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SOME CONNECTORS My explanation/dissertation/presentation/exposition will deal with/be about. Mi continue with Nl give a few notes on/about. ll say just a few words on/about. ll be talking/speaking about Hl make a brief outline of We willshall carry/go/move on to ... First of al... To begin/start with, Let us begin with/by saying Next, Next thing I'd like/I should mention is... Then, We shall deal with We shouldn't forget We must/should bear/keep in mind the fact that. Its very important to keep in mind the fact that. When well speak about ...| mean/|'m referring to. When speaking about. As Ive have seen/said/stated,, As youlwe can see, As llwe('ve) said before/earlier, As llwe have already said/seen, Welll come back to this later. The point | want to make is. Next point/section has got to do with 1 start tackling this point by saying/stating that As it is easily deduced/inferred, As we all know, , (let's) say... , that is, mean, What I mean is. By... | mean. We should draw a distinction between. TE) DUIS Miguel A Pérez Bhat To finish, ‘Summing up, So far, we've studied/seen. and that’s it N1Lfinish my dissertation/explanation/presentation/exposition byfwith. Niifinish just saying. To put an end to my exposition, Thope | haven't tired/bored you too much | do expect it hasn't been too boringftiring for you Thanks for your attention - Goodbye TY UIs 1d igual & Parez

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