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‘BLACK, SIVALLS 8 BRYSON, INCORPORATED | ACCOUNT CODE ESTIMA (G STANDARDS Weaet” INSULATION eaixx PIPING 682XX EQUIPMENT 683KX INTERNAL VESSEL Ge9XX MISCELLANEOUS SCOPE OF WORK ‘This account includes all labor, materials and subcontract cost asso- ciated with the insulation of the piping, equipment and internal vessel linings. If the client proposal timing’ permits, this work should be subcontracted. If tine does not permit, then pricing on a linear foot, square foot or per plece should be obtained from current price lists. This account 1s always estimated for the work to be performed on a subcontract basi. METHOD OF ESTIMATING 1. Piping above 20" 9 treat as horizontal vessels. 2. Horizontal Vessels: (a) 30" g smaller treat as pipe (b) Larger than 30" 9 use equipment insulation unit prices 3. Vertical Vessels: (a) 30" @ smaller treat as pipe. (b) Larger than 30" @ use equipment insulation unit prices (©) Will have corrugated aluminum jacket. Note finish that applies to rate used for estimate. If finish differs, make appropriate adjustment i.e. corrugated metal on vertical vessels. ma [PML BLACK, SIVALLS 8 BRYSON, INCORPORATED ESTIMATING STANDARDS Wear? INSULATION 5. Piping units do not include seaffolding 6. Add insulation of any instruments on piping system, if required. 7. Add weather proofing and wraping of steam loops. 8. Hot insulation shall be stopped short of all flanges, unions, manways, and nozzles. (Except In sulfur recovery where all sulfur liquid and sulfur vapor lines will have flanges, unions manways and nozzles insulated.) 9. All insulation for personnel protection shall include all flanges, valves, ete. 10. Cold service insulation shall completely cover the item. 11, Include subsistance, move-in/move-out, freight, etc. where appropriate. 12. Nozzles insulation Is to be added as 1'-0" of pipe plus flange on cold vessela and only 1'-0" of pipe on hot vessels. 13. Scaffolding to be priced by square foot for entire area which is Insulated, where scaffold will be required. 14, Increase insulation by one line size for traced lines where calcium silicate is used. woe SETS BLACK, SIVALLS 8 BRYSON, INCORPORATED | ACCOUNT CODE ae ESTIMATING STANDARDS weer INSULATION 15. Acoustical insulation prices should be obtained from a sub- contractor, elther as quoted or in unit prices. 16. Horizontal and vertical vessels and exchangers shall >e estimated using data sheet or PEID information and formulas 2s detailed under account 68200. 17. Insulation for equipment such as pumps, turbines, heaters, ete. shall be estimated using information from data sheets and P&ID's If no data sheets are available use information on data sheet from a prior job with equipment of a typical nature 18. Building insulation should be obatined from a sub-contractor, either as a quote or in unit prices. 19. Structural insulation to be estimated the same as square footage estimates for equipment. 20. Include insulation for all tie-ins 21. Manhours contained are field estimating units, and if shop insula tion is needed, a reduced Manhour estimate may apply eee ee

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