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The following question may guide your response:

 What have you noticed about learners from this observation?
 What did you notice that relates to the theories we have been discussing?
 What interested or surprised you?

Each class has different levels high, middle, low levels and the teacher have different
activity for each level. The high level was very active and responds the teacher and
provides their answers, also they like to help the other students and work together,
also they like to ask many questions about the lesson to check their understanding and
need more explanation from the teacher to make sure they understand the lesson well.
In the classroom they need some helps and work together from the teacher or from the
other students, also the teacher should discuss with the students about the lesson and
check what they understand and what the difficult things that they face on the lesson.
The good behavior in the classroom to help the students when they work together
because they will learn from each other and help each other. According to vygotsky
that when students work in group that they will learn from each other and they will
have good experience to improve their cognitive skills while they will think and they
will improve their social skills while they will communicate and discuss with each
other. This strategy will help the students to have knowledge and discover the new
information from the students and the teacher.

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