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Name: Eloisa Santiago, Maria De Santos, Parminder Kaur, Stephanie Parks, Kassandra Cervantez, Mayra


Texting Patient information

Roles: 2 receptionists, 1 patient, 1 family member, 2 Medical Assistant

Condition: Scabies

Definition: an itchy, highly contagious skin disease caused by an infestation by the itch mite.


Itchiness, bumps and redness

Patient and family member checks in with receptionist A

Receptionist A hands paper work to patient

Patient then completes paperwork and brings it back to receptionist B

Receptionist B then keys all patient information in for MA’s

MA A Calls Patient (Eloisa) back

Verifies date of birth, checks blood pressure, checks weight and height

Then takes patient into room.

MA B walks into patient room to shadow MA A for her training

MA A asks patient why they came in for a checkup today

Patient is complaining of itchiness, bumps and redness on her left arm

MA A then lets patient know about the tests that are going to be processed

While patient waits for the results

The MA’s step out

MA B pulls out her phone and texts Receptionist B

“eww this patient has a gross rash”

“it looks like its mutated”

“I worried about getting infected”

“she has a history of other infections what else can she have”

MA A gets results from doctor

MA’s head back to patient room and give her the results
MA A informs patient that she has an infestation of the scabies

MA B then pulls to the side and texts Receptionist B

“omg she has the scabies”

Receptionist B then shows Receptionist A what MA B had messaged her and asked isn’t this a HIPAA

Receptionist A then asks MA B to step outside the room with her

Receptionist A then tells MA B what she did was wrong

That she must report to the doctor’s office.

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