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Case Study: ER

Name: Caitlin Tiller

Date: May 19,2018
Answer the questions based on your understanding of the Case Study provided below.

A patient is admitted to the ER after a car accident. He has SOB, tachycardia, and cyanosis. He
needed CPR at the scene of the accident. At the ER, the patient is stabilized, his Hx is taken, and he
is treated. The doctor prescribes pain medication to be given TID for five days then BID until it runs

1. What medical treatment was given at the scene of the accident?

CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) was given at the scene of the accident.

2. What part of the hospital was the patient taken to?

The patient was admitted to the ER (Emergency Room).

3. In non-technical language, describe the signs that the patient had when he arrived at the
The patient had shortness of breath, a rapid beating heart rate, and he shown signs of blue
skin due to lake of oxygen in the blood.

4. How often is the pain medication to be given to the patient?

The patient is to take the medication three times per day for five days and then two times per day until
the medicine is gone.

-I chose this assignment because it is important to fully understand all aspects of this assignment for the field I
am practicing. If you do not know your terminology, then you will not be able to work in this field of medicine.
If you don’t know what is wrong with the patient and give them the wrong treatment then you will be sued.

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