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SOP for DMT :

Objective: To monitor performance of selected KPI in daily basis and analyze the shortfall of target as
well as take necessary action to recover the deficit.

Structure of DMT:
DMT team will be consist with cross-functional departmental heads. Number of members should be
limited to 5 or 6. One of them will be selected team leader based on significance of DMT objective.
Factory Head will attend once in a week in the DMT meeting and review weekly action plan and KPI. . If
any member absent in the meeting, he has to deploy his representative in the meeting.

Period of Meeting:
DMT members will fix a time for daily meeting. Usually meeting will have to perform by 30 minutes.

DMT Display Board:

A room will be allocated for DMT meeting where a display board has to be set name DMT Board. DMT
member name list with designation, attendance sheet, KPI tracking format, machine & equipment
breakdown report, preventive maintenance schedule, root cause analysis (RCA), corrective action plan
(CAP),abnormality status formats has to be set on the board.

Key Performance Indicators (KPI):

4 or 5 important KPI has to be selected for DMT meeting. KPI will be reviewed after six month, if need,
add or replace new KPI or subtract from DMT. DMT members will finalize the baseline of KPI based on
last 6 months average and set the target discussing with top management.

Meeting Agenda:
 Attendance sheet has to be filled by DMT leader.
 KPI owner will fill their respective data on the specific format in DMT board.
 In case of shortfall of KPI target, has to be explained the correct reasons and make corrective
action plan.
 DMT leader will write the action points on specific format and follow up to make it happen.
 Field round and Section wise abnormality information has to be recorded on board with
corrective action.
 Observe the machine breakdown report and select frequently troubled machine to fix.
 Perform RCA (root cause analysis) if need and mention on DMT board.

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