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Learning Session 02:

In this session, we will learn how to communicate with

other people about ourselves.

Reading Sheet No 02: Meeting friends

Read each description and complete the chart.

His name is Jorge Mario Bergoglio.

He is from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
He is Argentinian. He is the first
American Pope. He is 76 years old.

His name is Stephen William

Hawking. He is from London,
England. He is English or British. He
is an important scientist. He is 73
years old.

Her name is Angela Dorothea

Merkel. She is from Hamburg,
Germany. She is German. She is the
Chancellor of Germany. She is 65
years old.

Her name is Dilma Vana da Silva

Rousseff. She is from Belo
Horizonte, Brazil. She is Brazilian.
She is the President of Brazil. She is
68 years old.

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