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Journal 4

In the last week of the practicum I attend the class with my MST and helped the
students when they did the EmSAT exam, and encourage the students. After that in
the end of the class I discuss with my MST about my observation and what I will
teach the students, also the materials that I have to give the students. When I
finished the TP class I went my class with my MCT and we discuss about the chapter
five and six (Reflection and feedback) and we work on the chapter six about the
reflection and we divided the topics between us, and summarize it, and then in the
next class we present what we understand about the topics that we had. After that I
start to work on my lesson that I will teach the foundation students, after I prepare
my lesson and my materials, I send my lesson plan to the MST and he looked and
then he respond me and said it's good and all of the steps on the lesson plan, also I
saw him the materials that I would to use in the class for the students. On the next
day I attend the college early before my MST and students to prepare and check if
the technology work. When the students and my MST and my MCT came to the class
I start my lesson and present for the students the lesson because my MST and my
MCT have to evaluate me. After that when I finished my MCT gave me her feedback
and also my MST give me his feedback. I looked at the areas of development and in
the second observation I tried to improve my mistakes and tried to avoid these
mistakes and do the better.

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