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Black Pepper Farming

Posted in Agri By Mixph On April 26, 2015

Black pepper (“Piper nigrum” Linn), known locally as “paminta” is one of those
neglected crops grown in the Philippines. It is used extensively by food manufacturers as a seasoning agent in
the preparation of both exquisite and everyday dishes. As a spice, it makes food taste better. It is essential in
local dishes like “kilawin,” “lauya,” “mami,” “pansit,” “adobo,” “mechado,” and many other preparations.

Unknown to many Filipino farmers, black pepper – being a tropical plant – can be grown profitably in many
areas of the country where the soil is well-drained and fertile.

It grows better under partial shade than in an open field, a characteristic that makes the plant good for backyard
farming. It can also be grown between coffee and cacao trees. Most black pepper farms are found in Batangas,
Laguna, Quezon, Negros Occidental, Zamboanga and Davao.

“There are four varieties of black pepper,” says the Davao-based Mindanao Baptist Rural Life Center
(MBRLC) Foundation, referring to large-leafed, small-leafed, tall, and short. “You can plant any of these
varieties in your farm or backyard.”

According to the MBRLC, black pepper is a creeping plant. “The plant needs posts to climb on,” the center
states. Commonly used support trees – which are planted ahead of time – include “ipil-ipil,” “madre de cacao,”
and “dapdap.” The supports must be at least three to four meters high, 2.5 meters between rows.

Here are more tips from the MBRLC on how to grow black pepper:

Ways of Propagation
Black pepper can be propagated with cutting or with seeds. The latter is not recommended for commercial
purposes. But either way, it’s necessary to have a propagation bed where the cuttings can be rooted or the
seeds germinated and nursed to transplanting age. The seedling bed should be of fine, rich soil and should be
located in a shaded area. It should be kept constantly moist – not too wet and not too dry – at all times until the
plants are ready for transplanting.

For seed propagation, harvest only the berries that are orange or red in color. Pick only from vigorous, disease-
free plants of the desired variety. It is a common practice to place the seeds in a cloth bag and soak this in
water for two to three days before sowing. Sow the seeds in the bed six inches apart in rows and cover with
fine soil about two inches thick.

The seedlings are ready for transplanting when these are about one-year old. In transplanting, it is advisable to
retain as much of the soil clinging to the roots as possible. A reminder: “Plants raised from seeds grow more
slowly and require more care than plants grown from cuttings,”MBRLC reminds.

Cuttings for propagation should be taken from vigorous, heavy-yielding plants which are below the node and
20 inches or more in length with plenty of roots at their joints. “Remove side branches,” MBRLC advices,
“because they don’t climb but sprawl.”

Insert the cuttings into the soil of the bed in a slanting position with half their length buried. Cuttings are ready
for transplanting when they show vigorous growth and are fully rooted. In transplanting, the seedlings should
be “balled” or provided with plenty of soil clinging to their roots.

Black pepper can also be propagated by means of marcotting. Here are the steps: From the tip of a black
pepper branch, look for the node with whitish aerial roots that is less than a centimeter long. Enclose the node
in a container. Tie it securely to the support. A tin can, waxed paper cup, or a plastic bag can be used as

Fill the container with fine, dry humus or sandy loam soil. Pour in a little at a time until it reaches the length of
the internode just above the node to be marcotted. Water the marcot lightly. Don’t press the soil against the
delicate roots.

After a month, cut the young marcot from the mother plant. Cut the stem very close to the container using
sharp pruning shears or a knife. Place the newly cut marcot in a bigger container such as a clay pot or a plastic
bag. Do not disturb the delicate roots. Then, harden the marcot by placing it in a partial shade for three to four
months. Don’t water it excessively.

Transplant the rooted seedlings at the start of the rainy season. Plant two or three seedlings a few centimeters
away from the base of each support tree. Before placing the plants in the prepared holes, carefully remove the
plastic bags holding the plants and soil.

Black pepper should not be allowed to grow tall. As the vines climb the supports, the tops should be pulled
down as they reach the desired height of two to three meters. Every three months, apply manure or compost to
each hill to maintain plant growth. In addition, be sure to control pests and diseases attacking the plants.
Weeding must be employed, too
Black pepper starts to bear fruit as early as the first year after planting. The fruits are green at first, turning
yellow and then red and then black when they mature. Generally, the first harvest of black berries – which
varies from one-half to one kilogram per plant – is on its third year. Full production comes in the sixth or
seventh year (the yield is approximately 1.5 kilograms per plant) and the plant produces continuously for 15 or
more years.

The fruits on a bunch do not all mature at the same time. In backyard growing, harvest only the matured ones
and leave the green immature berries to be harvested later on. In commercial plantation however, to facilitate
harvesting, the operation should be delayed until almost all fruits on a bunch are matured. Then the whole
bunch could be gathered in a simple operation instead of picking the individual fruits one by one as they

After harvesting, dry the berries immediately under the sunlight until they become black and wrinkled. The
ideal remaining moisture content of black pepper is 12 percent. Properly dried berries can be stored for long
periods of time.

Unknowingly, black pepper is sold in the market in two forms -black and white. If the latter is desired, select
the best and ripest berries and submerge them in water for one to two weeks to let them soften. After soaking,
allow the berries to ferment before removing the outer hull. After doing so, grind them and presto-you have the
white pepper!

author: Henrylito D. Tacio, Marid Digest, photo from

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