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Iron Man (2008) done

The Incredible Hulk (2008) skipped

Iron Man 2 (2010) done
Thor (2011) done
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) done
The Avengers (2012) done
Iron Man 3 (2013) done
Thor: The Dark World (2013) done
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) done
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) done
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) done
Ant-Man (2015) done
Captain America: Civil War (2016) done
Doctor Strange (2016) done
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017) done
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) done
Thor: Ragnarok (2017) done
Black Panther (2018) done
Avengers: Infinity War (2018) done

################################# PHASE 1 #####################################

iron man=
miss potts- assistant of tony stark
Nick fury- director of SHIELD
SHIELD- Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcements and Logistics Division
Harrow industries- competitor of stark industries
Ivan Vanko- enemy of iron man's father
Natasha romanoff- black widow/Agent Romanoff

from the world of cold and darkness- the frost giants
asgard - home of odin
thor odinson- heir of odin
thor's hammer- mjolnir
heimdall-the gatekeeper of asgard
Laufey - chief of frost giants (enemies of asgardians)
Loki- Step brother of Thor and real son of Laufey
Jotuns- hometown of frost giants
father of odinson- odin allfather
frigga- wife of odin allfather
Yggdrasil - tree of the world

Captain America=
captain america -steve
peggy - agent carter
schimdt- head of hydra (hail hydra) red skull

Agent Barner/Hawkeye
^^ both in control of loki
Tesseract - energy source
Chitauri - army of Loki
Dr.Bruce Banner - Hulk
Coulson dies

################################# PHASE 2 #####################################

Thor-The Dark World=
Dark elves
Malekith- head of dark elves
Aether- power that could turn the universe into eternal night

Captain America: The Winter Soldier=

Nick Fury dies
nick fury killed by winter soldier
Pierce- secretary of SHIELD
Wilson- friend of captain america
Wilson is a part of avengers his name is falcon

Guardians of Galaxy=
Peter Quill- Star-Lord
Dark Aster- Kree warship
Ronan- Current Kree king
Xandarians- Kree enemy
Nebula- daughter of Thanos
Gamora: Adopted Daughter of Thanos (green)
Rocket the animal (raccoon)
Groot: the humanoid plant
kyln: high security prison
Taneleer Tivan- the collector
Thanos- strongest being in the universe
Ravages- army to which Quill belongs
There are 6 infinity stones. Collector tries to collect them all. Aether was given
to collector by Sif (from thor)
6 infinty stones- Aether,Orb,Tesseract,mind stone,eye of Agamotto,

Avengers:Age of Ultron=
Friday-modified jarvis matrix
Vision- robot having Friday in it made by stark

Dr.Hank Pym - had got the idea of Ant-Man
Dr.Darren Cross- who actually made it possible (villain)
Hope- daughter of Dr. Pym
Paraponera Clovata-ants with bullets
4 ants-crazy ants,Paraponera Clovata,camponotous pennsylvanicus,solenopsis

################################# PHASE 3 #####################################

Captain America:Civil War=

King T'chaka- king of wakanda
people of wakanda were killed in sokovia in avengers:age of ultron

Christine Palmer- freind of dr. strange
dr. strange- stephen strange
many relics- staff of the living Tribunal,Wand of Watoomb,Vaulting Boots of Valtorr
Dormammu- demon of dark dimension

Guardians of Galaxy Vol. 2=

Ego- dad of peter quill
Thor: Ragnarok=
Surtur- killed by allfather earlier
Ragnarok-the fall of asgard
Hela- goddess of death also sister of thor and loki
Korg- made of rocks
Mieg- knives for hands
Fenris- wolf of Hela
Choose your next words wisely

Avengers: Infinity War=

6 infinity stones each control essential aspect of existence-
space,reality,power,soul,mind and time

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