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This Agreement sets forth the terms of your participation in the Gygaia Projects, including the Central Lydia
Archaeological Survey and/or the Kaymakçı Archaeological Project (collectively, the “Project”).


1. I agree, when requested, to carry Project equipment, supplies, and/or records to and from Turkey,
and I will leave room in my luggage to accommodate this request.
2. I agree to partake in all field and laboratory activities (e.g., field walking, finds collection, excavation,
find processing, computer data entry) conducted during the course of the Project.
3. I agree to take notes and to write reports as requested by the Project concerning any and all field
and laboratory work conducted during the course of the Project and to submit the same before
leaving the Project.
4. I agree to provide to the Project all information deriving from and related to Project work and to
return all forms, equipment, notes, and reports when requested in a prompt and timely manner.


5. If I receive from Project funds any financial payment for travel and/or for other purposes, I agree to
return any unused project funds and to submit original receipts (including boarding passes, etc.) and
an accounting immediately following expenditures and/or within 15 days of the end of travel.
6. The terms of the Project’s research permit provide that all rights of publication – including still
photography, video, movies, notes, drawings, digital data, etc. – are vested in the Project Directors,
and that all proceeds from lectures, articles, and any form of publication must be turned over to the
Project. I understand that I am encouraged to photograph fieldwork and material for my own
interest, but I agree, upon the request of the Project Directors, to grant permission to them to use
my personal photographs relating to the Project should such pictures be useful to the Project in any
way. If I desire to lecture on or to publish anything concerning the Project, I understand that I must
secure the Project Directors’ prior written permission and that review of such request for permission
may take up to six weeks.


7. I agree, to the best of my abilities, to participate in the various activities that are part of Project
work. I agree to follow the directives of Project staff. I will not act in any manner that could
endanger myself or other people. I will not act in a manner that can cause physical injury and/or
damage to me, other people or objects. I will not behave in a disruptive manner and will not act in a
fashion that is offensive to other participants or the surroundings. I will not act in a manner contrary
to accepted legal norms. I agree to conduct myself in a professional manner, never engaging in
illegal or unethical activities, such as the plunder and wanton destruction of cultural heritage, nor
purchasing, or otherwise acquiring, antiquities of any type in Turkey. I will behave in a manner that
is tolerant to other beliefs, lifestyles and convictions. I understand that substance abuse of any kind
will not be permitted. I understand that Project directors may, at their discretion, terminate my

participation in the Project (and all related activities) for non-compliance with rules of conduct or
other purposes deemed necessary by Project Directors.


8. The Project does not provide disability, life, or health insurance. Neither the Project, nor the Project
Directors, nor the participating institutions, nor any other Project participants assume responsibility
for any illnesses, injuries, or disabilities incurred by a Project participant during the Project or during
travel to and from the Project. I understand that I must, at my expense, arrange for my own health
and emergency travel and evacuation assistance insurance, and that obtaining this coverage is a
condition to participation in the Project.

9. The Project Directors and participating institutions assume no responsibility for personal property
either in transit or in Turkey.

10. I agree to abide by all rules and regulations that the Project Directors may determine necessary. I
understand that the Project Directors may terminate my participation in the Project for any reason

Participant’s Declaration:
I understand and agree to the terms of this Agreement.

Signature: Date:

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