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Reflection 3

Based on your observations and discussions, summarize what you have observed.
Think about:
 The idea of learners being ‘active’ learners. Discuss how the classroom
organization facilitates activities for the learners. Give examples of
activities you observed and the way in which the classroom
organization makes these activities accessible. Consider ease of
movement within the learning environment.
 How and where are materials stored in the classroom? Do the
children/learners need to be able to get and put materials away?
 Where does the teacher have her table/papers/materials?
 Are there areas that encourage independent learning? Give some
examples. Why are these areas important?

The classroom environment it’s very important for the students because it will affect
them to focus with the teacher. The students are very active and interact with the
teacher while he explains the lesson. The teacher organizes the time for each activity
and the students learn and know the specific time for each activity. The students can
use the materials if the teacher say for them, the teacher put the paper that the students
will work on it on the table and they can't touch the paper until the teacher gives them
the instructions. The materials for the teachers it's on his own table and he can control
with his materials and with students materials. The teacher can use the activity
through the time he arrange for each activity. The students can move in the classroom
and change their place to sit with the another group to discuss with them about the
activity and the student will help each other to correct their answer until the teacher
stopped them to discuss, then the teacher start to discuss with them and correct their
answers, and explain the points that the students don’t understand from the activity.
When the students done with the first activity they immediately swap to the other
group and sit until the teacher give them the instruction to begin the activity and the
teacher use the same strategy. This will help the students to build their relationship
and communication between each other and the students will learn from each other.

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