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Biography of John Lennon

John Winston Lennon Stanley was born in Liverpool (England) on October 9, 1940. His
parents were Alfred Lennon (merchant seaman) and Julia Stanley. When he was 5 years
old, his parents separated and John went to live with his aunt Mary Stanley.
As a child he learned to play the harmonica, banjo and the guitar. Also, he was an
admirer of the singer Elvis Presley. He studied at the Quarry Bank High School in
Liverpool, where he was a tease and undisciplined student. At 16 he entered the Art
Institute of Liverpool, but his constant rebellion caused him to be expelled.
In September 1956 he founded the band The Quarrymen, which four years later
became The Beatles with Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Stuart Sutcliffe. Leading
this group, Lennon became famous worldwide, being the composer or singer of several
of his greatest hits, such as: "Twist and Shout", "All You Need Is Love" and "Help!".
Between 1962 and 1967, he was married to Cynthia Powell, with whom he had a son:
Julian (1963). In 1969, he married the Japanese artist Yoko Ono and dissolved the
group The Beatles.
Between 1970 and 1975, Lennon pursued his solo career and released several hits,
most notably the song "Imágine" (1971), which became an anthem of world peace. At
the same time, he collaborated as a composer or producer of important artists such as
Ringo Star, Mick Jagger and David Bowie. In 1975, his son Sean Lennon Ono was born
and he retired for five years from the music industry to dedicate himself fully to his
family life.
In 1980, he returned to music with his album entitled Double Fantasy. Three weeks
later he was murdered near his home in New York. On December 8, 1980, he received
five shots by Mark David Chapman, a deranged man who wanted to go down in history
for such a crime. John Lennon was taken to the Roosevelt Hospital, but arrived lifeless.

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