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Location recce

This is the main location where I am going to be recording my content and this is where I am going
to be gathering my interview which is going to be featured in my radio programme as well. I am
going to be using the radio studio which is located within the college. Some of the risks which come
with the location is where I would have to think about tripping hazards as there is cables around the
recording studio and I am going to make sure that I am paying attention to what is surrounding the
This is one of the areas that I am going to be recording my interview for the radio show. I am going
to be interviewing the principle and this is his office. There isn’t any potential risks that I have to be
aware of as it is a clear floor so there aren’t any cables on the floor to trip over.

This is the studio where I am going to be recording the rest of the footage for the radio show. There
is a lot of chairs in their so there is a few tripping hazards and there is cables that I have to aware of
when using the microphone as there is a few wires on the floor.

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