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Slient Installation leveraging using IP of client

(2 posts) (2 voices)

• Started 2 months ago by foxyboy

• Latest reply from doug
1. foxyboy

I need to deploy antivirus agent across 1000s of VMs.

I can deploy using a slient installation but the install then requires
modification of an ini file to update the client IP.
Is there anyway in BatchPatch to use the client IP in the installation ?

Otherwise i was thinking to execute a post install powershell scipt that would
update the ini file and perofrm a text replacement of CLIENT_IP with the actual
ip address.
Is there any example out there regarding this ?


2. doug
You can specify the client IP in the deployment, if you want. The way to do this would be instead of populating the
BatchPatch grid with host names, instead go ahead and populate it with IP addresses. You will then deploy to the IP
addresses instead of to the host names. Then inside the deployment if you want to use the IP address as a parameter for
the deployment, you can do that by specifying the $computer variable. When the deployment runs, BatchPatch will swap
$computer for the actual host name of the row, which in this case would be the IP address since you specified IP
addresses instead of host names. You can use the $computer variable in BatchPatch local and remote processes /
commands too. I hope this helps.



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