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DAE/IIA-2016 SECOND YEAR MGM-221 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT & INDUSTRIAL ECONOMICS ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY PART-B (Subjective) Time: 2:15 Hours Marks: 40 SECTION-I Q.1, Write short answers to any Twelve (12) of the following questions. 12 x 2 = 24 1. 10. What is meant by Normative science. elec Lb Sete IL HAR CAL a Femeslb tit we Write three points of importance of economics. B75 e--3 S572 Define value. How supply curve trends positive due to increase in profit. -¢ phcduube Suitel Beebe ie What is meant by capital in economics. ee helt wet LE Nigehn pe bey hz What is meant by debenture. -e ea et ESL corde t isgitiz Write two national objectives of a business. i " AGRIC wedpe 2 wide 1 oR What is meant by mixed economic system: me PBT ABT SK LAE sel elt In Which economic system, there is no permission of private ‘business. aie SE Str itw~ 1 EES helt In barter system,-what is meant by lack of common measure of value. ' f esipulgilinr a She SRE Aevibe lise nD tO Ue ie ¢ sti are gcee ae II is PERO iaglit Admins re E ved y edn * wa SG LUA: welt RTS, TMM ig ace gaits MELO s. : 1960 se 48, (iwiclaij' ide oooh’ t-cause of inomahidha oboe Oe Noe han bord PSN B.S BB Ueeeeord ne Feb uiteler debe. lt 45, Géias)iiaiftheantaged of bGniblrdtive cost are/oGhiGNed:it tnternattional a Wit “UE nL Subs MUFILE SSSA Pig EPIRA BD SL SMe oh ENCLOP® tet 2 abate WE Ue Mee Aube titre rt Agbvrat 16. Write piy.this'e problems ox difficulties of a busipiessimaragement. a. PSone S. au ete IL pe oifwbuiR 3) * “ky Do eG 1 ale 17. wwepp dorsal vantages rising. (1) od ie HE Sse eter 4yy di eoe Aso tells 32 SEE 1 % ae 74g Rrsegeredie! measurés for the economic development of pakistan, LOL Ge ver eee uae eg Earle GASGIE -4 Sr Gel fetsls 3 SECTION-I Note: Attempt any two (2) questions. 2x8=16 Q.2. Explain the importance of Economics for technicians/engineers. Lbracivesifoblevnd £17412 Q.3. Define bank. Differentiate Central bank and commercial bank. LISA PAW AST IIASA Q.4, Write demerits of advertisement. wp fnParn se spar

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