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here NEW YORK METRO AREA POSTAL UNION, APWU AFL-CIO RQ A 350 WEST 31" St, 3" FL. NEW YORK N.Y. 10001 (212) 563-7553 Fax (212) 643-9051 A Democratic Trade Union Jonathan Smith President Tiffany C. Foster Executive VP. Kevin Walsh Director of Ind. Rel Joseph Martir Secretary-Treasurer Diane Erlanger Director of Org. June 11, 2018 John J. Dennie P.O. Box 140430 Staten Island, NY 10314 Dear Mr. John J. Dennie, ‘The Executive Board of the New York Metro Area Postal Union, APWU has unanimously endorsed John J. Dennie, Green Party candidate, for election in the 63d Assembly in Staten Island, NY. John J. Dennie isa long-time activist on behalf of a public Postal Service and in support of postal workers, Mr. Dennie is a retired postal worker and an “Honorary Member” of New York Metro Area Postal Union, the largest local in the American Postal Workers Union. John J. Dennie has a distinguished record of public service to his community as a dedicated ‘advocate for many causes reflected in his campaign platform. Mr. Dennie will be a fighter for what is best for people of the 63" Assembly District and for workers everywhere. Yours in I> CAF” Galatia Smith Presidént New York Metro Area Postal Union, APWU

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