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Frog life-cycle Score:

1.    What is the first stage in the frog life cycle?

A frog

B tadpole

C egg

2.    Once the frog egg hatches, what do we call it?

A A hatchling

B A froggle

C A froglet

D A tadpole

3.    Tadpoles have to breath air.

A True

B False

4.    Tadpoles can survive on land.

A True

B False

5.    Tadpoles grow all of there legs at once?

A True

B False

6.    Tadpoles start out growing ___ legs.

A 4

B 3

C 2

7.    After growing all 4 legs it is still called a tadpole.

A True

B False

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8.    What is the next stage after “tadpole” called?
A Amphibious

B Froglet

C Froggy

D Taddle-tale

E Tadlet

9.    What has to happen for a froglet to turn into a frog?

A It has to be 5 inches long

B It has to know how to ribbit

C It has to jump

D It eats bugs

E Its tail disappears

10.    Once the froglet becomes a frog, what will it do to keep the life cycle going?

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