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Journal 5

On Tuesday when I came to the class my MCT prepare for us the video for the last
task. That we should to saw this video to answer the task, we watched and write the
comments to remember when we write the answers of the task. The time taken for
the video is 45 minutes and we watched whole the video to help us to take the
comments. After that we answered the questions on the task and write the reflection
through what we saw on the video. I benefited a lot from the video and watched the
strategy that she taught the students, after when I finished my task I gave my MCT to
correct it. On Wednesday when we came to the class our MCT prepare for us the
demo test, and the demo test show us how the questions on the exam will be, also
to show us the different kinds of the questions. We read the questions together and
answered together, also if we have difficult questions or we didn’t understand the
meaning of the questions the teacher help us to explain the questions. Then when
we finished the demo test we played online on the Kahoot and we challenge each
one when we answered the questions and who answered firs and who answered
correctly. This online game helps us to understand the questions and to know the
.kind of the answers for each question

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