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Journal 2

In the second week of the practicum I make a plan with my MST about what I will
teach the students and he help me to choose the interest lesson for the students to
be interactive with me. I told to my MST the idea of the activity and he will say if it’s
good activity for the students or I have to choose another activity, also I prepare my
questions of the tasks to ask my MST after the lesson and I do with him like an
interview to ask him a few questions and he answer it to me, then I write what my
MST says and organize the answers. The next day I have the period with my MCT and
she gives us the reading of the discipline and she let us to read it and make a
summarize about what we read it, and then we present to my MCT what we
understand about the discipline. When I finish the period of the practicum I went to
the MST to attend with him. I saw him how to teach them and what strategy he use
it for the students and what he do if the students make a mistake or if some students
have a bad behavior I saw what he do for these students and how he deal with them.
I wrote the strategies and the steps that he uses it for the students to help me in the
future or when I teach them, also I help my MCT to give the students the worksheet
and then collect the paper again after my MST answer the questions with them and
correct their answers.

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