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Motivational Letter

One of the most significant decisions in life is the choice of career. A shrewd decision made
based on factors ranging from latent interests, inherent skills to scope and satisfaction. My
choice of career in Chemical Engineering has emanated from careful analysis and planning. I
have always believed in the best and then, given my innate potential, assimilated knowledge
and positive attitude. I am confident that I will succeed in my endeavor.

My passion for Chemical Engineering urged me to start Pre-Engineering , where I won
“Gold Medal” all over the Punjab province of Pakistan. Then, I preceded my Bachelor and
Master in Chemical Engineering from UET LAHORE, which is the oldest and well known
institute for Chemical Engineering education in Pakistan.

I feel that getting education in a country other than one’s own is an education itself. Living
in such an environment with people having similar goals and aspiration is an enthralling
experience in one’s academic life and is of considerable importance in one’s professional

I hope you will provide me the best opportunity to develop my academic as well as research
skills to be an outstanding faculty of future. These commitments will guarantee excellence
in my future.

I strongly feel that I can match the high standards of your Organization.

Thank you for giving me an opportunity to express myself.

Husnain Ali

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