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Nilufar Fatih

EDUC 5312



Learning Styles Analysis

So when I took the learning styles analysis my results indicated my visual score as 4, Auditory as
5 and Kinesthetic 5 as well. I think I agree with this test because I am not able to identify myself as only a
visual, auditory or kinesthetic learner, so all those factors for these learning styles can have an impact in
my learning such as participating in discussions, being in a quite area, sitting away from doors and
windows to avoid distractions.

Having almost equal number for my learning styles can probably affect my teaching styles, where I
would include the tips necessary for these leaning styles, which could help my students whatever their
learning styles are.

Based on Multiple intelligences I am 88% Interpersonal, 67% Visual spatial, 63% Logical-mathematical,
63 % Intrapersonal and 58% Linguistic and the rest are less than 50 %. The results do seem accurate but I
always would it be if I was very in one area or style than having a little of each. And for global v. Analytic
tendency I am a little more analytic so I would need see the details and build on to see the big picture. I
probably do apply this a lot in my teaching as well help my students see the relevance of what we are
learning in class.

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