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The subjunctive seminar

1. unless he treats us kindly we won’t talk to him.

2. if I had got the visa I would have left the country.

3. if only I had asked him to play my favourite song.

4. if you don’t hurry up we are going to be late.

5. if you were told to take a jump off the window, what would you do?

6. if you should run into him by chance, tell him to join us for lunch.

7. if it hadn’t been for you, I would have given in right away.

8. if you will wear those weird hats, of course people would laugh at you.

9. will you take a seat? I will inform mister Jones that you have arrived.

10. unless you trust him, don’t take his advice.

11. but for your insistence, I wouldn’t have accepted.

12. I wish I had written to him from the very beginning.

13. even if you gave me 1000$, I wouldn’t pawn this watch.

1. if I hadn’t been drunk I would/could have avoided the accident.

2. if you don’t mind, the I’d like to dicate another letter.

3. they would be very upset if Jane let them down.

4. unless you teach me I will fall my exam.

5. if you should find the book, send it to me.

6. I wouldn’t lend you my car even if you took great care of it.

7. if I were to tell I hated you

8. if you had taken the pill, you would have felt better.
9. I’ll look after your dog as long as you promise to come back before the weekend.

10. I shall cancel the meeting, unless you agree to preside it.

11. Those cakes look very tasty but I won’t eat so much of them if I were you.

12. I couldn’t do the task unless you were taught how to do it.

1. I wish I hadn’t robbed the flat.

2. I would rather he hadn’t been like that.

3. it’s time we worked, it’s high time we worked.

4. I wish I had more friends.

5. I wish we didn’t have to go to school tomorrow/ we wouldn’t go to school tomorrow.

6. Sue would rather sleep than study.

7. Come what may, I’ll stand by you.

8. I hope he stops/stopped talking so much.

10. I would rather you hadn’t abandonned the shelter.

11. I wish I hadn’t stolen the money from the bank.

1. she would have come to dinner if we had invited her.

2. if you had locked the door the burglars wouldn’t have got in.

3. were I you, I would put on some warmer clothes.

4. Joan would have been able to came to the party if she hadn’t worked.

5. Had I heard any news, I would have told you immediately.

6. Paul will ruin his shirt if he climbs that tree.

7. If Mark was younger, he could join the army.

8. She would have stayed home if she had known there would be so much traffic.

9. Should he get this job, he will be able to buy his own flat.

10. I f you had put your keys in your pocket, you wouldn’t have lost them.

11. She will be there at 8 unless she loses her way.

12. If I were you, I wouldn’t go out in this weather.

13. Emily would have called me if she had changed her mind.

14. If you like Tom Cruise, you will love this film.

15. Dave will be home at six o’clock, provided he catches the five o’clock bus.

1. I’d rather you did/had done your homework before you go out.

2. Supposing you had heard/had been heard telling me, what would have happened?

3. He acted as if he owns/owned the house.

4. I wish I went/had gone to the library yesterday.

5. I would have made a cake if I know/had known you were coming.

6. It’s about time we employed/had employed some new staff.

7. Is she had won/won the competition she would have had a party.

8. I’d rather you didn’t interrupt/hadn’t interrupted me when I am talking.

9. Suppose you saw/had seen a crime being committed, what would you do?

10. If only you told/had told me, I would have understood.

11. He would have sent a card if he realized/had realized it was your birthday.

12. If you met/had met John now, you wouldn’t recognize him.

13. It’s high time you learnt/had learnt how to drive.

14. I’d rather you hadn’t misbehaved/didn’t misbehave at the party last night.

15. They spoke as if they knew/had known each other for years.

1. Would you rather come (come) shopping with me or stay at home?

2. If only I hadn’t confided (not/confide) in her; now everybody knows my problems.

3. Amy says she would rather organize (organize) the event herself.

4. I’d rather you got (get) a full-time job than a part-time job.

5. Supposing I invited you to a party would you accept (you/accept)?

6. I wish I had asked (ask) my parents for some advice before I made up my mind.

7. Suppose you met (meet) a film star, what would you say?

8. She didn’t understand the question, but she looked as though she had understood (understand) it.

9. Liz studied Art at university, but she says she would rather had studied (study) History.

10. I wish Alan hadn’t moved (not/move) away, as I miss him a lot.

11. It seemed as if she had forgotten (forget) about the meeting.

12. If you hadn’t left early, you would have met (meet) Tom.

10. Translate into English paying attention to the use of the synthetic subjunctive:

1.Fie sa-ti gasesti fericirea!

May you find your happiness

2. Fie sa reusesti sa-ti scrii doctoratul in strainatate!

May you manage to write your PhD thesis abroad.

3. Fie ce-o fi , nu o sa mai trec pe acolo niciodata.

Come what may, I will never pass by there at all.

4. Se uita la mine de parca eram o stafie.

He was looking at me as if I were a ghost.

5. Arata atat de vesela de parca ar fi castigat la loterie.

She seemed so happy as if she had won the lottery.

6. Ma privea de parca nu m-ar fi auzit cand l-am rugat sa iasa din birou.
He was staring at me as if he hadn’t heard me when I asked him to leave the office.

7. E timpul sa fii mai atent la ce spui.

It’s time you paid more attention to what you’re saying

8. E cazul sa te decizi daca iti termini studiile sau nu.

It’s time you made up your mind whether you finish your studies or not.

9. De mult trebuia sa te fi culcat.

It’s high time you had gone to bed.

10. As vrea ca visele ei sa se realizeze.

I wish her dreams came true.

11. Chiar daca ar fi jucat bine, tot ar fi pierdut.

Even if they had played well, they would have still lost the match.

12.Mi-as fi dorit sa nu-i fi dat eu vestea cea proasta.

I wish I hadn’t given the bad news.

13. As vrea sa pot zbura spre luna.

I wish I could fly to the moon.

14. Daca as fi in locul tau l-as ruga pe director sa ma primeasca.

If I were you, I would ask the general manager to see me.

15. N-as fi consimtit niciodata sa ma mut de la tara daca as fi stiut cat de obositor poate fi orasul.

I would have never accepted to move away to the countryside if I had known how stressing the city can be.

16. In cazul in care voi uita, te rog, reaminteste-mi de promisiunea facuta.

In case I forget, please remind me about my promise.

17. Numai de-as putea gasi cuvintele cele mai potrivite!

If only I could find the right words.

18. Chiar daca i-as arata dovada tot nu m-ar crede

Even I showed him the proof, he wouldn’t still believe me.

19. Imi iau umbrela, in caz ca ploua mai tarziu.

I take the umbrella in case it rains later.

20. O sa imi iau umbrela daca ploua mai tarziu.

I’ll take my umbrella if i trains later.

21. Putem sa va gazduim peste noapte in acest han cu conditia sa plecati maine la prima ora.

We can put you up in this inn during the night if you leave tomorrow morning.

22. Daca l-ai vedea, nu l-ai mai recunoaste; e numai o umbra din ceea ce a fost odata.

If you saw him, you wouldn’t recognize him, he is just a shadow of what he used to be.

23. Daca n-ai fi atat de mincinos, lumea ar putea chiar sa te placa.

If you weren’t such a big liar, people could even like you.

24. N-ar fi incercat sa-si jefuiasca propria mama daca sotiei lui i-ar fi placut mai putin luxul.

He wouldn’t have tried to steal from his own mother if his wife had loved luxury less.

25. Daca as avea o tigare! Asta-i cel mai important lucru pentru mine acum.

If only I had a cigarette! That’s the most important thing for me now.

11. Translate into English paying attention to the use of the analytic subjunctive:

1. De vine cumva pe la noi spune-i sa revina dupa ora opt.

Should he come to us, tell him to come back after eight.

2. Daca cumva isi schimba parerea, telefoneaza-mi.

Should he change his mind, give me a phone call.

3. Oricat de putin ai castiga, ar trebui sa economisesti pentru concediul din vara asta.

However little you may earn, you would still have to save money for the holiday in this summer.

4. Orice ti-ar spune, nu cred ca vei reusi sa dai vina pe ea pentru acel accident.

No matter what she may tell you, I don’t believe you will manage to blame her for that accident.

5. Oricat de mult ar incerca sa invete, sunt materii cu care nu se poate impaca.

No matter how much he may try to study, there are subjects he doesn’t like.

6. Oriunde ar merge, ea intotdeauna isi face prieteni usor.

Wherever she may go, she always makes friends easily.

7. Daca ar vrea sa ne viziteze, am fi foarte fericiti.

If he wanted to visit us, we would be very happy.

8. Daca ma vei duce acasa, mama iti va fi recunoscatoare.

If you took me home, mum would be very grateful.

9. Daca se intampla sa treci pe langa biroul lui, ai putea sa intri si sa-l saluti.

Should you pass by his office, you could enter and say hello.

10. Am inchis televizorul ca sa nu trezesc copilul.

I turned off the TV so that I will not wake up the child.

11. I-am scris Anei azi de dimineata ca sa poata primi scrisoarea pe joi.

I wrote Ann this mornig so that she can get the letter on Thursday.

12. Nu mai plec duminica ca sa pot merge si eu la petrecerea prietenei tale.

I won’t leave on Sunday anymore, so that I can go to your firend’s party.

13. Daca ati fi amabil sa-mi spuneti cum va numiti, as putea sa-l anunt pe director ca il asteptati.

If you would be so kind to tell me your name, I could inform the general manager that you are waiting for

14. Daca refuza sa-si plateasca datoriile, atunci nu vad cum ar putea sa obtine un nou imprumut.

If he refuses to pay off his debts, then I don’t see how he can get a new loan.

15. Daca nu vor sa accepte intelegerea, va trebui sa ne intalnim din nou.

If they won’t accept the deal, then we will have to meet again.

16. Daca insisti sa bati toba toata noaptea, nu-i de mirare ca vecinii se plang.

If you will play the drum all night, it’s no wonder that the neighbours complain.

17. Mi-ar placea ca Jack sa studieze artele si sper ca o s-o faca.

I’d rather Juck studied arts and I hope he will do it

18. As vrea ca Jack sa studieze artele, dar se pare ca refuzul acestuia este categoric.

I’d rather Jack studied arts but it seems he won’t do it.

19. Trebuie sa te grabesti ca sa nu intarzii.

You must hurry up if you don’t want to be late.

20. Le-am cerut sa repete cuvintele de mai multe ori ca sa le poata pronunta corect.

I asked them to repeat the words several times so that they could pronounce them correctly.

21. Tine usa ca sa pot intra cu scaunele astea.

Keep the door open so that I could enter with these chairs.

22. Ar fi ceva nesabuit sa lasi usa deschisa astfel incat cineva sa patrunda in casa.

It would be reckless to leave the door open so that anyone could break into the house.

23. Am convins-o pe Jane sa isi publice eseurile.

I convinced Jane to publish her essays.

25. Era ciudat sa primeasca o asemenea propunere chiar inainte de pensionare.

It was strange that he should get such a proposition right before the retirement.

26. E o mare dezamagire ca m-a abandonat tocmai cand aveam mai multa nevoie de el.

It’s a shame that he abandonned me right when I needed him most.

27. Doctorul i-a recomandat sa tina regim.

The doctor advised him to get on a diet.

28. Ofiterul a ordonat soldatilor sa-i impuste pe prizonieri.

The officer ordered the soldiers to shoot the prisoners.

29. Sugestia este ca eu s-o determin sa renunte la fumat.

The suggestion is that I should make her quit smoking.

30. Sfatul meu este ca studentii sa fie incurajati sa participe la conversatii.

My advise is that the students should be encouraged to participate in conversations.

31. Henry se temea ca nu o sa-l mai recunoasca sotia dupa 15 ani de inchisoare.

Henry was afraid that his wife won’t recognize him/may not recognize him after 15 years of prison.

32. A fost absurd sa se enerveze ca nu i s-a aprobat proiectul.

It was absurd that he should get angry his project was rejected.

33. Cineva a sugerat sa fie chemat un doctor.

Someone suggested that a doctor should be called.

34. E evident necesar sa faci o excursie la dentist.

It’s obviously that you should see the dentist.

35. E putin probabil ca el sa-si fi schimbat adresa.

It’s not very likely that he should have changed his address.

36. E ciudat ca el sa fi spus un asemenea lucru; nu-i sta deloc in fire.

It’s weird that he said something like that, it’s not in his nature.

37. Tatal lui a hotarat ca el sa studieze medicina.

His father decided that he should study the medicine.

38. Chris a insistat ca sa amanam plecarea.

Chris insisted that we should cancel the leaving.

39. Este de dorit ca aceasta problema sa fie rezolvata cat mai repede.

It is desirable that this problem should be solved as soon as possible

40. Tata dorea sa mergem pe jos dar mama a insistat sa mergem cu masina.

My father wished for us to walk but my mother insisted we should drive

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