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Medicine is objects or substances derived from plants, animals, minerals or certain

chemicals that can be used to reduce pain, slow the process of disease and or cure disease.
For that medicine is necessary. Sometimes medicines are not always good, sometimes
medicines are actually dangerous because certain doses of a medicine that gives a certain
effect on a disease or symptoms of illness.
The importance of knowledge about medicines so that we have knowledge in the use
of medicines and not to abuse medicine. Medicine abuse occurs widely in different parts of
the world. Medicines that are abused are not just a kind of cocaine, or heroin, but also
medicines that are commonly prescribed. Medicine abuse is closely related to the problem of
tolerance, addiction or addiction, which can subsequently develop into medicine dependence.
Therefore, the public is entitled to obtain accurate and adequate information about the
medicines used. This is important to achieve patient and community safety. The correct
knowledge of the medicine is poorly controlled by society. This information should be
obtained from health workers and reliable sources of information.
Medicines should be appropriate dosage for therapeutic effects or properties can we
get and in accordance with the prescription in order to avoid medicine abuse.

Nama : Diah Pipit K.L.P

NIM : 0415103006
Smt : V-A

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