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Fosforilasi Oksidatif

Senin, 10 April 2017 (FKIP)

Bonkrekic Acid/Asam Bongkrek

Asam Bongkrek
Bongkrek acid is a respiratory toxin more deadly than other mitochondrial poisons cyanide or
2,4-dinitrophenol.[1] There was some dispute regarding the actual structure of bongkrek acid
(also known as bongkrekic acid[2]) but this was resolved in 1973, which explains different
structures appearing in the literature prior to this date.[3]
It is produced in fermented coconut contaminated by the bacterium Burkholderia gladioli
pathovar cocovenenans. In particular, it has been implicated in deaths resulting from eating the
soybean and coconut-based product known as tempe bongkrèk, which is banned in Indonesia.
It is highly toxic because of its effect on the ATP/ADP translocation mechanism. It shuts this
system down, preventing ATP from leaving the mitochondria and providing energy to the rest of
the cell.

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