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Sonia Malik Editor Biotechnology and Production of Anti-Cancer Compounds @® Springer Editor Sonia Malik Graiate Program Blologial and Heath Federal University of Marana Sao Luis, MA, Bras SBN 978-3.319-83870.2 ISBN 978-3.519-53840-8 (eBook) DOL 10,10077978-5-319.53880-8 trary of Congress Coat Naber 2017988979 © Springer terol Publishing AG 20 Thi wor ie abet copyright, Al pt are eer by the Publis, wher the whe o pat of te mull isconcernod specially thighs of rman, opting une of uations can, Iain epeucon on con ey tet pia ws. ad sss iran rage anneal lemon apo computer lt, by miedo mathe tow bnows or trelie evelopet ‘The ano general desrpive names tpn mrss adem, eve mah, nthe pica ‘he nip cveminth atnence i ape saree ach aa ete rc he evan [ive ws ad regulations and thelre ve fe peal ie Origin ‘Ocimum L.., belonging to family Lamiaccac is the best known gentis for its medici- nal aromatic oils, This genus comprises 2 wide range of intra- and interspecific enctic diversity encormpussing at least 65 to more than 180 species di all ee te work persia “Ocimum sanctum L, (Ociorum are Lad ‘Ocimum L.are the two important species used broadly for their medicinal and industrial importancs known as “the holy bas topics, though ©. basilicwm L. or “the sweet busil” is construed to be of African origin as per the Germplasm Resources Infor Network of United States ‘Department of Agriculture. Both of the two Qeiamun species are rich source of myr- iad phytochemicals, which are composed of essential phenylpropumoids and terpe- folds with various unticancerous properties, Besides anticancerwus activity, O. sametwn is also known to possess antibacterial, antihistaminic, wound-healing, radioprotective, antidiabetic, larvicidal, amti-genotoxic, neuroprotective, and car= dio-possessive activity. ‘The leaves and stem of holy basil contain a variety of biokogically active con- tients like saponins, flavonoids, triterpenaids, as well as tannins, Of the 40) sec- ‘ondary metabolites that have medicinal value, the gencs and enzymes censurable Far the production of 16 metabolites have been mapped on the genome, OF the 14 metabolites that have been mapped, 8 have anticancer equity and the remaining 6 uve antifungal, antioxidant, anti-inBlammat septic, and cardioprotective properties. Various compounds found in the sp, are being appraised for their anticancer properties in various clinical trials. But there is a critical limita- ‘ion—tho final product is isolated from the tulsi eaves, Betulinic acid (BA) from O, sanction L. is reported to have cardioprotective effect, It is a natural product that exhibits potent antitumor activities by triggering the mitochondrial path to apopto- sis. Mitochondrion-targeted agents such as betulinic acid may open new prospects fo overcome some forms of drug resistance (Galluzzi et al, 2006). Thus, the uses of sp. for beneficial purposes in addition to their industrial importance for aromatic properties bolster the importance of ethno-botanical access ay a potential sourve of bioactive substances,

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