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1-I need an angel´s kiss!


2-Wow! What an air gunner! STUNNER

3-'He's doin' ten year's bird.'

4-she´s a real Chairman Mao = cow

5-There are many Cheese baps here.

6- 'It ain't a cherry pie.'

7- 'me ol' China'

8- Cobbler's awls = balls (testicles- meaning rubbish, nonsense) - A loads of cobblers.

9- "What's the Cockney?"

10-What´s in your Davy Crockett?

11-Did you bring Dennis Law?


“Stop touching my Derek Randall”

Derek Randall (cricketer)= love handles

Aris = arse (derived from Aristotle, which is 'bottle' and the first word of 'bottle and glass' =

Cattle truck: (UK) Cattle truck = fuck It is often used as a past participle to mean that
something is broken or doesn't work: The photocopier is cattled again.

He´s pulled a Cherie Blair.

Cobbler's awls = balls (testicles- meaning rubbish, nonsense) - A loads of cobblers.

Cream crackered = knackered (very tired)

Bin Laden
Bag of sand

Bag of yeast

Barnet fair

Barry White

Bath tub

Becks and Posh

Bees and honey

Belinda Carlisles


Berlin walls

Bill stickers

Bird bath: (UK) Bird bath = laugh (Normally as a noun- 'you're having a bird bath'- it
rhymes in Cockney as the pronounce 'th' as 'f'.)

Bird lime: (UK) Bird lime = time (in prison) 'He's doin' ten year's bird.'

Bit of luck: (UK) Bit of luck = fuck (noun)

Bo Peep: (UK) Bo Peep = sleep

Boat race: (UK) Boat race = face

Bob Dylan: (UK) Bob Dylan = villain

Bob Hope: (UK) Bob Hope = dope (cannabis)

Bob Marley: (UK) Bob Marley = Charlie (cocaine)

Boracic lint: (UK) Boracic lint = skint (without any money)

Boss Hogg: (UK) Boss Hogg = bog (toilet) Boss Hogg is a character in the TV series the
Dukes of Hazzard.

Bottle and glass: (UK) Bottle and glass = arse

Boutros Boutros-Ghali: (UK) Boutros Boutros-Ghali = charlie (cocaine)Boutros Boutros-

Ghali was the Secretary General of the United Nations

Bowler hat: Bowler hat = twat

Brass band: (UK) Brass band = hand

Brass door: (UK) Brass door = whore (prostitute)

Brass flute: (UK) Brass flute = prostitute

Brassic lint: (UK) Brassic lint = skint (broke, no money)

Brian Clough: (UK) Brian Clough = rough (meaning 'ugly') Brian Clough was a famous
football manager.

Bricks and mortar: (UK) Bricks and mortar = daughter

Brighton Pier: (UK) Brighton Pier = queer (gay)

Bristol city: (UK) Bristol city = titty (breast)

British rail: (UK) British rail = email

Brixton riot: (UK) Brixton riot = diet Brixton is an area of London

Brown bread: (UK) Brown bread = dead

Bruce Lee: (UK) Bruce Lee = pee (urinate) Bruce Lee was an actor in martial arts films.

Bubble and squeak: (UK) Bubble and squeak = Greek (used as a noun- 'He's a Bubble.')

Bucket and spade: (UK) Bucket and spade = laid (meaning 'have sex'- 'I got bucket and
spade on Friday.')

Bumble bee: (UK) Bumble bee = E (the drug ecstasy)

Butcher's hook: (UK) Butcher's hook = look (used as a noun- 'Can I have a butcher's?')

Air force: (UK) Air force = sauce

Air gunner = stunner (attractive woman)

Al Capone = phone

Angel's kiss = piss (noun)

Apples and pears = stairs

Ayrton Senna = tenner (ten-pound note) Ayrton Senna was a Formula 1 racing driver.

Cape Horn = gay porn (Pornography)

Car and scooter = computer

Casablanca = wanker

Chairman Mao = cow

Cheese bap = Jap (Japanese person)

Cherie Blair: (UK) Cherie Blair = penalty fare Cherie Blair is the wife of a British politician
and was asked to pay a fine for not having a ticket on a train.

Chicken and rice: (UK) Chicken and rice = nice

Chicken Curry: (UK) Chicken Curry = worry (often used as a verb) 'Don't chicken curry
about it.'
Chicken Oriental: (UK) Chicken Oriental = mental (crazy)

Christian Slater = later

Dennis Law = draw (marijuana)

Derek Randall = love handles


Aris = arse (derived from Aristotle, which is 'bottle' and the first word of 'bottle and glass' =

Acid Trip Rip

Adam and Eve Believe Classic


"Can you Adam and Eve it?"

Air Force Sauce Classic

"Do you wan't any Air Force on yer chips luv?"

Air Gunner Stunner Classic


"Cwar! She's a right Air Gunner!"

Al Capone Telephone Classic


"She just keeps Rabbiting on the Al Capone."

Alan Knott Hot Classic


"It ain't half Alan Knott in here."

Alan Minter Printer Classic


"Looks like the paper has got jammed in the Alan again !"

Alan Pardew Flu Classic


"I've got a bad case of the alan!"

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