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Here are some situations that an HR Manager must take into consideration to be able to

cope with the changing nature of Human Resource Management. What to do if:

1. Employee Lacks attention to detail in his work;

2. Is slow to get her work done…missing assignments and quotas
3. Receives poor customer feedback
4. Has a dip in expected sales production
5. Struggles during the probationary or training period
6. Has a hard time following through and never seems to get anything done
7. Has poor time management skills
8. Calls the women in the office “dear”, “sweetie”, and “girls.”
9. Doesn’t have the required technical skills to get the job done
10. Has inadequate problem solving skills
11. Demonstrates weak written or oral communication skills
12. Displays a lack of commitment to her job or the company
13. Carelessly leaves confidential information out in the open
14. Can’t seem to get along with anyone on the team
15. Cannot accept constructive criticism
16. Is being placed on a performance plan or receiving a disciplinary warning

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