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Once Humanity was united

It was the time of the United Terran Republic, unison and order was spread across the Republic, until we
ended it with our greatest creation, our greatest downfall

The Despair

Humanity wanted evolution, to play god, instead we created a disease that turned all it touched into twisted
and horribly mutated versions of themselves, Mars was the first world to be lost to the Despair, billions
infected and turned quickly forming into a hive society with one goal in mind, the assimilation of Humanity

When word of what happened on Mars reached Earth the United Terran Republic reacted to slowly, Its fleet
arriving to find mass fleets of organic ships, a battle followed which lasted several hours, the Republic Fleet
destroyed and scattered

Unable to stop the Despair from spreading we scattered, travelled outwards away from the Sol System, the
United Terran Republic collapsed, Earth our home lost to Despair

whose of us who fled to the eastern quadrant found a new place to call our home

The Oststernes

Several Centuries of rebuilding our lives and homes, terraforming the land to grow crops and cattle, mining to
find resources and build, but the Oststernes was divided, worlds independent, some did not want it to be this

The Terran Dominion was formed, a regime created by those who wished for the old terran ways and feared
division, wishing for unison and obedience of the Oststernes, by force if necessary

On the world of Pargon a council of Independent Worlds was summoned in response to threat of invasion by
the newly formed Terran Dominion, an alliance was formed during the council, the Oststernes Alliance

For seven years the Alliance and Dominion fought leading to the Dominions defeat, for over a century after the
war the Alliance prospered and ensured peace in the Oststernes

That is until the God Empress and her Scarlet Fleets arrived

From the northern quadrants a group calling itself the Scarlet Empire came, a theocracy of zealous and
dedicated people who have mutated themselves with Scarlet Blood calling themselves the evolution of

Then from the southern quadrants came the Omega Collective, a collective of cybernetically enhanced people,
seeking the technology and resources of the Oststernes

In reaction worlds loyal to the dominion remilitarised their fleets preparing to fight the new threats and
continue hostiles with the Alliance

War broke out across the Oststerenes, breeding crime, famine and refugees, where war was found pirates and
mercenaries came to loot or earn their fortune

As they all now fight, they are blind to the coming darkness, our great creation is nearing

So tell me child, where do your allegiances lie

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