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Many human activities can endanger and or destroy the environment and nature

surrounding us.

Many factories pollute a lot of smoke that destroys our environment

And nature. Also contributes to the ozone layer depleting. Which causes temperature
changes. The chemicals that the factories pump out are also dangerous to all living thing

Mining coal releases dust and gas into the air. The coal mines also create problems with
the ground-water (lowering the levels) also may cause excess debris

Combustion is a process in which a substance reacts with oxygen to give heat and light

Heat is generated, burning the fuel. This burning creates chemicals that are released in the
air, causing pollution.

Fossil fuel combustion, particularly as it occurs in motor vehicles, has been identified as
the LARGEST contributor to air pollution in the WORLD.

The human activities are comprised of many things, which can destroy as well as
endanger the environment and nature surrounding us. They are: coal mining (fossil
Factories, vehicles etc. They can pollute our environment and can destroy the nature and
the animals. Those activities give a risk to them.

Some more human activities that can effect the environment

· Cutting down trees
Deforestation, - Deforestation is the clearance of naturally occurring forests by logging
and burning.
Over hunting could be when people hunt way too much, killing almost all the animals.
Also Over fishing occurs when fishing activities reduce fish stocks below an acceptable
High acceleration for your car pollutes the air many ways. One way is because The
release from the exhaust, the pipe at the back of your car which blows smoke,
can better be seen in cold temperatures is the culprit. Also, cars with air conditioning
release gases into the atmosphere along with regular carbon monoxide emissions…

All this pollution affects the food chain because all the different kinds of pollution are
getting into the environment and nature, and that’s where the animals live.
All these chemicals can go into the animal’s bodies and kill them. Which causes less
reproduction, which causes less food for the people

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