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Reflection 6

The following question may guide your response:

 What was the same or different about the two learners?

 What did you notice that relates to the theories we have been discussing?
 What interested or surprised you?

In my classroom I have foundation level four and I attend with them and observe
them with my MST (Mr. Larry) in the college, and the number of the students in the
class is 23 students and all of them have a goal to pass the EmSAT exam and move to
the bachelor program. In this class they have different level of the students high, low
and middle levels, I focused and observed the high level students and saw what they
do in the class. First of all, when the teacher gave them the works to do they like to
sit in the group with the different level and discuss with them about the activity or
task that they have. When the teacher gave the students the activity he start to read
the steps for the students and gave them the instructions and explain the activity for
the students, then they take only 5 minutes to do this activity when they finished
they asked the teacher to check their work. After that they start to help the other
levels of the students and discuss with them the answers. In the classroom the
students should help each other and work together. According to vygotsky that
when students work in group that they will learn from each other and they will have
good experience to improve their skills. This strategy will help the students to
understand the difficult things through helping each other from the students and the
teacher; also will help them in the future to help the people that they need any help.

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