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1. What worked well and why?

2. What useful tips and strategies did you observe?
3. What techniques do you think the teacher uses to manage the children and
4. Are there any children in the class with difficult or unusual behavior? How
does the teacher deal with these children?
5. Overall, is the teacher more negative or positive when dealing with
management issues? Why?

All the teachers use different strategies in the classroom and use specific methods
for the students to deal with them. In the classroom I saw my MST how to deal with
the students and how he taught the students. When the students came to the class
he start with good instructions and said for the students the educational stories to
let the students understand and learn the target of the stories. My MST use a lot of
strategies for each activity and how he gave the students the answer and what is the
method that he let the students to answer correctly. The teacher use different
strategy for different activity in the beginning, middle, in the end of the class. When
the students misbehaved in the classroom he uses the way to manage the students.
For example, when they use their phone during the class, the teacher takes it away
until the end of the class. In the foundation class all of them deal in the good way
with the teacher because they are adults but sometime they have bad behavior
when they use their phone or talking with each other while the teacher explain or
talked. The teacher it's more positive to deal with the students because he wants to
change the students thinking and he wants them to think on the positive way, when
he use the positive words to manage the class or fix the issues, he would the
students learn the good things and how to be attention and listen to the teacher .

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