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1. The boy said that he was very busy then.

2. The mother asked the girl where she was going.

3. The teacher asked the student if they had done their homework.

4. She said that she had finished her job.

5. He said that his father was working in the garage.

6. I said that I had passed the examination.

7. The man said that the horse had died in the night.

8. He told me that he didn’t believe me.

9. I told him that I didn’t believe him.

10. He says that he is glad to be here in this evening.

11. The teacher says that the earth moves round the sun.

12. The report says that global temperatures are rising.


1. Sam asked me if I was going to the party.

2. Rajiv said that he needed something to eat.

3. Martin said that he didn’t like that party.

4. Salini asked where her bag was.

5. The teacher told the boys to keep quiet.

6. Maria said that she wanted to see the doctor.

7. Sophia said that she must apply for that job. / Sophia said that she had to apply for
that job.

8. The policeman asked the woman where she was going.

9. Rahul asked me why I was crying.

10. Suma told her mother that she would be working late that night.

11. Manu asked his mother where his key was.

12. The mother asked her son if he had finished his homework.


1. Ramesh said that he had finished his homework.

2. The boy asked his mother if he could watch TV.

3. The man asked the passerby if he would help him.

4. The girl said that I was sitting on her seat.

5. The man asked the boy where he was going.

6. The girl asked who had taken her pen.

7. The teacher advised the students to work hard.

8. The mother told the boy to wait there.

9. The manager asked the clerk to take that file to the secretary.

10. The old man asked me if I would help him.

11. Ramesh said that he had met John the previous day.

1. He said that he had got a toothache.

2. Manu said that he was very busy then.

3. She told us to hurry up.

4. He asked her to give him a cup of water.

5. She said that she was going to college.

6. She thanked me.

7. Raju said that Gautam would have to go the following day.

8. Geetha says that her father is an Engineer.

9. He said that he had passed the physical test.

10. She told me that I was her only friend.

11. He told me that he loved me.

12. James asked Mary where she was going.


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