law. Still working on it in your final year. Own a car, part own
a house with your new girlfriend, have a year old baby called Zack and
have an overdraft as from last Friday of £2902, mortgage being paid and
no job. Your partner works part time while you stay at home and look
after your son.
That enough for you?”
Billy sat shocked and fought to find words. “How did you get all that?”
Molly nodded at the large computer in the corner and tapped her head.
“Not brain surgery Billy.”
Beccy muttered, “Better then get mine out of the way and I can fly the
coup and get out of here!”
Molly nodded, flicked forward a few pages then looked up.
Rebecca O’ Carlon born in Nottingham Queen’s Medical Centre, mother
a nurse, father dead. KIA in Afghanistan. Went to Nottingham Girls
School, then to Trent University and studied Drama. Passed degree, got
some work in local theatres, worked also behind stage as stage hand.
Missed a part in the Hobey City Hospital series because of illness,
pregnancy, which was terminated in Nottingham Clinic on request.
Went to India and stayed a year, came back home and at present looking
for work. Present bank account £212. Living in a community in South
Not in a relationship at present.”
“Fuck! Who the hell are you. Really?”, snapped Beccy glared at Molly
and almost grinding her teeth.
“Molly Drew, Friend of your Grandfathers and carrying out his last
Jenny came in fast. “How come his children are not here instead of us.”
“Simple it was their choice not to keep in touch with him and in the end
he give up. He did try and was not even aware he had grandchildren
until a year before he died. None of his children came to his funeral and
the ex-wives held their breaths seeing what they would get out of the
will. Except ex number three. She still loved him it seems, The others
were disappointed of course as were his children because all his
children got from the legal firm was a map of the world and a compass.
It was your grandfathers way of saying to them “I tried to build bridges
and you made the wrong choice so fuck you.”
Jenny Roberts looked ill now, kept licking her lips and her eyes were
darting around the room then Molly spoke softly to her. “Look at me
Jenny. Just the basics and nothing more. Ok?”

Jenny nodded and wiped away a tear her lip trembling.

“Jenifer Roberts born Cambridge and mother a doctor of Biology there
in the University, Father is Head of Trinity School for boys, Live in large
house, members of the golf club, throw parties and looked on as pillars
of society in their social group. You went to girls boarding school, the
best, money for fees no object then on to University and read English.
Went onto teaching in a high school, have own flat paid and bought by
your father, your own top of the market car for your needs, use of the
family villa in Barcelona by the sea.
Your bank account last Friday stood at £127,000, your savings £300,000
and you earned most of that during School half terms and holidays on
your back with fat rich Arab men in the best hotels in London. One of
your clients was Mohammed Adfrer, a Banker in London, who was found
dead in his room nude and you beside him your nose full of white snow.
Trouble is Jenny your client was connected to a Middle East Terrorist
Group ,did a lot of money washing for them, skimmed some off the top
for himself and they found out. You were snorting, drinking and passed
out. He was too, but did not pass out until someone put a .22 bullet into
his brain steam and left him cuddled up beside you.
Of course MI5 were on the case, your mother and father called in some
favours from their social group and phones started to ring, even in
Whitehall. After you were questioned you were free to go and no more
said. That was four months ago and someone made a payment into your
account to keep your mouth shut and to stay away from your parents
and their friends. You also give your word that you would stay away
from Embassy parties and social events in London and stay clear of the
press. Your mother and father do not return your calls.
Just the basics Jenny so I won’t mention your past medical history.”
There was a very long silence then it was Molly who spoke. “This is
Friday, you can stay the weekend in the hotel in town across the bridge
and take on the challenge and really learn who your grandfather was,
what he did besides write and yes, he was a bastard but he was also a
loving bastard who helped a lot of people in his time. Failing that, you
can all leave now, take the red folder with you and we won’t talk or meet
again. Comes down to choices. His books are here to take with you if
you decide to stay and if you do we will meet this evening where you
can buy me dinner. Three rooms booked for you in the hotel.”

Molly dried and brushed her hair, still full but silver now instead
of blond of her youth, crow’s feet around the bright blue eyes. She
smiled a sad smile in the mirror and nodded at the cat who was sitting
watching her.
“Whatever happened to my beauty Nelson, whatever happened to love?
You know someone wrote a song like that once, a guy called Cohen,
husky voice and he sang it slow, a sad song for a sad lady cat.”
She slipped on the black dress and it still fitted. “Last time I wore this I
danced with the Man. He was slightly drunk of course but his Irish feet
could sure dance and afterwards he asked me for the third time to marry
him. For the third time Nelson I said’ No and told him that what we had
we did not need a piece of paper to make it alright. It hurt him and hurt

him a lot so for two days I never seen him and he stayed locked in his
room writing. When he did come out he had finished the first book and
looked like death warmed up. Then guess what he said as calm as you
like? Said he had asked me three times to marry him and damn if he was
ever going to ask me again. But he did not drink from that day till the
day he died. That is the sort of man he was and too many people tried to
change him but he was the only one that could do that. And he did. He
mellowed Nelson and became the quite man and not the wild man he
once was.
Those grandchildren of his, if they stay, will find out about the real man,
that man from the grey wind but they will earn it. Damn if they won’t!”

Billy poured himself another coke and sat with Beccy and Jenny
reading their grandfathers books all three of them each and it was now
mid-afternoon and had only finished the first one, “Children Of The
“You know at the start of this book and part way through it he was
talking about and writing about the people here in Presteigne. This hotel
we are in right now is where that Judge sent Mary Morgan to the
Gallows, the churchyard at the Church is the same in the book?”
Jenny looked across at Beccy. “Took you a while working that out but
you are right, this is where it all kicked off and Jenny Snow turned up
here and the old man Sam Deacon had met her at the crossroads and
give her directions to this town. It is possible that ‘Sam Deacon’ was our
grandfather, Rolan O Carlon.”
Billy Wolff snorted. “So it might be but was Molly Drew that we know
today the old woman in Holly Cottage, ‘Dolly’ and died, thought to be a
witch and owned a white cat called Bastet or some crazy name, or was
she in fact ‘Molly Drew’ the barmaid that give Jenny Snow lunch the first
day she got into town?”
“Barmaid!”, said Jenny and raised her hand and Beccy did the same and
said, “Me too!”
Billy took a long slurp of coke. “So who was he writing about when he
mentioned ‘Dolly’ and who was this child through the book dressed in
red? The old bastard does not make things easy.”
They sat and read then Jenny muttered, “The town is the same, the
people are the same and I checked out the butcher and guess what his
name is?”
Beccy smiled, “Garth Jones, butcher, house seller and undertaker.”
“Right. No one fits the description of the book shop owner though,
Rebecca Hofi who was also an agent in the Israeli Secret Service and
became part of the Codex Team by default”, muttered Billy then added,
“Excuse me I need to pee.”
Beccy watched Billy leave then turned to Jenny. “What if this is all a
ploy and we are sitting here like fools because we are greedy and think
there is a fortune to be discovered?”
Jenny smiled. “I did think on that and as us three are related and Molly
Drew has the goods on us as losers and not a very nice past then yes,
we may be thinking money but I get the feeling there is more to all this
than just money.”

“Like what? Getting involved in a murder mystery maybe even

Her laugh was harsh when Jenny answered, “Look we have now all read
the first book and yes there were murders in it, there was also justified
murder carried out in that book as far as I am concerned and I feel we
are going the wrong way about this. We need to make notes, get a map
of this area, poke about and maybe even ask questions. What time is
Madam Drew coming for dinner?”
“Six. That gives us a good two hours. We need to do a bit of shopping
before the shops close. Book shop will sell maps maybe and the Post
Office will sell writing pads and pens. The Church mention in the first
book is at the bottom of the hill on the left. That is where we start after
the shopping.”
Beccy waited for a response from Jenny as Billy came back to the table
and looked at them both then asked, “What?”
“Going shopping for a map, and a writing pad then we are all going to
church”, said Jenny then added, “To look at grave stones I take it?”
Billy’s eyebrows went up in surprise. “Church?”
“Yes. Since the first book was written then if anyone of them were real
people that were aged that is where they would be buried, maybe not
with the same name, but maybe with a first or last name and dates. I am
now thinking of ‘Sam Deacons’ sister, the spinster, ‘Miss Deacon’, the
old woman ‘Dolly Little’ who is mentioned in the book as living in Holly
Cottage and was buried in the Church yard, a grave for this Mary
Morgan and her dead child who is also mentioned and check if there is
an old farm deserted somewhere close by.”
Billy and Beccy looked at Jenny as if she was mad or at least getting
“You are really going for this?”, said Billy, “Really believe that all this is
real and that like old times tales and buried treasure with the bones
beside it we three are going to find it! You will be telling us next that
Long John Silver will walk in here and hand you a map marked with an
“Billy has a valid point there Jenny. Maybe the old woman, Molly Drew
has already lost the plot, a lot of pence short of a pound if you get what I
mean and doing all this just to entertain herself. Could be she is reliving
the first book?”
Jenny set her finished drink on the table and looked at them both. “Ok.
Let’s not do it and just go home tomorrow. Buy the old woman a meal,
then say ‘thanks but no thanks’ and fuck off!”
“She paid for our rooms, so let us at least see what happens at dinner.
In the meantime do the research and go see the church and get a map.
Who knows we may find a trigger that points a little to the truth?”, said
“I thought you just said that…?”
Billy shrugged. “I did but she is an old woman who knew our
grandfather that we never got to know and I for one would like to hear
her tell the story, about him and his life then I won’t leave here not
knowing anything.”

Beccy frowned, “Good point but I am not convinced that tomorrow I will
still be here if it all goes tits up tonight.”
Jenny nodded. “Then we agree to carry on with some research and over
dinner will add that to what she tells us?”
Billy and Beccy nodded and Beccy muttered, “We need to split up in the
town, each one of us doing research then meeting back at the church
and getting it all together. We don’t have much time as it is.”

Jenny Roberts stood in afternoon sunlight looking at the grave stone of

Mary Morgan aged 17 years of age died 1805, but she was frowning not
at finding the headstone of Mary Morgan but the fresh flowers that
someone had laid on the grave, if grave was what it was. Very odd, she
thought as she made notes and she jumped when a shadow fell across
her and the grave.
She turned, alarmed when a middle aged man dressed as a Minister
came up to and smiled.
“Sorry if I startled you. I thought I could be of help if it was research you
were doing on Mary Morgan and her child? I’m the Rev Ian Butler and
cover three parishes now.”
“Oh! Right. Jenny Roberts. Yes, myself and two of my friends are doing
some research but Mary Morgan is only a small part of it and yes, you
could help. Please.”
“In what way?”
“Who she was, why fresh flowers, where she came from and why she
died so young?”
He laughed. “You can get all that information in a book about her in the
bookshop though not as accurate as it should be. Called ‘Mary Morgan,
A History’ and only eighty pages. I don’t think the research is very good.
Look I have a while to spare so why don’t we sit down on the bench and
you make notes?”
She looked at him and then at the wooden bench and nodded. I can
always slip in other questions if I need to once he starts rattling on, she
They sat down but not closely together and he smiled then nodded at
the headstone. “Mystery has always surrounded Mary Morgan, even
The fresh flowers laid two or three times on the grave or supposed
grave. I had some archaeologists check it out with scanners they use
and they came up with nothing under the headstone. Not a bone,
fragment or traces of disturbed earth underneath down to two metres.
There are no human remains there Miss Roberts of that I can assure
you. Nothing.”
“But she was real, she was here in Presteigne during that time?”
He nodded. “Oh yes. Very real. Let me give you a brief timeline history
of the area, make notes when and if you want and being what I term an
amateur historian of the area for more than thirsty years when I took
over from the Rev Rodger Butterworth, not a very nice man by all
accounts and he vanished from here under a cloud.”
She looked him her heart racing. “Vanished, like gone.”

“Yes. He was to leave but he left before his date time. Some say he went
to India, some say he went into hiding somewhere in Europe and his
wife had to wait seven years that is needed to confirm he was in fact
dead or presumed to be.
“Running from what exactly?”
“We think, I think it was the law, something to do with children here and
abroad. Like I said, not a very nice man Miss Roberts.”
Jenny made notes then looked at the Minister. “Of the top of my head
He smiled. “Go on.”
She quickly formed her questions so not to look stupid in front of him
and took a deep breath then slowly let it out.
“It’s called Yoga breathing. I use it myself when I get anxious Miss
Roberts”, and smiled at her.
Watch how you phase this, she thought otherwise he may clam up.
“Presteigne seems an old town, and like any old town must have many
stories around it.
You mentioned the Rev Butterworth and his cloud but has there ever
been any records of children going missing or murdered in the last fifty
years around here that you know off?”
He nodded grimly. “Yes. This research your friends and you are doing
what is its purpose if you don’t mind me asking?”
“My grandfather. The three of us have the same grandfather you see?”
“If he lived here I might have some knowledge of it or him. What was his
She had to go for gold. “Rolan O’ Carlon. He was a writer. I don’t know if
he lived around here or he just made visits.”
The Rev Butler laughed. “No for a long time he lived here and wrote his
books and poetry, did his drinking in the pubs and had a few fights none
which he started but when someone did not like him for his Irishness or
insulted him or the Irish you had better watch out. He could also be
rough spoken when in drink but never to a woman. Of course when he
took up with Molly Drew a few years back he lost his fire and was no
longer a wild man around here.”
Jenny smiled and nodded. “Bit of a Urban Legend then was he?”
“As my mother used to say, he had a good heart but a daft head but
Molly cared for him and looked after him until he died.”
“I take it then that they were a couple but not married?”
Butler smiled sadly, “With those two they were married in the eyes of
God and to see them together in the town no one could say otherwise.
Except for a spinster we once had, she died a few years back, her name
being Martha Wills, the spokesperson for all those people living in ‘sin’
as she put it and I sometimes wished that she would become a Catholic
and find another church at times.
The town gossip and newspaper all wrapped into one Miss Roberts.”
Jenny Roberts sighed. “Yes. I know the sort. My mother is one and
anyone who earns less that £30,000 per year are classified as ‘rough and
common’ so she always checks out new people who are buying in the
private estate where she lives. She once tried to get a committee

together to get rid of a single woman who came to live there because
she done yoga and therefore had to be a witch.”
“I take it she did not succeed?”
“No. Turns out the woman was a well-known Forensic pathologist in a
teaching hospital and was called Professor Mary Allan who wrote
medical articles and books that were well received worldwide. My
mother’s pet project died a death and fast.”
“Well…if there is anything else you need to know please get in touch
with me. I live over there and I’m also around the town. Molly Drew will
give you a compass course if your ever get to meet her.”
“Yes, we are having dinner with her this evening in the hotel at our
request but thank you for all the info. Take care. Oh! One last thing if I
may ask?”
“Please do.”
“Is there anyone buried here by the name of Dolly Little?”
He shook his head. “No. I don’t think so but there is someone called
Drothery Littlejohn and used to live in Holly Cottage down at the bridge.
She was buried six months before I took over. Headstone and grave at
the back of the church but a bit neglected I’m afraid. No kin or family
that I know off.”
Jenny’s heart was fluttering inside her chest and she said, “You have
been very kind and take care.”
He smiled. “I always do and thank you for the company.”
She walked away and back through the gate then stood waiting for Billy
and Becky while jackdaws chattered and flew around the roof tops.
Coming down the street and heading for the Lugg River Bridge was a
young girl dressed in a red hat and coat who waved once at Jenny and
smiled then walked on.
Jenny smiled too and thought that at least some of the natives were
friendly in Presteigne then spotted her two half cousins and waved.
They took a table in the corner of the dining room next the
window and next the large window that looked down the main street but
people movements were less now and except for a couple at the bar
there was no one else there.
It was simple food but good and when they had finished and the table
had been cleared Molly smiled at the three of them and handed each of
them a CD and informed them that it was their grandfathers recording he
made about his life six months before he died about his life.
“Of course the recording is not edited but for all that it will recap and
enforce what I am about to tell you about your grandfather. But first, we
cannot have a Wake without a drink or two or three and as this will take
a little time and no one near us. The owner is a friend of mine and says
we can have this table as long as we need it, which might be a while. So,
who is drinking what and seeing you bought dinner I am buying the
“Iced coke please in a pint glass”, said Billy smiling now and more
Beccy muttered, brushing hair out of her face, “Real Ale. A pint please.”
“Double Whiskey, Irish if they have it”, said Jenny then added “One ice
cube. Please.”

Molly nodded got up and walked to the bar and Jenny noted that there
was a hint of a limp in her walk. She also noted that the dress Molly was
wearing was not from a Charity shop and tried to put a price on it.
Molly looked at the young man behind the bar and smiled, “Good
evening Malcolm. A large malt for me, no ice, large Irish little ice, pint of
real Ale and a pint of coke with ice. Oh! Keep the order running until
8.00pm then stop.”
She set two fifty pound notes on the counter and said, “A drink for
yourself as well Malcolm. Can you bring the order over to the table
please, the one with the two swans and the duck.”
He smiled. “Thank you. You have such a wonderful way with words
Visitors of yours?”
“Yes darling. Some unfinished business with them. O’Carlon’s three
Grandchildren I should add. They never knew him or about him.”
He nodded, “Then they missed out on a real nice man Molly and his
She winked at him, “That is about to change darling. Believe me.”
He smiled and nodded. “Take care Molly.”
She sat down and beamed at them, the few drinks she had before she
left Holly Cottage making her mellow.
“My young man, Malcolm who now owns this place will be over soon
with our drinks so girls, be good and no flirting with him because he has
a partner and gay.”
Jenny smiled. “Good looking or what!”
“He would do”, said Beccy almost smiling and looking at Billy. ”What do
you think Billy?”
Billy Wolfe flushed pink. “I’m straight!”
Even Molly laughed at this statement of fact from Billy and Jenny
nudged him with her elbow. “You like blonds or dark haired woman
“Redheads. My partner is a redhead.”
Molly sent off a silent prayer because she knew that Jenny was having
fund but baiting him. “Maybe we should start.”
They all nodded and she could see that Billy’s shoulders dropped down
from his ears to a near normal position on his body.

“ Your Grandfather was born in a place in Ireland called Groomsport, a

fishing village in Co. Down and the place of birth was in Cockleshell
Cottage that looks out over the Belfast Lough and the Antrim hills
beyond. The night he was being born, the Germans were bombing
Belfast Docks and the Aircraft factory, his father was already back with
his wife in Limavady, safe from bombs and the responsibility of a
bastard child, a half Protestant like him and a have baked Catholic like
his mother, two warring fractions even during the beginning of World
War Two. It was not the place for a good Christian Protestant and
husband to be that Sunday night of a full moon with his three children
asleep in bed across the Lough. Indeed no and he would not show his
face again ever.

If there was any good in the man, it could be said he supported the child
for a few years unknown to many people until the morning of June the
6th 1944 when he was shot dead even before he landed on Gold Beach
and his remains are buried on French soil. He did however let the
mother of his child have the Christian name of O’Carlon for the son and
of course anyone who is anyone knows that the O’Carlon name goes far
back in Irish history to the blind Harp Player so even though your
grandfather was a bastard in thought, he came from a long line of O’
Carlon’s, many bastards as well, seerers, and Fairy Queens. He was for
all that of Nobel birth. Indeed it is said that if he had not been a bastard
he would have been the crowned King of Tory Island and an upstart got
the Title but he once fought the king of Tory in a bare fisted fight and
won but because he was not a Tory man it did not count.”
Molly stopped and waited till Malcolm placed the drinks around the
table, then left.
Molly took a long sip of her whiskey smacked her lips and grunted,
“Right. Now where was I?”
“The king of Tory fight”, said Beccy rolling her eyes and hugging herself
tightly wishing she was back in Tepee valley having a shag and a real
“Ah Yes. Just stay with me now because there is not long to go and if I
miss anything you have his own words on the CD.”
“Then why don’t we carry on drinking and have a fun time and listen to
the CD when we get back home?”, said Beccy hopefully.
Molly Drew glared at her. “Out of respect and because I fucking say so!”
“Sorry, pardon me O Queen, one who must be obeyed and…”
Beccy never got to finish the sentence because Molly back handed her
and sent her and the chair backwards while Jenny and Billy looked on in
horror and shock.
“God ! She has a split lip!”, muttered Billy getting up to help Beccy but
Molly’s ice cold voice stopped him half out of the chair. “Beccy is not
crippled, yet, just sore but if you get out of that chair to help her I will
shoot you in the face!”
It was hissed rather than whispered to Billy and his eyes went wide
when she took out what looked to be a very large pistol, the blue metal
catching the light as she set it on the table by her right hand and
covered it with a red table napkin.
She looked down and glared at Beccy. “Get up, sit down and shut up.
Keep the word, ‘Respect’ in focus!”
Beccy got up and sat down glaring at Molly. “ I was trying to be funny
that is all but Molly I hate to say this but in this day and age that is called
assault and then the gun? I don’t think I want to continue with this if you
don’t mind because it is not going anywhere.”
Molly sighed deeply and reached for Becky’s hand but she pulled it
“Look I am sorry and I over reacted. I should not have slapped you. As
for the gun it is plastic not real. They took the real one off me.”
Billy tilted his head to one side. “I think I can understand why Molly, like
this town not being in the Wild West though it looks like something out

of it, you tooting a piece, smacking Beccy in the chops. Feels like
Belfast on a bad day.”
Jenny Roberts was trying to stay clam because what just happened
alarmed her deeply. She felt she had to take the fire out of it so in a soft
voice said, “That should not have happened so let us cool it and I’ll tell
you what I found out today from the Rev Ian Butler down in the
“Yes. Let us hear what you found out”, said Billy his heart still racing
after the gun was produced.
Molly nodded. “Please go on”, in a subdued voice, an old woman’s
voice, the sort of voice you hear in a Nursing Home and it hit home like
cold water to Beccy.
Shit. She has lost the plot, going ga-ga, lonely and frightened, thought
Beccy and then understood. “Wait. Why don’t the smokers go out the
back into the Hotel Garden for a smoke. Let’s go Molly and bring your
She did not wait for anyone to reply and headed past the toilets and
through a door at the end that brought you into well looked after
gardens with seats and ashtrays.
Beccy found a seat close to an old chestnut tree and sat down, a
mixture of anger and pity running through her like cold feeder streams.
To make extra cash when at University she worked part time in a Care
Home for the aged and it took her three months to work out that all
these aged people were not just old people but most of them had lived
very interesting lives, a few were well educated, some were nice to the
carers one minute then lash out the next if you tried to put them to bed
or feed them.
“Nelson thinks I am going crazy.”
Beccy jumped and watched Molly extract a cigarette out of the crushed
packet and hand it to her. Then she sat down and took one herself,
produced an old gold lighter and lit up then passed the lighter to Beccy.
“I give these up”, said Beccy. “Three weeks ago.”
Molly smiled a sad smile. “Sorry. I should have asked first and I am
really sorry about what happened in there.”
Beccy took a deep drag and sighed then said to Molly. “How long have
you known that things were not right. You were, forgetful, angry and
pretended everything was ok?”
“Four months now. Silly things in the beginning like forgetting to lock
the door, let the water boil off the potatoes, that sort of thing. I think
Nelson noticed it first when I would forget to feed him then overfeed
him. Depression sneaks in, drinking more, smoking more and fits of
anger. That’s me I guess. You picked up on it very quickly Beccy so I
guess you have seen it before somewhere?”
“Old folks home in Nottingham. Part time care worker a few years back.”
Molly laughed. “Maybe it is a good thing the cops took the real gun off
me or I might have used it on myself.”
Beccy held up the lighter and read what was written on it. “14th
Intelligence Group, Palace Barracks, Hollywood. 1977-80.”

“They give me that when I left and came out of the Army in Northern
Ireland then I was re-activated for Iraq. Two years. Not much fun and
Beccy handed back the lighter and sat silent for a moment. “Shit
They resumed around the table with fresh drinks and Jenny told them
what she had found out from the Rev Butler and the history of Mary
Morgan and a defrocked Minister.
“You did well Jenny. Odd but well as if you were playing the part of
Jenny Snow in the first book because she did the same thing at the
grave”, said Molly smiling and almost back to her old self.
Billy nodded, “The bookshop owner is now a woman called Gwen Jones
but it seems during the war it was also a book shop and run by a Polish
Jewish woman who also supplied books to the Italian POW camp at
Knighton. Her husband was in the RAF, also Polish and was shot down
over the Channel 1944.
There was someone in the town at that time, does not remember the
name because she was not yet born but she heard the talk over the
years of a man being found guilty of murder and was executed in
Swansea or somewhere.
He was not a native of the town or even Welsh but came from up North
somewhere and had killed a child and buried her in a wood.”
Molly raised an eyebrow. “Even I did not know that or if I did I have
forgotten it but then that is nothing new”, looking a Beccy.
Beccy smiled. “Guess what I discovered in the Library folks?”
“Books?” said Billy nudging her.
“Yes but something much more. To do with a woman reporter in the
book and who lived here, wrote freelance news articles for the local rags
and the national rags. Seems she rubbed someone up the wrong way
and was threatened by that someone, that she loaded up her car on a
wet and stormy night and took off out of here. That is the fiction part.”
“And?”, said Jenny looking at Beccy wondering where she was going
with this.
“Jenny Snow in one of the books went to see her, the same night, same
conditions on the roads and the reporter in the book, also a woman, was
threatened by Jenny Snow but also by the Garth Jones, the bad guy and
some of his hard men.
The book reporter took off, someone had tampered with her brake fluid
pipes and she took a bend in the road and then braked when a large
white cat walked out and sat in the middle of the road and the car
ploughed into a tree, went on its side and then went on fire. That was
grandpa’s fiction part. The real RTA took place at night, on a bend in the
road, the car hit a tree and went on fire. This woman, Linda Burt was
fired but the police found a dead white cat in the middle of the skid
marks. Now this is the part that puzzled me. The book came out a year
before the real RTA and Burt was killed. The police with the evidence
said it was an accident which it was but I went over to the charity shop
and went looking for books then the manager, or whoever came over
and we got to talking.

I told her I had a motorcycle and found the roads around here a bit scary
and she said, honest, ‘ you need to be careful on those roads at night,
more so if it is a wet night and there are leaves on the road because
there has been a number of fatalities on them over the years. I lied then
and said my mother knew a woman reporter who was killed around her,
Linda Burt and the woman went stone faced, ‘if she had not written
about the deserted farm in the hills and pointed fingers none of that
would have happened I fear.’”
Molly nodded. “Must have been before my time but yes, odd that it
happened after the book and not before and your grandfather used the
“Creepy more like”, said Beccy and added’ But the woman said
something that sometimes drivers see a child up near Knighton forest. A
girl dressed in a red hat and coat.”
“She, the girl in red was at the church road walking towards the bridge. I
saw her and she smiled and waved once. Just thought she was being
friendly and I never even thought of the girl in red that creeps up in the
books now and again.”
Our grandfather never explained or hinted who she was in fact or what
part she played in the book?”
“She is still looking, searching, needing someone”, said Molly, her eyes
distant. Maybe that is why your grandfather included her in his books.”
Billy snorted, “Everyone in Belfast knows about the ghost of ‘Galloping
Thompson’ that has been seen between Sandy Row and the Donegal
Road for over fifty years now but nowadays no one believes in ghosts.
This girl in red has to have a name, some sort of history linked to her.”
“If she is real that is”, said Jenny frowning.
Molly took a long sip of her drink, set the glass down and looked at all
three of them. “She is real alright, not flesh and blood now but real to be
seen and always when there are dead children to be discovered or
missing. I know because I have seen her in Bosnia, Florence, parts of
the UK, where children have been murdered and their bodies never
found. Rolan always said that she is a guide for the Children of Lir and
one of the main reasons that started him writing,
‘The Children of the Moon’ because he always felt that missing children
should always be found, dead or alive and we should never give up on
that quest.”
Jenny nodded thoughtfully. “Then why did I see her in this town, near
the river bridge?”
“That is because somewhere in the area close to this town, maybe
within ten miles of it, the remains of a child is buried maybe even legal
burial and could be some time ago but the cause of death may not be
the cause of death today if Dr Suzy La looked at the forensics, said
Molly Drew smiling.
“But what Jenny seen then was paranormal?”, asked Billy looking
sceptically at Molly.
“Call it what you like. Your grandfather belived it and used the girl in red
in parts of all his books. I want you to think on that. He was a cunning
old bugger and I feel that through all his writings, all his books and more
so his fiction and archaeology books he left clues, his own Codex if you

like for people to find, not just read the books. I knew him well, he ended
up as my partner, not always easy to live with or I with him but he was
the best friend anyone could have.
I am jumping a bit here but he wrote an archaeology book once that
upset quite a few people in University Departments across the world. He
said that the book about the Grail, ‘In Search of the Grail.’, was to show
the egg heads that the timelines data was wrong, more so with anything
before AD and that some of them had misinformed people wrongly
about bone and skull measurements.
Two years ago the University of Egypt and one in Berlin confirmed his
findings and they suggested that the history books on humans and
evolution needed to be revised or rewritten. His other archaeology book
‘Dawn of the Neanderthals’ also went down the same road and he held
them up to the world as the first real human beings with burial rituals
and motive and not just a deep browed ‘ape man’ that people and
religions would have liked to have left alone and never challenged. I
once asked him why he went out of his way to challenge such findings
do you know what he did and said?”
“He liked stirring the shit?”, whispered Beccy and then laughed.
“Beginning to like this man already.”
Molly smiled. “Put directly as always Beccy and very descriptive but
what he in fact did do was, he lifted his pipe, filled it, took a match,
struck it and lit the pipe and once it was going, it was then he looked at
me waiting for his answer and said, in a very reflective voice when he
went all academic on me, ‘My dear woman, I have pondered your
question when I was making ready my pipe and reflected on my truthful
answer and that it is this, when one deals with archaeology or religious
issues, one has to be careful that one has got one’s facts right before
going to press or speaking about such an issue. Those in error, and
believe me, there are a good few who have got their archaeology facts
wrong because they wanted to publish their final results, the Catholic
Church always tries to cover up their mistakes, some of them grave and
of the murderous kind which I wrote about in the ‘The Vatican Codex’
and ‘Whispers’ Jenny Snow books but to answer your question I do it to
keep the buggers on their toes and have them running around like
headless bloody chickens!’ So you see, he did not just write his books
just to keep himself busy, he wrote them with a message in them and
scattered with clues children.”
Billy was surprised. “Wow! How did he learn and know all this stuff?”
“For that Billy we need to go back where I left off before, my
disagreement and bad temper outburst with Beccy.
Your grandfather lived in Groomsport till the war was over with his
grandmother who for the rest of his childhood would be the major peer
in his young life. She moved back to Belfast to the Willowfield area and
he went to school there, a Catholic School no less and for Rolan O’
Carlon his time there was his nemesis because he was not aware what a
bastard was or what it meant but what was much worse was that one of
his parents was a Protestant, a Ballymena Orangeman no less and the
teachers, except for one, a Miss Kennedy, taught him nothing and he
was used by them to do jobs around the school, like bringing milk

around the school class rooms each morning, sweeping the school yard
after lunch break and taking crusts and bread that hand been throw on
the ground by other children during lunch and taking it around to the
nuns at the nearby convent. He was also the boiler room stoker under
the school in winter shovelling in coke and coal aged seven and had his
first encounter of what was a paedophile in the boiler room. He never
spoke much about it even to me but he would cry at times when he read
about the damage such people do to children and even kill them. When
he left school at the age of fourteen, he was given a blue school card by
the headmaster to state he had reached the seventh standard grade.
Your grandfather could not read or write, do simple maths, was word
blind and could not spell the day he left that school. The Parish priest
shook his hand and give him a half crown to keep his mouth shut and
later that night, the church vestry went on fire and the alter bell stolen.
The local protestant youths on the Ravenhall road were blamed but no
arrests were made. Miss Kennedy posted him a book, ‘Oliver Twist’ and
in the front cover she had written boldly,
‘Sad beautiful boy, always ask for more’ He always kept that book in his
book case and it is still there.
His first job was a message boy for a chemist who when he discovered
that his new recruit could not read nor write put him in the car and
enrolled him in the Belfast Technical Collage to learn the basics and he
paid for it, all the courses and all the books. He did this on one condition
and that was that the education reports be sent to him at the end of each
By this time his mother had already served three long prison sentences
for fraud and never really knew her, less when she married ‘Big Joe’, a
brute of a man who had designs on your grandfathers body parts until
he found his hand pinned to a wooden table with a kitchen knife. Your
grandfather left the house, still young and for a time was homeless but
in his rucksack was that book and he read and reread it now. He was
asking and wanting more.”
Billy was shocked. “We know that sort of thing went on and goes on in
Belfast, goes on all over Ireland but when you find out that a family
member suffered this it makes you fucking angry. No one would speak
up, no one would point fingers and say it “This happened!”, until the last
few years and the Micks covered it up!”
“May I continue William?” said Molly in a quiet voice and took out of her
bag a sheet of white paper and looked at each and every one then said,
“Your grandfather had many jobs, some he did well, some he loved and
a few he hated and I have written them down in case I forget some of
them but I thought you should know. They are also listed on the CD you
each have as are his books in Pdf format.


There may well be a few I left out but you should have the gist of it by
now and his further education is also impressive for someone who left
school with nothing.
Animal techniques exams all passed, microbiology exam passed,
human biology exam passed, archaeology degree course passed with
distinction, teacher training Strandmills Collage, passed, and
Psychology course failed badly.
His answer to the fail in the psychology was simple. ‘What is in the text
books is all big and strange words what is in my head is applied
psychology that I often put to good use’ I guess with all the jobs the
added education, the self-learning tasks tends to show he was not a
quitter, even when he did the battle with the bottle he kept going. I won’t
go into the ex-wives only to say the first one was too young and could
not cook, the second one he saved her life by leaving her because the
PIRA were after him and the third one left him because he had become
dysfunctional . As for me, like him I stuck with him to the end and for my
sins I got the best loving rouge that was born, my own home and some
great memories of him.”
Molly broke down and sobbed and it was Beccy who hugged her and
looked at Jenny. “Let’s take her home. You’re car around the front. Billy
you stay here and mind the drinks till we get back.”
“I can’t drive Beccy. I’m pissed. Your motorcycle?”
“Can you not see she is half cut as I am and getting her onto the back of
my bike would not be very dignified for her now would it.”
Malcolm slid up to them clasping his hands and looking concerned, “Oh
the poor dear. Right take her in the lift, first floor, room seven. The key is
this card and leave one for her on the room table. Please be careful with
her and tuck her in well.”
“I’ll pay for the room for her “, said Jenny Roberts and Malcolm shook
his head at her, “Darling, she owns the hotel and her own room when
she needs it and only when she gets pissed dear. In the meantime, Billy
the Kid there can stay here and you two take her up. Must go back to
serving at the bar. My public awaits me.”
Jenny glared at Beccy. “You ready?”
“Let’s go then.
Billy stood watching them half carry half drag Molly into the lift and the
door slid closed. “Well fuck me pink!”
He sat down looked at all the drinks and picked up his diet coke and
held it up,
“Safe Journey Granddad!”

Half an hour later Beccy and Jenny returned downstairs

and came over to where Billy was looking glum. He did not look up when
they sat down beside him. Jenny looked at Beccy and nodded at Billy.
“Hi, why the spade face big boy?”, asked Beccy trying to keep the
conservation light.
He lifted his head and looked at her. “Molly ok and in bed?”

“Yes, covered her up and left a bowl beside her, opened the window.
What’s up?”
“I got a reminder of what I used to be like and seeing Molly being poured
into the lift did that. It was sad and scary if you really want to know and
sitting here with all this booze around me was like looking at a revolver
with one bullet in it and me ready to spin the chamber.”
“But you didn’t did you and that is what counts?”, smiled Beccy and
then added,
“Got to be working for you. Don’t you think you should maybe ring
home and talk to your wife, partner, and let her know you are ok and
He smiled, “ I already have. She said she misses me and , well you
“Not for a long time Billy and the last man I was with was dead stupid
even before he got drunk so I was on a loser big time. All he could talk
about was the big I am shit and no one would have a look in”, muttered
Beccy, a faraway look in her eyes. “He had the best phone glued to his
ear and that fancy way of holding it, that phone tilt and he would flaunt
it. I sometimes think he took the phone to bed with him and put on the
vibrate bit then stick it between his legs!”
Billy’s eyes went wide. “Jesus! He is a bit of a head case then?”
She nodded. “Something not right about him and that is for sure and he
is not the Tepee valley type, wipes his hands on damp tissues where he
is there, does not like the countryside, hates the flies and wood smoke
and he says the birds keep him awake at dawn. Being here has made me
realise how lucky I really am.”
Jenny laughed. “Before you get all soppy don’t you think we should
finish our drinks and get to be, alone again, then get up and tackle
Beccy picked up her drink, caught Malcolm’s eye and pointed at the
table and smiled. He nodded and waved back. “My round folks then
Jenny frowned. “We staying then to Sunday then?”
“I am”, said Billy Wolfe but I will need a lift with you Jenny if that is ok?”
“No problem. Right now my mind is scrambled with all that information
Molly poured on us and our grandfather was a busy man. It seems, we
were informed when putting Molly to bed, that he only loved five women
in his life but stopped counting at 70 of how many he went to bed with.
Put a ring in his nose and he would have been a prize bull!”
“I wonder why he liked women so much, bar the sex?”, asked Billy
watching Malcolm walking with the tray towards them.
“Maybe he could not trust men as friends. What do you think Beccy?”
She held up her hand. “No comment.”
“Now darlings and Sir. The drinks are on me for what you did for Molly.
She does not often get like that but when she does we just let her crash
in her room, I nip down after we close to the cottage, feed Nelson and
get out of there fast.”
“Why did she call the cat ‘Nelson’?” said Billy watching Malcolm

“Only has one eye darling and has balls so that makes it male so I guess
the name fits it. Mind you, I can’t get out of there fast enough when I go
there, something about the place gives me the creeps. It is almost as if
someone or something is watching you. Here is bad enough with one
ghost upstairs but I think our Molly has more than one in that cottage.”
Beccy smiled at him. “Ghosts? You see them in the cottage?”
“Gosh no darling but when I feed the cat I listen and I listen even in
daylight because sometimes you hear things, whispers, children’s
laughter and just once something in the corner of my eye, a sort of
redness that passed a door frame but then that could have been my
imagination as I get up tight sometimes. Sensitive if you get what I
Billy nodded. “So have you worked here long?”
Malcolm smiled patted Billy on the shoulder and said, “You need a
better patter than that darling and anyway I am spoken for. Sorry.”
“But I did not…”
Jenny jumped in. “The ghost here in the hotel male or female?”
Malcolm made a face. “Female, young and in a shroud type thing which
I should add is not very becoming. Mind you she does not show up that
often, 25th of April each year, Easter and Christmas Eve and once, but I
am told once only has been seen in Gallows Street walking with head to
one side. Broken neck you see when she was hung away back then.”
Beccy gasped, “Mary Morgan!”
“The very same. We don’t talk to paying guests about her visits here in
case it puts them off. I mean, funny and not funny we had a young
honeymoon couple, boy girl type, not you know, my type.
Anyway to cut a long story short they were at it hammer and tongs, we
could hear them in the bar because they were in bed right overhead and
well, it sounded like Royal Marine drummers banging a pigskin then the
Then the screaming started, so I rush upstairs with a few locals and
meet them running down stairs arses bare still screaming. Well I was
mortified when I saw him, such a nice young man and nothing to show
for it, close to tears saying there was a young woman standing at the
bottom of the bed with her head tilted smiling at them.”
“Really. You are not having us on are you?” asked Billy. “Which room
was it in?”
Malcolm’s patted Billy’s arm. “Don’t worry darling she won’t bite. I must
be off, my public calls.”
Billy’s mouth fell open. “Your heard him, my room!”
Jenny nodded. “Seems so Billy. You can always come in to my room if
you like?”
“Or mine Billy. Big bed and also a fire escape door”, said Beccy then
added, “Or we could all sleep together in your bed?”
“This is not funny you two! Far from it, a ghost with a broken neck
standing at the foot of your bed looking at you and bloody smiling at
Jenny kept a straight face when she asked. “You’re not frightened of a
ghost are you Billy?”

“Of course not but the thought of it frightens me. I mean, think on it,
something wakens you up and there looking and smiling at you is the
ghost of Mary Morgan. You would be frightened too if you were in my
Becky leaned in close to Billy and whispered in his ear, “Not if you were
there Billy.
“True Billy. If we were both with you tonight you would be safe, sort off,”
said Jenny, her breath warm on his neck.
Billy jumped up eyes blazing. “Will you two fuck off!”
Beccy and Jenny fell into one another’s arms in laughter and soon out
of control laughter got louder and Billy then had to join in and fell into
the chair as well.
Beccy waited till the others had went to their rooms then when
Malcolm had gone down to the cottage to feed the cat and handed over
to a redheaded barmaid she went outside into the darkness to have a
smoke wishing she had never started again. She stood smoking, the
town almost asleep and in the distant darkness a dog barking.
Somewhere down the street she caught the smell of chips on the light
wind and her stomach rumbled and she give some thought of going
down and getting a bag of chips and munching them before turning in.
She dismissed the idea because she knew from the past that she would
toss and turn and sleep would not come easy. She smiled in the
darkness at the thought of Billy, a gentle soul for all that and easy to
wind up. Jenny, she thought had all the makings of a rich bitch and a
wayward child and that amused her because thinking on her bank
account as it now stood and Jenny’s they were a thousand miles apart.
She liked the ‘childish’ side to her which came out now and again but
had not been out for a long time. Yes she had money, and used her body
to make vast sums more but she was or had been a whore with a
business head on her shoulders and maybe that was in the past.
Everyone has a past, good and bad, some even evil but you can’t get rid
of it or rewind the timelines clock, Oh, No that would solve a lot of
problems and pain for most people.
A single car came up the street slowly then pulled over and parked and
Malcolm got out, smiled at her and walked over to her.
“Darling if you are short of money I can lend you some and there is little
point in flaunting your tits in this town because the locals don’t have it.”
“Thanks Malcolm you are all heart. You locking the doors now?”
Malcolm nodded, “Rhonda only lives two doors away and works here
part time at weekends, the one with the red hair out of a bottle in the bar.
Single Mum like mine was and your Grandfather did a lot to help mum
and me. He went a bit strange for a time when I came out in public as did
Molly but within six months, an unhappy six months everything was
back to normal. Mum, Molly have a loving relationship but she is going
down the hill and won’t move in here where I can keep an eye on her.”
Beccky’s mouth fell open. “Molly is your mum!”
“Oh yes. She is a great mum and always has been. I call her Molly
because that is the way she wanted it and ‘Mum; in private like. It’s not
that she is ashamed of me or having me, just her way. Besides we have
a fun relationship thought she does not approve of some of the lovers I

had including Simon my latest. He is a doctor in the hospital works all

hours God sent in an A+E department and when he gets home every five
days the poor dear is washed out.”
Beccy laughed. “Why does Molly not like him then?”
“Black and shinning like new washed coal he is and what a body. He
also speaks with a sort of Oxford accent if you get what I mean and that
gets right up her nose at times but she is friendly enough when he is
here. It was him that arranged for tests on her and did all the paperwork
or she would have been waiting months for a hospital appointment.”
“Seems an Ok guy Malcolm so don’t lose him. You think I could get a
coffee before I go to bed?”
He patted her arm. “Of course darling just finish your fag and flaunting
your tits and it will be ready and waiting.”
She smiled at him, liked him and said in a soft voice, “What are you
“Some say a Greek God.”
She sat with Malcolm in the empty bar most of the lights turned
off just after midnight with her coffee and him with a large brandy and
talked, at ease with one another. It was Malcolm who brought up the
subject of Rolan O’Carlon.
“He left Molly a considerable amount of cash and bonds, and me the
house that he bought years ago. Simon thinks we should move into it as
a couple and do it up.”
“Granada had a house?”
“Yes and what a place. In its own grounds and is called Maesllwych
House, not a castle thank God because we would never find one another
in a castle. Anyway he bought this house many years ago, kept himself
to himself, pottered around doing archaeology projects, wildlife projects
and of course his writing.
Small wood on the grounds, the house is up a track, there is a small
pond and a Cold War Bunker hidden underground. He put a grill on it to
let in horseshoe bats to part of it. That was his pet subject Beccy,
Bloody bats. Birds and other wildlife he loved and studied but those
bats were his pet hobby. I would walk down to the crossroads on a
summer evening and there at dusk was this strange man, grumpy with
it, with something he called a bat detector and he looked odd.
Like a wild man with long hair and a big white shaggy beard. This was
before my mother met him but I knew him first. When he met Molly she
was in a ditch and her bicycle wrecked. Seems Molly came around the
bend and ploughed into the back of a beat up quad bike he had left on
the side of the road while he did a bit of hedge laying. She hit it hard,
went over the handle bars and landed in a water filled ditch. It seems
that they had a stand up fighting match and he called her a ‘bloody
stupid woman’ and she called him a ‘bad tempered old goat’ and it went
on like that a while till he noticed a gash in her knee. Molly said that he
looked at the blood, looked at her and was close to tears.
Somehow he got her on the back of the quad and drove up the track to
his house, brought her inside, and with great skill, stuck in two sutures
and cleaned the wound up, give her a large whiskey and even larger one

for himself plus a way to her heart, smoked salmon sandwiches then
strawberries and ice cream.
I only found out later that she worked in the hotel, this hotel as the
barmaid in exchange for a small wage, food for her and me and live on
the premises. It was not a long holiday as I thought at the time. Anyway
she wanted to buy something small and he told her to wait a while to see
how the markets were going to go and for her to bring me and herself to
his large house. Providing she was ‘straight’ he said as he did not want
some half-baked Lesbian with attitude living with him and the whole
country knowing. First she slapped him then she hugged him and left
him standing while she checked out the rest of the house and where she
might be sleeping. That is how your grandfather and my mother met.”
“God! Love on a quad bike and all that”, said Beccy. “ So you and her
moved in?”
“Next day. I had a small room of my own and Molly had a large room at
the back with a shower/bath and your grandfather slept at the other end
of the house. There was one place she was not allowed to go or me
either and that was into his study unless asked in because as soon as
we arrived he stuck a ‘PRIVATE’ notice on the study door then slammed
the door closed and we did not see him for a day.”
“What was he hiding do you think?”
“We never found that out but he was writing in there and also
sometimes in the night we would hear music, just about hear it on a
quite night coming from the bunker. Opera.”
She raised an eyebrow and he smiled. “You are thinking how did he go
into his study, close and lock the door and end up in the Bunker
underground with music coming out of the bat vents he had put in?”
“Now your quick. Did anyone ever tell you that Malcolm?”
He laughed then, “A secret passageway darling, from his study
underground to the edge of the small wood. If your looked at where the
bunker is all you would see is a small hill with trees planted on it and
ground cover of brambles.
The south side is clear of trees and bushes so that bats can come and
go. Inside the bunker is massive, broken down to a large hall, rooms and
toilets and then an empty control room with generators. It could house
at least 100 adults easily.”
Beccy was wide eyed and asked almost pleaded, “Can we see it
tomorrow, please, in the morning before Molly gets up?”
“Part of your research then?”
“Oh yes. A big part.”
He went over to the bar then behind it and took out a large ring with four
keys on it. “You will need these then. Three keys for the house and
bunker door, one key. the small one for the main gate and the lane.
There is no electricity or water switched on I should warn you. Do you
need a lift there?”
“No. Jenny has a car so we can use that.”
“Molly will not rise before ten, will miss breakfast, moan about her head
and expects you all back here for lunch. By that time she will be human

Breakfast is at eight so see you then because I am knackered.” He

leaned over and kissed Beccy on the cheek, waved as he walked away
and went upstairs in the lift.

Jenny used her stat navigation to take them to the

crossroads and they missed the entrance twice before Billy spotted it.
“Stop! Back up and turn right.”
Jenny did what she was told and could hear tall grass rubbing on the
bottom of her car. She stopped and looked at the rusty iron gates.
“Welcome to Dracula’s castle folks. Someone get the gates and leave
them open in case we have to leave in a hurry!”
Billy opened the gates with difficulty as grass hindered him and he had
to push hard. He took the chain and lock with him into the car and
muttered, “You sure this is ok with Molly?”
“It belongs to Malcolm now, was left to him by our grandfather and he
and his partner are thinking of moving into it. Molly I should tell you is
his mother.”
Jenny almost clipped an oak fence post in surprise as she drove slowly
up the lane and shot Beccy a look in the rear view mirror.
“Explain yourself wench!”
Beccy everything and then added, “When I came down early for a smoke
Malcolm had left me a print out that he said might be useful for our
research and then went and got the woman who cooks breakfast.
Interesting stuff in fact.
I can read it if you like?”
“We like”, said Jenny as she went up the lane, trying to hurry along a
cock pheasant walking in front of the car then it broke off and went into
“Ok, the crossroads is known as Mortimer’s Crossroads and we are now
in the Lugg Valley. 12 miles to the north of here is Ludlow, to the South
and 21 miles away is the town of Hereford with London East of here at
46 miles and Presteigne to the west at 8 miles. Right now we are slap
bang in the middle of that compass. Across the valley is Knighton, the
Town of the Dyke and its seems a battle was fought somewhere around
here and the river ran red with blood.
Mortimer’s army were slaughtered to a man it says and human bones
are still being found in the area when farmers plough the fields.
Maesllwych castle is not the same as this house and is miles away from
here but this house before it got its present name in 1938 was called,
wait for it, Lunar House or the House of the Moon and an asylum of the
worse kind for the rich and powerful and were now patients. It was
opened as such in 1788 and closed its doors to the insane in 1916, taken
over by the Army Medical Corps during the Great War as a place of rest
for Officers wounded, or suffering mental illness.
After that war it fell into disuse for a few years and was bought by one
Lady Van Dorffin from Paris, who ran it as a Collage for young ladies it
seems with ballet and French being the top subjects, a finishing school
for young woman no less and one murder in the grounds, that was
around 1939 when one of the students was found in the woods nude and
ripped apart and her heart taken. The killer or killers were never found

but locals put it down to a witchcraft murder, the police put it down to a
lovers tiff and grandpa is quoted as saying many years later, that it was
a local killer in the area who may now be dead but many people knew
who he was and never came forward. The young woman was said to be
Elisabeth Black of a well-heeled Jewish Family living in Amsterdam with
her mother being English born, and one of two twin girls, the other
sister was called ‘Vera’ and the twins were identical in every way.
The reason why they came here was it seems that the mother and father
also had a business in Amsterdam in the diamond quarter. By 1943 all
Jews had been rounded up there and died in the camps so no trace of a
family was ever found at that time. Vera on the other hand moved down
to the Greek islands after the war and married someone called ‘Rossi’
and his money.
“We are here! Look at the size of that house”, shouted Jenny stopping
the car in an overgrown gravel driveway.
Rebecca folded the print out and looked. “At least ten bedrooms.”
“Servants quarters at the end of the house. Wine cellar”, muttered Jenny
getting out of the car followed by Billy and Beccy.
“Pretty creepy looking joint”, said Billy. “Looks like the one back home,
Belvoir House that was there when I was a kid. Knocked down now but
that was this size.”
Beccy took the keys and went to the door, brushed away a few cobwebs
with her hand and opened it. She was disappointed there was no
creaking when the door open. They went in, a slight smell of dampness
and dust motes were trapped by sunlight.
“Where to first?”, said Beccy then frowned. “At least we have a torch”,
nodding at the large blue torch on the hall table.
“If it works will be great because you said all the power was off?”
He picked it up, switched on and a bright beam lit up the hallway.
“Let’s explore the house first. Then we can see if we can get into the
bunker2, muttered Jenny heading off into the kitchen. There was
nothing there, no chairs or table, no cups or plates and a large dead
spider in the sink.
“Next room then.”
Jenny led, followed by Beccy and Billy with the blue lamp. They did not
need the lamp at the moment because there was enough sunlight
coming through the dirty windows. After checking upstairs the went into
that was once a study, dust sheets covering wall to wall book shelves, a
large table and three chairs. Jenny peeled back the dust sheet and
sitting there was a pipe in a green glass ashtray, a tan leather pouch that
had a zip and a red note book with a brass catch on it. Jenny and the
others also observed a map of the world, a detailed one that was as
large as the table held down by a sheet of thick glass. Black stars had
been stuck on the map in many locations that included, Florence, Rome,
Borneo, Egypt and India.
“Been around a bit then?” said Billy. “Even the Isle of Man.”
They both looked at him. “The Isle of Man is a chunk of rock stuck out in
the Irish Sea with a lighthouse, a few bed and breakfast joints, beach or

two, seagulls that shit on you and no Dole office!”, snapped Beccy and
added, “Not exactly exotic is it now Billy.”
Billy huffed. “ I liked it. Spent some of my best holidays there when I
was a boy and a young teenager.”
“Should have went to Rockall and at least it is north of the north of
Ireland and masses of seabirds as well. It also gets mentioned a lot in
the Shipping forecast but does the Isle of Man? No. Why? Because Billy
no one can remember where it is and not exactly a party talking point is
Jenny smiled and patted Beccy on the arm. “Stop winding him up Beccy
and look again at the map.”
Billy and Beccy looked. Then looked at Jenny as if she was mad. “So?”,
asked Beccy.
“In all stars of all colours of the stick on type, there are five points. If
you look again at the stars some have a point missing and that missing
point is a direction finder. It has been cut off or torn off then placed on a
“She is right you know but not all are damaged as she says, the ones
that are suggest a direction to…”
Beccy looked again at the map, shrugged and said. “I see what you
mean but not what you are getting at Jenny. They point to this area or
Wales but why?”
Jenny laughed, took out her phone climbed onto the chair and took a
photograph three times of the map. “There. That means we don’t have to
carry the table with us.”
She climbed down, put away her phone and smiled at them. “You still
don’t get it do you?”
Beccy shook her head and sighed and Billy looked blank.
“Ok. Think Ley Lines on a map. Think this map and its Ley Lines and the
map we bought of this area spread out and I will bet that all the broken
points will be facing a direction in line of the map reference for here on
our OS map. Take a pen or pencil and draw the straight lines to a centre
point and then mark X where they all meet up.”
“Which tells us what?”, whispered Beccy not looking at her, her heart
beating faster.
“Human remains and a box of little square bars”, whispered Jenny back
and watching Billy’s face as it sunk in. “Gold coloured bars with a Nazi
swastika stamped on each bar.”
Billy grunted. “Possible I guess. But what makes you think it was once
Nazi gold Jenny?”
“This!” and stabbed in finger on a star with a missing point in Lough
Swilly. Granddad found it here when he was living there and was re-
activated as a Royal Marine. He would have excess to Sea Charts and
the like and what a better place to run arms and explosives across the
Swilly and Lough Foyle at night and into the North of Ireland. No army
checks, no road blocks and only a few naval patrols checking boats and
maybe a fishery protection patrol during the salmon season. He was on
the Donegal side a Fisheries Officer looking for boats and poachers
while on the six counties side he was working undercover for the MOD.

As long as he did not blow his cover he could walk anywhere he wanted
and also do a bit of research, which it seems paid off.”
“Jesus, James Bond and Indiana Jones all wrapped up as one!”,
shouted Billy smacking his forehead. “Of course. SBS to cover the sea
loughs and estuaries and cross the border and observe the IRA training
camps and report back. He then has the cover over there as a Fisheries
Officer and all legal from Dublin, has a knowledge of wildlife, fish, boats,
navigation and archaeology and pathology background and most of all
could pass at a Catholic if need be with a name like he has, had. Most of
all, he would have also been a swimmer and I don’t mean on top of the
Jenny frowned. “Surely he would have needed help and a boat to pull it
off and at night on his own would have been more than dangerous?”
Beccy nodded. “Then it is more than likely he did have a small boat that
he used and kept at a pier. Nothing fancy and something that would not
draw too much attention to him.”
Billy nodded at Jenny. “Try the table drawers.”
“You think so?”, asked Jenny not sure and looked at Beccy. She
nodded and she open both drawers. Old pens, paper clips, sticky labels,
a compass and coloured pencils were in the right handed drawer. She
closed it and opened the other one. It was empty except for a brass
coloured tack. “Nothing.”
Beccy looked at the covered book cases went over and pulled a sheet
down and looked at the rows of books then turned. “Check everything
and don’t removed any books, look for something out of place that
would not be there.”
“Like what?”, muttered Billy tugging off a cover sheet and getting
showered with a film of dust.
“Maps, a note book, old dairies. That’s what.”
Forty minutes later they had recovered the book cases and then went to
the table and recovered that as well. In Becky’s hands were a red
notebook well-worn and three old desk dairies up to 2011.
She flicked through the red notebook and almost shouted. “Oh you’re
going to love this folks!”
“What is it?”, Jenny asked and moved towards Beccy sitting on the
chair and reading through it. She looked up at Jenny and Billy. “ Not
Nazi gold and he recovered 28 bars of gold from the wreck, well he
recovered 28 bars from some people who had dived on it, got the gold
on board a rubber dinky and a fishery protection vessel came on them
and they took off and headed for a beach. somewhere called Fannad
Head. Grandpa was in the sand dunes at night when the three mean
came ashore and he watched them bury something and mark the spot
then they took off along the coast and once they were gone he went
down thinking it was going to be an arms dump but instead it was a box
and unlocked.
Inside were 28 gold bars. He took them out and carried then to a new
location and close to a coastal road which he notes here as “three hours
and dawn when I buried the last one.”
He then goes onto say that they were part of a gold shipment on board
the RMS Laurenjic that came out of the Swilly and hit a German mine left

by U-boat 80 on the 25th January 1917. In all there had been 32,111 bars
but most of them had been recovered and when the ship sank it claimed
354 men. The men I met that night were well geared up and did their dive
at slack tide in 30m of water with only 25 to 40 minutes of a tidal
window. Which means they were raiding a war grave and must have
been doing their research before that over a few months.
The fishery patrol vessel then thought they were onto salmon poachers
doing illegal net fishing and followed them the best they could east of
there they hid the gold. I buried it at N55”10’ 50.88”/ W6” 55’ 22.08 and
moved it over a month to home. I stole it from the bad guys and don’ feel
bad about it.”
“Grandpa was an outlaw! Wow!” shouted Billy and punched the air.
“There is more. That entry was made in 1976. This next one is made in
‘Moving across to Wales after I left the services also meant leaving the
wife as well. Not her fault just me and I was hard to live with.
Anyhow I kept five of my little gold fishes for myself and the rest I buried
in a Welsh wood not far from a town called Presteigne, guarded of
course by the bones of someone who I did not like, did not know as a
human being and lived on what money I had. Trips now and then to
Switzerland and Amsterdam with a bar, remelted and reformed into
smaller items for easy transportation was easy. The buyer could not get
enough of my ‘Welsh gold’ and getting the gold from Ireland to here was
risky but I took the car on a ferry from Dublin, drove from Holyhead
down to here and then bought the house in the town. Customs did not
even stop me so I had a clear run. The hidden goldfish are of course well
hidden but could be found so I have left clues, in my books, all the
fiction ones and all in the Jenny Snow mysteries. I put them into pdf
format, and here and there I dropped in as a clue or hint that even Molly
Drew did not know about. Her son Malcolm.
Somewhere I may have grandchildren but I don’t know but if I have they
now have a challenge if they want it, or anyone else that wants to do a
bit of detective work and have an adventure but they will have to work at
Goldfish are easy to keep as long as they are fed and the water clean,
my goldfish are safe, washed with rain and even in the dark, they shine.
All the books concerned with this matter are on a CD, five in all and the
adventure starts here. A word of warning though, not everything is as it
seems and the answers are in the line, even the stars and where the sun
comes up.
Gold will never lose its value and is much better than money in the bank.
In the bunker I want anyone who gets that far to have a drink on me, to
my dead friends, the good and the bad.’. That was written by him in
2011”, finished Beccy and snapped the red note book shut.
“Put the dairies back in the drawer and copy anything you think we need
now and then through that door Billy and I will check the bunker out”,
Jenny said with a slightly excited voice.
“Your forgetting something folks?”
“Which is what?”, asked Billy looking hard at Beccy and frowning at her.

“You two go off through that door with the torch or lamp and then how
do I see where I am going when I finish here, like along a dark tunnel
into a bunker with no lighting?”
Billy bit his lip then threw his arms up in the air. “Ok. We wait here till
you finish!”
“No Billy we all go together now and the red notebook goes with me!”
Together they walked along the dark tunnel and then through a
sliding door that they had to force open because dampness and mould
had got on the runners. Then they were in the main part of the bunker
and stopped dead in their tracks. They looked at the far wall and on it
were large drawings of women and a few men, the last one was of a
young girl in a red dress and hat and underneath each and very well
worked bit of art were name but above the names was written in bold,

“Am I seeing this for real”, whispered Jenny and almost taking Billy’s
hand in the half light. Like this is all he had as a family so to speak?”
“Seems so and even Molly is up there. He made them all up and then he
give them life, even the girl in red. Jesus that is sad!”, said Billy in a
husky voice looking at the names and reading them out;



“All his people, his made up friends and no mention of our parents.”
Beccy looked at Jenny. “No surprise there then. And no mention of their
parents and ex-wives or partners except two. Cleaver that.”
It is in the script above. You just have to mentally underline the letters
and you get their first names.”
Billy nodded towards the small alcove in the wall and the large lamp lit
up a very good malt whiskey. Around the neck as a green ribbon and a
label. Jenny read the label. “A drink on me and a toast.”
She unscrewed the top, sniffed at it, smiled and took a long swig,
coughed, passed the bottle to Beccy who did the same, and smiled at
Billy. “Sorry.”
Jenny screwed the top back on and replaced the bottle.
“Time to go folks, and let the ghosts have a party.”
They locked the door to the bunker and all the doors of the house and
got in the car and went slowly back down the lane through the gate and
stopped. Billy took the keys and got out and slipped the chain around
the gate, snapped home the padlock. Through the bars of the gate, Billy

seen the young girl in red, she waved and smiled at him then he
checked that the two woman were in the car, and he waved back once.
When he got back in it was Jenny who said, “I take it you whispered
‘goodbye’ to her Billy?”
“You saw her?”
“We saw her Billy, Jenny and I, just now”, then smiled at him “I don’t
think we ever will stop seeing her from time to time.”
“Helping her if needed”, said Beccy, “When the time is right.”
“Amen to that so let us go and see how Molly is.”
They went back to the hotel and inside asked the red haired
barmaid where Malcolm was. She looked at Jenny blankly. “Sorry.
“Malcolm Drew. Young man who was here last night. Molly Drew is
upstairs or was?”
Ronda licked her lips. “You mean gay Malcolm. Malcolm O’Carlon. Got
He had to go to hospital with Molly. She had a turn and it is not good.
She died an hour ago from a massive stroke and Malcolm is with her
now. He texted me to let me know. Said he wants to be alone for a while.
Jenny, Beccy and Billy were numb with shock. “Thank you”, muttered
Jenny and walked over to the lift followed by Billy and Beccy.
“What now?” whispered Billy then added. “Like now?
“My room, my laptop and we read together the books. That is what he
and Molly would have wanted and as we are the grandchildren we can at
least do that.”
Beccy nodded and Billy wiped his hand over his eyes then looked at
“Then what do we do Jenny?”
She smiled sadly, “We each go home with our CD, re-read the books,
keep in touch with emails and form a plan, our own codex and then we
meet up again in three months. Seeing that I am the one that is well
heeled and my Bank manager is a happy man I will fund the project if we
take it on and the flights to Belfast to meet up with you Billy soon as but
check with your wife that it is ok to bring over two strange women.”
Billy laughed and walked into the lift. “She will love you both and won’t
find you strange at all but when I tell her the whole story she will get
excited because she loves a mystery and this folks is a bloody
Beccy nodded. “You think the ‘doctored’ books will give us clues?”
“Yes, but he took care I am guessing where he did the inserts and it was
not a game to him but he wanted to create his last adventure for others
to enjoy.”
“And maybe remember him by?”, said Billy and pressed the lift button
“Even if we don’t find anything, it is worth a try because that way we get
to really know our grandfather and in case you have not noticed, he
brought three people together who a week ago were strangers. I think he
give us a new life if we are brave enough to take it.”

“Billy that is true. We can do nothing and return to the life we had or we
can make changes within ourselves of what might be possible. What do
you think Beccy?”
She looked at Jenny then Billy, shrugged and said in a husky voice,
“Molly’s gone now, Malcolm is going to be in bits, there is going to be a
funeral and I am going to be at it so I won’t be going home, if home is
what it is. I’m staying here for a while, see if I can get a job here,
anything then I will decide but not before I see Molly off.”
The lift door opened and sitting looking at the door was Molly’s cat

“You need this and time to get your head together girl”, said
Calypso and handed her a coffee. “I have been watching you for the last
half hour and you have that one thousand meters state, looking at
nothing and thinking all sorts of shit in that pretty head of yours.”
“I look that bad, huh?”
Calypso frowned and sat on the chair beside her. “Worse girl. You look
like you seen a dead person and they were talking to you.”
“May they have Calypso. Last night in my sleep was a horror story and
not of the present or past so much but about me and my future. It keeps
sneaking back and even now when we are in the middle of all this. I can’t
think straight.”
Calypso’s eyes flashed, a hint of anger and she muttered, “Ok so you
have had a nightmare or whatever and it has got to you. It happens at
times with me and I have to fight back, keep my mind working on other
things. Right now there is a real nightmare out there and it is killing
young women Molly, two so far and were working in this hospital and
they have Mary Allan lined up as a possible. We, and I mean we, need
you and your computers because without them we are going nowhere
and if you miss something, the slightest things, someone else could die
or we miss something on the killers. You’re the pilot and we are the
ground crew waiting for you to deliver the goods!”
Molly looked at Calypso, brushed away a tear and muttered, “No
pressure then?”
Calypso slapped her on the back and stood up. “Go for it.”
She watched the large woman walk away and smiled then looked back at
the screen and typed in the latest location and hit enter.
Suzy La, Sofia and Ned Bracken stood around the table looking down
at the body of Rosy Dill. Jimmy Leeky was making his own notes now as
the post mortem was finished. Beside the body in a bloodied plastic bag
was a mobile phone. Bracken looked at it and nodded.
“What is the chance of lifting prints off that Dr la?”

“Very good, the killers who wore gloves, Dr Burke when he removed it
from inside her chest and also wore gloves and you when you looked at
it, also believe it or not, was wearing gloves.”
Bracken flushed then nodded. “Next of kind has been informed and
want to come and make a positive ID though that has been done by her
friend, Helen Reed. I think the mother is in denial and wants to confirm
that the young woman is in fact her daughter.”
Suzy looked at him with dark eyes and her mood softened, “A police
officer with a heart and a soft spot. You have just surprised me Sgt
He almost smiled but thought better of it instead came up with another
question. “Anything else I should know before I go over to the other
Suzy raised her eyebrow and smiled. “You will get my full report of
course once it is typed up but to keep you updated she has a small
puncture wound in the right side of her neck, probable by a syringe
needle with some sort of drug in it. Sofia will find it once she gets her
blood sorted. I suspect however that whoever did this not only new
drugs but also the dosage to give without killing the person and also
where to place the needle for a fast reaction in the body. That does not
mean that they are medical as such but could also be veterinary and as
there was no tearing around the puncture wound they got in there first
time and no hanging about. I am going to stick my neck out here before
Sofia has the results and say what was used on her to quieten her down
was a local anaesthetic with a toxicity of five + and delivered right the
reaction time would be immediate Sgt Bracken. A delay to remove the
drug from the body after thirty minutes is fatal and more so if the drug
Procaine was the drug of choice.”
Bracken looked shocked, not by what Suzy La said but what it could
mean to the police investigation. A group of people that killed but had
excess to drugs of the medical sort.
“Exchange of information then and thank you Dr la. We found her car
loads of prints but none we could lift. It had been dumped a mile away,
keys still in the ignition. Our forensics people have it in a police garage
going over it slowly looking for any DNA of the victim and the killers.
They have found hairs but not hairs the same colour as the victims but
so far that is all we have, except of the tipped cigarette butt , found at
the scene and my people are trying to extract DNA from it. No sign of the
victims clothing, her bag and purse were in the car and looks like
nothing was taken from it.”
They all jumped when the victims phone went off loudly and a text
message came in. Jimmy Leeky was close to the feet and he looked
from the mobile phone in the bag and then at Suzy. She nodded.
Slowly he removed the phone with his blue gloved covered hand and
pressed the button then read out loud; “Ring, a ring of Rosie, atishua,
atishua, Rosie fell down, a pocket full of posies, her heart left behind.
We will be back.”
He closed the phone after checking the number it was sent from and
looked at Bracken. “Your people need to be fast on this one if they want
to trace the phone location.”

Bracken snatched the slip of paper from Jimmy and rushed from the
room and Jimmy looked at Suzy and Sofia. “ He is on the ball. Long may
it last. One thing. We found no garlic in the mouth?”
Sofia nodded. “True. Odd that. Stomach contents maybe?”
Suzy shook her head. “Last meal is in the bucket but I did not notice a
garlic clove. Jimmy roll her towards you.”
Jimmy took the body and rolled it towards him then held it and Suzy did
a check then extracted a clove of garlic and held it up. “Nasty people we
are dealing with here.”
Gently he lowered the body back down and looked at Suzy and Sofia.
“Can I finish up?”
Suzy nodded and placed the garlic in a small evidence bag and dated it
with the victim’s name on it and passed it over to Sofia. “You’re going to
be busy Sofia. Sorry.”
“I get finished here I can help if you need it Sofia, “said Jimmy Leeky
without looking at her.
“I need it. Thanks.”
Suzy waved and smiled as she headed for the staff room of Codex
Molly was hard at it on her computer, Calypso was in her office lost
behind a pile of files and other papers and Suzy noted that Silver McKee
and Lisa Walsh were sitting at a small table not talking to one another.
“There lies a problem”, she muttered to herself as she went through the
sliding door and into their staff coffee room.
“You two ok?”
“Sure. We are fine,” relied Lisa and carried on reading and out of date
magazine. Suzy noticed that it was upside down.
“Makes more sense if you hold it the right way up Lisa?”
Lisa glared at her and turned it the right way up and started to read it.
Silver looked at Suzy and shrugged. “Everyone else is busy and we are
sitting here on our pussies doing nothing. It is getting to us boss.”
“I noticed. What time can you work to?”
McKee looked at Lisa. “Well. What time do we work to?”
Lisa slowly took her eyes of the page, looked at Silver then at Suzy and
grunted. “Doing what?”
“Start with the hospital pharmacy and check the drugs output to the
wards and Operating Theatre mainly anything that is used as an local or
other anaesthetics but look for Codeine and Procaine. Maybe a few of
the others like anything with a cocaine synthetic base link. Check for
the last four week up to today. Flash you ID and your other ID to get
results. Get copies printed out of all such drugs sent or requested by
the wards or A+E. Then start on ward 12 and check their drug cupboard
with you copy sheets and if anything is not accounted for I want to know
as soon as. Yes. And take Sgt Bracken with you for a legal strong arm
because we are investigation murders and don’t let anyone try and stop
you. If they do, get Bracken to have them arrested there and then and
take no shit from anyone!”
Lisa had her attention as did Silver McKee and she was already out of
her seat. “Copy that Director. You know that if our suspects are around
and work here then you have rattled their cage?”

“I know. I want them to know and I also want them to know that we are
now awake and coming for them. Time to hunt people so let’s do it. How
long did you say you can work for?”
“Silver and I are here till dawn Director so contact us if anything comes
Suzy nodded. “Good. See you sometime tomorrow evening after you get
some sleep but in the meantime that gives you a good five hours to turn
something up.”
Silver reached for her coat and frowned then said to Suzy. “You think
one of the suspects works here don’t you?”
“I know one of them works here but not in what capacity. That is your
job and the police to find out fast.”
She watched them leave then checked on Molly. “You ok. Molly.”
“Another two hours then home and in early. That ok with you?”
“Sure and take the bag woman with you. Don’t hit the car park on your
own and anything that tackles Calypso or you, extreme action and no
playing the hero. Take them down fast.”
Molly’s eyes went wide. “You mean like…?”
“Dead. Two to the chest and one to the head. Remember what Zack
taught you in Lympstone. Don’t shoot everything that moves, just the
bad guys if threatened. As far as I am concerned Molly it is a Health and
Safety issue for you and this department.”
“God! You’re going after them!”
“Not God Molly, Director will do and yes, we are going after them.”
“What about the cops?”
“They will be safe. See you.”
Calypso looked up as Suzy La entered her office and closed the door
behind her. “You have that look in your eye Director La and the last time
I seen you like that you almost started a war.”
“Two hours from now I want you and Molly to go home and get some
sleep but back in by 06.00 in the morning. You have your weapon with
Calypso nodded at the large shoulder bag. “ In there. My .38 piece and
loaded, five rounds and one empty chamber. We hunting bush meat
boss or what?”
“Jackals Calypso. Vermin. Make sure you have that gun on your person
from now on and not in the bag. You got that Bag Woman?”
Calypso rolled her eyes. “Two hours here, home with Molly and my
shooter on my hip. Got that.”
“Good. See you in the morning then?”
“When are you going to sleep Director. Just as a matter of interest that
Calypso did not like the look she got back from her Director and when
Suzy replied. “At Dawn. I’m a Night Stalker as from now till this case is
solved and closed.”
Before Calypso could say any more, Director Suzy La had gone into her
office and closed the door over and she knew better than to disturb her
when she was like this. Dangerous even.
She rang Sgt Ned Bracken on her mobile. He picked up at once.
“Dr La?”

“Have you got an information on the mobile phone yet?”

She heard him sigh. “Was about to ring you about two things. Yes, and
hold your breath. Mobile phone that was with the dead woman belongs
to a member of staff at St. James Hospital by the name of Wendy Knight,
a Nursing sister on children’s ward. Welsh, McKee and myself are going
to see her now as she is on the night shift. Our people are running a
profile and history check on her now and will keep us informed when
they get all the details.”
“Good. I won’t hold my breath like you said. What is the other thing Sgt
“My boss has just told me that he thinks that it is going to be hard to
keep the lid on the murders and he has brought forward the press
conference before some hack gets the story first. 08.00 in the morning in
Lecture room A. He has also requested your Mr Leeky and yourself to be
there if you both can?”
Suzy bit her lip. “Ok. We will be there. I won’t get in the way of your
police investigation as you know but please keep me informed. And
thank you.”
There was silence and Suzy said, “Sgt Bracken?”
“Yes. Sorry I’m here. I have just been handed a note from Control. It
seems they have a homeless person down at the station who they
brought in for questioning as he was found sleeping rough at Cross
Bones and may have seen something. When he was asked did he see
anything he answered, his words, not mine, ‘the devil and his helpers,
two witches and a demon’. You get that Dr La?”
“Yes. You need to be in on this Sgt Bracken so I will meet you at the
front entrance of A+E five minutes. Tell McKee and Welsh to carry on
doing what they were to do. You don’t mind if I sit in on this interview do
“Be delighted Dr La. Five minutes then. Bye.”
She looked at her mobile and then rang Calypso and told her that she
would be down at the police station if anyone needed her. Her office
manager informed her that her bed needed her but she was going
nowhere back at the house till Suzy got home and before dawn would be
nice. Calypso hung up and Suzy shrugged. “Yes mama. I sure do that.”
She sat and looked out over the night city below her and grunted
thinking it would be nice to be there right now and pull the covers over
her head and sleep.

Jack Wells sat looking blank, his face covered with a great white
beard that needed brushing out and trimmed up. The silver but dirty hair
was down over his ears and he wore two layers of clothes as he hugged
a mug of coffee. Sgt Ned Bracken sat across the table from him and
Suzy La sat at one side of the room against the right hand wall on a
chair that had seen better days.
“Right Jack. You are not under arrest do you understand that?”
“You are not a suspect. Do your understand that Jack. We just need you
to tell us what you seen and heard if anything?”

Jack’s eyes darted around the room and rested on Suzy La. “Who is
“Works with us on cases like this Jack. So, what did you see in Cross
Bones churchyard?”
“She’s pretty. Oh! Right. What did I see?”
“Please Jack. In your own time.”
Jack took a long gulp of the tea, smacked his lips and then, “There were
three people dressed in black, two woman with pale faces and a tall man
with a pale face also. The women had black hair, very red lips and the
man was bald with red lips. He was not the mouthpiece it was the skinny
woman who did most of the talking. I was in my sleeping bag under a
holly bush and some cover in front of me so I just lay there in
case…”Jack stopped, his eyes wide and was now sweating.
“In case what Jack?”, asked Ned Bracken gently.
“In case they seen me and did to me what they did to the wee girl on the
“Which was?”
“Killed her and laughing while they did it. They took something out of
her body and held it up and started chanting in low voices. Then one
took her phone and started talking to someone, the skinny woman and
the rest were laughing. Then she bent down and I could not see what
she did but they moved off in line and into the darkness. I just lay there
and listened for a long time, got out of my sleeping bag, packed my gear
and had a fag lit when I came across the body. Did you know that blood
at night looks black?”
Bracken nodded. “Then what Jack?”
“I froze for a moment, finished my fag and was just about to leave when
I heard the cop cars arriving so I went deeper into the cover, what there
was of it. So I buried myself, covered my head and lay there for well over
two hours. I guess I must have had such a bed smell that even the dog
did not pick me up. I heard it panting and then go away and later dome
bugger peed on me, and hear him or her go way. Then when I thought it
was safe and no noise I came out of hiding and ran into uniform cops
near the gate, and here I am. It was the look on their faces when they
saw me, covered in soil and walking towards them. ‘Night of the Walking
Dead or not?”
“What did you hear Jack?”
“Like I said, voices, woman and that was it. The man never spoke but
sniggered and laughed like he was out of the loony bin. And a dog
somewhere close by. Deep barking when they were there then it was
howling , long howling like a wolf.”
Suzy could see that Ned Bracken now looked tense and he looked hard
across the table at the man.
“Before all this happened to the young woman what were you doing
“Getting my head down boss. As always after I have had a few drinks.
When I first heard them I thought it was a couple that came in to have a
shag. You get all sorts of people in places like that at night and for
homeless people the safest place to be on a dark night for homeless
people because you don’t end up in a shop doorway on fire.”

Suzy stood later with Ned Bracken sipping coffee in the

detective room and was puzzled. “You believe him?”
Ned looked at her and smiled sadly. “All the way Dr La. He has a history
ever since he came out of the forces but no violence. Petty crime, mainly
booze and eating cheese out of its wrapper in a supermarket. Wife left
him with the two kids seven years ago in Nottingham because he could
not get his head together. Signs himself into an A+E department if it
snows and sometimes gets a bed and a shower for the night. Only eats
at the best hotels in London he says, back of hotel and food leftovers
thrown in the bin.”


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